[comp.windows.news] NeWS Special Interest Group at SUG

mg@repo.unipress (required by law) (10/21/88)

We will be holding another NeWS Special Interest Group meeting at the Sun
User Group Conference in Miami.  The exact time is not yet final; we'll
announce it as soon as we know.  The conference itself will be held December
4 to December 7.

If there's something you'd like to talk about at the NeWS SIG, or if you have
any interesting NeWS demos, or video tapes that you'd like to show, please
RSVP to 

or call Mark Krieger at (201) 985 8000.

At present, our plans include the following:

1) C2PS C-to-PostScript compiler, presented by UniPress Software.
2) OS/2 NeWS, presented by Maurice Balick of Architec.
3) NDE overview, presented by Ralph Derrickson of Sun.
4) Question and answer session with NeWS developers.

In particular, we are interested in matching those who have done NeWS ports
and tools with those who are, or would like to be, using NeWS for real work.
(We know of no existing forum for this sort of interaction.)

Mike Gallaher
UniPress Software

Here are the minutes from the last NeWS SIG held at SUG last December in San

Meeting convened 10:30 a.m.

Mark Krieger introduced himself and welcomed the group.

Saul  Wold (Sun) demonstrated the trader workstation he had written to  run
under NeWS.

Hugh Daniel (Wedge) demonstrated Wedge's Macintosh NeWS port.

Don  Hopkins (U-Md) demonstrated pie menus,  a PostScript terminal program,
and a journaling demo he had created.

Mike Gallaher (UniPress) discussed the NeWS version of UniPress Emacs,  and
NetScript,   a communication protocol language/user interface toolkit  that
allows any library to be used as an interpretive network server, and which
supports a portable user-interface toolkit on NeWS, SunView, and character

Greg  Cockroft and Marty Picco (Parallax) demonstrated pNeWS,  a NeWS  port
with integrated live video,  still video frame grabbing,  and graphics over

A lively question-and-answer period followed.  Some questions were specific
in  marketing or technical nature,  and were directly addressed to the many
Sun  NeWS  people  in  attendance.  Others were  more  philosophical  "NeWS
community"  topics  of  general discussion;  a great deal  of  conversation
focused  on what Sun is doing to battle it out with X Windows,  and how the
NeWS  community  can  help in establishing NeWS as a  recognized  standard,
supported by other vendors with the same commitment allotted to X.

The  meeting  was  concluded  at  approximately 12:00  noon  with  a  short
thank-you from Mark Krieger.

An informal demo period followed,  which ended at 12:30.