mwang_pay (09/14/82)
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO _A _S_H_O_R_T _C_O_U_R_S_E _i_n _U_N_C_O_N_S_T_R_A_I_N_T_E_D _O_P_T_I_M_I_Z_A_T_I_O_N by Prof. J.E. Dennis Jr. Mathematical Sciences Rice University _M_o_n_d_a_y-_T_h_u_r_s_d_a_y, _S_e_p_t_e_m_b_e_r _2_7-_3_0, _1_9_8_2. TIME: 4:30 PM (Please Note) ROOM: M&C 5158 ABSTRACT This set of lectures is intended as an introduction to the conceptual framework of modern algorithms for nonlinear continuous optimization. The lectures will try to achieve this goal by presenting unifying ideas rather than detailed proofs. The lectures will also provide adequate references to proofs published in the literature. The student will find useful an acquaintance with norms, basic matrix factorization techniques, and multivariable calculus. The core topics to be covered are: local Newton-based methods, improving a poor solution point, and secant methods for mul- tivariable problems. September 14, 1982