[comp.windows.news] Dynamic Splines and tracking

pintado@cui.UUCP (PINTADO Xavier) (12/27/88)

# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then
# unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".  (Files
# unpacked will be owned by you and have default permissions.)
# This archive contains:
# track.ps

echo x - track.ps
cat > "track.ps" << '//E*O*F track.ps//'
#! /usr/NeWS/bin/psh
%	This program illustrates some of the features of dynamic splines.
%	Dynamic splines with tracking have been presented in a paper
%	that has been published in the proceeedings of the Eurographics 88
%	conference published by North-Holland. The reference is:
%	Xavier Pintado, Eugene Fiume,
%	Grafields: Field-Directed Dynamic Splines for interactive Motion
%		Control.
%	Proceedings of Eurographics 88, Nice France, North-Holland.
%	Dynamic Splines and tracking are used here to mimic a pencil
%	with smothness control and inertia. In fact the trajectory is
%	tracking the position of the locator (mouse). It is not very
%	fast because everything has been implemented in postscript.
%	have fun!
%	TRACKER: version 0.1 Xavier Pintado CUI Universite de Geneve
%		 Switzerland.
%	How to run it:
%		You can run it in two ways:
%		1-Start the NeWS server; make this program executable
%		  with "chmod u+x <progname>"; type the program name.
%		2-Start the NeWS server; type "psh <progname>".
%	Things to know:
%		The left mouse button is the pointing device. When you
%		press it the trajectory will be drawn.
%		The middle mouse button clears the screen.
%		The rigth mouse button pops-up the menus.
%	Frame Menus:
%		Destroy: Kills the program and the window.
%		Shrink : Shrinks the window to its minimal size (quite big)
%			 and moves it to the lower left corner.
%		Stretch: Stretches the window to occupy the full size of the
%			 screen. This is the comfortyable way to play with the
%			 program.
%	Canvas Menu:
%		CONTROLS: displays the tracking parameters of the tracking
%			  mechanism. Modify them interactively with the
%			  sliders.
%		Raw Trajectory: Displays the poly-line described by the cursor
%	These buttons are in toggle mode.

systemdict /Item known not {(NeWS/liteitem.ps) run} if

/DrawWindow DefaultWindow
	/P_cursor	[0 0] def
	/P_begin	[0 0] def
	/P_end		[0 0] def
	/P_pres		[0 0] def
	/D_begin	[0 0] def
	/D_end		[0 0] def
	/Tr_error	[0 0] def
	/Tr_p_error	[0 0] def
	/Field		[0 0] def
	/Fi_aff		.7    def
	/Err_aff	.8    def
	/Err_resp	.9    def
	/Friction	.7    def	% 1 - friction
	/State		false def
	/Raw_Line?	false def
	/Controls?	false def
	/NbIntPts	2 def
	/apoil {aload pop} def
	/herm_base 5 dict def
	/herm_table 10 array def
	/canvas_color	1 .8 .8 rgbcolor def

   { /Friction 1 panels /friction-slider get /ItemValue get 10 div sub def}  def
   {/Fi_aff panels /field-aff-slider get /ItemValue get 10 div def} def
   {/Err_aff panels /error-aff-slider get /ItemValue get 10 div def} def
   {/Err_resp panels /error-resp-slider get /ItemValue get 10 div def} def
/panels 4 dict def
   	panels begin
	(Friction: ) [0 10 3] /Right {{notify-friction} ThisWindow send}
	ClientCanvas 100 20 /new SliderItem send 
	ClientCanvas setcanvas 0 0 /move 3 index send
	(Field Aff:) [0 10 6] /Right {{notify-field-aff} ThisWindow send}
	ClientCanvas 100 20 /new SliderItem send 
	ClientCanvas setcanvas 0 20 /move 3 index send
	(Error Aff:) [0 10 7] /Right {{notify-err-aff} ThisWindow send}
	ClientCanvas 100 20 /new SliderItem send 
	ClientCanvas setcanvas 0 40 /move 3 index send
	(Error Resp:) [0 10 7] /Right {{notify-err-resp} ThisWindow send}
	ClientCanvas 100 20 /new SliderItem send 
	ClientCanvas setcanvas 0 60 /move 3 index send
	end panels forkitems
   } def

%/new { % parentcanvas => drawindow
%   {
%   	/new super send
%   	init 
%   } def
	gsave ClientCanvas setcanvas
	ColorDisplay? {canvas_color}{0}ifelse fillcanvas
%	Controls? {panels paintitems}
  } def

/reshape { % x y w h => -
    /reshape super send
      /PaintClient self send
  } def

  /move-dynamics { % -  => -
  } def

/update-cursor % - => -
	   ClientCanvas setcanvas
	   Raw_Line? {P_cursor apoil moveto} if
	   /P_cursor [XLocation YLocation] def
	Raw_Line? {ColorDisplay? {.5 1 .5 setrgbcolor}{1 setgray} ifelse
		P_cursor apoil lineto stroke} if
   } def

/set-left-button {
	/State State not def
  } def

/set-middle-button {
	gsave ClientCanvas setcanvas 
	ColorDisplay? {canvas_color}{0}ifelse fillcanvas
	Controls? {panels paintitems} if
  } def

/enter-window {
	/State false def
} def

/exit-window {
} def

   {	% parameter [0.0 .. 1.0] => array [ 4 values ]
	herm_base begin
	/p	exch def
	 [  	p dup dup 2 mul 3 sub mul mul 1 add
	  	p dup dup 2 neg mul 3 add mul mul
	  	p dup dup 2 sub mul 1 add mul
	  	p dup dup 1 sub mul mul
   } def

   {			% - => -
	herm_base begin
	/c 0 def
	  1 NbIntPts 1 add div dup 1
		{ hermite-base herm_table exch c exch put /c c 1 add def} for
   } def

   	/Tr_p_error Tr_error def
   	/Tr_error [ P_end apoil P_cursor apoil
	exch 4 -1 roll sub 3 1 roll exch sub ] def
   } def

   	/Field [ Tr_error apoil Tr_p_error apoil 2 index
  	exch sub Err_resp mul exch 3 index exch sub Err_resp mul
   	4 -1 roll add 3 1 roll add Err_aff mul exch Err_aff mul exch
  	] def
   } def

   	/P_begin P_end def
   	/D_begin D_end def
   	/D_end   [ D_end apoil Field apoil
   	   Fi_aff mul exch Fi_aff mul 4 -1 roll add
   	   3 1 roll add Friction mul exch Friction mul exch] def
	/P_end   [ P_begin apoil D_begin apoil D_end apoil
	   exch 4 1 roll add .5 mul 3 1 roll add .5 mul
	   4 -1 roll add 3 1 roll add ] def
   } def

	   3 setlinewidth	% width of trajectory
   	   ClientCanvas setcanvas
   	   P_begin apoil moveto
	   herm_base begin
	   0 1 NbIntPts %1 sub
	   	herm_table exch get apoil
		4 -1 roll P_begin apoil 2 index mul /cy exch def mul
		/cx exch def
		3 -1 roll P_end apoil 2 index mul /cy exch cy add def
		mul /cx exch cx add def
		exch D_begin apoil 2 index mul /cy exch cy add def
		mul /cx exch cx add def
		D_end apoil 2 index mul /cy exch cy add def
		mul /cx exch cx add def
		cx cy lineto
	     } for
   	P_end apoil lineto
	State { ColorDisplay? {1 0 0 setrgbcolor}{1 setgray}ifelse stroke} if
   } def

/tracker {
	createevent dup begin
        /Name [
	] def
	/Priority 10 def
	/Exclusivity true def
	/Canvas	ClientCanvas def
      end expressinterest
      createevent dup begin
	/Name /timereq def
      end expressinterest
      framebuffer setcanvas
      { awaitevent dup begin
        Name {
		/LeftMouseButton	{set-left-button}
		/MiddleMouseButton	{set-middle-button}
		/MouseDragged		{update-cursor}
		/EnterEvent		{enter-window}
		/ExitEvent		{exit-window}
		/timereq		{update-cursor}
	} case
      } loop
  } def

  /track {
    /TrackProcess {tracker} fork def
  } def

  /timeinterrupt {
	createevent dup begin
		/Name	/timereq def
		/TimeStamp currenttime 0.02 add def
	end sendevent
   } def

% initialization
/init {hermite-table-fill  make-sliders track } def
classend def

/win framebuffer /new DrawWindow send def
	/FrameLabel	(Dynamic Splines demo) def
	/IconLabel	(Dynamic) def
	/BorderRight	12 def
	/BorderLeft	12 def
	/ClientMinWidth	512 def
	/ClientMinHeight 512 def
	/ClientMenu	[
		(Destroy) { /destroy ThisWindow send}
		(CONTROLS) { {/Controls? Controls? not def}
				ThisWindow send
			     {Controls? {panels paintitems} 
			     {}ifelse} ThisWindow send }
		(Raw Trajectory) {{/Raw_Line? Raw_Line? not def}
				ThisWindow send}
			] /new DefaultMenu send def
   } win send
/reshapefromuser win send
/map win send
	/FrameMenu	[
			(Destroy) { /destroy ThisWindow send}
			(shrink) {0 0 128 128 /reshape ThisWindow send}
			(stretch) {0 0 1152 900 /reshape ThisWindow send}
			] /new DefaultMenu send def
	} win send
/init win send

//E*O*F track.ps//

echo Possible errors detected by \'wc\' [hopefully none]:
trap "rm -f $temp; exit" 0 1 2 3 15
cat > $temp <<\!!!
    325   1238   8105 track.ps
wc  track.ps | sed 's=[^ ]*/==' | diff -b $temp -
exit 0