phyllis@utcsrgv.UUCP (Phyllis Eve Bregman) (02/07/84)
UofT Department of Computer Science Seminar Schedule for the week of February 6th, 1984 February 8th, 10:00 A.M., WB242: Dr. Eric Sandewall, Software Systems Research Center, Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden: "Theory of information management systems". ABSTRACT: This talk addresses various issues dealing with logic and databases. We view a database as an interpretation for propositional logic. Non-monotonic reasoning is discussed within this framework. Systems for piecewise operations on data, such as editors, forms, systems, etc., are also discussed. -- Phyllis Eve Bregman CSRG, Univ. of Toronto {decvax,linus,ihnp4,uw-beaver,allegra,utzoo}!utcsrgv!phyllis