[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] Dialup IP for SCO opendesktop

kreis@abbins.ladenburg.abb.de (Oskar Kreis) (04/25/91)

We have got a release of Dialup IP, with following 

.. Introduction
.. The Dialup IP software package provides full IP support over dialup
.. phone lines.
.. It runs on systems based on the 4.3BSD kernel, and requires a modem
.. connected to a serial port on the machine.

Because we use SCO opendesktop (non-BSD Unix) we tried to recode this
Dialup packet, but this seems to be difficult.

Is there a release of Dialup IP for SCO opendesktop ?

  #   ###  ###  | Oskar Kreis, Abteilung INS/GT, ABB Installationen GmbH
 # #  #  # #  #	| Wallstadter Str. 59, D-W-6802 Ladenburg
#   # ###  ###	| Phone....: +49 6203 71 2646, Fax......: +49 6203 3993
##### #  # #  # | E-Mail...: kreis@abbins.ladenburg.abb.de, kreis@abbins.uucp
#   # ###  ###  | Building automation ---> GA2000 <--- Gebaeudeautomation