[comp.protocols.tcp-ip] Request suggestions about ethernet problem

spalleti@smdnet.intel.com (05/24/91)


 We are experiencing packet fragments problem in one of our 802.3 segment. 
 Sniffer gives following analysis about these packets:

 Destination Address: AAAAAAAA 
 Frame error: fragment : bad CRC or Bad alignment
 Souce Station: ????????           Frame size: 7 or 8 bytes

 We see high number of framents in this ethernet (802.3) segment. Our guess
 is workstation interface borad or cable fault. 

 Our problem is, we cann't identify source station. Please make note of frame
 size(7 or 8 bytes).

 I appreciate any suggestion to trace this problem. I want to know what
 causes this kind of framents(all A's). 

 Thanks in Advance
 Steve Palleti