[comp.windows.news] results of informal NeWS usage survey

marshall@software.org (Eric Marshall) (02/16/89)

	Here are the results to my informal NeWS usage survey:

	> 	I would like to conduct an informal survey to find out
	> how many people are using NeWS on a regular basis, and on what
	> platforms.  I am interested in how many people are using NeWS
	> in your organization, and the manufacturer, model number and
	> operating system of the platform which you run it on.  If you
	> would like to respond for your entire organization, please indicate
	> this, so that I can watch for other members of your organization
	> responding also.  I will summarize and post the results to the
	> net in a few weeks.

	I received a total of 39 responses, representing
~194 users.  Most of those who responded reported 3-5 NeWS users
at their site, with a maximum concentration of 20 NeWS users
at one site (a university).

	Of the 39 responses, 20 were from commercial organizations,
12 were from universities, and 7 were from government agencies. 
Most of the respondents (34) use NeWS on Suns, 5 use MacNeWS
on Machintoshs, 5 use 4Sight on Silicon Graphics IRISs, 2 use
NeWS/2 on PS/2s, 1 uses a Raster Technologies machine, and 1
uses a HP machine.  It is evident that a number of the respondents
(25%) regularly use NeWS on multiple platforms.

	Thanks to all those who responded.

Eric Marshall
Software Productivity Consortium
SPC Building
2214 Rock Hill Road
Herndon, VA 22070
(703) 742-7153

CSNET: marshall@software.org
ARPANET: marshall%software.org@relay.cs.net

	I'm just an X programmer gone straight.