[comp.windows.news] Missing Client Source on Openwindows

km@mathcs.emory.edu (Ken Mandelberg) (10/30/89)

Some of the xnews client source is missing in the Openwindow
distribution. For example, the pageview.ps file #included in
pageview.cps is missing. The Makefile expects to get it from a
non-existant SCCS directory.

Is the postscript missing on purpose, or is it an accident?  If the
latter, can someone at Sun send me pageview.ps?
Ken Mandelberg      | km@mathcs.emory.edu          PREFERRED
Emory University    | {decvax,gatech}!emory!km     UUCP 
Dept of Math and CS | km@emory.bitnet              NON-DOMAIN BITNET  
Atlanta, GA 30322   | Phone: (404) 727-7963

robert@shangri-la.gatech.edu (Robert Viduya) (10/30/89)

> Some of the xnews client source is missing in the Openwindow
> distribution. For example, the pageview.ps file #included in
> pageview.cps is missing. The Makefile expects to get it from a
> non-existant SCCS directory.

pageview.ps can be found in the demo/PostScript directory.

Robert Viduya					   robert@shangri-la.gatech.edu
Office of Computing Services
Georgia Institute of Technology					 (404) 894-6296
Atlanta, Georgia	30332-0275