[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] Looking for program to port serial connect over TCP.

dmorris@bmrl.med.uiuc.edu (Doug Morris) (05/21/91)

Sometime earlier a program was announced on the network called TCPPORT.
The purpose was to allow a "normal" serial program to communicate over 
a TCP network.  Does anyone know the anon ftp address of this

| Doug Morris                       |  University of Illinois            |
| email: dmorris@bmrl.med.uiuc.edu  |  Biomedical Magnetic Resonance Lab |
| fax:   217-244-1330               |  1307 W. Park St.                  |
| voice: 217-244-0290               |  Urbana Il 61801                   |
| Doug Morris                       |  University of Illinois            |
| email: dmorris@bmrl.med.uiuc.edu  |  Biomedical Magnetic Resonance Lab |
| fax:   217-244-1330               |  1307 W. Park St.                  |
| voice: 217-244-0290               |  Urbana Il 61801                   |

erick@sunee.waterloo.edu (Erick Engelke) (05/21/91)

The program is available from [] in pub/wattcp/apps.zip.
The other zips are source which you probably don't need for testing.


Erick Engelke                                       Watstar Computer Network
Watstar Network Guy                                   University of Waterloo
Erick@Development.Watstar.UWaterloo.ca              (519) 885-1211 Ext. 2965