phyllis@utcsrgv.UUCP (Phyllis Eve Bregman) (01/26/84)
UofT Department of Computer Science Seminar Schedule for the week of January 30th, 1984 Tuesday, January 31st, 4:00 P.M., GB244: Louis Pouzin, Conseiller Technique, Centre Paris A, Centre National D'Etude des Telecommunications, Isy Les Moulineaux, France: "Telematics networks in Europe". ABSTRACT: -Existing data networks -Coming infrastructures: satellites, ISDN videodistribution -Open systems architecture: ISO model, agreed standards, interconnection techniques -Interconnection of message systems: CCITT future standards -Document transfer: facsimile, teletex, mixed mode -Local nets issues: cabling, supervision, security, coupling with public networks -Videotex: experiments, electronic phone directory, yellow pages, tariffs, business applications, politics -Market forces: PTT, manufacturers, international competition. -- Phyllis Eve Bregman CSRG, Univ. of Toronto {decvax,linus,ihnp4,uw-beaver,allegra,utzoo}!utcsrgv!phyllis