mwang (01/18/83)
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES COMPUTER SCIENCE COLLOQUIUM - Wednesday, January 26, 1983. Mr. Gearge F. Sekely of Canadian Pacific Ltd., will speak on "Office Automation Functions on a Corporate Infosystem Utility". TIME: 3:30 PM ROOM: M&C 5158 ABSTRACT In April 1980, Canadian Pacific added office automa- tion functions to its ``System-2'' computer network. ``System-2'' supports some 1,600 terminals from a group of interconnected computers located in multiple locations. The over 1,000 existing video display units used for forecasting, waybilling, car routing, and similar functions can now be used for text processing, elec- tronic mail, electronic filing, vouchering, planning, concensus gathering, postdating, and like tasks. A variety of management reports, graphs, and on-line data manipulation functions are also available. The office automation component has streamlined work, shortened communication links, and improved decision-making. Mr. Sekely will outline the ``System-2'' philosophy, describe the facilities provided, and discuss the functions that may lead us to the ``office of the fu- ture'', their uses, and impact on the user community. Coffee and refreshments will be served at 3:00 PM. Everyone is welcome. January 18, 1983