[comp.windows.news] NeWSillustrator

bernard@prlb2.UUCP (Bernard Yves) (01/05/89)

I am about to post 2 following articles with the complete source code of
NeWSillustrator for NeWS 1.1.

NeWSillustrator is an object-oriented drawing program (similar to fig or
NewsDraw). It includes various object types (lines, polygons, curves,
text,...) with full control on line width, line type, line color, font,
font size, color filling...  Objects can be moved, scaled, rotated,
grouped, copied, edited, clipped, aligned, centered,...  Objects can be
saved and loaded, Postscript files can be imported (with the limitation
of the NeWS postscript interpreter)to be manipulated as objects, and
generated for laser printing.  Full scrolling and zooming capabilities
are available.

Contrarly to NewsDraw, NeWSillustrator is entirely written in NeWS:
there is no client program written in C or some other traditional

One will note the equal code size of NeWSillustrator (i.e.  2600 lines
of NeWS postscript) and NewsDraw (i.e. 500 lines of NeWS PS and 2000
lines of C) for much greater functionalities in NeWSillustrator. This is
partly due to the object-oriented extension of NeWS. And that for the
same performance... and with probably a much better readability and

For me, this raises the following remark : for this kind of application,
it is easier to program in NeWS than in C. If I had to write some client
program, I will not do it in C, but in higher level languages such as
Objective-C or Prolog.

Many improvments should be made to NeWSillustrator. The main one would
be to replace the very long command menu with an iconic tool window. Try
to do it or wait for the next version...

I am waiting now for a better NeWS implementation (full Postscript
compatible), good NeWS documentation, ...and an equivalent Display
Postscript of NeWSillustrator.

Manual (draft).

After loading, NeWSillustrator will ask you to shape two windows. Make
them big enough. The first one is the Control Panel, the second one is
the Drawing Area.

Drawing Area

This is where the drawing is made. The dashed lines are the sides of the
visible area of an A4 sheet on a laser printer.

The command menu is activated in pressing the right mouse button. In
this menu, the available operations are divided in 3 parts : edition
operations, object creation operations and finally zoom, font and files

Usually, once a command is selected, messages are printed in the control
panel to explain you what to do and what happened. The message panel
item is at the bottom of the control panel. If you don't see it, move or
reshape the control panel window.

For all commands requiring text input or file name (e.g. Text,
ImportPS,...), enter the text or name in the corresponding control panel
item (e.g.  Text String, PS file name) BEFORE selecting the command.

Object Creation Operations.
These are : Rect, Line, Polygon, Curve, RoundedRect, Oval, Text, Group,

For all these operations, you will be asked to input points with the
mouse: a point is entered in clicking on any button. When asked for a
sequence of points (e.g. line and curve), end the sequence by clicking
twice (or double-clicking) on the last point.

Once an object is successfuly created, it becomes the current object.

Rect, Line, Polygon, RoundedRect, Oval : should be obvious.

Curve : 

curves are made of Postscript elementary curves which are
defined by 4 points. You will be asked to enter a sequence of points,
and every time you input 3 points, a elementary curve is drawn
connecting the 3 points with the last point of the previous curve.

Text : 

before selecting this command, first enter the text to draw in
the 'Text String' item of the control panel : just click in the Text
String item with the left mouse button and insert text. Text editing is
allowed with the DEL, ctrl-f, ctrl-b and ctrl-d keys with the usual
emacs meaning.
Once the text is input, select the text command in the drawing area
window menu and position the text at the right place.

Group :

A group is a collection of any objects. A group is defined in two
ways: by a box (the default) or by enumeration. The definition mode is
changed in clicking in the 'Group Defined by' item of the control panel. 

by box: just enter a box enclosing completly the objects to group.

by enumeration : enter the origin point of the group, and then select
each object by clicking on it. End in double-clicking on any point.

Objects in a group are not accessible individually : to select an object
in a group, you have to delete the group. 

A group is depicted on the screen by drawing its components and small
squares on its enclosing box (Sometime, after rotation and scaling the
box is not correct). A group is selected by clicking a point in that

ImportPS :

This object type correspond to imported Postscript files. The range of 
importable files is limited by the NeWS Postscript omissions (fonts,
pattern filling,...). PS files produced by Fig seem to work. Of course,
PS files generated by NeWSillustrator can be imported.

Files which NeWS can not display will cause errors -- see the message in
the control panel -- and will be (or should be) refused.

Again, before selecting ImportPS, define the PS file to import in the
corresponding item in the Control Panel. 

If the file can be successfully loaded, it will be displayed on the
screen and you will be asked to give its bounding box. 

An imported file is considered as an usual object : it can be moved,
copied, rotated, scaled, grouped,...

Importation of Postscript file is made by generating an intermediate
file in your home directory with the same name as the imported file and
".wps" as extension.

Edition Operations.

These operations always work on the current selection. To set an object
as the current selection use the select command.

Select :

click in the inside of the object. NeWSillustrator will select the first object
found under the clicked point. If it is not the one you want (because of
many overlapping objects), move other objects or create a group that you
will define by a box enclosing the object you want.

Groups are selected by clicking in their enclosing box.

Move, Rotate, Scale : obvious.

Rotation and scaling use the origin point of the object as reference
point. The origin point is usually the first point input when defining
the object or a corner of the enclosing box.

Copy : makes a copy of the current object. The copy becomes the
new selection and you have to move it where you want.

Redisplay : objects overlapping moved objects are not redrawn. Use
Redisplay to redraw all the objects and redraw them in the current order. 

Move Up, Move Down : the display order defines how objects overlap each
other. Move Up and Down change the display order and give full control
on overlapping. Move Up (Down) will swap the current object with the
next encountered object in the display list which is drawn after
(before) it. If you continuously apply Move Up (Down) on an object, it
should then become the last (first) displayed object (see the message in
the control panel).

Delete : delete the current selection. Delete a group but not its
components (i.e. ungroup).

Destroy : deletes a group AND all its components.

Other => : a submenu of other editing operations:

Edit : only works for Lines, Polygons and Curves; allows to move points
defining the selected objects. First, select a point by clicking on it
and then move it. To stop edition double-click anywhere. Note that the
first point of an item is not editable.

Clip : clip the current selection object with another object which will
have to be selected by the user. The clipping object should not be a
group, a text or an ImportPS object. The inside of the clipping path is
determined by the normal PostScript non-zero winding number rule.  A
clipped object is implemented as a special kind of group: many
operations available on group can be used on clipped object (e.g.
delete, destroy).

Align Left, Right,..., Center : works for items in a selected group;

Zoom Operations : easy ; use the scroll bar to scroll your drawing.

Font => 
Choose the font in the font menu. It will be the default font of newly
created text object and, change the font of the current selection.
All the fonts listed are not available on the laser. Also, there are
problems with some fonts in NeWS.

Font Size => : obvious.

Files Operations.

The 'Files IO =>' leads to a submenu with files operations. They require
the corresponding file name to be defined in the control panel before
selecting them.

save PS file : generates a Postscript file printable on a laser and
	importable as an object in NeWSillustrator;
save Objects file: save all the objects of the current drawing;
load Object file: add all the objects in the file to the current drawing;
	(Object files can be used as a library)

Control Panel
There are three types of Control panel items : text and file name items,
drawing parameters items and control items.

Drawing parameters Items:

They are : line width, style, join, cap, color, fill color, Rounded Corner

Values of the drawing parameters are those of the curent selection.
Change of a drawing parameter always affect the current selection.
If it is a group, its components will be affected.

Use of Sliding items (e.g line color): just click anywhere on the line
or drag the cursor to the required value.

line color : the gray level from 0 (black) to 100 (white).
fill color : idem ; the -1 is used for no fill.

Color of text is changed by the line color slide, but in NeWS text is
always displayed as black on a monochrome screen.

Control Items : 

grid size, grid on, group defined by, message item, line

The line quality controls the rendering quality of NeWS : 0 = low
quality but faster, 10 = best quality but slower.

Grid Size : the current unit is screen point.
The grid will be displayed at the next repaint of the Drawing Area Window.

File Items : obvious.

Yves Bernard
Philips Research Lab Brussels,
2 av. Van Becelaere 1170 Brussels, Belgium


bernard@prlb2.UUCP (Bernard Yves) (01/05/89)

NeWSillustrator part 1
append it with part 2, put it in a file, do chmod u+x and run it.


% scrollable and zoomable window class definition

systemdict /zapmenu known not
{systemdict begin

/zapmenu [
	(No, not really) {}
	(Yes, really) {/destroy ThisWindow send}
	] /new DefaultMenu send def
} if

/ScrollAndZoomWindow ScrollWindow
    /PictureWidth    0 def		% for translating the client window
    /PictureHeight   0 def
    /LDivisions	    10 def		% number of scroll bad pieces/whole
    /PDivisions	    3 def		% number of scroll bad pieces/whole
    /ScrollH	    0 def		% cumulative translation factors
    /ScrollV        0 def		% due to successive scrolling;
    /ZoomFactor	    1 def		% zooming factor;
    /newox 	    0 def
    /newoy          0 def
    /Nzoom	    0 def
    /zoomstack      50 array def
    /overlaycan	    null def

    /Resize { % width height => - size the backround canvas
	/PictureHeight exch def
	/PictureWidth exch def
	[%0 PictureWidth ClientWidth sub
	 newox neg  PictureWidth ClientWidth sub newox add  %min max
	    dup dup LDivisions div exch  PDivisions div
	    /setrange HScrollbar send
	[%0 PictureHeight ClientHeight sub
	 newoy neg PictureHeight ClientHeight sub newoy add
	    dup dup LDivisions div exch  PDivisions div null]
	    /setrange VScrollbar send
    } def
    /SetNotifiers { % Hnotifier Vnotifier => -
	VScrollbar /NotifyUser 3 -1 roll put
	HScrollbar /NotifyUser 3 -1 roll put
    } def
    /Scroll {ScrollProc} def
    /ZoomIn {/ZoomFactor ZoomFactor 2 mul def ZoomInProc} def
    /ZoomOut {ZoomFactor 1 ne
		{/ZoomFactor ZoomFactor 2 div def ZoomOutProc} if} def
    /ShapeClientCanvas {
	ClientCanvas null ne {
		ScrollAndZoomAxis} if
	} def

  /CreateFrameMenu { % - => - (Create frame menu)
	% Note: Store menu in class to share menus, especially if retained.
	/FrameMenu [
	    (Move)	{/slide ThisWindow send}
	    (Move Constrained)
		{getfbclick pop pop /slideconstrained ThisWindow send}
	    (Top)	{/totop ThisWindow send}
	    (Bottom)	{/tobottom ThisWindow send}
	    (Zap => )	zapmenu
	    (Resize)	{/reshapefromuser ThisWindow send}
	    (Stretch Corner)
	    	{getfbclick pop pop /stretchcorner ThisWindow send}
	    (Stretch Edge)
	    	{getfbclick pop pop /stretchwindowedge ThisWindow send}
	    (Close)	{/flipiconic ThisWindow send}
	    (Redisplay)	{/paint ThisWindow send}
	] /new DefaultMenu send def
	} def

/ScrollAxis {%the scorllbar values are always in abs. coord.
	/ScrollH HScrollbar /ItemValue get  def
	/ScrollV VScrollbar /ItemValue get  def
	BorderLeft BorderBottom translate
	ScrollH neg ScrollV neg translate
	} def

/ScrollProc {
	/PaintClient self send
	} def

/pushzoomstack{% - => -
	zoomstack  Nzoom [ScrollH ScrollV ]  put
	/Nzoom Nzoom 1 add store
	} def

	Nzoom 0 ne
		{/Nzoom Nzoom 1 sub store
		 zoomstack Nzoom get aload pop
%put that in the scroll bar value
		/ScrollV exch store /ScrollH exch store
		HScrollbar /ItemValue ScrollH put
		VScrollbar /ItemValue ScrollV put
		} if
	} def

/ZoomInAxis {  %zoom in by 1, 2, 4, 8,... 
	/newox ClientWidth 2 div ClientWidth 2 ZoomFactor exp div sub def
	/newoy ClientHeight 2 div ClientHeight 2 ZoomFactor exp div sub def
	newox neg newoy neg translate
	ZoomFactor ZoomFactor scale
	ScrollH ZoomFactor div newox ZoomFactor div add
	ScrollV ZoomFactor div newoy ZoomFactor div add
	ClientWidth ZoomFactor div ClientHeight ZoomFactor div
		ClientPath ClientCanvas reshapecanvas
	} def

/ScrollAndZoomAxis {
	FrameCanvas setcanvas
% modifies the transf. matrix of the client canvas:
	ZoomFactor 1 eq 	
		{/newox 0 store
		 /newoy 0 store
		ScrollH ScrollV  ClientWidth  ClientHeight ClientPath
		ClientCanvas reshapecanvas}
		{ZoomInAxis} ifelse
	/overlaycan ClientCanvas createoverlay store
	} def
/ZoomInProc {
	/PaintClient self send
	PictureWidth  2  mul
	PictureHeight 2   mul /Resize self send
%	HScrollbar dup /ItemValue exch /ItemValue get 2 mul put
%	VScrollbar dup /ItemValue exch /ItemValue get 2 mul put
	 HScrollbar /ItemValue ScrollH newox add put
	 VScrollbar /ItemValue ScrollV newoy add put 

	/paintscrollbars self send
	} def

/ZoomOutProc {
	/PaintClient self send
	PictureWidth  2 div
	PictureHeight 2 div /Resize self send
%	HScrollbar dup /ItemValue exch /ItemValue get 2 mul put
%	VScrollbar dup /ItemValue exch /ItemValue get 2 mul put
	 HScrollbar /ItemValue ScrollH newox add put
	 VScrollbar /ItemValue ScrollV newoy add put 

	/paintscrollbars self send
	} def

classend def

% utilities

/setoverlay {win begin overlaycan end setcanvas} def
/prdebug false def
/printdbg { prdebug {print} {pop} ifelse} def

 (Loading utilities \n) printdbg

/drect { % x,y w, h => - : makes a path corresponding to the box
	4 2 roll moveto rect
	} def

%setting of the object coord. system
/spos {translate rotate scale} def

/printcoord { exch 3 string cvs print ( X\n) print
		   3 string cvs print ( Y\n) print} def

/printpath {
	   {printcoord} {printcoord} {printcoord printcoord printcoord}
		{} pathforall} def

/b1 null def

/boxpath { % [x1 y1 x2 y2] => - makes path of the box
	aload pop
	3 index 3 index moveto			%x1 y1 x2 y2
	2 index sub				%x1 y1 x2 (y2-y1)
	exch 3 index sub exch rect
	pop pop
	} def

/box_in_box {% b1 b2 => bool ; true if b1 in b2; box = [x0, y0, x1, y1]
	aload pop		%x1 y1 x2 y2
	pointinpath 3 1 roll 
	pointinpath and
	} def

/box_of_box {% b1 b2 => b2 ;computes the box enclosing the 2 
%	gsave
	aload pop 5 -1 roll aload pop %4 points on the stack connect them in 
	moveto lineto lineto lineto
	[ pathbbox ]
%	grestore
	} def

/o_dict dictbegin /x1 0 def /x2 0 def /y1 0 def /y2 0 def dictend def

/overlapping_interval{ % x1 x2 y1 y2 => true if [x1 x1] inter [y1 y2]
			%non null
		o_dict begin 
		/y2 exch store /y1 exch store /x2 exch store /x1 exch store
		x1 y1 le x2 y1 ge and {true exit} if
                x1 y2 le x2 y2 ge and {true exit} if
		y1 x1 le y2 x2 ge and {true exit} if
		false exit
		} loop
		} def				

/overlapping_box{% b1 b2 => bool; true if box overlaps
	aload pop
	5 -1 roll aload pop 
	7 index 6 index %x11 x12
	5 index 4 index %x21 x22
	{6 index 5 index 4 index 3 index overlapping_interval}
	{false} ifelse
	mark 10 2 roll cleartomark
	} def

%working var.			
/mtrx0 matrix def
/mtrx1 matrix def

/newarray null def
/tmparray 100 array def
/Ntmp 0 def
/N 0 def

/tmpstr 50 string def

/Angle2 0 def
/Sx2 1 def
/Sy2 1 def
/Sx3 1 def
/Sy3 1 def
/X0 0 def
/Y0 0 def
/X1 0 def
/Y1 0 def
/X2 0 def
/Y2 0 def
/Xc 0 def
/Yc 0 def
/oldcanvas null def

% object Table definition and management

/SizeObjTable 1000 def
/ObjTable SizeObjTable array def
0 1 199 {ObjTable exch null put} for

/Nobj 0 def	%
	{% <obj> => -
	dup ObjTable exch Nobj exch put begin /tableindex Nobj store end
	/Nobj Nobj 1 add store
	Nobj SizeObjTable ge {(Object Table is full) prmessage} if

/RepaintAll {% repaint all objects in table;
	  /display a4rect send
	  0 1 Nobj 1 sub 
		{ObjTable exch get 
		dup null ne {dup begin ingroup end
				{/display exch send} ifelse
			    {pop} ifelse} for
	} def

/PrintPS_header{ %postscript utilities
(/rect {dup 0 exch rlineto exch 0 rlineto neg 0 exch rlineto closepath } def
/ovalpath { matrix currentmatrix 5 1 roll
    4 2 roll translate scale .5 .5 translate 0 0 .5 0 360 arc closepath
    setmatrix} def\n) [] fprintf
(/rrectpath { 
    matrix currentmatrix 6 1 roll	% m r x y w h
    4 2 roll translate			% m r w h
    10 dict begin
	/h exch def /w exch def /r exch def
	    r 0 moveto
	    w 0 w h r arcto w h 0 h r arcto
	    0 h 0 0 r arcto 0 0 w 0 r arcto closepath
} def\n) writestring

%dash patterns
(/setdashpat{% n => -
	dasharray exch get aload pop setdash} def\n) writestring

PSfile (0 setlinewidth 0 setgray
/privatedict 100 dict def
/savemtrx matrix def
/spos {translate rotate scale} def
privatedict begin /showpage {} def end \n) writestring

} def

/dasharray [ [ [] 0 ] [ [3] 0 ] [ [6] 0 ] ] def
/setdashpat{% n => -
	dasharray exch get aload pop setdash} def

	PSfile (/dasharray [\n) writestring
	dasharray {aload pop exch		%offset array
		     PSfile ([ [ ) writestring
		    { PSfile exch ( % ) exch [ exch ] fprintf} forall
		    PSfile ( ] ) writestring
		    PSfile exch ( % ] ) exch [ exch ] fprintf
		  } forall
	PSfile ( ] def\n) writestring
	} def

/importfiledict null def
	%used when generating the postscript file
	%to remind what imported PS file have already been written

/RepaintAll_ps {% generates postscript file
	/importfiledict 50 dict store
	PSfile (gsave \n) [] fprintf
	  0 1 Nobj 1 sub 
		{ObjTable exch get 
		dup null ne {dup begin ingroup end
				{/display_ps exch send} ifelse
			    {pop} ifelse} for
	PSfile (grestore showpage\n) [] fprintf
	} def

/SaveAllObjects {% generates NeWS files of object def; loaded with run
	  0 1 Nobj 1 sub 
		{ObjTable exch get 
		dup null ne {dup begin ingroup end
				{/saveobject exch send} ifelse
			    {pop} ifelse} for
	} def

/loadobj{%used in loading obj files.
	counttomark 1 add index  	%obj mark var1... varn obj
	 /loadivar exch send cleartomark
	dup begin ingroup not end {pop} if
	} def

(Loading Class def \n) printdbg
/DrawObject Object
	/X 0 def		%position
	/Y 0 def
	/Sx 1 def		%scaling
	/Sy 1 def
	/Angle 0 def		%rotation
	/bbox null def	%bounding box [x1,y1,x2,y2]

	/color -1 def		%filling pattern = -1 : no filling
	/linewidth  0 def	%line width
	/linecolor 0 def	%line color = black
	/linestyle 0 def	%line style = plain or dashed
	/linejoin 0 def
	/linecap 0 def
	/geom null def		%
				% default geom is a rect [w,h]
	/tableindex -1 def
	/ingroup false def	% true if object part of a group
/new {
	/new super send begin
	/init self send
	currentdict end
	} def

/init { 
	/bbox 4 array store} def
/delete {
	/erase self send
	 ObjTable tableindex null put} def

/destroy {} def
/saveivar{%writes instance var. on File
	OSfile ( % % % % % ) [X Y Sx Sy Angle] fprintf
	OSfile ( [ % % % % ] \n) bbox fprintf
	OSfile ( % % % % % % \n) [color linewidth linecolor
		linestyle linejoin linecap] fprintf
	/save_geom self send
	OSfile ( % ) [ingroup] fprintf
	} def

/loadivar {% mark objects instances var => self if ingroup else -
  %in the order in which they are defined	
	/ingroup exch store 
	/geom exch store
	/linecap exch store
	/linejoin exch store
	/linestyle exch store
	/linecolor exch store
	/linewidth exch store
	/color exch store
	/bbox exch store
	/Angle exch store
	/Sy exch store
	/Sx exch store
	/Y exch store
	/X exch store
	} def

/getclassname{%get the class name of the object
	ParentDictArray dup length 1 sub get begin ClassName end
	} def

/saveobject{%saves object descr in OSfile
	OSfile (/new % send dup AddObject  mark \n) 
		[/getclassname self send] fprintf
	/saveivar self send
	OSfile ( loadobj\n) writestring
	} def

/save_geom{%save geom descr
	OSfile ( [ % % ]\n) geom fprintf} def

/setradcorner {pop} def
/setlinestyle{/linestyle exch store} def
/setlinejoin2 {/linejoin exch store} def
/setlinecap2 {/linecap exch store} def
/setlinewidth2 { /linewidth exch store } def
/setlinecolor { /linecolor exch store } def
/setcolor     { /color exch store } def
/changefont {} def
/changefontsize {} def

/update_control_panel{% put display param of objects in control panel
	linewidth linecolor color linestyle linejoin linecap
	} def

/bbox_path { %in absolute coord syst.
	bbox 0 get bbox 1 get moveto 
	bbox 2 get bbox 0 get sub bbox 3 get bbox 1 get sub rect
	} def 

/make_path { % Sx Sy angle X Y => -
	%makes the path of the object : default is drawing a rect
		%of W, H
	geom null ne {
%	translate rotate scale
	0 0 moveto
	geom aload pop rect} if
	} def

/make_path_ps{% - => -
	geom null ne {
	(spos newpath	0 0 moveto % % rect\n) geom
	} def

/is_in_box {% x y => bool ;
	/bbox_path self send
	} def

/is_in_obj {% x y => bool ;
	geom null eq {pop pop false}
	newpath moveto
	X Y translate Angle rotate Sx Sy scale %
	{} {} {} {} pathforall 		       %x y in object coord. sys.
	1 1 0 0 0 /make_path self send
	grestore} ifelse
	} def

/dr {	%low-level drawing :  linewidth linecolor color linejoin linecap
	%				linestyle => - 
	%graphic state is preserved; dash not implemented in news
	%emulate it
	setlinecap setlinejoin
	Sx Sy Angle X Y /make_path self send 
	dup -1 ne {gsave setgray fill grestore} {pop} ifelse
	setgray setlinewidth
	} def
/dr_ps {% color => -  
	PSfile (gsave setdashpat setlinecap setlinejoin % % % % %\n)
				 [Sx Sy Angle X Y] fprintf	
	/make_path_ps self send
	 -1 ne { PSfile ( gsave setgray fill grestore ) [] fprintf}
	{PSfile ( pop ) [] fprintf} ifelse
	PSfile (setgray setlinewidth stroke grestore\n) [] fprintf
	} def

/erase { % this will also erase parts of overlapping objects 
	linewidth 1 color -1 eq {color} {1} ifelse
		 linejoin linecap linestyle /dr self send } def

/display { %display the object
	linewidth linecolor color linejoin linecap linestyle
			 /dr self send} def

/display_ps {%generation of postscript
	PSfile ( % % % % % % ) [linewidth linecolor color linejoin
						linecap linestyle] fprintf
	color /dr_ps self send
	} def

/make_bbox { %computes the bounding box of the object in the current
	     %coord system
	mtrx0 currentmatrix pop
	Sx Sy Angle X Y /make_path self send
			 	%path made in trans,scaled,rotated
				%coord. sys; get coord in normal sys;

	mtrx0 setmatrix		%path set in mtrx0 coord syst.
	pathbbox bbox astore pop
	} def

/move {	% x' y'  sx' sy' a'  => moves to new position and orientation;
	% recomputes bbox;

	erase_flag {/erase self send} if

	/Angle exch def
	/Sy exch def
	/Sx exch def
	/Y exch def
	/X exch def

	/make_bbox self send
	/display self send
	} def

/set_geom {% [p1,p2] => - ; new H and W
	/geom exch store
	} def

/scale_geom { % sx sy => -
	geom 1 get mul geom exch 1 exch put
	geom 0 get mul geom exch 0 exch put
	} def

/get_geom { % => <geom param array>
	geom } def

/change_geom {%change geometry; <changecode> => -
	      %erases old shapes and redraws it;
	/erase self send
	exec			%exec change proc on stack
	/make_bbox self send
	/display self send
	} def

/make_opath{ %the outline path used in draging mode
	 /make_path self send
	} def

/drag { %drag outline of shape following cursor
	% returns dragged position of new origin X' Y'
	/oldcanvas currentcanvas store
	/Angle2 Angle store
	/Sx2 Sx store
	/Sy2 Sy store

	0 0 {	newpath 
		Sx2 Sy2 Angle2 x y gsave /make_opath self send stroke grestore
		} getanimated
	waitprocess aload pop
	oldcanvas setcanvas
	} def

/bbox_center { % => xc, yc ; box center
	bbox 0 get bbox 2 get add 2 div
	bbox 1 get bbox 3 get add 2 div
	} def

/drotate {%interactive rotation : put x y on stack
	/oldcanvas currentcanvas store
	/Angle2 Angle store
	/Sx2 Sx store
	/Sy2 Sy store
	/X2 X store
	/Y2 Y store
	/bbox_center self send /Yc exch store /Xc exch store
	0 0 {	newpath 
% get angle of vector Xc,Yc - x,y
		Sx2 Sy2 Angle2  y Yc sub x Xc sub atan add X2 Y2 
			gsave /make_opath self send stroke grestore
		} getanimated
	waitprocess aload pop
	oldcanvas setcanvas
	} def

/dscale { %interactive scaling from box lower left corner
	/oldcanvas currentcanvas store
	/Angle2 Angle store
	/Sx2 Sx store
	/Sy2 Sy store
	/X2 X store
	/Y2 Y store
	/Xc bbox 2 get bbox 0 get sub store
	/Yc bbox 3 get bbox 1 get sub store

%	/get_geom self send
	bbox 0 get bbox 1 get {	 
		 Sx2 x x0 sub Xc div mul
		 Sy2 y y0 sub Yc div mul Angle2  X2 Y2 
			gsave /make_opath self send stroke grestore
		} getanimated
	waitprocess aload pop
	oldcanvas setcanvas
	} def

/drag_and_scale {%scale the geometry definition; preserve line width!!
	/dscale self send  % [old_geom] ,x y of new bbox corner on stack
	/Y2 exch store /X2 exch store

	X2 bbox 0 get sub bbox 2 get bbox 0 get sub div %sx'
	Y2 bbox 1 get sub bbox 3 get bbox 1 get sub div %sy'

%	X Y Sx2 Sx mul Sy2 Sy mul Angle /move self send} def
%	this does not preserve line width !

	{/scale_geom self send} /change_geom self send
	} def

/drag_and_trans {
	/drag self send 	%x' y' on stack; move to that
	 Sx Sy Angle /move self send} def
/drag_and_rotate {
	/drotate self send	%x' x' on stack; recompute angle;
	/Y2 exch store
	/X2 exch store
	X Y Sx Sy Angle Y2 Yc sub X2 Xc sub atan add /move self send} def

/i_get_geom {%gets geom def. from user interaction ; - => X Y [geom def]

	getwholerect waitprocess 	% [x0 y0 x1 y1]
	aload pop
	/Y1 exch store /X1 exch store
	/Y0 exch store /X0 exch store
	X0 Y0 [X1 X0 sub Y1 Y0 sub]
	} def	

/i_def_geom {%interactive definition of geom

	/oldcanvas currentcanvas store
	/i_get_geom self send 			% X Y <geom param>
	3 -2 roll
	oldcanvas setcanvas

	geom null ne {/erase self send} if

	/Y exch store  
	/X exch store
	/set_geom self send
	geom null ne {
		/make_bbox self send
		/display self send} if
	} def

/edit_geom {} def

/clone_geom {%obj contains in its geom structured data which is
	    %shared by other objects ; copies geom and bbox
	geom type (arraytype) eq
		{/geom geom dup length array copy store
		} if
	bbox 4 array copy /bbox exch store
	} def

/clone { %	-> returns a clone of self 
	self length dict self exch copy		%clone on stack
	dup /clone_geom exch send 
	} def

classend def

(Oval \n) printdbg
/Oval DrawObject		%geom = [w,h] of oval
/new {
	/new super send begin
	currentdict end
	} def

/make_path {% geom contains radius;
	geom null ne {
%		translate rotate scale
		0 0 geom 0 get geom 1 get ovalpath
		} if
	} def

	geom null ne {
	PSfile ( spos newpath 0 0 % % ovalpath\n)
		geom fprintf
	} if
	} def

/i_get_geom {
	/Y0 exch store /X0 exch store	%center
	X0 Y0
	{newpath x0 y0 x x0 sub y y0 sub ovalpath
	} getanimated
	waitprocess aload pop  %x1 y1
	/Y1 exch store
	/X1 exch store
	X0 Y0 [X1 X0 sub Y1 Y0 sub]		%X,Y, w, h
	} def

classend def

(Group \n) printdbg
/Group DrawObject
/Ngr 0 def	%geom will contain an array with all the subobjects
		%position of subobjects are relative to the position
		%of the group
/Ncopy 0 def	%working var. for recursive cloning
/new {
	/new super send begin
	currentdict end
	} def

/saveivar {
	/saveivar super send
	OSfile ( % ) [Ngr] fprintf
	} def
	/Ngr exch store
	/loadivar super send
	} def

/delete {% all components are defined in the group coord. syst.
	 % put them back in the global syst.

	mtrx0 currentmatrix pop
%translation correction
	/components_path self send
	mtrx0 setmatrix		   %coord expressed in global syst.
	/N 0 store
	{pop pop} {%component position X Y
		   geom N get begin /Y exch store /X exch store end
		   /N N 1 add store} 
	{} {} pathforall
	/Angle2 Angle store
	geom {dup begin
		/Angle Angle Angle2 add store
		/ingroup false store
		 /make_bbox exch send 
		} forall

	ObjTable tableindex null put
	ingroup not {gsave
	1 setgray 	/contour_mark self send
	grestore} if
	} def

/clone_geom{% makes a clone of each component
	/clone_geom super send
	/Ncopy 0 store
	geom { /clone exch send dup geom exch Ncopy exch put
		 /Ncopy Ncopy 1 add store
		AddObject} forall
	} def

/destroy {%deletes all compoments
	/erase self send
	geom {begin ObjTable tableindex null put end} forall
	ObjTable tableindex null put
	} def

/setradcorner {
	/Xc exch store
	geom {Xc exch /setradcorner exch send} forall} def

/setlinejoin2 {
	/Xc exch store
	geom {Xc exch /setlinejoin2 exch send} forall} def
/setlinecap2 {
	/Xc exch store
	geom {Xc exch /setlinecap2 exch send} forall} def
/setlinestyle {
	/Xc exch store
	geom {Xc exch /setlinestyle exch send} forall} def
/setlinewidth2 {
	/Xc exch store
	geom {Xc exch /setlinewidth2 exch send} forall} def
/setlinecolor {
	/Xc exch store
	geom {Xc exch /setlinecolor exch send} forall} def
/setcolor {
	/Xc exch store
	geom {Xc exch /setcolor exch send} forall} def	

/make_path {%stroke the path of each object; used in draging mode
	    %for scaling, we can not have at the same time good
	    %scaling of objects positions and good scaling of their shapes
	geom null ne {
		  {dup begin 
%		   Sx3 Sy3
		   Sx Sy Angle X Y end 6 -1 roll gsave /make_path
		   exch send stroke grestore} forall
		   } if
	} def

/make_opath {%stroke the path of each object; used in draging mode
	    %for scaling, we can not have at the same time good
	    %scaling of objects positions and good scaling of their shapes
	geom null ne {
		  {dup begin 
%		   Sx3 Sy3
		   Sx Sy Angle X Y end 6 -1 roll gsave /make_opath
		   exch send stroke grestore} forall
		   } if
	} def

/is_in_obj {
	/is_in_box self send} def

/set_geom {%[o1 o2 o3 ...] =>
	   %change X Y of Oi to X' Y' relative to X Y of group obj
	   %set ingroup flag of each Oi
%	(set_geom\n) print
	dup length /geom exch array store
	geom copy pop
	/Ngr geom length store

%get origin of group : first point of bbox
	/X 0 store /Y 0 store
%	/make_bbox_component self send
	/make_bbox self send
	bbox aload pop	%x1 y1 x2 y2
	pop pop /Y exch store /X exch store				

	/X0 X store /Y0 Y store
	geom {begin /X X X0 sub store /Y Y Y0 sub store /ingroup true
		store end} forall
	/make_bbox_component self send
	( % components put in group) [Ngr] prmessage
	} def

/save_geom{% saves on OSfile an array composed of each object saving
	OSfile ([ %group geometry\n) writestring
	geom {/saveobject exch send} forall
	OSfile ( ] %end of group geometry\n) writestring
	} def

/make_bbox_component{%compute bbox of comp. in this group coord. syst
	X Y translate %Angle rotate
	Sx Sy scale
	geom {
	     /make_bbox exch send} forall
	} def

	bbox 0 get bbox 1 get moveto -2.5 dup rmoveto 5 5 rect fill
	bbox 0 get bbox 2 get add 2 div bbox 1 get moveto
	 -2.5 dup rmoveto 5 dup rect fill
	bbox 2 get bbox 1 get moveto -2.5 dup rmoveto 5 dup rect fill
	bbox 2 get bbox 1 get bbox 3 get add 2 div moveto
	 -2.5 dup rmoveto 5 dup rect fill
	bbox 2 get bbox 3 get moveto -2.5 dup rmoveto 5 dup rect fill
	bbox 0 get bbox 2 get add 2 div bbox 3 get moveto
	 -2.5 dup rmoveto 5 dup rect fill
	bbox 0 get bbox 3 get moveto -2.5 dup rmoveto 5 dup rect fill
	bbox 0 get bbox 1 get bbox 3 get add 2 div moveto
	 -2.5 dup rmoveto 5 dup rect fill
	} def

/display {
	Sx Sy Angle X Y spos
	geom {/display exch send} forall
	ingroup not {
	0 setgray
	/contour_mark self send
	grestore} if
	} def

/align_left{%align all elements on the left side of the bbox
	geom{begin /X X bbox 0 get sub store end} forall
	/make_bbox_component self send
	} def

	geom{begin /Y Y bbox 1 get sub store end} forall
	/make_bbox_component self send
	} def

	/X1 bbox 2 get bbox 0 get sub store
	geom {begin /X X X1 bbox 2 get sub add store end} forall
	/make_bbox_component self send
	} def

	/X1 bbox 3 get bbox 1 get sub store
	geom {begin /Y Y X1 bbox 3 get sub add store end} forall
	/make_bbox_component self send
	} def

	/X1 bbox 2 get bbox 0 get add 2 div bbox 0 get sub store
	geom {begin /X X X1 bbox 2 get bbox 0 get add 2 div sub add store end}
	/make_bbox_component self send
	} def

	/X1 bbox 3 get bbox 1 get add 2 div bbox 1 get sub store
	geom {begin /Y Y X1 bbox 3 get bbox 1 get add 2 div sub add store end}
	/make_bbox_component self send
	} def

/display_ps {
	(gsave % % translate % rotate % % scale\n) [X Y Angle Sx Sy] fprintf
	geom {/display_ps exch send} forall
	PSfile ( grestore\n) [] fprintf
	} def

/erase {
	X Y translate Angle rotate Sx Sy scale
	geom {/erase exch send} forall
	ingroup not {
	gsave 1 setgray
	/contour_mark self send
	grestore} if
	} def
/scale_geom {%sx sy
	/Sy2 exch store /Sx2 exch store
	geom {dup Sx2 Sy2 /scale_geom 4 -1 roll send
	      begin /X X Sx2 mul store /Y Y Sy2 mul store end} forall

	/make_bbox_component self send
	 } def

/changefont {
	{geom { /changefont exch send} forall} /change_geom self send
	} def

	{geom {/changefontsize exch send} forall} /change_geom self send
	} def

/components_path {%makes a path going from 0 0 to origins of components
		  %relative to group coord. syst.
	X Y translate Angle rotate Sx Sy scale
	0 0 moveto
	geom {begin X Y lineto end} forall
	} def

/make_bbox {% approximatively computed from the box of components
	    %expressed relatively 
	    %to the group coord. syst.

	mtrx1 currentmatrix pop
%draws a path following all the boxex components
	X Y translate Angle rotate Sx Sy scale

	geom 0 get begin bbox aload pop %x1 y1 x2 y2
			newpath moveto pop pop end
	geom 0 Ngr getinterval
	 {begin bbox aload pop  	%x1 y1 x2 y2
		 2 copy lineto		%x1 y1 x2 y2 ; x2 y2
		 1 index 3 index lineto %	     ; x2 y1
		 3 index 3 index lineto %	     ; x1 y1
		 3 index 1 index lineto %	     ; x1 y2
		 pop pop pop pop
		 end} forall
	mtrx1 setmatrix
	pathbbox bbox astore pop
	} def

/i_get_geom_enum{%put selected objects as part of group
	getclick	%X1 Y1 - group origin
	/Y1 exch store /X1 exch store
	/X2 X1 store /Y2 Y1 store	
	/Ntmp 0 store
	(enter origin point : ) prmessage
	/Y0 exch store /X0 exch store
	(select objects - end with twice the same point :) prmessage
	X0 X2 ne Y0 Y2 ne and 
	X0 Y0 find_object_on_pt
	null ne { dup begin (% added in group) [tableindex] prmessage  end
		tmparray exch Ntmp exch put /Ntmp Ntmp 1 add store
		{pop} ifelse
	/X2 X0 store /Y2 Y0 store
	{exit} ifelse
	} loop
%	Ntmp 3 string cvs print ( N\n) print
	X1 Y1 tmparray 0 Ntmp getinterval
	} def

/i_get_geom_by_box{%define group in giving a box
	(enter box enclosing objects to group : ) prmessage
	getwholerect waitprocess %[x1 y1 x2 y2]
	/bbox exch store
	[ bbox find_objects_in_box /Ntmp exch store ] 
	(% objects to group) [Ntmp] prmessage
	bbox 0 get bbox 1 get 3 -1 roll  %the origin should be
				         %the bounding box
	} def

	group_def_mode (by box) eq 
		{/i_get_geom_by_box self send}
		{/i_get_geom_enum self send} ifelse
	} def
classend def

(ClippingGroup \n) printdbg
/ClippingGroup Group
%a clipping group is composed of 2 objects : the first one
%is the clipping obj and the second one the clipped obj. The clipping obj
%should be a line or curve;

	mtrx1 currentmatrix pop
	geom 0 get begin Sx Sy Angle X Y end 
	  /make_path geom 0 get send clip %set the clip path
	mtrx1 setmatrix
	} def

/set_geom {%[o1 o2 o3 ...] =>
	   %change X Y of Oi to X' Y' relative to X Y of group obj
	   %set ingroup flag of each Oi
%	(set_geom\n) print
	dup length /geom exch array store
	geom copy pop
	/Ngr geom length store

%get origin of group : first point of bbox of clipping
	geom 0 get begin bbox end aload pop	%x1 y1 x2 y2
	pop pop /Y exch store /X exch store				
	/X0 X store /Y0 Y store
	geom {begin /X X X0 sub store /Y Y Y0 sub store /ingroup true
		store end} forall
	/make_bbox_component self send
	} def

	geom 1 get begin /ingroup false store end
	Sx Sy Angle X Y spos
	/display geom 1 get send
	/delete super send
	} def

/display {
	Sx Sy Angle X Y spos
	/display geom 0 get send	%dipslay clipping obj
	/setclip self send
	/display geom 1 get send        %draws the clipped
	} def

/display_ps {
	(gsave % %  %  % % spos\n) [Sx Sy  Angle X Y] fprintf
	/display_ps geom 0 get send
	PSfile ( % % % % % ) [geom 0 get begin Sx Sy Angle X Y end] fprintf
	/make_path_ps geom 0 get send PSfile ( clip ) [] fprintf
	/display_ps geom 1 get send
	PSfile ( grestore\n) [] fprintf
	} def

/erase {
	Sx Sy Angle X Y spos
	/erase geom 0 get send	%dipslay clipping obj
	/setclip self send
	/erase geom 1 get send        %draws the clipped
	} def
/make_bbox{ %the bounding box is the one of the clipping obj
	/Ngr 1 store
	/make_bbox super send
	/Ngr 2 store
	} def

classend def

(RoundedRect \n) printdbg
/RoundedRect DrawObject
/radcorner 8 def
/new {
	/new super send begin
	currentdict end
	} def

/setradcorner {/radcorner exch store} def
	/saveivar super send
	OSfile ( % ) [radcorner] fprintf
	} def
	/radcorner exch store
	/loadivar super send
	} def

/make_path {% geom contains radius;
	geom null ne {
%		translate rotate scale
		radcorner 0 0 geom 0 get geom 1 get rrectpath
		} if
	} def

	geom null ne {
	 (spos newpath % 0 0 % % rrectpath\n)
	 [radcorner geom 0 get geom 1 get] fprintf
	} if

/i_get_geom {
	/Y0 exch store /X0 exch store	%center
	X0 Y0
	{newpath radcorner x0 y0 x x0 sub y y0 sub rrectpath
	} getanimated
	waitprocess aload pop  %x1 y1
	/Y1 exch store
	/X1 exch store
	X0 Y0 [X1 X0 sub Y1 Y0 sub]		%X,Y, w, h
	} def

classend def

/get_path {%ask a path to the user; path terminated by double-clicking
	   %last point;
	   %path put in tmparray as [ [x1,y1],.... ] , Ntmp elements
	   %first point -origin - in X0, Y0, all xi,yi relative to origin
	   %get points until two points are equal

	(enter points - enter twice the same point to end) prmessage
	/Y0 exch store /X0 exch store	%origin
	X0 Y0 translate
	/X2 0 store /Y2 0 store
	/Ntmp 0 store
	0 0
		0 0 moveto
		tmparray 0 Ntmp getinterval {aload pop lineto} forall
		X2 Y2 moveto
        	x y lineto stroke} 
	waitprocess aload pop
	/Y1 exch store /X1 exch store
	X2 X1 eq Y2 Y1 eq and
		{tmparray Ntmp [X1 Y1] put /Ntmp Ntmp 1 add store
		 /X2 X1 store /Y2 Y1 store
		} ifelse
	} loop

	(% points path) [Ntmp] prmessage
	} def

/edit_path{%edit path of a polyline
		0 0 moveto
		tmparray 0 Ntmp getinterval {aload pop lineto} forall
		Closed {closepath} if stroke
	} g_edit_path
	} def

Yves Bernard
Philips Research Lab Brussels,
2 av. Van Becelaere 1170 Brussels, Belgium


bernard@prlb2.UUCP (Bernard Yves) (01/05/89)

NeWSillustrator part 2


/outline_proc {} def
/Ne 0 def
/g_edit_path{ %generic path edition 
	    %outline_proc => -; the outlining function
	    %a path is in tmparray 0-Ntmp; 
	    %allows the user to edit
	    %it by its moving points;

	/outline_proc exch store
	Sx Sy Angle X Y spos
	/X2 0 store /Y2 0 store
%select point to move
%equivalent to a getclick but with the good outlining function	
	0 0 {outline_proc} getanimated waitprocess aload pop
	/Y1 exch store /X1 exch store
	X2 X1 eq Y2 Y1 eq and
 		{exit	}	%stop edition
		/X2 X1 store /Y2 Y1 store
		X1 Y1 findpointofpath		%=> -1 or N
		dup 0 ge		%a point is selected
			{/Ne exch store
			(point selected -- move it) prmessage 
			0 0 {tmparray Ne [x y] put outline_proc}
			waitprocess pop		
			(point not found) prmessage pop
			} ifelse
		} ifelse
	} loop
	} def

/findpointofpath{% X Y => N
	/N -1 store
	0 1 Ntmp 1 sub
	{dup tmparray exch get aload pop	%x y n x1 y1
	 3 index sub abs 3 lt exch %x y n  b1 x1
	 4 index sub abs 3 lt	   %x y n  b1 b2
	 and {/N exch store
	      } {pop} ifelse
	} for
	pop pop N
	} def

		0 0 moveto /N 1 store /Xc 0 store /Yc 0 store
		tmparray 0 Ntmp getinterval 
		  {aload pop %x y
		  N 3 eq {gsave Xc Yc moveto
			  2 copy /Yc exch store /Xc exch store
			  /N 1 store
			  stroke grestore Xc Yc moveto} 
			  { 2 copy lineto
			   /N N 1 add store} ifelse} forall
	} def

	{outline_curve stroke} g_edit_path
	} def

/get_curved_path {%ask a path to the user; path terminated by double-clicking
	   %last point;
	   %path put in tmparray as [ [x1,y1],.... ] , Ntmp elements
	   %first point -origin - in X0, Y0, all xi,yi relative to origin
	   %get points until two points are equal

	(enter first point : ) prmessage
	/Y0 exch store /X0 exch store	%origin
	(enter points 3 by 3 - enter twice the same point to end) prmessage
	X0 Y0 translate
	/X2 0 store /Y2 0 store
	/Ntmp 0 store	
	/N 1 store 
	0 0
	 {	outline_curve
		X2 Y2 moveto
        	x y lineto stroke} 
	waitprocess aload pop
	/Y1 exch store /X1 exch store
	X2 X1 eq Y2 Y1 eq and
		{tmparray Ntmp [X1 Y1] put /Ntmp Ntmp 1 add store
		 /X2 X1 store /Y2 Y1 store
		} ifelse
	} loop

	/Ntmp Ntmp Ntmp 3 mod sub  store  %Ntmp a multiple of 4
	(% curves path) [ Ntmp 3 div ] prmessage
	} def

(Polyline \n) printdbg
/Polyline DrawObject
/Npoint 0 def	%nbre de points
/Closed false def %if true -> polygon
/new {
	/new super send begin
	currentdict end
	} def

	/saveivar super send
	OSfile ( % % ) [Npoint Closed] fprintf
	} def
	/Closed exch store
	/Npoint exch store
	/loadivar super send
	} def

/make_path {%the path coord relative to 0,0 are stored in an array in geom
	geom null ne {

	0 0 moveto
	geom {aload pop lineto} forall Closed {closepath} if
	} if
	} def

	geom null ne {
	PSfile (spos newpath 0 0 moveto \n) [] fprintf
	geom {PSfile exch  ( % % lineto \n) exch fprintf} forall
	Closed {PSfile ( closepath\n) [] fprintf} if
	} if
	} def

/scale_geom { %sx sy => -

	mtrx0 currentmatrix pop
	0 0 0  /make_path self send 	%path
	mtrx0 setmatrix			%path is scaled
	/N 0 store
	{pop pop} { %x y
		geom N get astore pop
		/N N 1 add store}
		{} {} pathforall
	} def

/i_get_geom {
	get_path	%path introduced by user in tmparray;

	X0 Y0 tmparray 0 Ntmp getinterval
		%x y [array of [xi yi] ] on stack
	} def

/edit_proc {edit_path} def

/edit_geom {%interactive edition of geom
	(select point of line and move it -- click twice on same point to end)
	/oldcanvas currentcanvas store
	/Ntmp Npoint store	
	tmparray 0 geom putinterval
	/edit_proc self send
	oldcanvas setcanvas
	geom null ne {/erase self send} if
	tmparray 0 Ntmp getinterval /set_geom self send
	geom null ne {
		/make_bbox self send
		/display self send} if
	} def

/set_geom { %[ [x1 y1] [x2 y2] ... ] => -
	dup length array /geom exch store
	geom copy
	length  /Npoint exch store
	} def

	OSfile ([ %polyg. geom\n) writestring
	geom {OSfile exch ( [ % % ] ) exch fprintf} forall
	OSfile ( ] %end of polyg. geom\n) writestring
	} def

/clone_geom { %here the geom is an array of array
	geom type (arraytype) eq
		{/newarray geom length array store /N 0 store
		 geom {2 array copy newarray exch N exch put 
			/N N 1 add store} forall
		 /geom newarray store} if
	/newarray 4 array store
	bbox newarray copy /bbox exch store
	} def

classend def

(Curve \n) printdbg
/Curve Polyline
/iter 1 def
/new {
	/new super send begin
	currentdict end
	} def

/make_path {%the path coord relative to 0,0 are stored in an array in geom
	geom null ne {
%	translate rotate scale
	0 0 moveto
	/iter 1 def
	geom {
		aload pop
		iter 3 eq {curveto /iter 1 store } 
			  {/iter iter 1 add store} ifelse
		} forall

	Closed {closepath} if
	} if
	} def

/make_path_ps {%the path coord relative to 0,0 are stored in an array in geom
	geom null ne {

	PSfile (spos newpath 0 0 moveto\n) [] fprintf
	/iter 1 def
	geom {
		PSfile exch ( % % ) exch fprintf
	%	aload pop
		iter 3 eq {
			  PSfile ( curveto\n) [] fprintf /iter 1 store } 
			  {/iter iter 1 add store} ifelse
		} forall

	Closed {PSfile ( closepath\n) [] fprintf} if
	} if
	} def

/scale_geom { %sx sy => -

	mtrx0 currentmatrix pop
	0 0 0  /make_path super send 	%path
	mtrx0 setmatrix			%path is scaled
	/N 0 store
	{pop pop} { %x y
		geom N get astore pop
		/N N 1 add store}
		{} {} pathforall
	} def

/edit_proc {edit_curved_path} def

/i_get_geom {
	get_curved_path	%path introduced by user in tmparray;

	X0 Y0 tmparray 0 Ntmp getinterval
		%x y [array of [xi yi] ] on stack
	} def

classend def

/FontName /Times-Roman def
/pointsize 30 def

(Text\n) printdbg
/TextObject DrawObject
/Fontname /Times-Roman def
/Size 30 def
/font null def
/Sh 0 def	%the height, width of the box enclosing the
/Sw 0 def	%string in global coord. sys. (non scaled and non rot.)
/new {
	/new super send begin
	currentdict end
	} def

	/init super send
	/Fontname FontName store
	/Size pointsize store
	/color 0 store		%black
	} def

	/saveivar super send
	OSfile (/% % % %) [Fontname Size Sh Sw] fprintf
	} def

	/Sw exch store
	/Sh exch store
	/Size exch store
	/Fontname exch store
	/loadivar super send
	} def

	OSfile ( \() writestring 
	OSfile  geom writestring OSfile (\) \n) writestring
	} def

/make_font {% sets the font entry
	/font Fontname findfont Size scalefont store} def

/set_font_and_size {% /fontname size =>
	/Size exch def
	/Fontname exch def
	/make_font self send} def

/changefont{ % change the font
	{/Fontname FontName store} /change_geom self send
	} def

/changefontsize{% change font size
	{/Size pointsize store} /change_geom self send
	} def
/make_path {
	geom null ne {
	Fontname findfont Size scalefont setfont
	0 0 moveto geom show
	} if
	} def

/make_path_ps {
	geom null ne {
	PSfile (spos\n) [] fprintf
	PSfile ( /% findfont % scalefont setfont\n) [Fontname Size] fprintf
	PSfile (newpath	0 0 moveto (%) show\n) [geom] fprintf
	} if
	} def

/is_in_obj {
	/is_in_box self send} def

/dr {% linewidth linecolor color linejoin linecap linestyle => - only
     %color is important 
	pop pop pop setgray pop pop
	Sx Sy Angle X Y /make_path self send 
	} def

	PSfile (gsave pop pop pop setgray pop pop % % % % % \n)
		 [Sx Sy Angle X Y] fprintf
	/make_path_ps self send
	PSfile (grestore\n) writestring
	} def

/make_bbox{ %there seems to be problem with charpath and rotation;
	    %therefore finds the box and draws it in the object coord.
	    %system and extracts its bbox in the current coord. syst

	geom null ne {		
	mtrx0 currentmatrix pop
	Fontname findfont Size scalefont setfont
	0 0 moveto geom stringbbox	%here we have the box x,y,w,h
	2 copy /Sh exch store /Sw exch store
	X Y translate Angle rotate Sx Sy scale
	0 0 moveto rect pop pop
	mtrx0 setmatrix
	pathbbox bbox astore pop
	grestore} if
	} def

/make_opath{ spos 0 0 moveto Sw Sh rect} def

/scale_geom { %sx sy
%	max Size mul /Size exch store
	/Sy exch store /Sx exch store
	} def

/i_get_geom {%the string is in textstring; 
	/geom get_textstring store
	0 0 {newpath 
		Sx Sy Angle x y gsave /make_path self send grestore
		} getanimated
	waitprocess aload pop	%x y
	} def

classend def

(PostScriptImport\n) printdbg
%the local bbox of the object is stored in the geom variable

/alreadyimporteddict 50 dict def
	%for each imported file, will contain
	%a PostScript object for which the corresponding
	%drawproc has been correctly defined

/PSFileCycle{ % filename => bool ; true if filename is an already
		% imported PS file
	{ %key, value is an PS object   %filename false key obj
	exch pop			%               obj
	/filename get			%filename false filename2
	2 index eq {			%filename false               
		    pop true exit} if
	} forall
	exch pop
	} def

/add_extension{% filename (.extension) => filename.extension
	exch	%ext filename
	( ) search 	%ext post match pre true
	4 -1 roll   %post match pre ext
	4 2 roll	%pre ext post match
	pop pop append
	{		%ext pre 
	exch append
	} ifelse
	} def

/extract_fname{% /.../.../.../toto.xxx => toto.xxx
	(/) search
		{ % post match pre
		 pop pop}
		{exit} ifelse
	} loop
	} def

/make_wrappedfname{%filename => PWD/fname.wps
	(PWD) getenv (/) append exch extract_fname append (.wps) add_extension
	} def

/achar 1 string def
/linestring2 256 string def
/make_procname{	% filename => -
		%from a filename make a postscript name
		%by repacing all / by a _
	/N 0 store
	0 1 linestring2 length 1 sub {linestring2 exch 32 put} for
	{ achar 0 3 -1 roll put achar dup (/) eq {pop (_)} if  %char or _
	 linestring2 N 3 -1 roll putinterval
	 /N N 1 add store
	} forall
	linestring2 ( ) search pop %post match pre
	3 1 roll pop pop cvn
	} def

/linestring 256 string def
/TmpFile null def
/PS2file null def

/errorstring 30 string def

/copytofile{% filename file => bool	; true if error
	exch 				%file filename
	(r) file /TmpFile exch store	% file
	dup				% file file
	TmpFile linestring readline     % file file subst bool
		{writestring 		% file 
		dup (\n) writestring	% file 
		{pop exit} ifelse
	} loop
	TmpFile closefile
	} stopped dup {get_errorstr} if
	} def

/get_errorstr{%gets current errorname and puts it in errorstring
	$error begin errorname end errorstring cvs pop
	} def
/fileerrorpr{% operation filename => -
		%print last file error message
	(file error : ) errorstring append
	 exch append exch append prmessage
	} def

/PostScript DrawObject
/drawproc nullproc def 		%the drawing code; any legal ps?
/filename 100 string def	%the imported file
/privatedict null def
/procname null def
/savemtrx null def
/new {
	/new super send begin
	currentdict end
	} def

	/init super send
%	/geom 4 array store
	/privatedict 50 dict store %a private dict for drawproc def and store
	/savemtrx matrix store
     } def

	/clone_geom super send
	privatedict 50 dict copy /privatedict exch store
	} def
/display{%drawing param are set; it is the responsability 
	 %of the drawing proc to reset them to its own values
	savemtrx currentmatrix pop
	Sx Sy Angle X Y spos
	geom 0 get neg geom 1 get neg translate
	linewidth setlinewidth
	linecolor setgray
	linecap  setlinecap
	linejoin setlinejoin
	linestyle setdashpat
	privatedict begin drawproc end 
	savemtrx setmatrix
	} def

/display_ps {%for each imported file <file> a procedure /<file> is
	     %defined and called
	 procname null eq {/procname filename make_procname store} if
	 importfiledict procname known not
		{% the procedure is not yet defined in the ps file
						%procname procname

		self /drawproc get length 300 lt
			PSfile  (\n/%{\n) [ procname ] fprintf
			filename PSfile copytofile pop	%procname
			PSfile (\n} def\n) writestring	
			importfiledict procname 1 put     %procname
		} if
			%if the proc is too long
			%do not create a proc, but write
			%the imported file each time it is needed
		} if
	(savemtrx currentmatrix pop gsave % % % % % spos % % translate\n)
			[Sx Sy Angle X Y geom 0 get neg geom 1 get neg] fprintf
(% % % % % setdashpat setlinejoin setlinecap setgray setlinewidth\n)
	[linewidth linecolor linecap linejoin linestyle] fprintf

	self /drawproc get length 300 lt
(mark privatedict begin % end cleartomark grestore savemtrx setmatrix\n)
		[procname] fprintf
	(mark privatedict begin\n) writestring
	filename PSfile copytofile
	(end cleartomark grestore savemtrx setmatrix\n) writestring
	} ifelse
	} def

	Sy mul /Sy exch store
	Sx mul /Sx exch store
	} def

/make_opath{%draws the local bbox
%	geom 0 get geom 1 get moveto 
	0 0 moveto
	geom 2 get geom 0 get sub geom 3 get geom 1 get sub rect
	} def

/make_path{ /make_opath self send} def
	%will be used in is_in_obj;

/erase{%erases the local bounding box
	1 setgray
	Sx Sy Angle X Y
	make_opath fill
	} def

/make_bbox{%computes the global bbox	
	mtrx0 currentmatrix pop
	Sx Sy Angle X Y /make_opath self send
	mtrx0 setmatrix
	pathbbox bbox astore pop
	} def

/load_drawproc{ % - => bool; true if ok;
		%if not already made, makes the wrapped file and loads it 
		%the wrapped file is created in the user Home directory
		%with the same name as the user file and *.wps as extension
	/procname filename make_procname store
	alreadyimporteddict procname known
		%the dict entry contains the Postscript object
		%for which the corresponding drawproc has been defined
		  {alreadyimporteddict procname get /drawproc get exec} def

	/PS2file  filename make_wrappedfname (w) file store
	PS2file (/drawproc{ \n) writestring
	filename PS2file copytofile		%copies filename to the
						%end of PS2file
	{%error in copying file
	PS2file (\n} def \n) writestring
	PS2file closefile
	(loading wrapped file ) filename make_wrappedfname append prmessage 
	filename make_wrappedfname LoadFile
	dup  {alreadyimporteddict procname self put} if
	} ifelse
	} ifelse
	} def

/i_get_geom{ %reads the imported filename * and loads it
	     %makes a 'wrapped' file *.wps
	     %where the ps code is embedded : /drawproc{ <code> } def
	     %then loads it with LoadFile
	/filename get_ps_filename dup length string copy store

	(making wrapped file ) filename make_wrappedfname append prmessage
	/load_drawproc self send	%true if ok;
	 (enter the bounding box : ) prmessage
	 currentcanvas			%the overlay canvas
	 oldcanvas setcanvas		%the win canvas

	 {savemtrx currentmatrix pop
	 gsave mark privatedict begin drawproc end cleartomark grestore
	 savemtrx setmatrix} stopped
		{(error in executing PS file ) filename append prmessage
		 0 0 null
		 setcanvas			%reset the overlay
		 getwholerect waitprocess	%box
		 dup aload pop			%box x1 y1 x2 y2
		 pop pop 3 -1 roll		%x1 y1 box
		 (PS file imported: ) filename append prmessage
		} ifelse
	{( in loading ) filename fileerrorpr
	0 0 null
	} ifelse 

/save_geom{ OSfile ( [ % % % % ] \n) geom fprintf} def
	/saveivar super send
	OSfile ( \() writestring 
	OSfile  filename writestring OSfile (\) \n) writestring
	} def

	/filename exch store
	/load_drawproc self send 
		 {} 	%ok
		{(error in importing) filename append prmessage)} ifelse
	/loadivar super send
	} def

classend def

%building of an A4 size rectangle
/a4rect /new DrawObject send def
/X 100 35 div 3 mul def
/Y 100 35 div 3 mul def
/geom [100 35 div 197 mul 100 35 div 282 mul] def
/linecolor .85 def
/linewidth 2 def
/ingroup true def	%so that it is not selectable by user;
} a4rect send

%drawing area window definition
/win framebuffer /new ScrollAndZoomWindow send def

(main interaction routines\n) printdbg
/selected_obj null def
/old_selection null def

/create_object {%class => obj
	{ClientCanvas} win send  setcanvas
	/new exch send /selected_obj exch store
	/i_def_geom selected_obj send
	selected_obj begin geom end null ne
		{selected_obj  AddObject}
		{/selected_obj null store} ifelse
	} def

/create_polygon {
	{ClientCanvas} win send  setcanvas
	/new Polyline send /selected_obj exch store selected_obj  AddObject
	selected_obj begin /Closed true store end
	/i_def_geom selected_obj send
	} def

/find_object_on_pt {%x y => obj | null
		    %only objects which are not in a group can be found

	/Y0 exch store /X0 exch store

	/Xc null store
	/Yc null store
	ObjTable 0 Nobj getinterval {
		/Xc exch store 
		Xc  null ne
		{Xc begin ingroup end not
		{X0 Y0 /is_in_obj Xc send 
			{/Yc Xc store exit} if} if} if} forall
	} def

/find_objects_in_box {% [x1 y1 x2 y2] => o1 o2.... on n
	/b1 exch store
	/N 0 def
	ObjTable 0 Nobj getinterval {
		/Xc exch store
		Xc  null ne
		{Xc begin ingroup end not
		{Xc begin bbox end b1 box_in_box  
			{Xc /N N 1 add store} if} if} if} forall
	} def

/select_object {
	{ClientCanvas} win send  setcanvas
	/oldcanvas currentcanvas store
	(select object by clicking on it : ) prmessage
	oldcanvas setcanvas
	null ne {dup /erase exch send
		 /selected_obj exch store
		  /display selected_obj send
		  selected_obj begin [tableindex] end 
			(% is selected) exch prmessage
		/getclassname selected_obj send /Group ne
		{/update_control_panel selected_obj send} if
		 (no object selected) prmessage} ifelse
	} def

/i1 0 def
/i2 0 def

/swap_obj{ % o1 o2 => - ; swaps the 2 obj in ObjTable;
	dup begin /i2 tableindex store end
	exch dup begin /i1 tableindex store end  %o2 o1
	dup begin /tableindex i2 store end ObjTable exch i2 exch put
	dup begin /tableindex i1 store end ObjTable exch i1 exch put
	(% and % swapped) [i1 i2] prmessage
	} def

/find_overlapping_obj{ %  fromindex step toindex obj => first_over_obj
		      %obj in X1, overlap in Xc
	/X1 exch store
	/Xc null store
		{ObjTable exch get dup /X2 exch store
		null ne
		  {X2 begin ingroup end not
			{X1 begin bbox end X2 begin bbox end overlapping_box
				{/Xc X2 store exit} if
			} if
		  } if
		} for
	} def

/move_down{ % obj => obj2 ; invert position of obj in ObjTable with
	% the next object behind it overlapping it

	dup begin tableindex end 1 sub -1 0 4 -1 roll find_overlapping_obj
	dup null ne {X1 Xc swap_obj} if	
	} def

/move_up{ % obj => obj2 ; invert position of obj in ObjTable with
	% the next object over it overlapping it obj2

	dup begin tableindex end 1 add 1 Nobj 1 sub 4 -1 roll 
	dup null ne {X1 Xc swap_obj} if
	} def

/apply_on_sel {% proc => - ; apply proc on selection if non null
	selected_obj null ne
		{{ClientCanvas} win send setcanvas
		{pop (no object selected !) prmessage} ifelse
	} def

/notifyselection true def
/apply_on_sel2 {% proc => - ; apply proc on selection if non null
	selected_obj null ne notifyselection and
		{{ClientCanvas} win send setcanvas
%		 (selection notified\n) print
		{pop} ifelse
	} def

/current_linecolor 0 def	%black
/current_linewidth 0 def	%hair line
/current_fill 0 def
/current_linecap 0 def
/current_linejoin 0 def
/current_linestyle 0 def
/current_radcorner 8 def
/erase_flag true def
/group_def_mode (by box) def

	    FontDirectory {
		% include all fonts except /Cursor
		pop dup /Cursor ne {
		    25 string cvs
		    dup length 3 le { pop } if
		} {
		} ifelse
	    } forall
        [{/FontName currentkey store
	{ /changefont selected_obj send} apply_on_sel2}]
	/new DefaultMenu send def

        [(  6  ) (8) (10) (12) (14) (16) (18) (24) (30) (32) (64)]
	[{/pointsize currentkey cvi store
	  { /changefontsize selected_obj send} apply_on_sel2}]
	/new DefaultMenu send def

	(save PS file) {generate_ps}
        (save Objects file) {generate_os}
	(load Objects file) {load_osfile}
	/new DefaultMenu send def

/align_op{%align_proc => -
	selected_obj null ne
		{{ClientCanvas} win send setcanvas
		 /getclassname selected_obj send /Group eq 
		 	{/change_geom selected_obj send} if
		{pop (no group object selected !) prmessage} ifelse
	} def

/clipped_obj null def
/clipping_obj null def

/make_clip{%the current selection contains the clipped object
	   %ask for the clipping obj and creates a ClippingGroup
	/clipped_obj selected_obj store
	clipped_obj begin /ingroup true store end
	clipped_obj begin /ingroup false store end
	selected_obj null ne {
	/getclassname selected_obj send /Group ne 
	/getclassname selected_obj send /TextObject ne and
	/getclassname selected_obj send /PostScript ne and
	/clipping_obj selected_obj store
	/erase clipped_obj send
	/new ClippingGroup send /selected_obj exch store
	[clipping_obj clipped_obj] /set_geom selected_obj send
	/make_bbox selected_obj send
	/display selected_obj send
	selected_obj AddObject
	(error : the clipping obj can not be a group, a text or an importPS)
	/selected_obj clipped_obj store
	} ifelse
	} if
	} def

	(edit line or curve)  {{/edit_geom selected_obj send} apply_on_sel}
	(clip)	 {{make_clip} apply_on_sel}
	(align left) {{/align_left self send} align_op}
	(align bottom) {{/align_bottom self send} align_op}
	(align right)  {{/align_right self send} align_op}
	(align top)  {{/align_top self send} align_op}
	(center vertical)  {{/center_vertical self send} align_op}
	(center horizontal)  {{/center_horizontal self send} align_op}
	] /new DefaultMenu send def

/psfilename null def
	 items /psfilename get /ItemValue get} def
	/psfilename ItemValue store} def

/PSfile null def
/generate_ps {
	{ClientCanvas} win send setcanvas
	get_ps_filename PSFileCycle not
	{get_ps_filename (w) file /PSfile exch store
	PSfile closefile} stopped
	 {get_errorstr ( in writing ) get_ps_filename fileerrorpr}
	 {(PS file is written: ) get_ps_filename append prmessage} ifelse
	{(can not write PS file: cycle,same name as an imported PS file ) 
	 get_ps_filename append prmessage
	} ifelse
	} def

/osfilename null def
	items /osfilename get /ItemValue get} def
	/osfilename ItemValue store} def

/OSfile null def
/generate_os {
	{ClientCanvas} win send setcanvas
	{get_os_filename (w) file /OSfile exch store
	OSfile closefile} stopped
	{get_errorstr ( in writing ) get_os_filename fileerrorpr}
	{(Objects file is written: ) get_os_filename append prmessage}
	} def
	{ClientCanvas} win send setcanvas
	(loading...) prmessage
	get_os_filename LoadFile 
		 {(Object file loaded: ) get_os_filename append prmessage
		/PaintClient win send 
		 {get_errorstr ( in loading ) get_os_filename fileerrorpr}
	} def

(Window definition \n) printdbg
	  ClientCanvas setcanvas 1 fillcanvas
	} def

/FrameLabel (Drawing Area) def

/ClientMenu [
	(Redisplay) {/PaintClient ThisWindow send}
	(Select) {select_object}

	(Move)	 {{/drag_and_trans selected_obj send} apply_on_sel}
	(Rotate) {{/drag_and_rotate selected_obj send} apply_on_sel}
	(Scale)  {{/drag_and_scale selected_obj send} apply_on_sel}
	(Copy)   {{
			/old_selection selected_obj store
			/selected_obj /clone selected_obj send store
			selected_obj AddObject
			/erase_flag false store
			/drag_and_trans selected_obj send
			/erase_flag true store
			} apply_on_sel}
	(Move Up) {{
			selected_obj move_up
			dup null ne {/display exch send
				     /display selected_obj send}
				{(no overlapping object over selection)
				prmessage}  ifelse
			} apply_on_sel

	(Move Down) {{
			selected_obj move_down
			dup null ne {/display selected_obj send
				     /display exch send} 
				{(no overlapping object behind selection)
				prmessage} ifelse
			} apply_on_sel

	(Delete) {{
			/delete selected_obj send
			/selected_obj null store} apply_on_sel}
	(Destroy) {{
			/destroy selected_obj send
			/selected_obj null store} apply_on_sel}
	(Other =>)  othermenu

	(------) {}
	(Rect) {
		DrawObject create_object 
	(Line) {
		Polyline create_object 
	(Polygon) {Polyline create_object 
		   selected_obj begin /Closed true store end
		   /display selected_obj send
	(Curve) {
		Curve create_object
	(RoundedRect) {RoundedRect create_object}
	(Oval)	      {Oval create_object}
	(Text)	{TextObject create_object}
	(Group) {Group create_object}
	(Import PS) {PostScript create_object}
	(------) {}
	(Zoom In) {/ZoomIn win send}
	(Zoom Out) {/ZoomOut win send}

	(Font => ) fontmenu
	(FontSize => ) pointsizemenu
	(Files IO => ) filemenu
	] /new DefaultMenu send def

} win send

%control panel window definition

(Control Panel definition\n) printdbg
systemdict /Item known not { (NeWS/liteitem.ps) run } if
%systemdict /Item known not { (NeWS/liteitem.ps) LoadFile pop } if

/notify? true def
/notify {
    notify? {(Notify: Value=%) [ItemValue] /printf messages send} if
} def
/FillColor .75 def

/prmessage { % sting => - print messages in Control Panel
	 /printf messages send
	} def

/notifylq {ItemValue 10 div setlinequality} def

	{/current_linewidth ItemValue store
		   {current_linewidth /setlinewidth2 self send} 
		   /change_geom selected_obj send} apply_on_sel2
	} def

	{/current_linecolor ItemValue 100 div store
		   {current_linecolor /setlinecolor self send} 
		   /change_geom selected_obj send} apply_on_sel2
	} def

	{/current_fill ItemValue 0 lt {-1} {ItemValue 100 div} ifelse store
		   {current_fill /setcolor self send} 
		   /change_geom selected_obj send} apply_on_sel2
	} def

	{/group_def_mode ItemValue 0 eq (by box) (by enumeration) ifelse
	} def

/notifylcap{/current_linecap ItemValue store
		   {{current_linecap /setlinecap2 self send} 
		   /change_geom selected_obj send} apply_on_sel2
	} def
/notifyljoin{/current_linejoin ItemValue store
		   {{current_linejoin /setlinejoin2 self send} 
		   /change_geom selected_obj send} apply_on_sel2
	} def

/notifylstyle{/current_linestyle ItemValue store
		   {{current_linestyle /setlinestyle self send} 
		   /change_geom selected_obj send} apply_on_sel2
	} def

/notifyradcorner {/current_radcorner ItemValue cvr 
			dup 0 eq {pop 8} if store
		   {{current_radcorner /setradcorner self send} 
		   /change_geom selected_obj send} apply_on_sel2
	} def

/textstring (enter string) def

/notifytext{/textstring ItemValue store} def

/gridon false def
/gridsize 100 def
/notifygridsize	{/gridsize ItemValue cvr store} def

	{/gridon ItemValue 1 eq store
	 } def

/get_textstring{%gets the ItemValue of the text liteitem
	items /textstring get /ItemValue get dup /textstring exch store
	} def

/draw_grid{% draws the grid
	gridon gridsize 0 gt and
	0 setgray [2 5] 0 setdash
	0 gridsize 1000 {dup 0 moveto 1000 lineto stroke} for
	0 gridsize 1000 {dup 0 exch moveto 1000 exch lineto stroke} for
	grestore} if
	} def

/putinControlPanel{%linewidth linecolor color linestyle linejoin linecap
	/notifyselection false store
	/oldcanvas currentcanvas store
	{ClientCanvas} controlpanel send setcanvas
	items begin
	linecap /ItemValue 3 -1 roll put /paint linecap send
	linejoin /ItemValue 3 -1 roll put /paint linejoin send
	linestyle /ItemValue 3 -1 roll put /paint linestyle send
	dup -1 ne {100 mul} if
			fillcolor /ItemValue 3 -1 roll put
					/paint fillcolor send
	100 mul linecolor /ItemValue 3 -1 roll put /paint linecolor send
	linewidth /ItemValue 3 -1 roll put /paint linewidth send
	oldcanvas setcanvas
	/notifyselection true store
	} def

%Items creation
/createitems {
/items 15 dict dup begin

    /messages /panel_text (<messages come here>) /Right {} can 700 0
    /new MessageItem send dup begin
        /ItemFrame 1 def
        /ItemBorder 4 def
    end 20 20 /move 3 index send def

    /textstring (Text String:) (Text string) /Right /notifytext can 500 0
    	/new TextItem send 20 290 /move 3 index send def

    /osfilename (Objects file name:) (PWD) getenv
% (/u3/bernard/NeWS/PrologNeWS/obj)
	 /Right /notifyosfname can 500 0
    	/new TextItem send 20 260 /move 3 index send def

    /psfilename (PS file name:) (PWD) getenv
	 /Right /notifypsfname can 500 0
    	/new TextItem send 20 230 /move 3 index send def

    /gridsize (Grid Size:) (100) /Right /notifygridsize can 220 0
    	/new TextItem send 20 200 /move 3 index send def

    /gridbutton (Grid on:)  [/panel_check_off /panel_check_on]
        /Right /notifygridon can 0 0 /new CycleItem send
        dup /LabelY -4 put 250 200 /move 3 index send def

    /linequality (line quality:) [0 10 10] /Right /notifylq can 220 20
    	/new SliderItem send 20 170 /move 3 index send def

    /linecap (line cap:) [(butt) (round) (square) ]
    /Right /notifylcap can 0 0 /new CycleItem send
    250 140 /move 3 index send def
    /linejoin (line join:) [(miter) (round) (belevel) ]
   /Right /notifyljoin can 0 0 /new CycleItem send
    355 170 /move 3 index send def

    /linestyle (line style:) [(plain) (dash1) (dash2) ]
   /Right /notifylstyle can 0 0 /new CycleItem send
    250 170 /move 3 index send def

    /linewidth (line width:) [0 10 0] /Right /notifylw can 220 20
	/new SliderItem send dup /ItemFrame 1 put
	20 140 /move 3 index send def

    /linecolor (line color:) [0 100 0] /Right /notifylc can 220 20
	/new SliderItem send dup /ItemFrame 1 put
	20 110 /move 3 index send def

    /fillcolor (fill color:) [-1 100 -1] /Right /notifyfc can 220 20
	/new SliderItem send dup /ItemFrame 1 put
	20 80 /move 3 index send def
     /groupdef (Group Defined by :) [
	( box)
	( enumeration)
    ] /Right /notifygroupdefmode can 220 0  /new CycleItem send
    20 50 /move 3 index send def

    /radcorner (Rounded Corner Radius:) (8) /Right /notifyradcorner can 220 0
    	/new TextItem send 250 50 /move 3 index send def

end def
/messages items /messages get def
} def

/slideitem { % items fillcolor item => -
    dup 4 1 roll		% item items fillcolor item
    /moveinteractive exch send	% item
    /bbox exch send		% x y w h

    (Item: x=%, y=%, w=%, h=% Canvas: w=%, h=%) [
	6 2 roll
	win begin FrameWidth FrameHeight end
    ] /printf messages send
} def

/MakeControlPanel {

% Create and size a window.  The size is chosen to accommodate the
% items we are creating.  Right before we map the window, we ask the
% user to reshape the window.  This is atypical, but gets the items
% positioned the way we want them.

    /controlpanel framebuffer /new DefaultWindow send def	% Create a window
    {	/PaintClient {FillColor fillcanvas items paintitems} def
	/FrameLabel (Control Panel) def
	/IconImage /galaxy def
	/ClientMenu [
	    (White Background)	{/FillColor   1 store /paintclient controlpanel send}
	    (Light Background)	{/FillColor .75 store /paintclient controlpanel send}
	    (Medium Background)	{/FillColor .50 store /paintclient controlpanel send}
	    (Dark Background)	{/FillColor .25 store /paintclient controlpanel send}
	    (Black Background)	{/FillColor   0 store /paintclient controlpanel send}
	    (Flip Verbose)	{/notify? notify? not store}
	] /new DefaultMenu send def
    } controlpanel send						% Install my stuff.
    200 200 700 350 /reshape controlpanel send			% Shape it.
    /can controlpanel /ClientCanvas get def			% Get the window canvas
% Create all the items.
% Create event manager to slide around the items.
% Create a bunch of interests to move the items.
% Note we actually create toe call-back proc to have the arguments we need.
% The proc looks like: {items color "thisitem" slideitem}.
% We could also have used the interest's clientdata dict.
    /slidemgr [
	items { % key item
	    exch pop dup /ItemCanvas get	% item can
	    MiddleMouseButton [items FillColor	% item can name [ dict color
	    6 -1 roll /slideitem cvx] cvx	% can name proc
	    DownTransition 			% can name proc action
	    4 -1 roll eventmgrinterest		% interest
	} forall
    ] forkeventmgr def
% Now let the user specify the window's size and position.  Then map
% the window.  (See above)  Then activate the items.
%    /ptr /ptr_m framebuffer setstandardcursor

    /reshapefromuser controlpanel send	% Reshape from user.
    /map controlpanel send		% Map the window & install window event manager.
    				% (Damage causes PaintClient to be called)
    /itemmgr items forkitems def
} def


1 setlinequality

a4rect AddObject
%obj1 AddObject
%obj2 AddObject
%s1 AddObject

/make_bbox a4rect send
%/make_bbox obj1 send
%/make_bbox obj2 send
%/make_bbox s1 send

/reshapefromuser win send /map win send
1000 1000 /Resize win send
{/Scroll win send} {/Scroll win send} /SetNotifiers win send
win /ClientCanvas get setcanvas
win begin /overlaycan ClientCanvas createoverlay store end

Yves Bernard
Philips Research Lab Brussels,
2 av. Van Becelaere 1170 Brussels, Belgium


bernard@prlb2.UUCP (Bernard Yves) (01/27/89)

append the other parts together, make a chmod a+x on the file.


%	NeWSillustrator version 1.0
%	Copyright : Yves Bernard, Philips Research Lab Brussels
%			e-mail : bernard@prlb2.uucp
%			2 avenue Van Becelaere 1170 Brussels Belgium
% 1. You may freely copy and distribute copies of NeWSillustrator as you
% receive it, provided that you appropriately publish on each file this
% entire copyright notice
% 2. You may modify your copy or NeWSillustrator and copy and distribute
% such modifications under the terms of Paragraph 1 provided that you
% also include a notice stating what changes you made, and provided that
% your copy does not change the mention to NeWSillustrator in the
% windows labels and does not delete the original 'Info' copyright entry
% of the file menu.
% 3. You are not allowed to sell or distribute for any commercial purposes
% this software or any copies derived directly or indirectly from it.
% 4. For other licensing policies, contact the author at the above
% address 
% 6. This copyright notice is clearly derived from the Free Software
% Foundation licensing policy (-:)
% This software is provided without warranty of any kind, of course.

% scrollable and zoomable window class definition
systemdict /zapmenu known not
{systemdict begin

/zapmenu [
	(No, not really) {}
	(Yes, really) {/destroy ThisWindow send}
	] /new DefaultMenu send def
} if

/marksize 5 def				%size of mark for group box
/ScrollAndZoomWindow ScrollWindow
    /PictureWidth    0 def		% for translating the client window
    /PictureHeight   0 def
    /LDivisions	    10 def		% number of scroll bad pieces/whole
    /PDivisions	    3 def		% number of scroll bad pieces/whole
    /ScrollH	    0 def		% cumulative translation factors
    /ScrollV        0 def		% due to successive scrolling;
    /ZoomFactor	    1 def		% zooming factor;
    /newox 	    0 def
    /newoy          0 def
    /Nzoom	    0 def
    /zoomstack      50 array def
    /overlaycan	    null def
    /Resize { % width height => - size the backround canvas
	/PictureHeight exch def
	/PictureWidth exch def
	[%0 PictureWidth ClientWidth sub
	 newox neg  PictureWidth ClientWidth sub newox add  %min max
	    dup dup LDivisions div exch  PDivisions div
	    /setrange HScrollbar send
	[%0 PictureHeight ClientHeight sub
	 newoy neg PictureHeight ClientHeight sub newoy add
	    dup dup LDivisions div exch  PDivisions div null]
	    /setrange VScrollbar send
    } def
    /SetNotifiers { % Hnotifier Vnotifier => -
	VScrollbar /NotifyUser 3 -1 roll put
	HScrollbar /NotifyUser 3 -1 roll put
    } def
    /Scroll {ScrollProc} def
    /ZoomIn {/marksize marksize 2 div store
	    /ZoomFactor ZoomFactor 2 mul def ZoomInProc} def
    /ZoomOut {ZoomFactor 1 ne
		{/marksize marksize 2 mul store
		/ZoomFactor ZoomFactor 2 div def ZoomOutProc} if} def
    /ShapeClientCanvas {
	ClientCanvas null ne {
		ScrollAndZoomAxis} if
	} def

  /CreateFrameMenu { % - => - (Create frame menu)
	% Note: Store menu in class to share menus, especially if retained.
	/FrameMenu [
	    (Move)	{/slide ThisWindow send}
	    (Move Constrained)
		{getfbclick pop pop /slideconstrained ThisWindow send}
	    (Top)	{/totop ThisWindow send}
	    (Bottom)	{/tobottom ThisWindow send}
	    (Zap => )	zapmenu
	    (Resize)	{/reshapefromuser ThisWindow send}
	    (Stretch Corner)
	    	{getfbclick pop pop /stretchcorner ThisWindow send}
	    (Stretch Edge)
	    	{getfbclick pop pop /stretchwindowedge ThisWindow send}
	    (Close)	{/flipiconic ThisWindow send}
	    (Redisplay)	{/paint ThisWindow send}
	] /new DefaultMenu send def
	} def

/ScrollAxis {%the scorllbar values are always in abs. coord.
	/ScrollH HScrollbar /ItemValue get  def
	/ScrollV VScrollbar /ItemValue get  def
	BorderLeft BorderBottom translate
	ScrollH neg ScrollV neg translate
	} def

/ScrollProc {
	/PaintClient self send

	} def

/pushzoomstack{% - => -
	zoomstack  Nzoom [ScrollH ScrollV ]  put
	/Nzoom Nzoom 1 add store
	} def

	Nzoom 0 ne
		{/Nzoom Nzoom 1 sub store
		 zoomstack Nzoom get aload pop
%put that in the scroll bar value
		/ScrollV exch store /ScrollH exch store
		HScrollbar /ItemValue ScrollH put
		VScrollbar /ItemValue ScrollV put
		} if
	} def

/ZoomInAxis {  %zoom in by 1, 2, 4, 8,... 
	/newox ClientWidth 2 div ClientWidth 2 ZoomFactor exp div sub def
	/newoy ClientHeight 2 div ClientHeight 2 ZoomFactor exp div sub def
	newox neg newoy neg translate
	ZoomFactor ZoomFactor scale
	ScrollH ZoomFactor div newox ZoomFactor div add
	ScrollV ZoomFactor div newoy ZoomFactor div add
	ClientWidth ZoomFactor div ClientHeight ZoomFactor div
		ClientPath ClientCanvas reshapecanvas
	} def

/ScrollAndZoomAxis {
	FrameCanvas setcanvas
% modifies the transf. matrix of the client canvas:
	ZoomFactor 1 eq 	
		{/newox 0 store
		 /newoy 0 store
		ScrollH ScrollV  ClientWidth  ClientHeight ClientPath
		ClientCanvas reshapecanvas}
		{ZoomInAxis} ifelse

	/overlaycan ClientCanvas createoverlay store
	MakeScrollEvent sendevent
	} def

	pause KillDefComProcess pause 
	/reshape super send
	/overlaycan ClientCanvas createoverlay store
	NeWSillustratorDict /Started known
		{MakeDefComProcess pause} if
	} def
/ZoomInProc {
	/PaintClient self send
	PictureWidth  2  mul
	PictureHeight 2   mul /Resize self send
	 HScrollbar /ItemValue ScrollH newox add put
	 VScrollbar /ItemValue ScrollV newoy add put 
	/paintscrollbars self send
	} def

/ZoomOutProc {
	/PaintClient self send
	PictureWidth  2 div
	PictureHeight 2 div /Resize self send
	 HScrollbar /ItemValue ScrollH newox add put
	 VScrollbar /ItemValue ScrollV newoy add put 
	/paintscrollbars self send
	} def

/destroy{ % typical to NeWSillustrator
	/destroy super send
	} def

classend def

/MyWindowClass DefaultWindow
	{KillDefComProcess pause
	/reshape super send pause pause
	NeWSillustratorDict /Started known
		{MakeDefComProcess} if
	} def

/destroy{ %
	/destroy super send
	} def
classend def

%private dict for all definitions
/NeWSillustratorDict 400 dict def
NeWSillustratorDict begin

%if user wants to redefine that...
/LeftMouseButton /LeftMouseButton def
/RightMouseButton /RightMouseButton def
/MiddleMouseButton /MiddleMouseButton def

/snap_to_grid{% x y => xg yg
	gridsize div round gridsize mul	%x yg
	exch gridsize div round gridsize mul %yg xg
	} def

/SnapToGrid? false def
/animate_event null def
/crosshair? false def
/Cancel? {animate_event RightMouseButton eq} def
/Abort? false def
/Confirm? {% message => true | false
	( Confirm by Left, Abort with R. or M. button)
			append prmessage 
   .033333 blockinputqueue
    {	createevent dup begin
	  /Action [ /DownTransition /UpTransition] def
          /Exclusivity true def
	end expressinterest
	createevent dup /Name /MouseDragged put expressinterest
	    awaitevent begin
	      Action UpTransition eq
		 { Name end exit } if
	} loop
    } fork waitprocess 
	LeftMouseButton eq
} def

createevent dup begin
	  /Name /WindowScrolled def
	   end} def	  

/ThisObj null def
/RedisplayWhenScroll {} def

/mygetanimated {	%  x0 y0 proc  =>   x y; puts button name in 
			% animate_event

	{ 3 copy false SnapToGrid? mygetanimated_2 
%	  dup /CurAniProc exch store
	  waitprocess					%p [x y]
	  animate_event /WindowScrolled ne
		 {pop exit}					%p 
		 {pause pop pop
		  /RedisplayWhenScroll load length 0 ne
			{ {ClientCanvas} win send setcanvas
			} if
		 setoverlay X0 Y0 translate
		 } ifelse
	} loop						%x0 y0 proc p
	4 -3 roll pop pop pop				%p
	waitprocess aload pop				%x y
}def		%x y	; animate_event

/mygetanimated_2 { %x0 y0  proc LetMenu? snap? =>  [ x y ]; 
			%puts button name in animate_event

    20 dict begin
    /snap? exch store
    /LetMenu? exch def
    /proc exch  def /y0 exch def /x0 exch def
    currentcursorlocation /y exch def /x exch def /gridoff? gridon not def
%this should accelerate dragging a little..
    /X2 X2 def /Y2 Y2 def /Sx2 Sx2 def /Sy2 Sy2 def /Angle2 Angle2 def
    /LB LeftMouseButton def /RB RightMouseButton def
    /MB MiddleMouseButton def
    /crosshair? crosshair? def

   .033333 blockinputqueue
    {	%newprocessgroup
	createevent dup begin
	  /Canvas {ClientCanvas} win send def
	  /Action  [ /DownTransition /UpTransition  ] def
          /Exclusivity true def
	end expressinterest
	createevent dup
		begin /Name /MouseDragged def
		      /Canvas  {ClientCanvas} win send def
		      /Exclusivity true def end
	MakeScrollEvent expressinterest
	WaitForEvent expressinterest
	    snap? gridoff? and
		 {x y snap_to_grid /y exch store /x exch store} if
	    erasepage x0 y0 moveto x y /proc load exec crosshair stroke
	    awaitevent dup begin	%ev
	      Name dup /WindowScrolled eq
			 {pop /animate_event /WindowScrolled store 
			 end exit} if
	      dup /AlphaEvent eq 	%ev Name
		{pop Action dup /Point eq exch /Stop eq or
			{/animate_event Action /Point eq {LB} {RB} ifelse store
			 ClientData aload pop /y exch store /x exch  store}
			{/animate_event Name store WaitForEvent /ClientData
			ClientData put} ifelse
		end exit} if
	      Action /UpTransition eq
			{end exit} if

		LetMenu? Name RB eq and 
			Action /DownTransition eq and
			{redistributeevent} if	

	      /x XLocation store /y YLocation store
	      /animate_event Name store

	    end 	%end dict event
	    pop		%pop
	} loop			%event
	/cur_event exch store
	snap? {x y snap_to_grid 2 array astore}
	 	{ [x y] } ifelse
    } fork		% [x y]
    end			%end mygetanimated_2 dict
} def

/crosshair {
	crosshair? {x -1000 moveto 0 2000 rlineto
	 -1000 y moveto 2000 0 rlineto} if
} def

/mygetclick {	% -  =>  x y 
    0 0 { (X, Y : %, %) [x y] sprintf prvalue } mygetanimated
} def

    0 0 { (X, Y : %, %) [x y] sprintf prvalue } true false mygetanimated_2
    waitprocess aload pop
} def

/mygetwholerect { %	- => [x, y, w, h] 
		  { x0 y lineto lineto x y0 lineto closepath
		   (dX, dY : %, %) [x  y ] sprintf prvalue
		   } getrectthing	%x y [w h]
		  aload pop 4 array astore
	} def

/getrectdict dictbegin /XR0 0 def /YR0 0 def /proca null def dictend def
/getrectthing{% proc => [x, y, w, h] ; proc = oval, rect, rrect
	getrectdict begin  /proca exch store
	mygetclick 		% x y
	/Relative? true store
	Cancel? { pop pop  /Abort? true store  0 0 [0 0]}
	/YR0 exch store /XR0 exch store	%origin
	XR0 YR0 translate
	0 0 /proca load mygetanimated		%w h
	2 array astore XR0 YR0 3 -1 roll  %x y [w h]
	Cancel? {/Abort? true store} if
	} ifelse
	/Relative? false store
	} def

% utilities

/setoverlay {win begin overlaycan end setcanvas} def
/prdebug false def
/printdbg { prdebug {console exch [] fprintf} {pop} ifelse} def

 (Loading utilities \n) printdbg
/drect { % x,y w, h => - : makes a path corresponding to the box
	4 2 roll moveto rect
	} def

/myrrectpath { %because NeWS rrectpath uses arcto which does not
	       %work with dashed lines...
    matrix currentmatrix 6 1 roll	% m r x y w h
    4 2 roll translate			% m r w h
    10 dict begin
	/h exch def /w exch def /r exch def
	h 0 lt { 1 -1 scale /h h neg store} if
	w 0 lt { -1 1 scale /w w neg store} if
	    r 0 moveto
	    w r sub r r 270 0 arc
	    w r sub h r sub r 0 90 arc
	    r h r sub r 90 180 arc
	    r r r 180 270 arc
} def

%setting of the object coord. system
/spos {translate rotate scale} def

/b1 null def

/boxpath { % [x1 y1 x2 y2] => - makes path of the box
	aload pop
	3 index 3 index moveto			%x1 y1 x2 y2
	2 index sub				%x1 y1 x2 (y2-y1)
	exch 3 index sub exch rect
	pop pop
	} def

/box_in_box {% b1 b2 => bool ; true if b1 in b2; box = [x0, y0, x1, y1]
	aload pop		%x1 y1 x2 y2
	pointinpath 3 1 roll 
	pointinpath and
	} def

/box_of_box {% b1 b2 => b3 ;computes the box enclosing the 2 
	aload pop 5 -1 roll aload pop %4 points on the stack connect them in 
	moveto lineto lineto lineto
	[ pathbbox ]
	} def

/o_dict dictbegin /x1 0 def /x2 0 def /y1 0 def /y2 0 def dictend def

/overlapping_interval{ % x1 x2 y1 y2 => true if [x1 x2] inter [y1 y2]
			%non null
		o_dict begin 
		/y2 exch store /y1 exch store /x2 exch store /x1 exch store
		x1 y1 y2 in_interval
		x2 y1 y2 in_interval or
			{y1 x1 x2 in_interval y2 x1 x2 in_interval or}
	} def				

/in_interval{% x y1 y2 => bool
	2 copy min			%x y1 y2 min
	3 1 roll max		 	%x min max
	2 index gt			%x min b1
	3 1 roll gt and
	} def

/overlapping_box{% b1 b2 => bool; true if box overlaps
	aload pop
	5 -1 roll aload pop 
	7 index 6 index %x11 x12
	5 index 4 index %x21 x22
	{6 index 5 index 4 index 3 index overlapping_interval}
	{false} ifelse
	mark 10 2 roll cleartomark
	} def

/on_seg_dict 10 dict def

/neareq{%x1 x2 => bool
	sub abs 3 lt
	} def
/is_on_segment{% x y x0 y0 x1 y1 => bool ; true
		% if x y on segment x0 y0 x1 y1
	/y1 exch def /x1 exch def /y0 exch def /x0 exch def
	/y exch def /x exch def  /dist 0 def
	x0 x1 neareq 		%vertical
	  {pop x x0 neareq y y0 y1 in_interval and}
	  {y0 y1 neareq		%horiz
		{pop y y0 neareq x x0 x1 in_interval and}
		{		%oblique
		x  x0 x1 in_interval
		{y y0 y1 in_interval
		{x1 x0 sub y y0 sub mul		%p1x * py
		 y1 y0 sub x x0 sub mul 	%p1y * px
		 sub abs
		 dup /dist exch store
		 500 lt
			{pop true} if
		} if} if
		} ifelse
	} ifelse
	} def

/drarrow { % size x0 y0 x1 y1 => - ; draws an arrow 
	   % at end of seg

	[] 0 setdash		%plain line
	dup 3 index sub 	%s x0 y0 x1 y1 yr
	2 index 5 index sub atan %s x0 y0 x1 y1 a
	3 1 roll 		 %s x0 y0 a x1 y1
	translate rotate pop pop	%s
	dup neg dup neg 			%s -s s
	moveto 0 0 lineto	%s
	neg dup lineto
	} def

%working var.			
%/mtrx0 matrix def
%/mtrx1 matrix def

%/newarray null def
%/tmparray 100 array def
%/Ntmp 0 def
/N 0 def

/tmpstr 50 string def

%/Angle2 0 def
%/Sx2 1 def
%/Sy2 1 def
%/Sx3 1 def
%/Sy3 1 def
/X0 0 def
/Y0 0 def
%/X1 0 def
%/Y1 0 def
%/X2 0 def
%/Y2 0 def
%/Xc 0 def
%/Yc 0 def
/oldcanvas null def

% object Table definition and management

/SizeObjTable 1000 def
/ObjTable SizeObjTable array def
0 1 SizeObjTable 1 sub {ObjTable exch null put} for

/FreeObj 10 array def
/FreeObjTop 0 def
/AddFreeEntry {% free obj table entry => -
	FreeObjTop 9 le {FreeObj exch FreeObjTop exch put
			/FreeObjTop FreeObjTop 1 add store} 
			{pop} ifelse
	} def

	/FreeObjTop 0 store
	} def

	FreeObjTop 0 gt {/FreeObjTop FreeObjTop 1 sub store
			FreeObj FreeObjTop get}
			{Nobj /Nobj Nobj 1 add store} ifelse
	} def

/Nobj 0 def	%
	{% <obj> => -
	GetFreeEntry 2 copy exch ObjTable 3 1 roll put	%obj index
	exch begin /tableindex exch store end
	Nobj SizeObjTable ge {(Object Table is full) prmessage} if

/ForProc {} def
/ForEachObj {% proc = ->; apply proc on each object in the table
	     %which is not in a group
	  /ForProc exch store
	  0 1 Nobj 1 sub 
		{ObjTable exch get 
		dup null ne {dup begin ingroup end
				{ForProc} ifelse
			    {pop} ifelse} for
} def

/RepaintAll {% repaint all objects in table;
	  /display a4rect send
	  {/display exch send} ForEachObj
	} def

/procfile null def
/procstr 50 string def
/token_in_line 0 def

/c_writestring{% string  => -
	procfile exch writestring procfile ( ) writestring
	token_in_line 10 gt {procfile (\n) writestring
			    /token_in_line 0 store}
			{/token_in_line token_in_line 1 add store}
} def

/print_any{ %any => postscript code to procfile
dup type /operatortype eq
	 {dup procstr cvs 
		   dup ('mark) eq 
			{ pop ([) c_writestring }
			{ dup (') search	
			   { % s post match pre ; a postscrip op.
			    pop pop pop 
			    dup length 2 sub 1 exch getinterval c_writestring}
			   {% s s ; a /name 
			    procfile (/) writestring
			    c_writestring pop
			   } ifelse}
	 {dup type /arraytype eq 1 index xcheck and	%code array
		{ ({) c_writestring 
		 procfile print_procdef
		 (}) c_writestring
	 	{dup type /nametype eq			%a name
			{dup xcheck {procstr cvs c_writestring}
				{procfile (/) writestring
				 procstr cvs c_writestring
				} ifelse}
			{dup type /arraytype eq		%an array value
			  {([) c_writestring
			   {print_any} forall
			   (]) c_writestring
			 {dup type /stringtype eq
			  {procfile exch ( (%) ) exch [ exch ] fprintf}
			  {procstr cvs c_writestring} ifelse
			 } ifelse
			} ifelse
} def

/print_procdef { % proc file => - ; print the text of proc in file
	/procfile exch store
	} forall
} def

/print_code { %  /name => - ; in PSfile
	/token_in_line 0 store
	dup NeWSillustratorDict exch known
		{% /name
		dup procstr cvs PSfile exch (/% { \n) exch [ exch ] fprintf
		NeWSillustratorDict exch get PSfile print_procdef
		PSfile (\n } def \n) writestring
		{pop} ifelse
	} def

%%NeWSillustrator -- Y. Bernard, Philips Research\n) def

% Rotation=0,Width=540,Height=384,Xoff=13,Yoff=219

/psbox null def

/PSbox{%computes the bounding box of the drawing 
Nobj 0 gt {%get first box
ObjTable 0 get /bbox get 4 array copy /psbox exch store
{begin bbox end psbox box_of_box /psbox exch store} ForEachObj
psbox aload pop		%x1 y1 x2 y2
2 index sub exch	%x1 y1 h x2
3 index sub exch	%x1 y1 w h
4 2 roll		%w h x1 y1
4 array astore
} {[0 0 0 0 ]} ifelse
} def

/LatexFile? false def

/PrintPS_header{ %postscript utilities

%this is not standard but is used here for inclusion in Latex
{PSfile (% ) writestring
PSfile (Rotation=0,Width=%,Height=%,Xoff=%,Yoff=%\n) 
	PSbox fprintf} if

PSfile PSsignature writestring
(/rect {dup 0 exch rlineto exch 0 rlineto neg 0 exch rlineto closepath } def
/ovalpath { matrix currentmatrix 5 1 roll
    4 2 roll translate scale .5 .5 translate 0 0 .5 0 360 arc closepath
    setmatrix} def\n) [] fprintf

/myrrectpath print_code

%dash patterns
/setdashpat print_code
/drarrow print_code
/spos print_code

PSfile (0 setlinewidth 0 setgray
/privatedict 100 dict def
/mtrx1 matrix def
/savemtrx matrix def
privatedict begin /showpage {} def end \n) writestring

} def

/dasharray [ [ [] 0 ] [ [3] 0 ] [ [6] 0 ] ] def
/setdashpat{% n => -
	dasharray exch get aload pop setdash} def

	PSfile (/dasharray \n) writestring
	dasharray print_any
	PSfile (  def\n) writestring
	} def

/importfiledict null def
	%used when generating the postscript file
	%to remind what imported PS file have already been written

/RepaintAll_ps {% generates postscript file
	/importfiledict 50 dict store
	PSfile (gsave \n) [] fprintf
	{/display_ps exch send} ForEachObj
	PSfile (grestore showpage\n) [] fprintf
	} def

/saveobjprelude null def
/SaveAllObjects {% generates NeWS files of object def; loaded with run
	/saveobjprelude  ( dup AddObject mark \n) store
	{/saveobject exch send} ForEachObj
	} def

/loadobj{%used in loading obj files.
	counttomark 1 add index  	%obj mark var1... varn obj
	 /loadivar exch send cleartomark
	dup begin ingroup not end {pop} if
	} def

%Default display parameters
/current_linecolor 0 def	%black
/current_linewidth 0 def	%hair line
/current_fill -1 def
/current_linecap 0 def
/current_linejoin 0 def
/current_linestyle 0 def
/current_arrowsize 5 def
/current_startarrow? false def
/current_endarrow? false def

/current_radcorner 8 def
/erase_flag true def
/group_def_mode (by box) def

% Root Class -- Defines the protocol of all other object classes
(Loading Class def \n) printdbg
/DrawObject Object
	/X 0 def		%position
	/Y 0 def
	/Sx 1 def		%scaling
	/Sy 1 def
	/Angle 0 def		%rotation
	/bbox null def	%bounding box [x1,y1,x2,y2]

	/color -1 def		%filling pattern = -1 : no filling
	/linewidth  0 def	%line width
	/linecolor 0 def	%line color = black
	/linestyle 0 def	%line style = plain or dashed
	/linejoin 0 def
	/linecap 0 def
	/geom null def		%
				% default geom is a rect [w,h]
	/tableindex -1 def
	/ingroup false def	% true if object part of a group
%some working var. put as class variables
/mtrx0 matrix def
/mtrx1 matrix def

/newarray null def
/tmparray 100 array def
/Ntmp 0 def
/Angle2 0 def
/Sx2 1 def
/Sy2 1 def
/Sx3 1 def
/Sy3 1 def
/X1 0 def
/Y1 0 def
/X2 0 def
/Y2 0 def
/Xc 0 def
/Yc 0 def

/new {
	/new super send begin
	/init self send
	currentdict end
	} def

/init { 
	/bbox 4 array store
	/getcurrentdisplayparam self send} def

/delete {
	/erase self send
	 ObjTable tableindex null put
	tableindex AddFreeEntry} def

/destroy {} def
/saveivar{%writes instance var. on File
	OSfile ( % % % % % ) [X Y Sx Sy Angle] fprintf
	OSfile ( [ % % % % ] \n) bbox fprintf
	OSfile ( % % % % % % \n) [color linewidth linecolor
		linestyle linejoin linecap] fprintf
	/save_geom self send
	OSfile ( % ) [ingroup] fprintf
	} def

/loadivar {% mark objects instances var => self if ingroup else -
  %in the order in which they are defined	
	/ingroup exch store 
	/geom exch store
	/linecap exch store
	/linejoin exch store
	/linestyle exch store
	/linecolor exch store
	/linewidth exch store
	/color exch store
	/bbox exch store
	/Angle exch store
	/Sy exch store
	/Sx exch store
	/Y exch store
	/X exch store
	} def

/getclassname{%get the class name of the object
	ParentDictArray dup length 1 sub get begin ClassName end
	} def

/saveobject{%saves object descr in OSfile
	OSfile (/new % send ) [/getclassname self send] fprintf
	OSfile saveobjprelude writestring
	/saveivar self send
	OSfile ( loadobj\n) writestring
	} def

/save_geom{%save geom descr
	OSfile ( [ % % ]\n) geom fprintf} def

/setradcorner {pop} def
/setlinestyle{/linestyle exch store} def
/setlinejoin2 {/linejoin exch store} def
/setlinecap2 {/linecap exch store} def
/setlinewidth2 { /linewidth exch store } def
/setlinecolor { /linecolor exch store } def
/setcolor     { /color exch store } def
/changefont {} def
/changefontsize {} def
/setarrowsize {} def
/setarrow {} def

	/linewidth exch store 
	/linecolor exch store 
	/color exch store 
	/linestyle exch store
	/linejoin exch store
	/linecap exch store
} def

current_linecap current_linejoin current_linestyle
current_fill current_linecolor current_linewidth
/setdisplayparam self send
} def

/update_control_panel{% put display param of objects in control panel
	linewidth linecolor color linestyle linejoin linecap
	} def

/bbox_path { %in absolute coord syst.
	bbox 0 get bbox 1 get moveto 
	bbox 2 get bbox 0 get sub bbox 3 get bbox 1 get sub rect
	} def 

/make_path { % Sx Sy angle X Y => -
	%makes the path of the object : default is drawing a rect
		%of W, H
	geom null ne {
%	translate rotate scale
	0 0 moveto
	geom aload pop rect} if
	} def

/make_path_ps{% - => -
	geom null ne {
	(spos newpath	0 0 moveto % % rect\n) geom
	} def

/BoxSize{% gives box surface
	bbox aload pop			%x1 y1 x2 y2
	2 index sub				%x1 y1 x2 (y2-y1)
	exch 3 index sub exch mul abs
	} def

/is_in_box {% x y => bool ;
	bbox 1 get bbox 3 get in_interval	%x by
	exch bbox 0 get bbox 2 get in_interval
	} def

/is_in_obj {% x y => bool ;
	geom null eq {pop pop false}
	newpath moveto
	X Y translate Angle rotate Sx Sy scale %
	{} {} {} {} pathforall 		       %x y in object coord. sys.
	1 1 0 0 0 /make_path self send
	grestore} ifelse
	} def

/dr {	%low-level drawing :  linewidth linecolor color linejoin linecap
	%				linestyle => - 
	%graphic state is preserved; 
	setlinecap setlinejoin
	Sx Sy Angle X Y /make_path self send 
	dup -1 ne {gsave setgray fill grestore} {pop} ifelse
	setgray setlinewidth
	} def
/dr_ps {% color => -  
	PSfile (gsave setdashpat setlinecap setlinejoin % % % % %\n)
				 [Sx Sy Angle X Y] fprintf	
	/make_path_ps self send
	 -1 ne { PSfile ( gsave setgray fill grestore ) [] fprintf}
	{PSfile ( pop ) [] fprintf} ifelse
	PSfile (setgray setlinewidth stroke grestore\n) [] fprintf
	} def

/erase { % this will also erase parts of overlapping objects 
	linewidth 1 color -1 eq {color} {1} ifelse
		 linejoin linecap linestyle /dr self send } def

/display { %display the object
	linewidth linecolor color linejoin linecap linestyle
			 /dr self send} def

/display_ps {%generation of postscript
	PSfile ( % % % % % % ) [linewidth linecolor color linejoin
						linecap linestyle] fprintf
	color /dr_ps self send
	} def

/make_bbox { %computes the bounding box of the object in the current
	     %coord system
	mtrx0 currentmatrix pop
	Sx Sy Angle X Y /make_path self send
			 	%path made in trans,scaled,rotated
				%coord. sys; get coord in normal sys;

	mtrx0 setmatrix		%path set in mtrx0 coord syst.
	pathbbox bbox astore pop
	} def

/move {	% x' y'  sx' sy' a'  => moves to new position and orientation;
	% recomputes bbox;

	Cancel? not {
	erase_flag {/erase self send} if

	/Angle exch def
	/Sy exch def
	/Sx exch def
	/Y exch def
	/X exch def

	/make_bbox self send
	/display self send} if
	} def

/set_geom {% [p1,p2] => - ; new H and W
	/geom exch store
	} def

/scale_geom { % sx sy => -
	geom 1 get mul geom exch 1 exch put
	geom 0 get mul geom exch 0 exch put
	} def

/get_geom { % => <geom param array>
	geom } def

/change_geom {%change geometry; <changecode> => -
	      %erases old shapes and redraws it;
	/erase self send
	exec			%exec change proc on stack
	/make_bbox self send
	/display self send
	} def

/make_opath{ %the outline path used in draging mode
	 /make_path self send
	} def

/drag { %drag outline of shape following cursor
	% returns dragged position of new origin X' Y'
	/oldcanvas currentcanvas store
	/Angle2 Angle store
	/Sx2 Sx store
	/Sy2 Sy store
	/xoff 0 store /yoff 0 store
	(enter starting point of move) prmessage
	/yoff exch store /xoff exch store 
	/xoff xoff X sub store /yoff yoff Y sub store
	(move object now) prmessage  setoverlay} if

	/WaitForEvent MoveEvent store
	0 0 {	newpath 
		Sx2 Sy2 Angle2 x xoff sub y yoff sub
		 gsave /make_opath self send stroke grestore
		(X, Y : %,  % ) [x y] sprintf prvalue
		} mygetanimated		%x y
	animate_event /AlphaEvent eq	%gets the data
		{pop pop WaitForEvent /ClientData get	
		 aload pop			%xr yr
 		 Y add exch 			%Y' xr
		 X add exch} if
	/WaitForEvent PointEvent store
	yoff sub exch xoff sub exch
	oldcanvas setcanvas
	} def

/bbox_center { % => xc, yc ; box center
	bbox 0 get bbox 2 get add 2 div
	bbox 1 get bbox 3 get add 2 div
	} def

/drotate {%interactive rotation : put x y on stack
	/oldcanvas currentcanvas store
	/Angle2 Angle store
	/Sx2 Sx store
	/Sy2 Sy store
	/X2 X store
	/Y2 Y store
	/bbox_center self send /Yc exch store /Xc exch store
	/WaitForEvent RotateEvent store
	0 0 {	newpath 
% get angle of vector Xc,Yc - x,y
		Sx2 Sy2 Angle2  y Yc sub x Xc sub atan add	%sx sy angle
		dup [ exch ] (Angle : %) exch sprintf prvalue
		 X2 Y2 gsave /make_opath self send stroke grestore
		} mygetanimated		%x y
	oldcanvas setcanvas
	} def

/dscale { %interactive scaling from box lower left corner
	/oldcanvas currentcanvas store
	/Angle2 Angle store
	/Sx2 Sx store
	/Sy2 Sy store
	/X2 X store
	/Y2 Y store
	/Xc bbox 2 get bbox 0 get sub store
	/Yc bbox 3 get bbox 1 get sub store
	/WaitForEvent ScaleEvent store
	bbox 0 get bbox 1 get {	 
		 Sx2 x x0 sub Xc div mul
		 Sy2 y y0 sub Yc div mul 	%sx sy
		 [ 2 index 2 index ] (Sx, Sy : %,  %) exch sprintf prvalue
		Angle2  X2 Y2 gsave /make_opath self send stroke grestore
		} mygetanimated		%x y
	oldcanvas setcanvas
	} def

/drag_and_scale {% scale the geometry definition; preserve line width!!
	(scale) prmessage
	/dscale self send  % x y
	Cancel? not {

	animate_event /AlphaEvent eq	%gets the data
		{pop pop WaitForEvent /ClientData get
		 aload pop}		%sx sy
	/Y2 exch store /X2 exch store
	X2 bbox 0 get sub bbox 2 get bbox 0 get sub div %sx'
	Y2 bbox 1 get sub bbox 3 get bbox 1 get sub div %sy'
	} ifelse
	{/scale_geom self send} /change_geom self send
	} if
	/WaitForEvent PointEvent store
	} def

/drag_and_trans {
	(move) prmessage
	/crosshair? true store
	/drag self send 	%x' y' on stack; move to that
	 Sx Sy Angle /move self send
	/crosshair? false store} def
/drag_and_rotate {
	(rotate) prmessage
	/drotate self send	%x' x' on stack; recompute angle;
	/Y2 exch store
	/X2 exch store
	X Y Sx Sy Angle
	animate_event /AlphaEvent eq	%gets the data 
		{ WaitForEvent /ClientData get}
		{ Y2 Yc sub X2 Xc sub atan } ifelse	%the angle
		 /AlphaEvent /Rotate exch MakeEventToRecord AddEvent} if
	 add /move self send
	/WaitForEvent PointEvent store
} def

/i_get_geom {%gets geom def. from user interaction ; - => X Y [geom def]

	(Rectangle) prmessage
	mygetwholerect		 	% [x0 y0 w h]
	aload pop			%  x0 y0 w h
	2 array astore			%  X0 Y0 [w  h ]
	/Abort? Cancel? store
	} def	

/i_def_geom {%interactive definition of geom

	/oldcanvas currentcanvas store
	/crosshair? true store
	/i_get_geom self send		% X Y <geom param>
	oldcanvas setcanvas
	Abort? not 
	3 -2 roll
	geom null ne {/erase self send} if

	/Y exch store  
	/X exch store
	/set_geom self send
	geom null ne {
		/make_bbox self send
		/display self send} if
	/crosshair? false store
	} {/geom null store /Abort? false store} ifelse
	} def

/edit_geom {} def

/clone_geom {%obj contains in its geom structured data which is
	    %shared by other objects ; copies geom and bbox
	geom type (arraytype) eq

bernard@prlb2.UUCP (Bernard Yves) (01/27/89)


		{/geom geom dup length array copy store
		} if
	bbox 4 array copy /bbox exch store
	} def

/clone { %	-> returns a clone of self 
	self length dict self exch copy		%clone on stack
	dup /clone_geom exch send 
	} def

classend def

(Oval \n) printdbg
/Oval DrawObject		%geom = [w,h] of oval
/new {
	/new super send begin
	currentdict end
	} def

/make_path {% geom contains radius;
	geom null ne {
		0 0 geom 0 get geom 1 get ovalpath
		} if
	} def

	geom null ne {
	PSfile ( spos newpath 0 0 % % ovalpath\n)
		geom fprintf
	} if
	} def

/i_get_geom {
	(Oval) prmessage
	{newpath x0 y0 x y ovalpath
	   (dX, dY : %, %) [x y] sprintf prvalue
	} getrectthing
%	X0 Y0 [X1  Y1 ]		%X,Y, [w, h]
	} def

classend def

(Group \n) printdbg
/Group DrawObject
/Ngr 0 def	%geom will contain an array with all the subobjects
		%position of subobjects are relative to the position
		%of the group
/Ncopy 0 def	%working var. for recursive cloning
/new {
	/new super send begin
	currentdict end
	} def

/saveivar {
	/saveivar super send
	OSfile ( % ) [Ngr] fprintf
	} def
	/Ngr exch store
	/loadivar super send
	} def

/components_path {%makes a path going from 0 0 to origins of components
		  %relative to group coord. syst.
	X Y translate Angle rotate Sx Sy scale
	0 0 moveto
	geom {begin X Y lineto end} forall
	} def

/delete {% all components are defined in the group coord. syst.
	 % put them back in the global syst.

	mtrx0 currentmatrix pop
%translation correction
	/components_path self send
	mtrx0 setmatrix		   %coord expressed in global syst.
	/N 0 store
	{pop pop} {%component position X Y
		   geom N get begin /Y exch store /X exch store end
		   /N N 1 add store} 
	{} {} pathforall
	ingroup not {gsave
	1 setgray 	/contour_mark self send
	grestore} if
	/Angle2 Angle store
	gsave 0 setgray
	geom {dup begin
		/Angle Angle Angle2 add store
		/ingroup false store
		 dup /make_bbox exch send 
		 dup /getclassname exch send /Group eq
			 {/contour_mark exch send}
			 {pop} ifelse
		} forall
	ObjTable tableindex null put tableindex AddFreeEntry
	} def

/clone_geom{% makes a clone of each component
	/clone_geom super send
	/Ncopy 0 store
	geom { /clone exch send dup geom exch Ncopy exch put
		 /Ncopy Ncopy 1 add store
		AddObject} forall
	} def

/destroy {%deletes all compoments
	/erase self send
	geom {begin ObjTable tableindex null put 
		tableindex AddFreeEntry end} forall
	ObjTable tableindex null put tableindex AddFreeEntry
	} def

/undestroy{% undo the destroy
	geom {dup begin tableindex end exch ObjTable 3 1 roll put}
	} def

	/Xc exch store
	geom {Xc exch /setarrowsize exch send} forall} def

/setarrow{% [ s? e?]
	geom {1 index 				%[s e] o [s e]
	 exch					%[s e] [s e] o
	 /setarrow exch send} forall
	} def

/setradcorner {
	/Xc exch store
	geom {Xc exch /setradcorner exch send} forall} def

/setlinejoin2 {
	/Xc exch store
	geom {Xc exch /setlinejoin2 exch send} forall} def
/setlinecap2 {
	/Xc exch store
	geom {Xc exch /setlinecap2 exch send} forall} def
/setlinestyle {
	/Xc exch store
	geom {Xc exch /setlinestyle exch send} forall} def
/setlinewidth2 {
	/Xc exch store
	geom {Xc exch /setlinewidth2 exch send} forall} def
/setlinecolor {
	/Xc exch store
	geom {Xc exch /setlinecolor exch send} forall} def
/setcolor {
	/Xc exch store
	geom {Xc exch /setcolor exch send} forall} def	

/make_path {%stroke the path of each object; used in draging mode
	    %for scaling, we can not have at the same time good
	    %scaling of objects positions and good scaling of their shapes
	geom null ne {
		  {dup begin 
%		   Sx3 Sy3
		   Sx Sy Angle X Y end 6 -1 roll gsave /make_path
		   exch send stroke grestore} forall
		   } if
	} def

/make_opath {%stroke the path of each object; used in draging mode
	    %for scaling, we can not have at the same time good
	    %scaling of objects positions and good scaling of their shapes
	geom null ne {
		  {dup begin 
%		   Sx3 Sy3
		   Sx Sy Angle X Y end 6 -1 roll gsave /make_opath
		   exch send stroke grestore} forall
		   } if
	} def

/is_in_obj {
	/is_in_box self send} def

/set_geom {%[o1 o2 o3 ...] =>
	   %change X Y of Oi to X' Y' relative to X Y of group obj
	   %set ingroup flag of each Oi
	dup length /geom exch array store
	geom copy pop
	/Ngr geom length store
	Ngr 0 ne 
%get origin of group : first point of bbox
	gsave 1 setgray
	geom {dup /getclassname exch send /Group eq
		{/contour_mark exch send} {pop} ifelse} forall
	/X 0 store /Y 0 store
	/make_bbox self send
	bbox aload pop	%x1 y1 x2 y2
	pop pop /Y exch store /X exch store				

	/X0 X store /Y0 Y store
	geom {begin /X X X0 sub store /Y Y Y0 sub store /ingroup true
		store end} forall
	/make_bbox_component self send
	( % components put in group) [Ngr] prmessage
	{/geom null store} ifelse
	} def

/save_geom{% saves on OSfile an array composed of each object saving
	OSfile ([ %group geometry\n) writestring
	geom {/saveobject exch send} forall
	OSfile ( ] %end of group geometry\n) writestring
	} def

/make_bbox_component{%compute bbox of comp. in this group coord. syst
	X Y translate %Angle rotate
	Sx Sy scale
	geom {
	     /make_bbox exch send} forall
	} def

	bbox 0 get bbox 1 get moveto drawmark fill
	bbox 0 get bbox 2 get add 2 div bbox 1 get moveto drawmark fill
	bbox 2 get bbox 1 get moveto drawmark fill
	bbox 2 get bbox 1 get bbox 3 get add 2 div moveto drawmark fill
	bbox 2 get bbox 3 get moveto drawmark fill
	bbox 0 get bbox 2 get add 2 div bbox 3 get moveto drawmark fill
	bbox 0 get bbox 3 get moveto drawmark fill
	bbox 0 get bbox 1 get bbox 3 get add 2 div moveto drawmark fill
	} def

/display {
	Sx Sy Angle X Y spos
	geom {/display exch send} forall
	ingroup not {
	0 setgray
	/contour_mark self send
	grestore} if
	} def

/align_left{%align all elements on the left side of the bbox
	(align left) prmessage
	geom{begin /X X bbox 0 get sub store end} forall
	/make_bbox_component self send
	} def

	(align bottom) prmessage
	geom{begin /Y Y bbox 1 get sub store end} forall
	/make_bbox_component self send
	} def

	(align right) prmessage
	/X1 bbox 2 get bbox 0 get sub store
	geom {begin /X X X1 bbox 2 get sub add store end} forall
	/make_bbox_component self send
	} def

	(align top) prmessage
	/X1 bbox 3 get bbox 1 get sub store
	geom {begin /Y Y X1 bbox 3 get sub add store end} forall
	/make_bbox_component self send
	} def

	(center vertical) prmessage
	/X1 bbox 2 get bbox 0 get add 2 div bbox 0 get sub store
	geom {begin /X X X1 bbox 2 get bbox 0 get add 2 div sub add store end}
	/make_bbox_component self send
	} def

	(center horizontal) prmessage
	/X1 bbox 3 get bbox 1 get add 2 div bbox 1 get sub store
	geom {begin /Y Y X1 bbox 3 get bbox 1 get add 2 div sub add store end}
	/make_bbox_component self send
	} def

/display_ps {
	(gsave % % translate % rotate % % scale\n) [X Y Angle Sx Sy] fprintf
	geom {/display_ps exch send} forall
	PSfile ( grestore\n) [] fprintf
	} def

/erase {
	X Y translate Angle rotate Sx Sy scale
	geom {/erase exch send} forall
	ingroup not {
	gsave 1 setgray
	/contour_mark self send
	grestore} if
	} def
/scale_geom {%sx sy
	/Sy2 exch store /Sx2 exch store
	geom {dup Sx2 Sy2 /scale_geom 4 -1 roll send
	      begin /X X Sx2 mul store /Y Y Sy2 mul store end} forall

	/make_bbox_component self send
	 } def

/changefont {% fontname
	geom{ %	font obj
	1 index exch /changefont exch send} forall pop
	} def

/changefontsize{% size
	geom{ %	font obj
	1 index exch /changefontsize exch send} forall pop
	} def

/make_bbox {% approximatively computed from the box of components
	    %expressed relatively 
	    %to the group coord. syst.

	mtrx1 currentmatrix pop
%draws a path following all the boxex components
	X Y translate Angle rotate Sx Sy scale

	geom 0 get begin bbox aload pop %x1 y1 x2 y2
			newpath moveto pop pop end
	geom 0 Ngr getinterval
	 {begin bbox aload pop  	%x1 y1 x2 y2
		 2 copy lineto		%x1 y1 x2 y2 ; x2 y2
		 1 index 3 index lineto %	     ; x2 y1
		 3 index 3 index lineto %	     ; x1 y1
		 3 index 1 index lineto %	     ; x1 y2
		 pop pop pop pop
		 end} forall
	mtrx1 setmatrix
	pathbbox bbox astore pop
	} def
/i_get_geom_enum{%put selected objects as part of group
		 %end with Left button, Middle button cancels last object.
	/Ntmp 0 store
	(select component object with Left button - end with Right button :)
	/Y0 exch store /X0 exch store
	animate_event LeftMouseButton eq
	X0 Y0 find_object_on_pt
	null ne { dup begin (% added in group) [tableindex] prmessage end
		  dup /erase exch send pause dup /display exch send
		tmparray exch Ntmp exch put /Ntmp Ntmp 1 add store
		{pop} ifelse
	} if
	animate_event MiddleMouseButton eq  %suppress last object
		{Ntmp 0 gt {/Ntmp Ntmp 1 sub store} if} if
	Cancel? {exit} if
	} loop
	X0 Y0 tmparray 0 Ntmp getinterval
	} def

/i_get_geom_by_box{%define group in giving a box
	(enter box enclosing objects to group : ) prmessage
	mygetwholerect 				%[x1 y1 w h]
		 aload pop			%x1 y1 w h
		 2 index add			%x1 y1 w y2
		 exch 3 index add		%x1 y1 y2 x2
	exch 4 array astore
	/bbox exch store
	[ bbox find_objects_in_box /Ntmp exch store ] 
	(% objects to group) [Ntmp] prmessage
	bbox 0 get bbox 1 get 3 -1 roll  %the origin should be
				         %the bounding box
	} def

	(Group) prmessage
	group_def_mode (by box) eq 
		{/i_get_geom_by_box self send}
		{/i_get_geom_enum self send} ifelse
	} def
classend def

(ClippingGroup \n) printdbg
/ClippingGroup Group
%a clipping group is composed of 2 objects : the first one
%is the clipping obj and the second one the clipped obj. The clipping obj
%should be a line or curve;

	mtrx1 currentmatrix pop
	geom 0 get begin Sx Sy Angle X Y end 
	  /make_path geom 0 get send clip %set the clip path
	mtrx1 setmatrix
	} def

/set_geom {%[o1 o2 o3 ...] =>
	   %change X Y of Oi to X' Y' relative to X Y of group obj
	   %set ingroup flag of each Oi
%	(set_geom\n) print
	dup length /geom exch array store
	geom copy pop
	/Ngr geom length store

%get origin of group : first point of bbox of clipping
	geom 0 get begin bbox end aload pop	%x1 y1 x2 y2
	pop pop /Y exch store /X exch store				
	/X0 X store /Y0 Y store
	geom {begin /X X X0 sub store /Y Y Y0 sub store /ingroup true
		store end} forall
	/make_bbox_component self send
	} def

/display {
	Sx Sy Angle X Y spos
	/display geom 0 get send	%dipslay clipping obj
	/setclip self send
	/display geom 1 get send        %draws the clipped
	} def

/display_ps {
	(gsave % %  %  % % spos\n) [Sx Sy  Angle X Y] fprintf
	/display_ps geom 0 get send
	PSfile (mtrx1 currentmatrix pop % % % % % \n)
		 [geom 0 get begin Sx Sy Angle X Y end] fprintf
	/make_path_ps geom 0 get send
	PSfile ( clip mtrx1 setmatrix \n) [] fprintf
	/display_ps geom 1 get send
	PSfile ( grestore\n) [] fprintf
	} def

/erase {
	Sx Sy Angle X Y spos
	/erase geom 0 get send	%dipslay clipping obj
	/setclip self send
	/erase geom 1 get send        %draws the clipped
	} def
/make_bbox{ %the bounding box is the one of the clipping obj
	/Ngr 1 store
	/make_bbox super send
	/Ngr 2 store
	} def

classend def

(RoundedRect \n) printdbg
/RoundedRect DrawObject
/radcorner 8 def
/new {
	/new super send begin
	currentdict end
	} def

/setradcorner {/radcorner exch store} def
	/saveivar super send
	OSfile ( % ) [radcorner] fprintf
	} def
	/radcorner exch store
	/loadivar super send
	} def

/make_path {%
	geom null ne {
		radcorner 0 0 geom 0 get geom 1 get myrrectpath
		} if
	} def

/make_path_ps {
	geom null ne {
	 (spos newpath % 0 0 % % myrrectpath\n)
	 [radcorner geom 0 get geom 1 get] fprintf
	} if
	} def

/i_get_geom {
	(RoundedRect) prmessage
	/radcorner current_radcorner store
	{newpath radcorner x0 y0 x  y   myrrectpath
	   (dX, dY : %, %) [x y ] sprintf prvalue
	} getrectthing
	} def

classend def

	Cancel? {%	animate_event RightButton eq
		{[0 0] /Stop /AlphaEvent MakeEventToRecord AddEvent} if
		} if
	animate_event LeftMouseButton eq
		{ aload pop /Y1 exch store /X1 exch store
		tmparray Ntmp [X1 Y1] put /Ntmp Ntmp 1 add store
		/X2 X1 store /Y2 Y1 store
		} if
	animate_event MiddleMouseButton eq 
			{Ntmp 0 gt {/Ntmp Ntmp 1 sub store
				   Ntmp 0 gt {
				   tmparray Ntmp 1 sub get
				    aload pop} {0 0} ifelse
				    /Y2 exch store /X2 exch store} if} if
	} def

/get_path {%ask a path to the user; path terminated by right button;
	   %point entered with left and suppressed with middle
	   %path put in tmparray as [ [x1,y1],.... ] , Ntmp elements
	   %first point -origin - in X0, Y0, all xi,yi relative to origin

	(enter points with Left button, Right to stop, Middle to delete Last)
	/Y0 exch store /X0 exch store	%origin
	/Relative? true store
	X0 Y0 translate
	/X2 0 store /Y2 0 store
	/Ntmp 0 store
	Cancel? not {

	0 0
		0 0 moveto
		tmparray 0 Ntmp getinterval {aload pop lineto} forall
		X2 Y2 moveto
        	x y lineto stroke
		(Xr, Yr : %, %) [x y] sprintf prvalue
	mygetanimated mark	%x y mark
	3 1 roll ]		%[x y]
	path_action     %add points, waits stop, record it if needed
	} loop
	} {/Abort? true store} ifelse

	(% points path) [Ntmp] prmessage
	/Relative? false store
	} def

/drawmark{ marksize 2 div neg dup rmoveto marksize dup rect} def

/edit_path{%edit path of a polyline
		0 0 moveto
		tmparray 0 Ntmp getinterval {aload pop lineto} forall
		Closed {closepath} if stroke
		x y moveto drawmark stroke
	} g_edit_path
	} def

/outline_proc {} def
/oldmarksize 0 def
/Ne 0 def
/g_edit_path{ %generic path edition 
	    %outline_proc => -; the outlining function
	    %a path is in tmparray 0-Ntmp; 
	    %allows the user to edit
	    %it by its moving points;
	    %Left to select a point or insert a point
	    % ; confirm move by Left click
	    %Middle to delete a selected point
	    %Right to stop

	/outline_proc exch store
	/oldmarksize marksize store
	/marksize marksize 2 mul store
	/Relative? true store
	Sx Sy Angle X Y spos
	/X2 0 store /Y2 0 store
%select point to move
%equivalent to a getclick but with the good outlining function	
	0 0 {outline_proc} mygetanimated	%x y
	Cancel? {pop pop
		{[0 0 ] /Stop /AlphaEvent MakeEventToRecord AddEvent} if
		exit } if
	/Y1 exch store /X1 exch store
	animate_event LeftMouseButton eq	
	{%try to find a point or a segment
		X1 Y1 findpointofpath	%0 nothing, 1 a point, 2 a seg
		fstatus 1 eq			%a point is selected
			{/Ne exch store
			tmparray Ne get aload pop /Y2 exch store /X2 exch store
			(point selected -- move or delete it) prmessage 
			0 0 {tmparray Ne [x y] put outline_proc}
			mygetanimated 2 array astore	%[x y]
			Cancel?	{tmparray Ne [X2 Y2] put} if
			animate_event MiddleMouseButton eq
				{delete_point} if
			} if
		fstatus 2 eq		%a point on a seg
			{/Ne exch store %seg start point index
			[X1 Y1] add_point
			/Ne Ne 1 add store
			(new point inserted -- move it) prmessage 
			0 0 {tmparray Ne [x y] put outline_proc}
			mygetanimated 2 array astore  % [x y]
			animate_event MiddleMouseButton eq or
				{delete_point} if
			} if
		fstatus 0 eq
			(point or seg not found) prmessage pop
			} if
	} if
	} loop
	/marksize oldmarksize store
	/Relative? false store
	} def

/add_point{% [x y] => - ;adds a point in tmparray at position found in Ne
	tmparray Ne 2 add 		%shift 1 in tmp
		tmparray Ne 1 add Ntmp Ne sub 1 sub getinterval
	tmparray exch Ne 1 add exch put	
	/Ntmp Ntmp 1 add store
	} def

/delete_point{% Ne is the index of the point to delete
	(point deleted) prmessage
	tmparray Ne			%shift 1 left
		tmparray Ne 1 add Ntmp Ne sub 1 sub getinterval
	/Ntmp Ntmp 1 sub store
	} def

/fstatus 0 def
/findpointofpath{% X Y => pointindex 1 | startsegindex 2 | 0
	/fstatus 0 store
	0 1 Ntmp 1 sub
	{dup tmparray exch get aload pop	%x y n x1 y1
	 3 index sub abs 3 lt exch %x y n  b1 x1
	 4 index sub abs 3 lt	   %x y n  b1 b2
	 and {/N exch store /fstatus 1 store
		{%if not last point try if on a seg  %x y n
		/N exch store 
		N Ntmp 1 sub lt {
		2 copy
		tmparray N get aload pop 	%x y x1 y1
		tmparray N 1 add get aload pop  % ...      x2 y2
			{/fstatus 2 store exit} if
		} if
		} ifelse
	} for
	pop pop 
	fstatus 0 eq {fstatus} {N fstatus} ifelse
	} def

		0 0 moveto /N 1 store /Xc 0 store /Yc 0 store
		tmparray 0 Ntmp getinterval 
		  {aload pop %x y
		  N 3 eq {gsave Xc Yc moveto
			  2 copy /Yc exch store /Xc exch store
			  /N 1 store
			  stroke grestore Xc Yc moveto} 
			  { 2 copy lineto
			   /N N 1 add store} ifelse} forall
	} def

	{outline_curve stroke x y moveto drawmark stroke} g_edit_path
	} def

/get_curved_path {%ask a path to the user; path terminated by double-clicking
	   %last point;
	   %path put in tmparray as [ [x1,y1],.... ] , Ntmp elements
	   %first point -origin - in X0, Y0, all xi,yi relative to origin
	   %get points until two points are equal

	(enter first point : ) prmessage
	/Y0 exch store /X0 exch store	%origin
	/Relative? true store
	(enter points 3 by 3 - Right button to end, Middle to delete Last)
	X0 Y0 translate
	/X2 0 store /Y2 0 store
	/Ntmp 0 store	
	/N 1 store 
	Cancel? not
	0 0
	 {	outline_curve
		X2 Y2 moveto
        	x y lineto stroke
		(Xr, Yr : %, %) [x y] sprintf prvalue} 
	mygetanimated 2 array astore %[x y]
	} loop
	/Ntmp Ntmp Ntmp 3 mod sub  store  %Ntmp a multiple of 4
	} {/Abort? true store} ifelse
	(% curves path) [ Ntmp 3 div ] prmessage
	/Relative? false store
	} def

(Polyline \n) printdbg
/Polyline DrawObject
/Npoint 0 def	%nbre de points
/Closed false def %if true -> polygon
/arrowsize 5 def
/startarrow? false def
/endarrow? false def

/new {
	/new super send begin
	currentdict end
	} def

/setarrowsize{ /arrowsize exch store} def
/setarrow{% [start? end?]
	aload pop
	/endarrow? exch store
	/startarrow? exch store
	} def

	/getcurrentdisplayparam super send
	/arrowsize current_arrowsize store
	/startarrow? current_startarrow? store
	/endarrow? current_endarrow? store
	} def

	/saveivar super send
	OSfile ( % % % % % \n ) 
		[Npoint Closed arrowsize startarrow? endarrow? ] fprintf
	} def

	/endarrow? exch store
	/startarrow? exch store
	/arrowsize exch store
	/Closed exch store
	/Npoint exch store
	/loadivar super send
	} def

/make_path {%the path coord relative to 0,0 are stored in an array in geom
	geom null ne {
	0 0 moveto
	geom {aload pop lineto} forall Closed {closepath} if
	} if
	} def

	geom null ne {
	PSfile (spos newpath 0 0 moveto \n) [] fprintf
	geom {PSfile exch  ( % % lineto \n) exch fprintf} forall
	Closed {PSfile ( closepath\n) [] fprintf} if
	} if
	} def

/dr {
	setlinecap setlinejoin
	Sx Sy Angle X Y /make_path self send 
	dup -1 ne {gsave setgray fill grestore} {pop} ifelse
	setgray setlinewidth
	startarrow? {arrowsize geom 0 get aload pop 0 0 drarrow} if
	endarrow? {arrowsize Npoint 1 eq {0 0}
			     {geom Npoint 2 sub get aload pop} ifelse
			     geom Npoint 1 sub get aload pop drarrow} if
	} def

/dr_ps {% color => -  
	PSfile (gsave setdashpat setlinecap setlinejoin % % % % %\n)
				 [Sx Sy Angle X Y] fprintf	
	/make_path_ps self send
	 -1 ne { PSfile ( gsave setgray fill grestore ) [] fprintf}
	{PSfile ( pop ) [] fprintf} ifelse
	PSfile (setgray setlinewidth stroke \n) [] fprintf
	startarrow? {
		PSfile ( % % % % % drarrow\n) 
			[arrowsize geom 0 get aload pop 0 0 ] fprintf} if
	endarrow? {
		PSfile ( % % % % % drarrow\n)
			[arrowsize Npoint 1 eq {0 0}
			     {geom Npoint 2 sub get aload pop} ifelse
			     geom Npoint 1 sub get aload pop] fprintf} if
	PSfile ( grestore\n) [] fprintf
	} def

/BoxSize {%if it is a segment than 0
	Npoint 1 le {0}
		{/BoxSize super send} ifelse
	} def

/is_in_obj {% x y => bool ;  problem with pointinpath;;
	    % seems to crash the news_server (unexpected sigsegv signal...)
	geom null eq {pop pop false}
	Npoint 1 gt %x y b
        2 index 2 index /is_in_box self send not and  %not a line and not in box
		{pop pop false}
	newpath moveto
	X Y translate Angle rotate Sx Sy scale %
	{} {} {} {} pathforall 		       %x y in object coord. sys.
	Npoint 1 le		%we have a line segment
		{0 0 geom 0 get aload pop	%x y 0 0 x1 y1
	1 1 0 0 0 /make_path self send
	Closed not {closepath} if
		} ifelse
	grestore} ifelse
	} ifelse
	} def

/scale_geom { %sx sy => -

	2 copy max arrowsize mul /arrowsize exch store
	mtrx0 currentmatrix pop
	0 0 0  /make_path self send 	%path
	mtrx0 setmatrix			%path is scaled
	/N 0 store
	{pop pop} { %x y
		geom N get astore pop
		/N N 1 add store}
		{} {} pathforall
	} def

/i_get_geom {
	get_path	%path introduced by user in tmparray;

	X0 Y0 tmparray 0 Ntmp getinterval
		%x y [array of [xi yi] ] on stack
	Ntmp 0 eq {/Abort? true store} if
	} def

/edit_proc {edit_path} def

/edit_geom {%interactive edition of geom
	(select point of line and move it -- end with Right button)
	/erase self send
	/oldcanvas currentcanvas store
	setoverlay /crosshair? true store
	/Ntmp Npoint store	
	tmparray 0 geom putinterval
	/edit_proc self send
	oldcanvas setcanvas
	geom null ne {/erase self send} if
	tmparray 0 Ntmp getinterval /set_geom self send
	geom null ne {
		/make_bbox self send
		/display self send} if
	/crosshair? false store
	} def

/set_geom { %[ [x1 y1] [x2 y2] ... ] => -
	dup length array /geom exch store
	geom copy
	length  /Npoint exch store
	} def

	OSfile ([ %polyg. geom\n) writestring
	geom {OSfile exch ( [ % % ] ) exch fprintf} forall
	OSfile ( ] %end of polyg. geom\n) writestring
	} def

/clone_geom { %here the geom is an array of array
	geom type (arraytype) eq
		{/newarray geom length array store /N 0 store
		 geom {2 array copy newarray exch N exch put 
			/N N 1 add store} forall
		 /geom newarray store} if
	/newarray 4 array store
	bbox newarray copy /bbox exch store
	} def

classend def

(Curve \n) printdbg
/Curve Polyline
/iter 1 def
/new {
	/new super send begin
	currentdict end
	} def

/make_path {%the path coord relative to 0,0 are stored in an array in geom
	geom null ne {
%	translate rotate scale
	0 0 moveto
	/iter 1 def
	geom {
		aload pop
		iter 3 eq {curveto /iter 1 store } 
			  {/iter iter 1 add store} ifelse
		} forall

	Closed {closepath} if
	} if
	} def

/make_path_ps {%the path coord relative to 0,0 are stored in an array in geom
	geom null ne {

	PSfile (spos newpath 0 0 moveto\n) [] fprintf
	/iter 1 def
	geom {
		PSfile exch ( % % ) exch fprintf
	%	aload pop
		iter 3 eq {
			  PSfile ( curveto\n) [] fprintf /iter 1 store } 
			  {/iter iter 1 add store} ifelse
		} forall

	Closed {PSfile ( closepath\n) [] fprintf} if
	} if
	} def

/scale_geom { %sx sy => -

	mtrx0 currentmatrix pop
	0 0 0  /make_path super send 	%path
	mtrx0 setmatrix			%path is scaled
	/N 0 store
	{pop pop} { %x y
		geom N get astore pop
		/N N 1 add store}
		{} {} pathforall
	} def

/edit_proc {edit_curved_path 
	/Ntmp Ntmp Ntmp 3 mod sub  store  %Ntmp a multiple of 4
	} def

/i_get_geom {
	get_curved_path	%path introduced by user in tmparray;

	X0 Y0 tmparray 0 Ntmp getinterval
		%x y [array of [xi yi] ] on stack
	Ntmp 0 eq {/Abort? true store} if
	} def

classend def

/FontName /Times-Roman def
/pointsize 30 def

(Text\n) printdbg
/TextObject DrawObject
/Fontname FontName def
/Size pointsize def
/font null def
/Sh 0 def	%the height, width of the box enclosing the
/Sw 0 def	%string in global coord. sys. (non scaled and non rot.)
/new {
	/new super send begin
	currentdict end
	} def

	/init super send
	/Fontname FontName store
	/Size pointsize store
	/color 0 store		%black
	} def

	/saveivar super send
	OSfile (/% % % %) [Fontname Size Sh Sw] fprintf
	} def

	/Sw exch store
	/Sh exch store
	/Size exch store
	/Fontname exch store
	/loadivar super send
	} def

	OSfile ( \() writestring 
	OSfile  geom writestring OSfile (\) \n) writestring
	} def

/make_font {% sets the font entry
	/font Fontname findfont Size scalefont store} def

/set_font_and_size {% /fontname size =>
	/Size exch def
	/Fontname exch def
	/make_font self send} def

/changefont{ % FontName -- change the font 
	/Fontname exch store
	} def

/changefontsize{% change font size -- font size
	/Size exch store
	} def
/make_path {
	geom null ne {
	Fontname findfont Size scalefont setfont
	0 0 moveto geom show
	} if
	} def

/make_path_ps {
	geom null ne {
	PSfile (spos\n) [] fprintf
	PSfile ( /% findfont % scalefont setfont\n) [Fontname Size] fprintf
	PSfile (newpath	0 0 moveto (%) show\n) [geom] fprintf
	} if
	} def

/is_in_obj {
	/is_in_box self send} def

/dr {% linewidth linecolor color linejoin linecap linestyle => - only
     %color is important 
	pop pop pop setgray pop pop
	Sx Sy Angle X Y /make_path self send 
	} def

	PSfile (gsave pop pop pop setgray pop pop % % % % % \n)
		 [Sx Sy Angle X Y] fprintf
	/make_path_ps self send
	PSfile (grestore\n) writestring
	} def

/make_bbox{ %there seems to be problem with charpath and rotation;
	    %therefore finds the box and draws it in the object coord.
	    %system and extracts its bbox in the current coord. syst

	geom null ne {		
	mtrx0 currentmatrix pop
	Fontname findfont Size scalefont setfont
	0 0 moveto geom stringbbox	%here we have the box x,y,w,h
	2 copy /Sh exch store /Sw exch store
	X Y translate Angle rotate Sx Sy scale
	0 0 moveto rect pop pop
	mtrx0 setmatrix
	pathbbox bbox astore pop
	grestore} if
	} def

/make_opath{ spos 0 0 moveto Sw Sh rect} def

/scale_geom { %sx sy
%	max Size mul /Size exch store
	/Sy exch store /Sx exch store
	} def

/i_get_geom {%the string is in textstring; 
	(Text) prmessage
	0 0 {newpath 
		Sx Sy Angle x y gsave 
		/geom get_textstring store
		/make_path self send grestore
		} mygetanimated		% x y
	Cancel? {null /Abort true store} 
		{/geom get_textstring length string store
		get_textstring geom copy 
		} ifelse
	} def

/edit_geom {%interactive edition of geom
	(Edit Text)
	/erase self send
	/oldcanvas currentcanvas store
	items /textstring get /ItemValue geom geom length string copy put
	geom		%oldgeom
	0 0 {newpath 
		Sx Sy Angle X Y gsave 
		/geom get_textstring store
		/make_path self send grestore
		} mygetanimated 	%x y
	Cancel? {/geom exch store}
		{pop /geom get_textstring length string store
		get_textstring geom copy 
		} ifelse
	oldcanvas setcanvas
	geom null ne {
		/make_bbox self send
		/display self send} if
	} def
classend def

(PostScriptImport\n) printdbg
%the local bbox of the object is stored in the geom variable

/alreadyimporteddict 50 dict def
	%for each imported file, we will have
	% /procname [ codearray filename ]

/savefname null def

/SaveImportedFiles {%
	OSfile (alreadyimporteddict begin \n) writestring
	{% key [ code filename ]

	exch OSfile exch (/%  [ { \n) exch [ exch procstr cvs ] fprintf
	aload pop 			%code fname
	exch pop /savefname exch store  % -
	(copying PS file ) savefname append prmessage 
	savefname OSfile copytofile {(error in copying PS imported file )
			prmessage} if	%fname
	OSfile ( } \n) writestring
	OSfile ( (%) ) [ savefname] fprintf
	OSfile (\n ] def \n) writestring
	} forall
	OSfile (\n end \n) writestring
	} def

/PSFileCycle{ % filename => bool ; true if filename is an already
		% imported PS file
	{ %key, [ codearray filename ]
	exch pop			%         
	aload pop exch pop		%filename false filename2
	2 index eq {			%filename false               
		    pop true exit} if

bernard@prlb2.UUCP (Bernard Yves) (01/27/89)

	} forall
	exch pop
	} def

/add_extension{% filename (.extension) => filename.extension
	exch	%ext filename
	( ) search 	%ext post match pre true
	4 -1 roll   %post match pre ext
	4 2 roll	%pre ext post match
	pop pop append
	{		%ext pre 
	exch append
	} ifelse
	} def

/extract_fname{% /.../.../.../toto.xxx => toto.xxx
	(/) search
		{ % post match pre
		 pop pop}
		{exit} ifelse
	} loop
	} def

/make_wrappedfname{%filename => PWD/fname.wps
	(PWD) getenv (/) append exch extract_fname append (.wps) add_extension
	} def

/achar 1 string def
/linestring2 256 string def
/make_procname{	% filename => -
		%from a filename make a postscript name
		%by repacing all / by a _
	/N 0 store
	0 1 linestring2 length 1 sub {linestring2 exch 32 put} for
	{ achar 0 3 -1 roll put achar dup (/) eq {pop (_)} if  %char or _
	 linestring2 N 3 -1 roll putinterval
	 /N N 1 add store
	} forall
	linestring2 ( ) search pop %post match pre
	3 1 roll pop pop cvn
	} def

/linestring 256 string def
/TmpFile null def
/PS2file null def

/errorstring 30 string def

/copytofile{% filename file => bool	; true if error
	exch 				%file filename
	(r) file /TmpFile exch store	% file
	dup				% file file
	TmpFile linestring readline     % file file subst bool
		{writestring 		% file 
		dup (\n) writestring	% file 
		{pop exit} ifelse
	} loop
	TmpFile closefile
	} stopped dup {get_errorstr} if
	} def

/get_errorstr{%gets current errorname and puts it in errorstring
	$error begin errorname end errorstring cvs pop
	} def
/fileerrorpr{% operation filename => -
		%print last file error message
	(file error : ) errorstring append
	 exch append exch append prerror
	} def

/FileExist? {% filename => true | false
	{ (r) file} stopped {false} {closefile true} ifelse
	} def

/PostScript DrawObject
/drawproc nullproc def 		%the drawing code; any legal ps?
/filename 100 string def	%the imported file
/privatedict2 null def
/procname null def
/savemtrx null def
/RedisplayIfScroll {} def
/new {
	/new super send begin
	currentdict end
	} def

	/init super send
%	/geom 4 array store
	/privatedict2 50 dict store %a private dict for drawproc def and store
	/savemtrx matrix store
     } def

	/clone_geom super send
	privatedict2 50 dict copy /privatedict2 exch store
	} def
/display{%drawing param are set; it is the responsability 
	 %of the drawing proc to reset them to its own values
	savemtrx currentmatrix pop
	Sx Sy Angle X Y spos
	geom 0 get neg geom 1 get neg translate
	linewidth setlinewidth
	linecolor setgray
	linecap  setlinecap
	linejoin setlinejoin
	linestyle setdashpat
	privatedict2  begin drawproc end 
	savemtrx setmatrix
	} def

/display_ps {%for each imported file <file> a procedure /<file> is
	     %defined and called
	 procname null eq {/procname filename make_procname store} if
	 importfiledict procname known not
		{% the procedure is not yet defined in the ps file
						%procname procname

		self /drawproc get length 300 lt
			PSfile  (\n/%{\n) [ procname ] fprintf
			filename PSfile copytofile pop	%procname
			PSfile (\n} def\n) writestring	
			importfiledict procname 1 put     %procname
		} if
			%if the proc is too long
			%do not create a proc, but write
			%the imported file each time it is needed
		} if
	(savemtrx currentmatrix pop gsave % % % % % spos % % translate\n)
			[Sx Sy Angle X Y geom 0 get neg geom 1 get neg] fprintf
(% % % % % setdashpat setlinejoin setlinecap setgray setlinewidth\n)
	[linewidth linecolor linecap linejoin linestyle] fprintf

	self /drawproc get length 300 lt
(mark privatedict begin % end cleartomark grestore savemtrx setmatrix\n)
		[procname] fprintf
	(mark privatedict begin\n) writestring
	filename PSfile copytofile pop
	(end cleartomark grestore savemtrx setmatrix\n) writestring
	} ifelse
	} def

	Sy mul /Sy exch store
	Sx mul /Sx exch store
	} def

/make_opath{%draws the local bbox
%	geom 0 get geom 1 get moveto 
	0 0 moveto
	geom 2 get geom 0 get sub geom 3 get geom 1 get sub rect
	} def

/make_path{ /make_opath self send} def
	%will be used in is_in_obj;

/erase{%erases the local bounding box
	1 setgray
	Sx Sy Angle X Y
	make_opath fill
	} def

/make_bbox{%computes the global bbox	
	mtrx0 currentmatrix pop
	Sx Sy Angle X Y /make_opath self send
	mtrx0 setmatrix
	pathbbox bbox astore pop
	} def

/load_drawproc{ % - => bool; true if ok;
		%if not already made, makes the wrapped file and loads it 
		%the wrapped file is created in the user Home directory
		%with the same name as the user file and *.wps as extension
	/procname filename make_procname store
	alreadyimporteddict procname known
		%the dict entry contains the Postscript object
		%for which the corresponding drawproc has been defined
		  alreadyimporteddict procname get aload pop pop  def
	{%the PS file is not yet loaded

	/PS2file  filename make_wrappedfname (w) file store
	PS2file (/drawproc{ \n) writestring
	filename PS2file copytofile		%copies filename to the
						%end of PS2file
	{%error in copying file
	false PS2file closefile 
	{%close it and load it to define /drawproc
	PS2file (\n} def \n) writestring
	PS2file closefile
	(loading wrapped file ) filename make_wrappedfname append prmessage 
	filename make_wrappedfname LoadFile
	dup  {alreadyimporteddict procname [/drawproc load filename ] put} if
	} ifelse
	} ifelse
	} def

/i_get_geom{ %reads the imported filename * and loads it
	     %makes a 'wrapped' file *.wps
	     %where the ps code is embedded : /drawproc{ <code> } def
	     %then loads it with LoadFile
	(Import PostScript) prmessage
	/filename get_ps_filename dup length string copy store
	filename extract_fname length 0 gt
	(making wrapped file ) filename make_wrappedfname append prmessage
	/load_drawproc self send	%true if ok;
	 (enter the bounding box : ) prmessage
	 currentcanvas			%the overlay canvas
	 oldcanvas setcanvas		%the win canvas

	/X0 0 store /Y0 0 store
	 {gsave 0 0 translate savemtrx currentmatrix pop
	 gsave mark privatedict2 begin drawproc end cleartomark grestore
	 savemtrx setmatrix
	 } store
	/ThisObj self store
	/RedisplayWhenScroll { {RedisplayIfScroll} ThisObj send } store
	{RedisplayIfScroll} stopped
		{(error in executing PS file ) filename append prerror
		 0 0 null
		 setcanvas			%reset the overlay
		 mygetwholerect			%[x y w h]
		 aload pop			%x1 y1 w h
		 2 index add			%x1 y1 w y2
		 exch 3 index add		%x1 y1 y2 x2
		 exch 3 index 3 index	        %x1 y1 x2 y2 x1 y1
		 6 2 roll 4 array astore	%x1 y1 box
		 (PS file imported: ) filename append prmessage
		} ifelse
	{( in loading ) filename fileerrorpr
	0 0 null
	} ifelse 
	{( in loading ) filename fileerrorpr
	0 0 null
	} ifelse
	/RedisplayWhenScroll {} store

/save_geom{ OSfile ( [ % % % % ] \n) geom fprintf} def
	/saveivar super send
	OSfile ( \() writestring 
	OSfile  filename writestring OSfile (\) \n) writestring
	} def

	/filename exch store
	/load_drawproc self send 
		 {} 	%ok
		{(error in importing) filename append prerror)} ifelse
	/loadivar super send
	} def

classend def

%building of an A4 size rectangle 
/a4rect /new DrawObject send def
/X 100 35 div 3 mul def
/Y 100 35 div 3 mul def
/geom [100 35 div 197 mul 100 35 div 282 mul] def
/linecolor .85 def
/linewidth 2 def
/ingroup true def	%so that it is not selectable by user;
} a4rect send

%drawing area window definition
%/win framebuffer /new ScrollAndZoomWindow send def

(main interaction routines\n) printdbg
/previous_selection null def
/current_selection null def
/old_selection null def

/push_selection{% obj
	/previous_selection current_selection store
	/current_selection exch store
	} def
	/current_selection previous_selection store
	/previous_selection null store
	} def

/ClosedPath? false def
/create_object {%class => obj
	{ClientCanvas} win send  setcanvas
	/new exch send push_selection	% /current_selection exch store
	ClosedPath? {current_selection begin /Closed true store end
			/ClosedPath? false store} if
	/i_def_geom current_selection send
	current_selection begin geom end null ne
		{current_selection  AddObject}
		{pop_selection} ifelse
	} def

/foundlist 100 array def
/Nfound 0 def
/MaxBoxSize 0 def
/find_object_on_pt {%x y => obj | null
		    %only objects which are not in a group can be found

	/Y0 exch store /X0 exch store
	/Xc null store
	/Yc null store
	/Nfound 0 store
	ObjTable 0 Nobj getinterval {
		/Xc exch store 
		Xc  null ne
		{Xc begin ingroup end not
		{X0 Y0 /is_in_obj Xc send 
			foundlist Nfound Xc put 
			/Nfound Nfound 1 add store
			} if} if} if} forall
	Nfound 0 eq { null}
	/MaxBoxSize 10000000 store
	foundlist 0 Nfound getinterval {
		/Xc exch store
		/BoxSize Xc send dup MaxBoxSize le
			{/Yc Xc store /MaxBoxSize exch store
			MaxBoxSize 0 eq {exit} if}
			{pop}  ifelse
		} forall
	} ifelse
	} def

/find_objects_in_box {% [x1 y1 x2 y2] => o1 o2.... on n
	/b1 exch store
	/N 0 def
	ObjTable 0 Nobj getinterval {
		/Xc exch store
		Xc  null ne
		{Xc begin ingroup end not
		{Xc begin bbox end b1 box_in_box  
			{Xc /N N 1 add store} if} if} if} forall
	} def

/select_object {
	{ClientCanvas} win send  setcanvas
	/oldcanvas currentcanvas store
	(select object by clicking on it : ) prmessage
	oldcanvas setcanvas
	null ne {dup /erase exch send
		  /display current_selection send
		  current_selection begin [tableindex] end 
			(% is selected) exch prmessage
		/getclassname current_selection send /Group ne
		{/update_control_panel current_selection send} if
		 (no object selected) prmessage} ifelse
	} def

/i1 0 def
/i2 0 def

/swap_obj{ % o1 o2 => - ; swaps the 2 obj in ObjTable;
	dup begin /i2 tableindex store end
	exch dup begin /i1 tableindex store end  %o2 o1
	dup begin /tableindex i2 store end ObjTable exch i2 exch put
	dup begin /tableindex i1 store end ObjTable exch i1 exch put
	(% and % swapped) [i1 i2] prmessage
	} def

/find_overlapping_obj{ %  fromindex step toindex obj => first_over_obj
		      %obj in X1, overlap in Xc
	/X1 exch store
	/Xc null store
		{ObjTable exch get dup /X2 exch store
		null ne
		  {X2 begin ingroup end not
			{X1 begin bbox end X2 begin bbox end overlapping_box
				{/Xc X2 store exit} if
			} if
		  } if
		} for
	} def

/move_down{ % obj => obj2 ; invert position of obj in ObjTable with
	% the next object behind it overlapping it

	dup begin tableindex end 1 sub -1 0 4 -1 roll find_overlapping_obj
	dup null ne {X1 Xc swap_obj} if	
	} def

/move_up{ % obj => obj2 ; invert position of obj in ObjTable with
	% the next object over it overlapping it obj2

	dup begin tableindex end 1 add 1 Nobj 1 sub 4 -1 roll 
	dup null ne {X1 Xc swap_obj} if
	} def

/apply_on_sel {% proc => - ; apply proc on selection if non null
	current_selection null ne
		{{ClientCanvas} win send setcanvas
		{pop (no object selected !) prmessage} ifelse
	} def

/fapply_on_sel{% /message  -> apply it on current selection
	current_selection dup null ne	%/message obj
		{{ClientCanvas} win send setcanvas
		{pop pop (no object selected !) prmessage} ifelse
	} def

/notifyselection true def

/setdpar {% value /paramfunct  => - ; 
	  %apply change of param on selection if non null
	2 copy			%arg1 arg2 arg1 arg2
	current_selection null ne notifyselection and
		{{ClientCanvas} win send setcanvas
		 {self send} /change_geom current_selection send
		pop pop
		{pop pop } ifelse
	} def

	    FontDirectory {
		% include all fonts except /Cursor
		pop dup /Cursor ne {
		    25 string cvs
		    dup length 3 le { pop } if
		} {
		} ifelse
	    } forall
        [{/FontName currentkey store
	  FontName /changefont setdpar} ]
	/new DefaultMenu send def

        [(  6  ) (8) (10) (12) (14) (16) (18) (24) (30) (32) (64)]
	[{/pointsize currentkey cvi store
	  pointsize /changefontsize setdpar} ]
	/new DefaultMenu send def

	(save PS file) {generate_ps}
	(------) {}
        (save Objects file) {generate_os}
	(load Objects file) {load_osfile}
	(------) {}
	(save Tools file) {SaveTools}
	(load Tools file) {LoadToolFile}
	(------) {}
	(Windows Pos.) {WindowPositions}
	(Info)	{CopyrightNotice prmessage {ClientCanvas} win send setcanvas}
	/new DefaultMenu send def

(NeWSillustrator 1.0.p, jan 89, Yves Bernard, Philips Research Lab, Brussels) def

/align_op{%align_proc => -
	current_selection null ne
		{{ClientCanvas} win send setcanvas
		 /getclassname current_selection send /Group eq 
		 	{/change_geom current_selection send} if
		{pop (no group object selected !) prmessage} ifelse
	} def

/clipped_obj null def
/clipping_obj null def

/make_clip{%the current selection contains the clipping object
	   %the previous selection should contain the object to clip
	current_selection null eq previous_selection null eq or
	{(error : no objects for making clip) prerror}
	/clipped_obj previous_selection store
	/getclassname current_selection send
	dup /Group ne 				%class b
	1 index /TextObject ne and		%class b
	1 index /PostScript ne and		%class b
	exch pop
	/clipping_obj current_selection store
	/erase clipped_obj send
	/new ClippingGroup send push_selection
	[clipping_obj clipped_obj] /set_geom current_selection send
	/make_bbox current_selection send
	/display current_selection send
	current_selection AddObject 
	(error : the clipping obj can not be a group, a text or an importPS)
	} ifelse
	} ifelse
} def

/psfilename null def
	 items /psfilename get /ItemValue get} def
	/psfilename ItemValue store} def

/ConfirmWriteFile? {% filename
		{(Overwrite Existing File ?? ) Confirm?}
		{true} ifelse
	} def

/PSfile null def
/generate_ps {
	{ClientCanvas} win send setcanvas
	get_ps_filename PSFileCycle not
	get_ps_filename ConfirmWriteFile?
	{get_ps_filename (w) file /PSfile exch store
	(writing PS file...) prmessage
	PSfile closefile} stopped
	 {get_errorstr ( in writing ) get_ps_filename fileerrorpr}
	 {(PS file is written: ) get_ps_filename append prmessage} ifelse
	{(writing aborted...) prmessage} ifelse
	{(can not write PS file: cycle,same name as an imported PS file ) 
	 get_ps_filename append prerror
	} ifelse
	} def

/osfilename null def
	items /osfilename get /ItemValue get} def
	/osfilename ItemValue store} def

/saveproc null def
/GenericSave{% proc => -; to file OSfile 
/saveproc exch store get_os_filename ConfirmWriteFile?
	/OSfile get_os_filename (w) file store
	/procfile OSfile store
	OSfile (\n) writestring
	OSfile closefile
	} stopped {get_errorstr
		   ( in writing ) get_os_filename
		   fileerrorpr} {(file is written) prmessage} ifelse
	} if	
} def

/OSfile null def
/generate_os {
	{ClientCanvas} win send setcanvas
	{(writing object files...) prmessage
	SaveAllObjects} GenericSave 
	} def

	{ClientCanvas} win send setcanvas
	(loading...) prmessage
	get_os_filename LoadFile 
		 {(Object file loaded: ) get_os_filename append prmessage
		/PaintClient win send 
		 {get_errorstr ( in loading ) get_os_filename fileerrorpr}
	} def

%control panel window definition

(Control Panel definition\n) printdbg
systemdict /Item known not { (NeWS/liteitem.ps) run } if
%systemdict /Item known not { (NeWS/liteitem.ps) LoadFile pop } if

/notify? true def
/notify {
    notify? {(Notify: Value=%) [ItemValue] /printf messages send} if
} def
/FillColor .75 def

/prmessage { % sting => - print messages in Control Panel
	 /printf messages send
	} def

/prerror { % sting => - print messages in Control Panel
	 /printf errormessage send
	} def

/prvalue { % string => - print  in Control Panel
	 /printf valuemessage send
	} def	

/recstr 30 string def

/notifylq {ItemValue 10 div setlinequality} def

/ParValue 0 def
	{ItemValue /setlinewidth2 setdpar} def
	{ItemValue 100 div /setlinecolor setdpar} def
	{ItemValue 0 lt {-1} {ItemValue 100 div} ifelse
	  /setcolor setdpar} def

	{/group_def_mode ItemValue 0 eq (by box) (by enumeration) ifelse
	} def

/notifylcap{ItemValue /setlinecap2 setdpar} def
/notifyljoin{ItemValue /setlinejoin2 setdpar} def
/notifylstyle{ItemValue /setlinestyle setdpar} def
/notifyarrowsize{ItemValue cvr /setarrowsize  setdpar} def

/arrowstartend? { % - => startarrow endarrow
	      ParValue 0 eq {false false} if
	      ParValue 1 eq {true false} if
	      ParValue 2 eq {false true} if
	      ParValue 3 eq {true true} if
		} def

/Pend false def
/Pstart false def

/notifylarrow{/ParValue ItemValue store
		arrowstartend? /Pend exch store /Pstart exch store
		[Pstart Pend] /setarrow setdpar} def
/notifyradcorner {ItemValue cvr dup 0 eq {pop 8} if
		   /setradcorner setdpar} def

/textstring (enter string) def

/notifytext{/textstring ItemValue store} def

/gridon false def
/gridsize 100 def
/notifygridsize	{/gridsize ItemValue cvr dup 0 eq
			{pop 100} if  store} def

/notifysnap {/SnapToGrid? ItemValue 1 eq store
	} def

/updateCPitem{%  newvalue /name
	items exch get		%newvalue it
	dup 2 index /ItemValue exch put 	%v it 
	exch pop	/paint exch send
	} def

/ClickToMove? false def
/xoff 0 def /yoff 0 def

/notifyclicktomove{/ClickToMove? ItemValue 1 eq store} def

	{/gridon ItemValue 1 eq store
		{{ClientCanvas} win send setcanvas draw_grid}
		{/PaintClient win send} ifelse
	 } def

/get_textstring{%gets the ItemValue of the text liteitem
	items /textstring get /ItemValue get dup /textstring exch store
	} def

/notifyalphadata {} def

/draw_grid{% draws the grid
	gridon gridsize 0 gt and
	0 setgray [2 5] 0 setdash
	0 gridsize 1000 {dup 0 moveto 1000 lineto stroke} for
	0 gridsize 1000 {dup 0 exch moveto 1000 exch lineto stroke} for
	grestore} if
	} def

/putinControlPanel{%linewidth linecolor color linestyle linejoin linecap
	/notifyselection false store
	/oldcanvas currentcanvas store
	{ClientCanvas} controlpanel send setcanvas
	items begin
	linecap /ItemValue 3 -1 roll put /paint linecap send
	linejoin /ItemValue 3 -1 roll put /paint linejoin send
	linestyle /ItemValue 3 -1 roll put /paint linestyle send
	dup -1 ne {100 mul} if
			fillcolor /ItemValue 3 -1 roll put
					/paint fillcolor send
	100 mul linecolor /ItemValue 3 -1 roll put /paint linecolor send
	linewidth /ItemValue 3 -1 roll put /paint linewidth send
	oldcanvas setcanvas
	/notifyselection true store
	} def

/setcurrentdisplayparam{%set control parameters as default
	items begin
	linecap /ItemValue get /current_linecap exch store
	linejoin /ItemValue get /current_linejoin exch store
	linestyle /ItemValue get /current_linestyle exch store
	fillcolor /ItemValue get dup
		0 lt {pop -1} {100 div} ifelse
		/current_fill exch store
	linecolor /ItemValue get 100 div /current_linecolor exch store
	linewidth /ItemValue get /current_linewidth exch store
	arrowsize /ItemValue get cvr /current_arrowsize exch store
	linearrow /ItemValue get  /ParValue exch store 
		arrowstartend? /current_arrowend? exch store
			       /current_arrowstart? exch store
} def

%Items creation
/createitems {
/items 30 dict dup begin

    /messages /panel_text (<messages come here>) /Right {} can 700 0
    /new MessageItem send dup begin
        /ItemFrame 1 def
        /ItemBorder 4 def
    end 20 20 /move 3 index send def

    /value /panel_text (<values>) /Right {} can 700 0
    /new MessageItem send dup begin
        /ItemFrame 1 def
        /ItemBorder 4 def
    end 20 0 /move 3 index send def

    /errormessage /panel_text (<error message>) /Right {} can 700 0
    /new MessageItem send dup begin
        /ItemFrame 1 def
        /ItemBorder 4 def
    end 20 -20 /move 3 index send def

    /textstring (Text String:) (Text string) /Right /notifytext can 500 0
    	/new TextItem send 20 290 /move 3 index send def

    /osfilename (Objects file name:) (PWD) getenv (/) append
	 /Right /notifyosfname can 500 0
    	/new TextItem send 20 260 /move 3 index send def

    /psfilename (PS file name:) (PWD) getenv (/) append
	 /Right /notifypsfname can 500 0
    	/new TextItem send 20 230 /move 3 index send def

    /gridsize (Grid Size:) (100) /Right /notifygridsize can 220 0
    	/new TextItem send 20 200 /move 3 index send def

    /gridbutton (Grid on:)  [/panel_check_off /panel_check_on]
        /Right /notifygridon can 0 0 /new CycleItem send
        dup /LabelY -4 put 250 200 /move 3 index send def

   /SnapToGrid? (Snap To Grid:)  [/panel_check_off /panel_check_on]
        /Right /notifysnap can 0 0 /new CycleItem send
        dup /LabelY -4 put 355 200 /move 3 index send def

    /linequality (line quality:) [0 10 10] /Right /notifylq can 220 20
    	/new SliderItem send 20 170 /move 3 index send def

    /linecap (line cap:) [(butt) (round) (square) ]
    /Right /notifylcap can 0 0 /new CycleItem send
    250 140 /move 3 index send def
    /linejoin (line join:) [(miter) (round) (belevel) ]
   /Right /notifyljoin can 0 0 /new CycleItem send
    355 170 /move 3 index send def

    /linestyle (line style:) [(plain) (dash1) (dash2) ]
   /Right /notifylstyle can 0 0 /new CycleItem send
    250 170 /move 3 index send def

    /linearrow (line arrow:) [(no) (at start) (at end) (at start and end) ]
   /Right /notifylarrow can 0 0 /new CycleItem send
    355 140 /move 3 index send def

    /linewidth (line width:) [0 10 0] /Right /notifylw can 220 20
	/new SliderItem send dup /ItemFrame 1 put
	20 140 /move 3 index send def

    /linecolor (line color:) [0 100 0] /Right /notifylc can 220 20
	/new SliderItem send dup /ItemFrame 1 put
	20 110 /move 3 index send def

    /fillcolor (fill color:) [-1 100 -1] /Right /notifyfc can 220 20
	/new SliderItem send dup /ItemFrame 1 put
	20 80 /move 3 index send def
     /groupdef (Group Defined by :) [
	( box)
	( enumeration)
    ] /Right /notifygroupdefmode can 220 0  /new CycleItem send
    20 50 /move 3 index send def

    /radcorner (Rounded Corner Radius:) (8) /Right /notifyradcorner can 220 0
    	/new TextItem send 250 50 /move 3 index send def

    /arrowsize (Arrow Size :) (5) /Right /notifyarrowsize can 165 0
    	/new TextItem send 250 110 /move 3 index send def

   /ClickToMove? (Click To Move:)  [/panel_check_off /panel_check_on]
        /Right /notifyclicktomove can 0 0 /new CycleItem send
        dup /LabelY -4 put 250 80 /move 3 index send def

    /alphadata (Data :) (arguments) /Right /notifyalphadata can 220 0
    	/new TextItem send 20 -50 /move 3 index send def

    /doitbutton (SendIt!) /SendAlphaEvent can 100 0 /new ButtonItem send
        dup /ItemBorderColor .5 .5 .5 rgbcolor put
        130 -90 /move 3 index send def

end def
/messages items /messages get def
/valuemessage items /value get def
/errormessage	items /errormessage get def
} def

/slideitem { % items fillcolor item => -
    dup 4 1 roll		% item items fillcolor item
    /moveinteractive exch send	% item
    /bbox exch send		% x y w h

    (Item: x=%, y=%, w=%, h=% Canvas: w=%, h=%) [
	6 2 roll
	win begin FrameWidth FrameHeight end
    ] /printf messages send
} def

/MakeControlPanel {

% Create and size a window.  The size is chosen to accommodate the
% items we are creating.  Right before we map the window, we ask the
% user to reshape the window.  This is atypical, but gets the items
% positioned the way we want them.

    /controlpanel framebuffer /new MyWindowClass send def
    {	/PaintClient {FillColor fillcanvas items paintitems} def
	/FrameLabel (NeWSillustrator - Control Panel) def
	/IconLabel  (Control Panel) def
	/IconImage /galaxy def
	    (set as Default)  {setcurrentdisplayparam}
	    (White Background)	{/FillColor   1 store /paintclient controlpanel send}
	    (Light Background)	{/FillColor .75 store /paintclient controlpanel send}
	    (Medium Background)	{/FillColor .50 store /paintclient controlpanel send}
	    (Dark Background)	{/FillColor .25 store /paintclient controlpanel send}
	    (Black Background)	{/FillColor   0 store /paintclient controlpanel send}
	] /new DefaultMenu send def

    } controlpanel send

    30 30 700 350 /reshape controlpanel send
    /can controlpanel /ClientCanvas get def    
% Create all the items.
% Create event manager to slide around the items.
    /slidemgr [
	items { % key item
	    exch pop dup /ItemCanvas get	% item can
	    MiddleMouseButton [items FillColor	% item can name [ dict color
	    6 -1 roll /slideitem cvx] cvx	% can name proc
	    DownTransition 			% can name proc action
	    4 -1 roll eventmgrinterest		% interest
	} forall
    ] forkeventmgr def

ControlPanelPosition null eq
    {/reshapefromuser controlpanel send	}
    {ControlPanelPosition aload pop /reshape controlpanel send} ifelse 
    /map controlpanel send		
    /itemmgr items forkitems def
} def

1 setlinequality
/make_bbox a4rect send

% Iconic command window or Tool Palette

(CommandObj Class\n) printdbg
/CommandObj Group
%a command is a group ; the geom of the group is the icon of the command
/name null def
/ident 0 def		%use to identify command in macro
/param null def
/execproc nullproc def
/undoproc {} def
/repeatproc {} def
/CanBeDefault? false def
/kind /Standard def
/new {
	/new super send begin
	/CanBeDefault? false def
	currentdict end
	} def

/display {
	Sx Sy Angle X Y spos
	geom {/display exch send} forall
	} def

/execcommand {% 
	/hilite self send pause
	{ClientCanvas} win send setcanvas
	RepeatCommand self ne {/LastCommand self store
				/LastCommand? true store} if
	/deshilite self send
	} def

	/saveivar super send
	OSfile (/%) [name] fprintf
	} def

	/name exch def
	name null ne {
	CommandDict name self put} if 
		%tool built from macro are not put in the commanddict
	/loadivar super send
	} def

	OSfile (/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark\n) writestring
	/saveivar self send
	OSfile ( loadobj\n) writestring
	OSfile ({\n) writestring
	OSfile (/kind /% def\n) [kind] fprintf
	OSfile (/execproc \n) writestring
	/execproc load print_any
	OSfile ( def\n) writestring
	OSfile (/undoproc \n) writestring
	/undoproc load print_any
	OSfile ( def\n) writestring
	OSfile (/repeatproc \n) writestring
	/repeatproc load print_any
	OSfile ( def\n) writestring
	OSfile (/CanBeDefault? % def\n) [CanBeDefault?] fprintf
	OSfile (} topcom send\n) writestring
	} def

/undo{	undoproc } def

	bbox 0 get bbox 1 get moveto -7 -7 rmoveto
	bbox 2 get bbox 0 get sub 14 add	%w
	bbox 3 get bbox 1 get sub 14 add rect
	} def

/hilite{% when a command is selected, it is highlighted
	% by drawing a thick rect around it
	{ClientCanvas} CommandWindow send setcanvas
	0 setgray 4 setlinewidth /borderpath self send stroke
	} def

	{ClientCanvas} CommandWindow send setcanvas
	1 setgray 4 setlinewidth /borderpath self send stroke
	} def

classend def

%/DefaultCommand select_command def
/LastCommand null def
/LastCommand? false def

/CommandDict 100 dict def
/CommandTable 100 array def
/Ncommand 0 def
	{% <obj> => -
	dup CommandTable exch Ncommand exch put  %obj
	begin /ident Ncommand store  end  
	/Ncommand Ncommand 1 add store

(MakeNeWCommand\n) printdbg

{(error: the valid expressions are: (1) (macroname) CallMacro (2) {PScode})
prerror } def
/thenewcom null def
/itscode null def
/theGroup null def

/MakeNewCommand{%makes a command from the current_selection if
		%it is a group; 
		%ask the place in the tool palette and the code
		%for its exec proc
	NewComDict begin
	current_selection null ne
	/getclassname current_selection send /Group eq
	/itscode null store
	current_selection GroupToCommand /thenewcom exch store
	%ask the code
	(ok with this code: ) ConfirmText?
	  {%parse it
	  get_textstring {token {exch} {exit} ifelse} loop 
				%codearray or (macroname) CallMacro

	  { %case loop			%mark {} or mark (name) /CallMacro
	  counttomark 2 gt  {toolerror exit} if
	  dup type /nametype	eq  %macroname CallMacro
		{(macro call) prmessage
		dup /CallMacro eq	%macroname CallMacro
			{exec /itscode exch store 
			/itscode load 10 string cvs prvalue
			thenewcom begin /kind /MacroTool def end}
			{pop toolerror} ifelse
		exit} if			
	  dup type /arraytype eq 1 index xcheck and %mark {}
		{(code array) prmessage
		/itscode exch store itscode 10 string cvs prvalue
		exit } if
	  %mark xxx
	  } loop		%mark -- itscode
	  /itscode load null ne
		{%save it and give position
		/itscode load thenewcom begin /execproc exch store end
		 theGroup begin ObjTable tableindex null put end
		 /erase theGroup send
		(The tool is added) prmessage
		{(tool creation aborted) prmessage
		 /Ncommand Ncommand 1 sub store
		} ifelse
	} if		%Confirm
	 } {(command icons are made from group!!) prerror} ifelse
	} {(no selected object) prerror} ifelse
} def

/PlaceCommand{% thenewcom => - place it on Tool Palette
	(place the icon in the tool palette -- click with any button)
	{ClientCanvas} CommandWindow send createoverlay setcanvas
	begin bbox aload pop end 	%x1 y1 x2 y2
	 2 index sub 		%x1 y1 x2 h
	 exch 3 index sub 	%x1 y1 h w
	/X2 exch store /Y2 exch store
	0 0 {x y moveto X2 Y2 rect} getanimated waitprocess
	aload pop			%x y
	thenewcom begin /Y exch store /X exch store end
	{ClientCanvas} CommandWindow send setcanvas
	/make_bbox thenewcom send
	/display thenewcom send
	{ClientCanvas} win send setcanvas
	} def

/GroupToCommand {%group => command
	/theGroup exch store
	/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand /thenewcom exch store
	theGroup begin bbox X Y Angle geom Ngr end
	thenewcom begin 
		/Ngr exch store 
		/geom exch store /Angle exch store /Y exch store
		 /X exch store /bbox exch store
} def

/SaveTools{% save new added tools in a file
	/saveobjprelude ( mark\n) store
	{(writing tool file...) prmessage
	CommandTable FirstUserCommand dup Ncommand exch sub
	getinterval {/saveobject exch send} forall
	} GenericSave
	} def

	(Loading tool file ) get_os_filename append ( ??) append
	{get_os_filename LoadFile
			{(tool file loaded) prmessage pause
			 {ClientCanvas} CommandWindow send setcanvas
			 /PaintClient CommandWindow send
			{(in loading) get_os_filename fileerrorpr} ifelse
	} if
} def

/DefComProcess null store
	DefComProcess null eq
		{ newprocessgroup
		  {/execcommand DefaultCommand send pause} loop
		} fork store pause } if
	} def

	DefComProcess null ne { pause DefComProcess killprocessgroup
				/DefComProcess null store pause} if
	} def

(Command Window\n) printdbg

bernard@prlb2.UUCP (Bernard Yves) (01/27/89)


/ConfirmText? {%message => bool
	get_textstring append ( ??) append Confirm?
	} def

	(Redisplay) {/PaintClient CommandWindow send pause
		    /PaintClient win send pause
	(Zoom In) {/ZoomIn win send}
	(Zoom Out) {/ZoomOut win send}
	(----) {}
	(Font => ) fontmenu
	(FontSize => ) pointsizemenu
	(Files => ) filemenu
	(----) {}
	(Make Tool) {MakeNewCommand}

	] /new DefaultMenu send def

/MakeCommandWindow {
    /CommandWindow framebuffer /new MyWindowClass send def
    {	/PaintClient {
		ClientCanvas setcanvas
		1 fillcanvas
		CommandTable 0 Ncommand getinterval
			{/display exch send} forall
		pause pause
		DefaultCommand null ne {/hilite DefaultCommand send} if
		} def
	/ClientMenu CommandWinMenu def
	/FrameLabel (NeWSillustrator - Tools Palette) def
	/IconLabel (Tools) def
    } CommandWindow send

ToolPalettePosition null eq
    {/reshapefromuser CommandWindow send}
    {ToolPalettePosition aload pop /reshape CommandWindow send} ifelse
    /map CommandWindow send
    {ClientCanvas} CommandWindow send setcanvas

% Create event manager to select command.
	LeftMouseButton		%a new command is selected
	select_command		%exec the selected com
	/hilite DefaultCommand send
	{ClientCanvas} CommandWindow send
	 eventmgrinterest		% interest

	MiddleMouseButton	%a new command is selected as default
	LastCommand null ne LastCommand? and
		{LastCommand /CanBeDefault? get
		  {/DefaultCommand LastCommand store} if } if
	/hilite DefaultCommand send
	{ClientCanvas} CommandWindow send
	 eventmgrinterest		% interest

    ] forkeventmgr def

} def

/select_command{ %the event is in CurrentEvent
	begin XLocation YLocation end  	%x y of click
	find_command dup null ne			%command
		{/deshilite DefaultCommand send
		 /execcommand exch send
		{pop} ifelse
	} def

/foundcommand null def
/find_command{% x y => command | null;
	      %if found, the command is highlited
	/foundcommand null store
	CommandTable 0 Ncommand getinterval
		{%x y com
		3 copy 			  %x y com x y com 
		/is_in_obj exch send
			{/foundcommand exch store exit} 
			{pop} ifelse
		} forall pop pop
	foundcommand null ne 
		LastCommand null ne LastCommand? and
		 {/deshilite LastCommand send} if
		/hilite foundcommand send} if
	} def

% alphanumeric input of tool arguments

%high-level event ; the value - coord, angle or scale factors
%will be in /ClientData
%the followint event types (Name) are recorded in macro
% /Command, /AlphaEvent (action /Point /Move /Rotate /Scale /String /Stop)
%  /Param, /Dparam
% these events are stored as 3 dict begin /Name /Action /ClientData end

(alphanum input\n) printdbg
/MakeEventToRecord{% data action name => myevent
	3 dict dup begin		%data action name ev 
		4 1 roll
		/Name exch def
		/Action exch def
		/ClientData exch def
	} def

/MakeEventToSend{% data action name => NeWS event
	createevent dup begin		%data action name ev 
		4 1 roll
		/Name exch def
		/Action exch def
		/ClientData exch def
	} def

/PointEvent null /Point /AlphaEvent MakeEventToSend def
/MoveEvent  null /Move /AlphaEvent MakeEventToSend def		%
/RotateEvent  null /Rotate /AlphaEvent MakeEventToSend def
/ScaleEvent  null /Scale /AlphaEvent MakeEventToSend def

/WaitForEvent PointEvent def	

/ParseDataDict dictbegin
/argarray 10 array def
/argtop	0 def
/iarg 0 def
/GoodType {% /type1 /type2
	exch dup /num eq
		{%/type2 /num
		pop dup /integertype eq exch /realtype eq or}
		{eq} ifelse
	} def
dictend def
/DataFormat null def

/ParseData{ % string	=> argument bool
		% true if the string contains an argument compatible
		% with the DataFormat
	ParseDataDict begin
	/argtop 0 store
		{% post token 
		dup type			%post token t
		dup /integertype eq exch	%post token ib t
		/realtype eq or			%post token b
			{argarray exch argtop exch put
			/argtop argtop 1 add store	%post
			} {exit} ifelse		%post
		{exit} ifelse
	} loop

	/iarg 0 store
	 {% type
	  argarray iarg get type GoodType {/iarg iarg 1 add store}
					 {/iarg -1 store exit}
	 } forall
	iarg -1 eq
		{ iarg 1 eq {argarray 0 get}
		 	    {[ argarray 0 iarg getinterval aload pop ]} ifelse
		true} ifelse
} def

/SendAlphaEvent {% reads the string in the CP data item 
		 % and sends as an AlphaEvent it if matches the awaited event
	items begin alphadata /ItemValue get end
	WaitForEvent /Action get /Rotate eq
			 {/DataFormat [/num] store}
			 {/DataFormat [/num /num] store} ifelse
		{% data
		WaitForEvent begin Action Name end
		MakeEventToSend  sendevent pause
		{(data do not match awaited event) prerror}
} def
/RecordEvents? false def
%Tool definition
(Tool Definition\n) printdbg

/topcom {CommandTable Ncommand 1 sub get} def

/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 11 537.88 1 1 0  [ 11 537.88 44 571.376 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new Polyline send   mark 
 0 32.928 1 1 0  [ 0 0 31.4561 32.928 ] 
 -1 5 0 0 0 0 
[ %polyg. geom
 [ 31.4561 -32.928 ]  ] %end of polyg. geom
 true  1 false 0 false false  loadobj
/new Polyline send   mark 
 0 21.006 1 1 0  [ 0 21.006 10.847 33.496 ] 
 -1 5 0 0 0 0 
[ %polyg. geom
 [ 0 12.49 ]  [ 10.847 12.49 ]  ] %end of polyg. geom
 true  2 false  0 false false loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  2 /Select loadobj

/CanBeDefault? true def
/execproc {  select_object
	    } def
} topcom send

/DefaultCommand topcom def

/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 11 480.54 1 1 0  [ 11 480.54 45.168 512.9002 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0 32.3602 1 1 0  [ 0 0 34.168 32.3602 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 34.168 -32.3602 ]
 true  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  1 /Rectangle  loadobj

/execproc {
		DrawObject create_object 
		} def
/CanBeDefault? true def
} topcom send

/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 11 420.929 1 1 0  [ 11 420.929 45.168 460.102 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new Polyline send   mark 
 0 39.173 1 1 0  [ 0 0 34.168 39.173 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %polyg. geom
 [ 7.051 -33.496 ]  [ 16.813 -10.219 ]  [ 34.168 -39.173 ]  ] %end of polyg. geom
 true  3 false 0 false false loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  1 /Polyline  loadobj
/CanBeDefault? true def

/execproc {
		Polyline create_object 
		} def} topcom send

/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 11 364.724 1 1 0  [ 11 364.724 45.7102 403.3291 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new Polyline send   mark 
 0 38.6051 1 1 0  [ 0 0 34.7102 38.6051 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %polyg. geom
 [ 9.22 -38.6051 ]  [ 34.7102 -28.3861 ]  [ 20.6091 -13.058 ]  [ 34.168 -1.703 ]  ] %end of polyg. geom
 true  4 true 0 false false loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  1 /Polygon  loadobj
/CanBeDefault? true def
/execproc  {Polyline create_object 
		   current_selection null ne
			{current_selection begin /Closed true store end
			   /display current_selection send} if
		} def} topcom send

/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 11 301.139 1 1 0  [ 11 301.139 47.337 348.26 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new Curve send   mark 
 0 47.121 1 1 0  [ 0 0 36.337 47.121 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %polyg. geom
 [ 2.216 -19.8403 ]  [ 11.5213 -29.761 ]  [ 19.498 -20.4603 ]  [ 25.259 -11.1601 ]  [ 32.792 -17.3602 ]  [ 36.337 -47.121 ]  ] %end of polyg. geom
 true  6 false 0 false false loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  1 /Curve  loadobj
{/CanBeDefault? true def 
/execproc {
		Curve create_object
		} def} topcom send

/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 11 252.3141 1 1 0  [ 11 252.3141 45.7102 290.3521 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new RoundedRect send   mark 
 0 38.038 1 1 0  [ 0 0 34.7102 38.038 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 34.7102 -38.038 ]
 true  14  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  1 /RoundRect  loadobj
{/CanBeDefault? true def 
/execproc  {RoundedRect create_object} def } topcom send

/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 11 191 1 1 0  [ 11 191 45.7102 232.444 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new Oval send   mark 
 0 41.444 1 1 0  [ 0 0 34.7102 41.444 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 34.7102 -41.444 ]
 true  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  1 /Oval loadobj
{/CanBeDefault? true def 

/execproc {Oval create_object} def} topcom send

/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 11 129 1 1 0  [ 11 129 58 174 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new TextObject send   mark 
 7 13 0.578 0.585 0  [ 7 13 39.3673 25.287 ] 
 0 0 0 0 0 0 
 true /Times-Roman 30 21 56 loadobj
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0 45 1 1 0  [ 0 0 47 45 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 47 -45 ]
 true  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  2 /Text  loadobj
{/CanBeDefault? true def 
/execproc {TextObject create_object
		} def} topcom send
/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 11 71.488 1 1 0  [ 11 71.488 48.572 115.3771 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new Group send   mark 
 0 0 1 1 0  [ 0 0 37.572 43.8891 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0.578 43.8891 1 1 0  [ 0.578 32.1853 10.983 43.8891 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 10.405 -11.704 ]
 true  loadobj
/new Polyline send   mark 
 13.295 17.556 1 1 0  [ 13.295 17.556 29.48 31.015 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %polyg. geom
 [ 16.185 0 ]  [ 5.7802 13.4592 ]  ] %end of polyg. geom
 true  2 true 0 false false loadobj
/new Oval send   mark 
 24.8553 11.704 1 1 0  [ 24.8553 0 37.572 11.704 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 12.717 -11.704 ]
 true  loadobj
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0 43.8891 1 1 0  [ 0 0 37.572 43.8891 ] 
 -1 0 0 1 0 0 
 [ 37.572 -43.8891 ]
 true  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 true  4  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  1 /Group  loadobj
{/CanBeDefault? true def 

/execproc  {Group create_object} def } topcom send

/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 11 13 1 1 0  [ 11 13 59 56 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new TextObject send   mark 
 12 14 0.578 0.585 0  [ 12 14 31.074 26.8721 ] 
 0 0 0 0 0 0 
 true /Times-Roman 30 22 33 loadobj
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0 43 1 1 0  [ 0 0 48 43 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 48 -43 ]
 true  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  2  /ImportPS loadobj

/execproc  {PostScript create_object} def} topcom send

/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 83 531.265 1 1 0  [ 83 531.265 127.694 571.861 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 23 18.735 1 1 0  [ 23 0 44.694 18.735 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 21.694 -18.735 ]
 true  loadobj
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0 40.596 1 1 0  [ 0 21.861 21.694 40.596 ] 
 -1 3 0 0 0 0 
 [ 21.694 -18.735 ]
 true  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  2 /Move loadobj

/execproc  {/crosshair? true def
	/drag_and_trans fapply_on_sel
	/crosshair? false def
	/commandswitch [/ClickToMove? ClickToMove?] store
} def
} topcom send

/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 83 477.051 1 1 0  [ 83 477.051 111.647 510.517 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0 18.735 1 1 0  [ 0 0 21.694 18.735 ] 
 -1 3 0 0 0 0 
 [ 21.694 -18.735 ]
 true  loadobj
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0 18.735 1 1 42.7681  [ 0 4.982 28.647 33.466 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 21.694 -18.735 ]
 true  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  2 /Rotate  loadobj

/execproc  {/drag_and_rotate fapply_on_sel} def
	} topcom send

/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 83 418.0071 1 1 0  [ 83 418.0071 122.592 456.6123 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0 38.6051 1 1 0  [ 0 19.8702 21.694 38.6051 ] 
 -1 3 0 0 0 0 
 [ 21.694 -18.735 ]
 true  loadobj
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0 38.038 1 1 0  [ 0 0 39.592 38.038 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 39.592 -38.038 ]
 true  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  2 /Scale loadobj
/execproc  {/drag_and_scale fapply_on_sel} def
	} topcom send
/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 83 359.265 1 1 0  [ 83 359.265 129.694 402.111 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0 42.846 1 1 0  [ 0 24.111 21.694 42.846 ] 
 -1 3 0 0 0 0 
 [ 21.694 -18.735 ]
 true  loadobj
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 25 18.735 1 1 0  [ 25 0 46.694 18.735 ] 
 -1 3 0 0 0 0 
 [ 21.694 -18.735 ]
 true  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  2  /Copy loadobj
/param dictbegin /xr 0 def /yr 0 def dictend store
/execproc  {{		
			/old_selection current_selection store
			/current_selection /clone current_selection send store
			/erase_flag false store /crosshair? true store
			/drag_and_trans current_selection send
			/crosshair? false store
			/erase_flag true store
			Abort? {/current_selection old_selection store}
				{current_selection AddObject
				 current_selection push_selection
				 param begin
		 /xr current_selection /X get old_selection /X get sub store
		 /yr current_selection /Y get old_selection /Y get sub store
				end} ifelse	
			} apply_on_sel} def
/repeatproc {{		
			/old_selection current_selection store
			/current_selection /clone current_selection send store
			current_selection begin /X X param /xr get add store
					    /Y Y param /yr get add store
			/make_bbox current_selection send
			/display current_selection send
			Cancel? {
				/erase current_selection send
				/current_selection old_selection store
				{current_selection AddObject
				current_selection push_selection
				} ifelse	
			} apply_on_sel} def

} topcom send

%Move Up
/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 82 295.2652 1 1 0  [ 82 295.2652 127 346.0002 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 12 32.735 1 1 0  [ 12 0 45 32.735 ] 
 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 33 -32.735 ]
 true  loadobj
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0 50.735 1 1 0  [ 0 18 33 50.735 ] 
 -1 3 0 0 0 0 
 [ 33 -32.735 ]
 true  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  2 /MoveUp  loadobj

/execproc  {{
			current_selection  move_up
			dup null ne {/display exch send
				     /display current_selection send}
				{(no overlapping object over selection)
				prmessage}  ifelse
			} apply_on_sel
		   } def
} topcom send

%Move Down
/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 79 241.2652 1 1 0  [ 79 241.2652 126 290.0002 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0 48.735 1 1 0  [ 0 16 33 48.735 ] 
 -1 3 0 0 0 0 
 [ 33 -32.735 ]
 true  loadobj
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 14 32.735 1 1 0  [ 14 0 47 32.735 ] 
 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 33 -32.735 ]
 true  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  2 /MoveDown  loadobj

/execproc  {{
			current_selection move_down
			dup null ne {/display current_selection send
				     /display exch send} 
				{(no overlapping object behind selection)
				prmessage} ifelse
			} apply_on_sel
		  } def
} topcom send

/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 83 190.974 1 1 0  [ 83 190.974 119.3373 228.444 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 8 29.026 1 1 0  [ 8 10.291 29.694 29.026 ] 
 -1 3 0 0 0 0 
 [ 21.694 -18.735 ]
 true  loadobj
/new Polyline send   mark 
 0 37.47 1 1 0  [ 0 1.703 36.3373 37.47 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %polyg. geom
 [ 36.3373 -35.767 ]  ] %end of polyg. geom
 true  1 false 0 false false loadobj
/new Polyline send   mark 
 0 0 1 1 0  [ 0 0 33.0832 37.47 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %polyg. geom
 [ 33.0832 37.47 ]  ] %end of polyg. geom
 true  1 false  0 false false loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  3 /Delete  loadobj
/param 10 dict def

/execproc  { param begin /deleted null def end
			/delete current_selection send
			param begin /deleted current_selection def end
			pop_selection} apply_on_sel} def

/undoproc {
	{ClientCanvas} win send setcanvas
	param begin 
	deleted null ne
		/getclassname deleted send /Group eq
		/getclassname deleted send /ClippingGroup eq or
		 { gsave deleted begin /X 0 store /Y 0 store
			  /Angle 0 store /Sx 1 store /Sx 1 store geom end
		    /set_geom deleted send
		   grestore} if
		/display deleted send
		/current_selection deleted store
		current_selection /tableindex get ObjTable exch 
		current_selection put
		current_selection push_selection
		} if
	} def

} topcom send

/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 83 122.086 1 1 0  [ 83 122.086 129.243 172.998 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new Polyline send   mark 
 0 28.914 1 1 0  [ 0 17.914 14 28.914 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %polyg. geom
 [ 14 -11 ]  ] %end of polyg. geom
 true  1 false 0 false false loadobj
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0 46.815 1 1 0  [ 0 35.111 10.405 46.815 ] 
 -1 3 0 0 0 0 
 [ 10.405 -11.704 ]
 true  loadobj
/new Polyline send   mark 
 0 20.482 1 1 0  [ 0 20.482 16.185 33.9412 ] 
 -1 3 0 0 0 0 
[ %polyg. geom
 [ 16.185 0 ]  [ 5.7802 13.4592 ]  ] %end of polyg. geom
 true  2 true  0 false false loadobj
/new Oval send   mark 
 0 14.63 1 1 0  [ 0 2.926 12.717 14.63 ] 
 -1 3 0 0 0 0 
 [ 12.717 -11.704 ]
 true  loadobj
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0 46.815 1 1 0  [ 0 2.926 37.5721 46.815 ] 
 -1 3 0 1 0 0 
 [ 37.572 -43.8891 ]
 true  loadobj
/new Polyline send   mark 
 0 50.912 1 1 0  [ 0 0 46.243 50.912 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %polyg. geom
 [ 46.243 -50.912 ]  ] %end of polyg. geom
 true  1 false  0 false false loadobj
/new Polyline send   mark 
 0 0 1 1 0  [ 0 0 46.243 49.741 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %polyg. geom
 [ 46.243 49.741 ]  ] %end of polyg. geom
 true  1 false  0 false false loadobj
/new Polyline send   mark 
 16.185 48.805 1 1 0  [ 0 32.42 16.185 48.805 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %polyg. geom
 [ -16.185 -16.3852 ]  ] %end of polyg. geom
 true  1 false  0 false false loadobj
/new Polyline send   mark 
 0 15.449 1 1 0  [ 0 1.404 13.873 15.449 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %polyg. geom
 [ 13.873 -14.045 ]  ] %end of polyg. geom
 true  1 false  0 false false loadobj
/new Polyline send   mark 
 0 0.8191 1 1 0  [ 0 0.8191 15.029 14.8641 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %polyg. geom
 [ 15.029 14.045 ]  ] %end of polyg. geom
 true  1 false  0 false false loadobj
/new Polyline send   mark 
 0 16.914 1 1 0  [ 0 16.914 15 31.914 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %polyg. geom
 [ 15 15 ]  ] %end of polyg. geom
 true  1 false  0 false false loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  11  /Destroy loadobj

/param 10 dict def
/undoproc {
	{ClientCanvas} win send setcanvas
	param begin
	deleted null ne
		{	%the table entry may not be the same
		/getclassname deleted send /Group eq 
		/getclassname deleted send /ClippingGroup eq or
		  /undestroy deleted send
		  /display deleted send
		  /current_selection deleted store
		  current_selection /tableindex get ObjTable exch
		  current_selection put
		  current_selection push_selection
		 } if
		} if
	} def
/execproc  { param begin /deleted null def end
			param begin /deleted current_selection def end
			/destroy current_selection send
			pop_selection} apply_on_sel
	} def

} topcom send

/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 83 66.552 1 1 0  [ 83 66.552 121.1501 104.589 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new Polyline send   mark 
 0 38.037 1 1 0  [ 0 0.585 28.902 38.037 ] 
 -1 3 0 0 0 0 
[ %polyg. geom
 [ 7.677 -37.452 ]  [ 28.902 -27.538 ]  [ 17.1602 -12.6673 ]  [ 28.45 -1.6521 ]  ] %end of polyg. geom
 true  4 true 0 false false loadobj
/new Polyline send   mark 
 0 37.452 1 1 0  [ 0 0 38.1501 37.452 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %polyg. geom
 [ 7.677 -37.452 ]  [ 38.1501 -12.874 ]  [ 17.1602 -12.6673 ]  [ 28.45 -1.6521 ]  ] %end of polyg. geom
 true  4 true  0 false false loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  2 /Edit  loadobj

/execproc  {/edit_geom fapply_on_sel} def
} topcom send

/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 83 3 1 1 0  [ 83 3 121.728 51.571 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new Curve send   mark 
 0 48.571 1 1 0  [ 0 0 38.728 48.571 ] 
 -1 5 0 0 0 0 
[ %polyg. geom
 [ 2.3613 -20.451 ]  [ 12.28 -30.676 ]  [ 20.781 -21.09 ]  [ 26.9203 -11.504 ]  [ 34.9493 -17.8943 ]  [ 38.728 -48.571 ]  ] %end of polyg. geom
 true  6 false 0 false false  loadobj
/new ClippingGroup send   mark 
 0 5.267 1 1 0  [ 0 5.267 36.994 47.986 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new Oval send   mark 
 0 42.719 1 1 0  [ 0 0 36.994 42.719 ] 
 1 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 36.994 -42.719 ]
 true  loadobj
/new Curve send   mark 
 -2.312 43.304 1 1 0  [ -2.312 -5.267 36.416 43.304 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %polyg. geom
 [ 2.3613 -20.451 ]  [ 12.28 -30.676 ]  [ 20.781 -21.09 ]  [ 26.9203 -11.504 ]  [ 34.9493 -17.8943 ]  [ 38.728 -48.571 ]  ] %end of polyg. geom
 true  6 false  0 false false loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 true  2  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  2 /Clip  loadobj

/execproc  {{make_clip current_selection send} fapply_on_sel} def
} topcom send

%Align Left
/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 155 530.2944 1 1 0  [ 155 530.2944 190.253 572.8742 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new Group send   mark 
 0 0 1 1 0  [ 0 0 35.253 42.58 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0 42.58 1 1 0  [ 0 31.225 9.7622 42.58 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 9.7621 -11.355 ]
 true  loadobj
/new Polyline send   mark 
 0 17.033 1 1 0  [ 0 17.033 15.186 30.091 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %polyg. geom
 [ 15.186 0 ]  [ 5.4233 13.058 ]  ] %end of polyg. geom
 true  2 true  0 false false loadobj
/new Oval send   mark 
 0 11.355 1 1 0  [ 0 0 11.932 11.355 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 11.932 -11.355 ]
 true  loadobj
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0 42.58 1 1 0  [ 0 0.001 35.253 42.58 ] 
 -1 0 0 1 0 0 
 [ 35.253 -42.5792 ]
 true  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 true  4  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  1 /AlignLeft  loadobj

/execproc  {{/align_left self send} align_op} def
} topcom send

%A Bottom
/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 155.0002 473.9692 1 1 0  [ 155.0002 473.9692 197.679 509.343 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new Group send   mark 
 42.679 0.121 1 1 90.163  [ 0 0 42.679 35.3732 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0 42.5792 1 1 0  [ 0 31.225 9.7621 42.5792 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 9.7621 -11.355 ]
 true  loadobj
/new Polyline send   mark 
 0 17.032 1 1 0  [ 0 17.032 15.186 30.0893 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %polyg. geom
 [ 15.186 0 ]  [ 5.4233 13.058 ]  ] %end of polyg. geom
 true  2 true 0 false false loadobj
/new Oval send   mark 
 0 11.3543 1 1 0  [ 0 0 11.932 11.355 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 11.932 -11.355 ]
 true  loadobj
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0 42.5792 1 1 0  [ 0 0 35.253 42.5792 ] 
 -1 0 0 1 0 0 
 [ 35.253 -42.5792 ]
 true  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 true  4  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  1 /AlignBottom  loadobj

/execproc  {{/align_bottom self send} align_op} def
} topcom send

%A Right
/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 155 414.479 1 1 0  [ 155 414.479 190.253 457.0582 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new Group send   mark 
 0 0 1 1 0  [ 0 0 35.253 42.5792 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 25.4903 42.5792 1 1 0  [ 25.4903 31.225 35.253 42.5792 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 9.7621 -11.355 ]
 true  loadobj
/new Polyline send   mark 
 20.067 17.032 1 1 0  [ 20.067 17.032 35.253 30.0893 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %polyg. geom
 [ 15.186 0 ]  [ 5.4233 13.058 ]  ] %end of polyg. geom
 true  2 true  0 false false loadobj
/new Oval send   mark 
 23.321 11.3543 1 1 0  [ 23.321 0 35.253 11.355 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 11.932 -11.355 ]
 true  loadobj
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0 42.5792 1 1 0  [ 0 0 35.253 42.5792 ] 
 -1 0 0 1 0 0 
 [ 35.253 -42.5792 ]
 true  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 true  4  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  1 /AlignRight  loadobj

/execproc  {{/align_right self send} align_op} def
} topcom send

%A Top
/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 155 359.289 1 1 0  [ 155 359.289 197.679 395.855 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new Group send   mark 
 0 0 1 1 0  [ 0 0 42.679 36.566 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0.1 0 1 1 90.163  [ 0 0 42.679 35.373 ] 
 -1 0 0 1 0 0 
 [ 35.253 -42.5792 ]
 true  loadobj
/new Oval send   mark 
 29.929 24.5002 1 1 90.163  [ 29.895 24.5003 41.283 36.464 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 11.932 -11.355 ]
 true  loadobj
/new Polyline send   mark 
 24.5053 21.1262 1 1 90.163  [ 11.433 21.1262 24.5053 36.312 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %polyg. geom
 [ 15.186 0 ]  [ 5.4233 13.058 ]  ] %end of polyg. geom
 true  2 true  0 false false loadobj
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0.1 26.7711 1 1 90.163  [ 0.0722 26.7711 11.4542 36.566 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 9.7621 -11.355 ]
 true  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 true  4  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  1 /AlignTop  loadobj

/execproc  {{/align_top self send} align_op} def
} topcom send

%C vert
/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 155 299.7983 1 1 0  [ 155 299.7983 190.253 342.378 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new Group send   mark 
 0 0 1 1 0  [ 0 0 35.253 42.5792 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 12.7451 42.5792 1 1 0  [ 12.7451 31.225 22.5073 42.5792 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 9.7621 -11.355 ]
 true  loadobj
/new Polyline send   mark 
 10.0333 17.032 1 1 0  [ 10.0333 17.032 25.2191 30.0893 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %polyg. geom
 [ 15.186 0 ]  [ 5.4233 13.058 ]  ] %end of polyg. geom
 true  2 true  0 false false loadobj
/new Oval send   mark 
 11.661 11.3543 1 1 0  [ 11.6603 0 23.592 11.355 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 11.932 -11.355 ]
 true  loadobj
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0 42.5792 1 1 0  [ 0 0 35.253 42.5792 ] 
 -1 0 0 1 0 0 
 [ 35.253 -42.5792 ]
 true  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 true  4  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  1 /CenterV  loadobj

/execproc  {{/center_vertical self send} align_op} def
} topcom send

%C hor
/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 155 247 1 1 0  [ 155 247 197.679 282.373 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new Group send   mark 
 0 0 1 1 0  [ 0 0 42.679 35.373 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0.1 0 1 1 90.163  [ 0 0 42.679 35.373 ] 
 -1 0 0 1 0 0 
 [ 35.253 -42.5792 ]
 true  loadobj
/new Oval send   mark 
 29.929 12.25 1 1 90.163  [ 29.895 12.2501 41.283 24.214 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 11.932 -11.355 ]
 true  loadobj
/new Polyline send   mark 
 24.5053 10.563 1 1 90.163  [ 11.433 10.563 24.5053 25.749 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %polyg. geom
 [ 15.186 0 ]  [ 5.4233 13.058 ]  ] %end of polyg. geom
 true  2 true  0 false false loadobj
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0.1 13.386 1 1 90.163  [ 0.0722 13.386 11.4542 23.18 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 9.7621 -11.355 ]
 true  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 true  4  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  1 /CenterH  loadobj

/execproc  {{/center_horizontal self send} align_op} def
} topcom send

/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 152 187 1 1 0  [ 152 187 205 234 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new TextObject send   mark 
 2 20 0.6 1.0024 0  [ 2 20 52.3723 41.051 ] 
 0 0 0 0 0 0 
 true /Times-Roman 30 21 84 loadobj
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0 47 1 1 0  [ 0 0 53 47 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 53 -47 ]
 true  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  2 /Repeat  loadobj


	LastCommand null ne
	{LastCommand?	 %a command
	  {/repeatproc LastCommand send}
	  {/execmacro LastCommand send} ifelse
	} if
} def} topcom send
/RepeatCommand topcom def

/new CommandObj send dup AddCommand  mark 
 152 126 1 1 0  [ 152 126 205 173 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
[ %group geometry
/new TextObject send   mark 
 2 16.7373 0.732 0.9184 0  [ 2 16.7373 51.777 36.944 ] 
 0 0 0 0 0 0 
 true /Times-Roman 30 22 68 loadobj
/new DrawObject send   mark 
 0 47 1 1 0  [ 0 0 53 47 ] 
 -1 0 0 0 0 0 
 [ 53 -47 ]
 true  loadobj
 ] %end of group geometry
 false  2 /Undo  loadobj


/execproc {
	LastCommand null ne
		{ {undoproc} LastCommand send } if } def
} topcom send

%redefines that in your .NeWSillustrator to [x y w h]
/ControlPanelPosition null def
/DrawingAreaPosition null def
/ToolPalettePosition null def

/WindowPositions{%print in the message panel the 3 windows position
	(CP: % % % %, DA: % % % %, TP: % % % %)
	[{FrameX FrameY FrameWidth FrameHeight} controlpanel send
	{FrameX FrameY FrameWidth FrameHeight} win send
	{FrameX FrameY FrameWidth FrameHeight} CommandWindow send
	] sprintf prmessage
	} def

(Window definition \n) printdbg
/WinMenu [
	(Redisplay) {/PaintClient ThisWindow send}
	(Zoom In) {/ZoomIn ThisWindow send}
	(Zoom Out) {/ZoomOut ThisWindow send}

	(Font => ) fontmenu
	(FontSize => ) pointsizemenu
	(Files IO => ) filemenu
	(-------) { }
	] /new DefaultMenu send def

/win framebuffer /new ScrollAndZoomWindow send def
	  ClientCanvas setcanvas 1 fillcanvas
	  /display a4rect send
	} def

/FrameLabel (NeWSillustrator - Drawing Area) def
/IconLabel (Drawing Area) def
/ClientMenu WinMenu def
} win send

%user file
(.NeWSillustrator\n) printdbg
(HOME) getenv (/.NeWSillustrator) append LoadFile pop


DrawingAreaPosition null eq
	{/reshapefromuser win send}
	{ DrawingAreaPosition aload pop /reshape win send} ifelse

/map win send
1000 1000 /Resize win send
{/Scroll win send} {/Scroll win send} /SetNotifiers win send
win /ClientCanvas get setcanvas
win begin /overlaycan ClientCanvas createoverlay store end


/Started 1 def
/FirstUserCommand Ncommand def

%end		%end NeWSillustratorDict

tktk@physics.att.com (09/04/89)

Does anyone have a good copy of the NeWSillustrator by
Yves Bernard, Philips Research Lab Brussels?  It seems that pieces of
mine may have gotten trashed in transit.  In any case my documentation
is truncated.  Has anyone converted it to color?

Terry Kovacs