mwang_pay (06/15/82)
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO COLLOQUIUM ACTIVITIES COMPUTER SCIENCE COLLOQUIUM - Wednesday, June 23, 1982. Dean Thompson of Computer Communications Networks Group, University of Waterloo, will speak on "Telidon Page Creation and Database Design." TIME: 3:30 PM ROOM: M&C 5158 ABSTRACT While one can achieve many interesting and useful ef- fects on a Telidon terminal screen, there are in- herent limitations which are placed upon the informa- tion content of a Telidon database by the nature of the medium. This colloquium will examine these limi- tations and other aspects, such as: - the use and misuse of colours - page lay-out - special effects, including animation - aesthetic vs functional graphics - intelligible user-promopts - databases for naive users. Coffee and refreshments will be served at 3:00 PM. June 15, 1982