[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] commercialization of the internet

cmaeda@EXXON-VALDEZ.FT.CS.CMU.EDU (Christopher Maeda) (03/12/91)

A few months ago (during a discussion of Merit, Inc. and stuff)
someone mentioned a mailing list devoted to discussing the
commercialization of the internet.  Can someone send me a pointer to
this list and its archives?  I'm writing a term paper on the topic.

emv@ox.com (Ed Vielmetti) (03/12/91)

   A few months ago (during a discussion of Merit, Inc. and stuff)
   someone mentioned a mailing list devoted to discussing the
   commercialization of the internet.  Can someone send me a pointer to
   this list and its archives?  I'm writing a term paper on the topic.

The name of the list is "com-priv".  I don't have copy of the
description of what is supposed to be discussed on the list, but the
archives should give you a good idea.  The list is not mentioned in
the ARPANET list of lists (nisc.sri.com:/netinfo/interest-groups), nor
in any other list of mailing lists that I am aware of, so you're
forgiven for asking here rather than looking it up yourself :-)

Back issues can be ftp'd from
com-priv		uu.psi.com:/archive/com-priv/

Requests to join go to com-priv-request@uu.psi.com.

The tcp-ip mailing list gateway chews on my name, sorry.

I'd like a copy of your term paper once it's done.
 Msen	Edward Vielmetti
/|---	moderator, comp.archives

schoff@PSI.COM ("Martin Lee Schoffstall") (03/12/91)


 A few months ago (during a discussion of Merit, Inc. and stuff)
 someone mentioned a mailing list devoted to discussing the
 commercialization of the internet.  Can someone send me a pointer to
 this list and its archives?  I'm writing a term paper on the topic.