[ont.events] UW Systems Seminar, Dr. Barwell on "IDSS The Interactive Decision ..."

mwang_pay (10/19/82)


               SYSTEMS SEMINAR - Monday, October 25, 1982.

               Dr.  V. Barwell of Management Planning Software Group
               Ltd, Toronto, will speak  on  "IDSS  The  Interactive
               Decision Support System".

               TIME:  3:30 PM

               ROOM:  M&C 3008


               IDSS is a Decision Support System.  It offers the ex-
               ecutive, manager and financial planner the freedom to
               handle  a  wide  range  of  problems in a natural and
               familiar  mode  of  communication.   IDSS  has   been
               designed to integrate the most powerful technology to
               emerge from the data processing  world  in  the  last
               five  years.   It  incorporates data base management,
               interactive graphics, full  screen  editing,  and  an
               interpreted  English-like  modelling language.  These
               features allow the financial planner to create quick,
               "ad  hoc"  reports without sacrificing the ability to
               handle large-scale corporate budgeting and analysis.

               IDSS  eliminates  the  shortcomings  of  the  current
               generation   of   financial  modelling  languages  by
               realizing the potential of the  latest  hardware  and
               software  technology.   It can be used via a CRT with
               full screen capability or via  a  hardcopy  terminal.
               The  user may build and execute a model interactively
               or  he  may  submit  a  job  for   background   batch
               processing.   Line graphs, pie charts, bar charts and
               histograms can be  generated  on  low-speed  graphics
               terminals or high-speed plotters.

               The presentation will include an online demonstration
               of IDSS, together with a discussion  of  features  of
               IDSS including:

                 a)  Data Dictionary
                 b)  English-like Modelling Language
                 c)  Full Screen Facility
                 d)  Report Writer
                 e)  Language Design Tools.