mwang (01/11/83)
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES SYSTEMS SEMINAR - Friday, January 14, 1983. Dr. Tom Cargill of Bell Laboratories will speak on "The Blit Debugger". TIME: 3:30 PM ROOM: M&C 5158 ABSTRACT This talk describes the evolution to date of a flexible de- bugger for C programs on the Blit, a multi-processing bitmap terminal. The debugger is of interest for the following reasons: - it is assisted by the terminal software's elegant separation of the debugger from its subject process. - it resides autonomously in the terminal and is bound dynamically to arbitrary subject processes. - it executes asynchronously with its subject. its implementation is distributed as a small process in the terminal and a large process in the host timesharing system. - its user interface uses graphics and a mouse. January 11, 1983