[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] 3Com 3C501 Jumper Block Settings

scoggin@delmarva.delmarva.COM (John Scoggin) (05/19/91)

Please forgive my sending this info to the entire mailing list, but the
return address at Udel.edu was bogus, so here goes ...

To: cis.udel.edu@louie.udel.edu
Subject: Re: 3com 3C501 Jumper Settings Needed, Please!

Chris -

The jumpers on a 3C501 are as follows:

	DMA Channel	Default=1
	INterrupt Level	Default=3
	IO Base Addr	300H

	Memory Base Addr Deafult=EC00H
	Mempry Enable	Deafult=Disable
	Transc. Select	Default=BNC (thin-net)

IO Base Address Jumper Block
	The board uses 16 sequential I/O Addresses, starting at the I/O Base
	Address selected.  You can set the board to select a starting address
	from 000H to 3F0H, inclusive.  The base addresses are set in the 
	jumper blocks in hexadecimal.  The default address, 300H, is set-up
	as follows:

		9  8  |  7  6  5  4  |  3  2  1  0
	Hex       3   |      0       |      0
	Jumpers 1  1  |  0  0  0  0  |  *  *  *  *  (*=not applicable)

Memory Base Address is ONLY USED if the optional EtherStart PROM is used.
It may have a value from 00000H to FF000H in 4 Kbyte increments.  The book is
NOT clear on how this is done, but I suspect that it is similar to the I/O
Base Address jumpers, but without the low-order 2 bytes...

I am only about 5 miles from campus.  If you would like, I could Xerox the
501 manual for you....

Hope this helps.

John K. Scoggin, Jr.	
Supervisor, Network Operations		Phone:  (302) 451-5200
Delmarva Power & Light Company		Fax:	(302) 451-5321
500 N. Wakefield Drive			Email:	scoggin@delmarva.com
Newark, DE  19714-6066