[comp.windows.news] Application Launcher

zawada@TRIPOLI.EES.ANL.GOV (11/10/89)

Congratulations on obtaining a copy of EXPRESS!!!

     This file is an archive which contains:

     To unarchive this file type
        ar xv 'filename'

     Special Notes
         me.ras.uu is a uuencoded raster file which must
                   be de-coded by uudecode me.ras.uu

         ScrollDataItem. must be renamed to

------------- Cut Here --------------- Cut Here ------------
README.express  624748393   117   100   100644  2774      `
%          EXPRESS v1.0
%     Date: October 18, 1989
%     Author:
%             David G. Zawada
%             EAIS-VIS
%             Argonne National Laboratory
%             zawada@athens.ees.anl.gov
%     Technical Advisors:
%             Peter A. Korp
%             EAIS-VIS
%             Argonne National Laboratory
%             korp@athens.ees.anl.gov
%             David C. Mak
%             EAIS-VIS
%             Argonne National Laboratory
%             mak@athens.ees.anl.gov
%      Accompanying files:
%             -> ScrollDataItem.ps
%             -> me.ras
%	EXPRESS is a quick launch facility which displays
%	a list of user-specified applications in a menu with
%	a touch of the designated HotKey.
%	Before running EXPRESS, the environment variable
%	EXPRESS_HOME must be set to the path specifying the
%	location of the files me.ras and ScrollDataItem.ps.
%	To run EXPRESS, simply type 'psh express.ps'.  However,
%	I strongly recommend that you add an item to your NeWS
%	rootmenu to perform this task.  A line, similar to the
%	following, in your user.ps file will acheive this goal:
%		0 (Activate Express)
%		{ (psh "path to express"/express.ps) forkunix }
%		/insertitem rootmenu send
%	Now, EXPRESS can be launched from a menu selection,
%	which I prefer since my typing skills are minimal.
%	Also, EXPRESS is only a mouse click away.
%	After launching EXPRESS for the first time, the 'RIGHT'
%	key is set as the HotKey and the EXPRESS menu contains
%	the following items:
%		Terminal		<- Sun psterm window
%		Cancel			<- no action
%		About Express		<- EXPRESS credits
%		Configure Express	<- Allows customization
%		Disable Express		<- Deactivates EXPRESS
%	These items are hardcoded and cannot be changed by
%	EXPRESS itself.  The Configure option, however, displays
%	a control panel which allows for the customization of
%	the applications accessible through EXPRESS, the fonts
%	used by EXPRESS, and the HotKey which launches EXPRESS.
%	Currently, only the F-, L-, and R-function keys, as 
%	well as the LEFT and RIGHT keys, may be designated as
%	the HotKey.  Also, only the Sun3 keyboard layout is
%	supported at present.
%	A neat feature of EXPRESS is that it can be configured
%	to execute virtually any piece of NeWS/PostScript code.
%	Suppose there is a file called win.ps which opens a 
%	NeWS window.  You can tell EXPRESS how to launch this
%	program by accessing the Application Customizer and
%	entering "psh win.ps" in the Application to add field
%	and setting the Application type CycleItem to NeWS.
%	EXPRESS will simply fork off the process "psh win.ps".
express_pd.ps   626557502   117   100   100644  35994     `
%          EXPRESS v1.0
%     Date: October 18, 1989
%     Author:
%             David G. Zawada
%             EAIS-VIS
%             Argonne National Laboratory
%             zawada@athens.ees.anl.gov
%     Technical Advisors:
%             Peter A. Korp
%             EAIS-VIS
%             Argonne National Laboratory
%             korp@athens.ees.anl.gov
%             David C. Mak
%             EAIS-VIS
%             Argonne National Laboratory
%             mak@athens.ees.anl.gov
%      Accompanying files:
%             -> ScrollDataItem.ps
%             -> me.ras
%	EXPRESS is a quick launch facility which displays
%	a list of user-specified applications in a menu with
%	a touch of the designated HotKey.
%	Before running EXPRESS, the environment variable
%	EXPRESS_HOME must be set to the path specifying the
%	location of the files me.ras and ScrollDataItem.ps.
%	To run EXPRESS, simply type 'psh express.ps'.  However,
%	I strongly recommend that you add an item to your NeWS
%	rootmenu to perform this task.  A line, similar to the
%	following, in your user.ps file will acheive this goal:
%		0 (Activate Express)
%		{ (psh "path to express"/express.ps) forkunix }
%		/insertitem rootmenu send
%	Now, EXPRESS can be launched from a menu selection,
%	which I prefer since my typing skills are minimal.
%	Also, EXPRESS is only a mouse click away.
%	After launching EXPRESS for the first time, the 'RIGHT'
%	key is set as the HotKey and the EXPRESS menu contains
%	the following items:
%		Terminal		<- Sun psterm window
%		Cancel			<- no action
%		About Express		<- EXPRESS credits
%		Configure Express	<- Allows customization
%		Disable Express		<- Deactivates EXPRESS
%	These items are hardcoded and cannot be changed by
%	EXPRESS itself.  The Configure option, however, displays
%	a control panel which allows for the customization of
%	the applications accessible through EXPRESS, the fonts
%	used by EXPRESS, and the HotKey which launches EXPRESS.
%	Currently, only the F-, L-, and R-function keys, as 
%	well as the LEFT and RIGHT keys, may be designated as
%	the HotKey.  Also, only the Sun3 keyboard layout is
%	supported at present.
%	A neat feature of EXPRESS is that it can be configured
%	to execute virtually any piece of NeWS/PostScript code.
%	Suppose there is a file called win.ps which opens a 
%	NeWS window.  You can tell EXPRESS how to launch this
%	program by accessing the Application Customizer and
%	entering "psh win.ps" in the Application to add field
%	and setting the Application type CycleItem to NeWS.
%	EXPRESS will simply fork off the process "psh win.ps".

systemdict /ScrollDataItem known not		% Make sure SDI is available
	{ (EXPRESS_HOME) getenv (/ScrollDataItem.ps) append run } if

version (1.1) eq
	keyboardtype 3 eq	% enable the Left key -- Why does NeWS disable it?
		systemdict /keyboard_positions get
			[ 120 systemdict /UI_private get /keyStation get exec /function ] put
	} if
} if

systemdict /ExpressDict 100 dict put	% put all the Express code in its own dictionary
ExpressDict begin

	/createfile? false def		% does the defaults file (.expressapps) need to be created?
	/expressfile null def
	/NumDefaultMenuEntries 7 def
	/HotKey /FunctionRight def

	/writefile	% - > - write out the current EXPRESS settings
		pause % Just Being Nice
		/expressfile ($HOME/.expressapps) (w) file store

		expressfile ([\n) writestring
		ExpressMenu /MenuKeys get
		0 1 2 index length NumDefaultMenuEntries 1 add sub
			expressfile 2 index 3 -1 roll get (\() exch append (\)\n) append writestring
		} for
		expressfile (]\n\n) writestring

		pause % Just Being Nice
		expressfile ([\n) writestring
		ExpressMenu /MenuActions get
		0 1 2 index length NumDefaultMenuEntries 1 add sub
			expressfile 2 index 3 -1 roll get (\() exch append (\)\n) append writestring
		} for
		expressfile (]\n) writestring

		[ ButFnt MenFnt SDIFnt TIFnt ]
			(\() exch convertfont (\)\n) append append
			expressfile exch writestring
		} forall

		expressfile (\() HotKey 100 string cvs (\)\n) append append writestring

		expressfile closefile
	} def

	/getfntname	% font => string containing fontname and pt_size
		200 string cvs
		(font\() search pop pop pop
		(\)) search pop 3 1 roll pop pop
		( ) append
	} def

	/convertfont	% (font&size) => (font size)   put space betwn font and size
		dup 0 1 index length 3 sub getinterval
		( )
		3 -1 roll dup length 3 sub 3 getinterval
		append append
	} def

	/verifyfile	% filename => boolean does filename exist?
		{ (r) file } stopped
			pop pop false
			closefile true
		} ifelse
	} def

	($HOME/.expressapps) verifyfile		% if defaults file exists, read it in
	ExpressDict begin
		($HOME/.expressapps) run
		/HotKey exch cvn store
		/TIFnt exch ( ) search pop findfont 3 1 roll pop cvi scalefont def
		/SDIFnt	exch ( ) search pop findfont 3 1 roll pop cvi scalefont def
		/MenFnt exch ( ) search pop findfont 3 1 roll pop cvi scalefont def
		/ButFnt	exch ( ) search pop findfont 3 1 roll pop cvi scalefont def
		/UserMenuActions exch def
		/UserMenuKeys exch def
	end % ExpressDict
	{				% otherwise, set default fonts and ...
	ExpressDict begin
		/ButFnt	/Times-Bold findfont 14 scalefont def
		/MenFnt	/Helvetica-Bold findfont 12 scalefont def
		/SDIFnt	/Helvetica-Bold findfont 14 scalefont def
		/TIFnt	/Screen-Bold findfont 14 scalefont def
	end % ExpressDict

		/createfile? true store	  % ... indicate default file needs to be created
	} ifelse

	gsave		% get screen dimensions
		framebuffer setcanvas clippath pathbbox
		/ScreenHeight exch def
		/ScreenWidth exch def
		pop pop

	/calc_wincoords	% w h => x y w h  coords that will center window on screen
		1 index 1 index
		ScreenHeight exch sub 2 div 4 1 roll
		ScreenWidth exch sub 2 div 4 1 roll
	} def

%% About EXPRESS stuff
	/aboutEM null def
	/aboutcan framebuffer newcanvas def
	aboutcan /Transparent false put
	aboutcan /Retained true put
	aboutcan /Mapped false put
	0 0 463 313 rectpath aboutcan reshapecanvas

	/about_express	% display EXPRESS credits
	ExpressDict begin
			aboutcan setcanvas 300 dup movecanvas
			aboutcan canvastotop
			aboutcan /Mapped true put

			gsave	% scale and load in my picture !!! (kind of Mac-ish, huh?)
				463 313 scale pause
				(EXPRESS_HOME) getenv (/me.ras) append readcanvas imagecanvas
			newpath 128 8 329 20 rectpath
			0 0 0 rgbcolor 1 1 1 rgbcolor 
				pop pop 0 0 1 rgbcolor ColorDict /MediumSpringGreen get
			} if 
			setcolor fill
			newpath 2 128 8 329 20 rectframe eofill
			/Symbol findfont 14 scalefont setfont
			131 14 moveto (\323) show
			/Helvetica-Bold findfont 12 scalefont setfont
			142 14 moveto ( Argonne National Lab by Dave Zawada -- Version 1.0) show

			/aboutEM	% display credits until Left Mouse Button pressed
				{ aboutcan /Mapped false put aboutEM killprocess }
			] forkeventmgr store
	end % ExpressDict
	} def

%% End About EXPRESS

%% EXPRESS Control Panel
	/cpButtonSize 0 def	% size of buttons to use -- depends on ButFnt
	/cpButtonX 10 def
	/cpitemsEM null def
	/appsChanges? false def		% Changes made to application list?
	/fntChanges? false def		% Changes made to font list?
	/hkChanges? false def		% Change made to HotKey?

	/cp framebuffer /new SunViewWindow send def
		300 dup 200 400 reshape
		FrameInterests /FrameMenuEvent undef
		FrameInterests /ClientMenuEvent undef
			ColorDisplay? { ColorDict /LightBlue get fillcanvas } if
			cpitems paintitems
		} def
		/FrameFont /Helvetica-Bold findfont 14 scalefont def
		/FrameLabel (EXPRESS Control Panel) def
		/flipiconic {} def
		/stretchcorner {} def		
	} cp send
	/cpcan cp /ClientCanvas get def

	%--- button notifies

	/abut_notify { /unmap cp send configapps } def	% Display Application Customizer
	/fbut_notify { /unmap cp send configfnt } def	% Display Font Customizer
	/hkbut_notify { /unmap cp send confighk } def	% Display HotKey Customizer
	{			% Save any changes and write them out to the defaults file
	ExpressDict begin
			HotKey unbindkey
			/HotKey (Function) hkitems /msg get /ItemObject get append cvn store
			HotKey 20 string cvs (Function) search pop pop pop
			dup /printstring hkitems /msg get send
			cvn /CurntHK exch store
			hkcan_notify /hkChanges? false store
		} if

			/ButFnt tmpButFnt store
			/MenFnt tmpMenFnt store
			% Bizarre, but must create a NEW menu to reflect the font change
				/MenuFont MenFnt store
				/SaveMenuKeys MenuKeys store /SaveMenuActions MenuActions store
 			} ExpressMenu send
			/ExpressMenu SaveMenuKeys SaveMenuActions /new DefaultMenu send store
			/SDIFnt tmpSDIFnt store
			/TIFnt tmpTIFnt store

			update_configwin update_hkwin update_cp 
		} if
		/unmap cp send
		cpitemsEM null ne { cpitemsEM killprocess /cpitemsEM null store } if
	end % ExpressDict
	} def

	/cbut_notify	% - > - cancel ALL changes
		/unmap cp send
		cpitemsEM null ne { cpitemsEM killprocess /cpitemsEM null store } if
	} def

	5 dict dup begin
		/abut (Change Installed Applications) /abut_notify cpcan 0 0 /new ButtonItem send
			dup /ItemFrame 2 put
			dup /ItemLabelFont ButFnt put
			0 0 /move 3 index send def

		/cpButtonSize abut /ItemWidth get store

		/fbut (Change Fonts) /fbut_notify cpcan cpButtonSize 0 /new ButtonItem send
			dup /ItemFrame 2 put
			dup /ItemLabelFont ButFnt put
			0 0 /move 3 index send def

		/hkbut(Change HotKey) /hkbut_notify cpcan cpButtonSize 0 /new ButtonItem send
			dup /ItemFrame 2 put
			dup /ItemLabelFont ButFnt put
			0 0 /move 3 index send def

		/sbut(Save) /sbut_notify cpcan 0 0 /new ButtonItem send
			dup begin
				/ItemFrame 2 def
				/ItemLabelFont ButFnt def
				/ItemFillColor 1 0 0 rgbcolor def
			0 0 /move 3 index send def

		/cbut(Cancel) /cbut_notify cpcan 0 0 /new ButtonItem send
			dup begin
				/ItemFrame 2 def
				/ItemLabelFont ButFnt def
				/ItemFillColor 1 1 0 rgbcolor def
			0 0 /move 3 index send def
	end % cpitems

	/poscpitems	% - > - Postion cpitems based on the max button size in cpitems
	cpitems begin
		cpButtonX dup /move sbut send
		cpButtonX cpButtonSize add cbut /ItemWidth get sub 10 /move cbut send
		cbut /ItemHeight get
		cpButtonX dup 1.5 mul 2 index add /move hkbut send
		cpButtonX dup 2 mul 2 index 2 mul add /move fbut send
		cpButtonX dup 2.5 mul 3 -1 roll 3 mul add /move abut send
	end % cpitems
	} def

		cpButtonX 2.5 mul cpButtonSize add
		cpButtonX 3.5 mul cpitems /cbut get /ItemHeight get 4 mul
		BorderTop BorderBottom add add add
		calc_wincoords reshape
	} cp send
%% End Control Panel

%% Font Adjuster

	/FontChange?	false def
	/tmpButFnt	ButFnt def
	/tmpMenFnt	MenFnt def
	/tmpSDIFnt	SDIFnt def
	/tmpTIFnt	TIFnt def
	/Fonts		[		% the fonts to choose from
				[ (Boston) dup cvn findfont 14 scalefont ]
				[ (Courier) dup cvn findfont 14 scalefont ]
				[ (Courier-Bold) dup cvn findfont 14 scalefont ]
				[ (Courier-BoldOblique) dup cvn findfont 14 scalefont ]
				[ (Courier-Oblique) dup cvn findfont 14 scalefont ]
				[ (Helvetica) dup cvn findfont 14 scalefont ]
				[ (Helvetica-Bold) dup cvn findfont 14 scalefont ]
				[ (Helvetica-BoldOblique) dup cvn findfont 14 scalefont ]
				[ (Helvetica-Oblique) dup cvn findfont 14 scalefont ]
				[ (Screen) dup cvn findfont 14 scalefont ]
				[ (Screen-Bold) dup cvn findfont 14 scalefont ]
				[ (Times-Bold) dup cvn findfont 14 scalefont ]
				[ (Times-BoldItalic) dup cvn findfont 14 scalefont ]
				[ (Times-Italic) dup cvn findfont 14 scalefont ]
				[ (Times-Roman) dup cvn findfont 14 scalefont ]
			] def
	/PtSizes	[ [(12)] [(14)] [(18)] [(24)] ] def	% font point sizes

	/fwitemsEM	null def
	/fwin framebuffer /new SunViewWindow send def
		200 300 810 240 reshape
		FrameInterests /FrameMenuEvent undef
		FrameInterests /ClientMenuEvent undef
			ColorDisplay? { ColorDict /LightBlue get fillcanvas } if
			fwinitems paintitems
		} def
		/FrameFont /Helvetica-BoldOblique findfont 14 scalefont def
		/FrameLabel (EXPRESS Font Customizer  for   ) (USER) getenv append def
		/flipiconic {} def
		/stretchcorner {} def		
	} fwin send
	/fwcan fwin /ClientCanvas get def

	/configfnt	% - > - configure and display the Font Customizer window
	ExpressDict begin
		/fwitemsEM fwinitems forkitems store
		fwinitems begin
			(%) [ tmpButFnt getfntname ] /printf mb send
			(%) [ tmpMenFnt getfntname ] /printf mm send
			(%) [ tmpSDIFnt getfntname ] /printf msdi send
			(%) [ tmpTIFnt getfntname ] /printf mti send
		end % fwinitems
		{ totop map } fwin send
	end % ExpressDict
	} def

	%--- button notifies
	/getfontselection	% - => font boolean   converts string returned by SDI into a font object
	fwinitems begin
		fntSDI /ItemValue get dup null ne
			Fonts exch get 0 get cvn findfont
			PtSizes ptsz /ItemValue get 1 get get 0 get cvi scalefont
			pop false
		} ifelse
	end % fwinitems
	} def

	% The following four notify procs update there respective msg items
	% to reflect font changes.

			dup ExpressDict /tmpTIFnt 3 -1 roll put
			(%) [ 3 -1 roll ] /printf fwinitems /mti get send
			ExpressDict /fntChanges? true put
		} if
	} def

			dup ExpressDict /tmpSDIFnt 3 -1 roll put
			(%) [ 3 -1 roll ] /printf fwinitems /msdi get send
			ExpressDict /fntChanges? true put
		} if
	} def

			dup ExpressDict /tmpMenFnt 3 -1 roll put
			(%) [ 3 -1 roll ] /printf fwinitems /mm get send
			ExpressDict /fntChanges? true put
		} if
	} def

			dup ExpressDict /tmpButFnt 3 -1 roll put
			(%) [ 3 -1 roll ] /printf fwinitems /mb get send
			ExpressDict /fntChanges? true put
		} if
	} def

	/savfnt_notify	% Don't do anything
	ExpressDict begin
		/unmap fwin send
		fwitemsEM null ne { fwitemsEM killprocess /fwitemsEM null store } if
		{ totop map } cp send
	end % ExpressDict
	} def

	/cancel_notify	% Restore previous font settings
	ExpressDict begin
		/fntChanges? false store
		/tmpButFnt ButFnt store
		/tmpMenFnt MenFnt store
		/tmpSDIFnt SDIFnt store
		/tmpTIFnt TIFnt store
		/unmap fwin send
		fwitemsEM null ne { fwitemsEM killprocess /fwitemsEM null store } if
		{ totop map } cp send
	end % ExpressDict
	} def

	% The following update routines will rescale all of the various configure
	% windows to account for changes made to the fonts to be utilized in 
	% control items.

		cpitems begin
			[ abut sbut cbut ]
				{	% Hokey, but needed to re-center the label
					/ItemLabelFont ButFnt def /LabelX 0 def /LabelY 0 def
					0 0 0 0 reshape
				} exch send
			} forall

			/cpButtonSize abut /ItemWidth get store

			[ fbut hkbut ]
				{	% Hokey, but needed to re-center the label
					/ItemLabelFont ButFnt def /LabelX 0 def /LabelY 0 def
					0 0 cpButtonSize 0 reshape
				} exch send
			} forall
		end % cpitems

			cpButtonX 2.5 mul cpButtonSize add
			cpButtonX 3.5 mul cpitems /cbut get /ItemHeight get 4 mul
			BorderTop BorderBottom add add add
			calc_wincoords reshape
		} cp send
	} def

		items begin
			/cfTISize gsave TIFnt setfont (Reference in Menu as:  ) stringbbox grestore
				pop 3 1 roll pop pop 2 mul store
			/cfSDISize gsave SDIFnt setfont (  Installed Applications  ) stringbbox grestore
				pop 3 1 roll pop pop store

			{	% Hokey, but needed to re-center the label
				/ItemLabelFont ButFnt def /LabelX 0 def /LabelY 0 def
				0 0 0 0 reshape
			} cancel_but send
			/cfButtonSize cancel_but /ItemWidth get store

			[ add_but del_but done_but ]
				{	% Hokey, but needed to re-center the label
					/ItemLabelFont ButFnt def /LabelX 0 def /LabelY 0 def
					0 0 cfButtonSize 0 reshape
				} exch send
			} forall

			{ /ItemFont SDIFnt def /ItemLabelFont SDIFnt def } appsSDI send

			[ apptoadd appref ]
					/ItemFont TIFnt def /ItemLabelFont TIFnt def
					/LabelX 0 def /LabelY 0 def
					/ObjectX 0 def /ObjectY 0 def
					0 0 cfTISize 0 reshape
				} exch send
			} forall

				/ItemFont TIFnt def /ItemLabelFont TIFnt def
				/LabelX 0 def /LabelY 0 def
				/ObjectX 0 def /ObjectY 0 def
				0 0 0 0 reshape
			} filetype send
		end % items

			30 cfSDISize cfButtonSize cfTISize add add add
			30 cfSDISize BorderTop BorderBottom add add add
			calc_wincoords reshape
		} configwin send
	} def

		hkitems begin
			/msg (The current Hot Key is ) (          ) /Right {} hkcan 0 0 /new MessageItem send
				ColorDisplay? { dup /ItemFillColor ColorDict /LightBlue get put } if
				dup /ItemFont TIFnt put
				dup /ItemLabelFont TIFnt put
				0 0 /move 3 index send store

			{ /ItemLabelFont ButFnt def /LabelX 0 def /LabelY 0 def 0 0 0 0 reshape }
			dup save_but send
			can_but send

			{	% Hokey, but needed to re-center the label
				/ItemLabelFont ButFnt def /LabelX 0 def /LabelY 0 def
				0 0 0 0 reshape
			} Right send
			/hkButtonSize Right /ItemWidth get store

			{ /ItemLabelFont ButFnt def /LabelX 0 def /LabelY 0 def 0 0 hkButtonSize dup reshape }
			0 index Left send
			Right send

				{	% Hokey, but needed to re-center the label
					/ItemLabelFont ButFnt def /LabelX 0 def /LabelY 0 def
					0 0 hkButtonSize dup reshape
				exch cvn cvx exec send
			} forall

		end % hkitems
			hkButtonSize dup 15 mul
			exch 6 mul BorderTop BorderBottom add add
			calc_wincoords reshape
		} hkwin send
	} def

	%--- end button notifies

	12 dict dup begin
		/fntSDI fwcan {} /new ScrollDataItem send def
			/AllowMultipleSelect? false def
			/ShowItemSeperators false def
			/HScrollbar? false def
				/BufferColor ColorDict /Aquamarine get def
				/ItemTextColor 0 0 1 rgbcolor def
			} if
			/ItemLabel (FONTS) def
			/ItemLabelFont /Helvetica-Bold findfont 13 scalefont def
			/ItemLabelColor 0 0 0 rgbcolor def
			/ItemHighLightColor 0 0 0 rgbcolor def
			Fonts setdata
			10 dup 200 dup reshape
		} fntSDI send

		/ptsz ( Point Size ) PtSizes
			/Bottom {} fwcan 0 0 /new ArrayItem send
			225 100 /move 3 index send def

		/savebut (SAVE) /savfnt_notify fwcan 80 0 /new ButtonItem send
			dup /ItemRadius 0 put
			225 50 /move 3 index send def

		/canbut (CANCEL) /cancel_notify fwcan 80 0 /new ButtonItem send
			dup /ItemRadius 0 put
			225 10 /move 3 index send def

		/sb (Set Button Font) /sb_notify fwcan 165 0 /new ButtonItem send
			315 160 /move 3 index send def

		/sm (Set Menu Font) /sm_notify fwcan 165 0 /new ButtonItem send
			315 110 /move 3 index send def

		/ssdi (Set ScrollDataItem Font) /ssdi_notify fwcan 165 0 /new ButtonItem send
			315 60 /move 3 index send def

		/sti (Set TextItem Font) /sti_notify fwcan 165 0 /new ButtonItem send
			315 10 /move 3 index send def

		/mb (Button Font is ) ButFnt getfntname /Right {} fwcan 300 0 /new MessageItem send
			490 165 /move 3 index send def

		/mm (Menu Font is ) MenFnt getfntname /Right {} fwcan 300 0 /new MessageItem send
			490 115 /move 3 index send def

		/msdi (ScrollDataItem Font is ) SDIFnt getfntname /Right {} fwcan 300 0 /new MessageItem send
			490 65 /move 3 index send def

		/mti (TextItem Font is ) TIFnt getfntname /Right {} fwcan 300 0 /new MessageItem send
			490 15 /move 3 index send def
	end def

		0 index /ItemFrame 2 put
			/ItemFillColor ColorDict /LightBlue get put
		} ifelse
	} forall

%%% End Font Adjuster

%% Set Hot Keys Stuff
	/HKColor ColorDisplay? { 0 1 1 rgbcolor } { 0.7 0.7 0.7 rgbcolor } ifelse def
	/HKColorerase 1 1 1 rgbcolor def
	/CurntHK HotKey 20 string cvs (Function) search pop pop pop cvn def
	/hkButtonSize 0 def
	/ButtonX 0 def
	/ButtonY 0 def
	/fkeys		% The possible HotKey choices
	(L1) (L2) (L3) (L4) (L5) (L6) (L7) (L8) (L9) (L10)
	(F1) (F2) (F3) (F4) (F5) (F6) (F7) (F8) (F9)
	(R1) (R2) (R3) (R4) (R5) (R6) (R7) (R8) (R9) (R10)
	(R11) (R12) (R13) (R14) (R15)
	] def

	/hkitemsEM null def
	/hkwin framebuffer /new SunViewWindow send def
		200 300 600 320 reshape
		FrameInterests /FrameMenuEvent undef
		FrameInterests /ClientMenuEvent undef

			ColorDisplay? { ColorDict /LightBlue get fillcanvas } if
			ExpressDict /hkitems get paintitems
		} def
		/FrameFont /Helvetica-BoldOblique findfont 14 scalefont def
		/FrameLabel (Set the EXPRESS Hot Key  for   ) (USER) getenv append def

		/stretchcorner {} def
		/flipiconic {} def
	} hkwin send
	/hkcan hkwin /ClientCanvas get def

	/confighk	% Display the current HotKey and map the HotKey Customizer window
	ExpressDict begin
		/hkitemsEM hkitems forkitems store
		CurntHK 10 string cvs /printstring hkitems /msg get send
		{ /ItemFillColor HKColor def paint } hkitems CurntHK get send
		{ totop map } hkwin send
	end % ExpressDict
	} def

	%--- Item Notifies
	ExpressDict begin
		{ /ItemFillColor HKColorerase def paint } hkitems CurntHK get send
		/CurntHK ItemLabel cvn store
		{ /ItemFillColor HKColor def } hkitems CurntHK get send
		ItemLabel /printstring hkitems /msg get send
	end % ExpressDict
	} def

	/save_notify	% Don't do anything
		ExpressDict begin
			/hkChanges? true store
			/unmap hkwin send
			hkitemsEM null ne { hkitemsEM killprocess /hkitemsEM null store } if
			{ totop map } cp send
		end % ExpressDict
	} def

	/hkcan_notify	% Reset to previous HotKey
	ExpressDict begin
		/hkChanges? false store
 		/unmap hkwin send
		{ /ItemFillColor HKColorerase def paint } hkitems CurntHK get send
		/CurntHK HotKey 20 string cvs (Function) search pop pop pop cvn store
		{ /ItemFillColor HKColor def } hkitems CurntHK get send
		hkitemsEM null ne { hkitemsEM killprocess /hkitemsEM null store } if
		{ totop map } cp send
	end % ExpressDict
	} def

	pause pause % Just Being Nice

	40 dict dup begin
		/Right (Right) /hks_notify hkcan 0 hkButtonSize /new ButtonItem send dup
				/ItemLabelFont ButFnt def
				/ItemFrame 1 def
				/ItemRadius 0 def
					ItemValue { NotifyUser } if
					false SetButtonValue /ItemValue null store
					paint StopItem
				} def
			0 0 /move 3 index send def

		/hkButtonSize Right /ItemWidth get store
		{ /LabelX 0 def /LabelY 0 def 0 0 hkButtonSize dup reshape } Right send

		/Left (Left) /hks_notify hkcan hkButtonSize dup /new ButtonItem send dup
				/ItemLabelFont ButFnt def
				/ItemFrame 1 def
				/ItemRadius 0 def
					ItemValue { NotifyUser } if
					false SetButtonValue /ItemValue null store
					paint StopItem
				} def
			0 0 /move 3 index send def

		0 1 fkeys length 1 sub
			fkeys exch get dup cvn exch /hks_notify hkcan hkButtonSize dup 
			/new ButtonItem send dup
				/ItemLabelFont ButFnt def
				/ItemFrame 1 def
				/ItemRadius 0 def
					ItemValue { NotifyUser } if
					false SetButtonValue /ItemValue null store
					paint StopItem
				} def
			0 0 /move 3 index send def
		} for

		/msg (The current Hot Key is ) (       ) /Right {} hkcan 0 0 /new MessageItem send
			ColorDisplay? { dup /ItemFillColor ColorDict /LightBlue get put } if
			dup /ItemFont TIFnt put
			dup /ItemLabelFont TIFnt put
			0 0 /move 3 index send def

		/save_but ( Save Change ) /save_notify hkcan 100 0 /new ButtonItem send
			dup begin
				/ItemFrame 1 def
				/ItemLabelFont ButFnt def
				/ItemFillColor 1 0 0 rgbcolor def
			0 0 /move 3 index send def

		/can_but ( Cancel ) /hkcan_notify hkcan 100 0 /new ButtonItem send
			dup begin
				/ItemFrame 1 def
				/ItemLabelFont ButFnt def
				/ItemFillColor 1 1 0 rgbcolor def
			0 0 /move 3 index send def
	end def


	/poshkitems {   % Reposition the buttons
		/ButtonX 10 store /ButtonY hkButtonSize 4.5 mul store
		0 2 9
			ButtonX ButtonY /move hkitems fkeys 5 index get cvn get send
			ButtonX hkButtonSize 1 sub add ButtonY /move
				hkitems fkeys 6 -1 roll 1 add get cvn get send
			/ButtonY ButtonY hkButtonSize 1 sub sub store
		} for

		/ButtonX 20 hkButtonSize 2 mul add store /ButtonY hkButtonSize 4.5 mul store
		10 1 18
			ButtonX ButtonY /move hkitems fkeys 6 -1 roll get cvn get send
			/ButtonX ButtonX hkButtonSize 1 sub add store
		} for

		/ButtonX 25 hkButtonSize 11 mul add store /ButtonY hkButtonSize 4.5 mul store
		19 3 33
			ButtonX ButtonY /move hkitems fkeys 5 index get cvn get send
			ButtonX hkButtonSize 1 sub add ButtonY /move
				hkitems fkeys 5 index 1 add get cvn get send
			ButtonX hkButtonSize 1 sub 2 mul add ButtonY /move
				hkitems fkeys 6 -1 roll 2 add get cvn get send
			/ButtonY ButtonY hkButtonSize 1 sub sub store
		} for

		hkitems begin
			hkButtonSize dup 3 mul exch 0.6 mul /move Left send
			hkButtonSize dup 10 mul exch 0.6 mul /move Right send

			{ hkButtonSize dup 3.5 mul exch 3.5 mul move } msg send
			{ hkButtonSize dup 2 mul ItemWidth 2 div add exch 2 mul move } save_but send
			{ hkButtonSize dup 10 mul ItemWidth 2 div sub exch 2 mul move } can_but send
		end % hkitems
	} def

		hkButtonSize dup 15 mul
		exch 6 mul BorderTop BorderBottom add add
		calc_wincoords reshape
	} hkwin send

	/setHotKey	% - > -  Activate the desired HotKey
		ExpressDict begin
			ExpressMenu /MenuCanvas get null ne
			cp /FrameCanvas get /Mapped get
			configwin /FrameCanvas get /Mapped get
			fwin /FrameCanvas get /Mapped get
			hkwin /FrameCanvas get /Mapped get
			aboutcan /Mapped get or or or or or not
			{ /showat ExpressMenu send } if
		end % ExpressDict
		} bindkey
	} def

%% End Hot Keys

%% Configure Express
	/cfButtonSize 0 def
	/cfTISize gsave TIFnt setfont (Reference in Menu as:  ) stringbbox grestore
		pop 3 1 roll pop pop 2.5 mul def
	/cfSDISize gsave SDIFnt setfont (  Installed Applications  ) stringbbox grestore
		pop 3 1 roll pop pop def
	/FileType ( forkunix) def
	/SaveSDIData [] def
	/SaveMenuItems null def
	/SaveMenuKeys null def
	/SaveMenuActions null def

	/itemsEM null def
	/configwin framebuffer /new SunViewWindow send def

		250 400 500 220 reshape
		FrameInterests /FrameMenuEvent undef
		FrameInterests /ClientMenuEvent undef

		ExpressDict begin
			ColorDisplay? { ColorDict /LightBlue get fillcanvas } if
			items paintitems
			0 setgray
			TIFnt setfont
			10 cfSDISize cfButtonSize 2 mul add add
			items /cancel_but get /ItemHeight get 3.2 mul moveto
			(Application type is) show
		end % ExpressDict
		} def
		/FrameFont /Helvetica-BoldOblique findfont 14 scalefont def
		/FrameLabel (EXPRESS Application Customizer  for   ) (USER) getenv append def
		/flipiconic {} def
		/stretchcorner {} def
	} configwin send
	/cwcan configwin /ClientCanvas get def

	/configapps	% Clear the TextItems and map the Application Customizer window
	ExpressDict begin
		/itemsEM items forkitems store
			TI_resetarray items /apptoadd get send
			TI_resetarray items /appref get send
		} configwin send
	end % ExpressDict
	} def

	%--- Item Notifies

		ExpressDict /FileType
		ItemValue 0 eq
		{ ( forkunix) } { ( fork_sunview1_tty) } ifelse
	} def

			ItemCanvas setcanvas
			/LINEKILL ItemText send
			/ItemPaintedValue () def
			/ItemValue () def
	} def

		ExpressDict begin
			/appsChanges? true store
			items begin
				apptoadd /ItemValue get () append
				appref /ItemValue get

				dup () eq
					(\() 1 index append (\)) append FileType append cvx
					() append
					(\() 4 -1 roll append (\)) append FileType append cvx
				} ifelse
				0 3 1 roll
				/insertitem ExpressMenu send
				0 /additem appsSDI send

				TI_resetarray apptoadd send
				TI_resetarray appref send
			end % items
		end % ExpressDict
	} def

		ExpressDict begin
			/appsChanges? true store
			items begin
				appsSDI /ItemValue get
				dup null ne
					0 index /deleteitem appsSDI send
					/deleteitem ExpressMenu send
				} ifelse
			end % items
		end % ExpressDict
	} def

	/can_notify	% Restore previous SDI values
	ExpressDict begin
		/appsChanges? false store
		/unmap configwin send
		SaveSDIData /setdata items /appsSDI get send
			/MenuItems SaveMenuItems def
			/MenuKeys SaveMenuKeys def
			/MenuActions SaveMenuActions def
			/MenuWidth null def
		} ExpressMenu send
		itemsEM null ne { itemsEM killprocess /itemsEM null store } if
		{ totop map } cp send
	end % ExpressDict
	} def

	/db_notify	% Don't do anything
	ExpressDict begin

		/unmap configwin send
		itemsEM null ne { itemsEM killprocess } if
		{ totop map } cp send

	end % ExpressDict
	} def

	8 dict dup begin
		/cancel_but ( Cancel ) ExpressDict /can_notify get cwcan 0 0 /new ButtonItem send
			dup begin
				/ItemFrame 2 def
				ColorDisplay? { /ItemFillColor 1 1 0 rgbcolor def } if
				/ItemLabelFont ExpressDict /ButFnt get def
			end 0 0 /move 3 index send def

		/cfButtonSize cancel_but /ItemWidth get store

		/add_but ( Add ) ExpressDict /add_notify get cwcan cfButtonSize 0 /new ButtonItem send
			dup begin
				/ItemFrame 2 def
				/ItemLabelFont ExpressDict /ButFnt get def
			end 0 0 /move 3 index send def

		/del_but ( Delete ) ExpressDict /del_notify get cwcan cfButtonSize 0 /new ButtonItem send
			dup begin
				/ItemFrame 2 def
				/ItemLabelFont ExpressDict /ButFnt get def
			end 0 0 /move 3 index send def

		/done_but ( Done ) ExpressDict /db_notify get cwcan cfButtonSize 0 /new ButtonItem send
			dup begin
				/ItemFrame 2 def
				ColorDisplay? { /ItemFillColor 1 0 0 rgbcolor def } if
				/ItemLabelFont ExpressDict /ButFnt get def
			end 0 0 /move 3 index send def

		/appsSDI cwcan {} /new ScrollDataItem send def
			/AllowMultipleSelect? false def
			/ShowItemSeperators false def
			/HScrollbar? false def
				/BufferColor ColorDict /Aquamarine get def
				/ItemTextColor 0 0 1 rgbcolor def
			} if
			/ItemLabel (  Installed Applications  ) def
			/ItemLabelFont ExpressDict /SDIFnt get def
			/ItemFont ExpressDict /SDIFnt get def
			/ItemLabelColor 0 0 0 rgbcolor def
			/ItemHighLightColor 0 0 0 rgbcolor def
		} appsSDI send

		/apptoadd (Application to add:  ) () /Right {} cwcan cfTISize 0 /new TextItem send
			dup /ItemFont ExpressDict /TIFnt get put
			dup /ItemLabelFont ExpressDict /TIFnt get put
			0 0 /move 3 index send def

		/appref (Reference in Menu as:  ) () /Right {} cwcan cfTISize 0 /new TextItem send
			dup /ItemFont ExpressDict /TIFnt get put
			dup /ItemLabelFont ExpressDict /TIFnt get put
			0 0 /move 3 index send def

		/filetype /cycle [ (NeWS) (SunView) ] /Right /fil_notify cwcan 0 0 /new CycleItem send
			dup begin
				/LabelY 0 def
				/ItemFont ExpressDict /TIFnt get def
				ColorDisplay? { /ItemFillColor ColorDict /LightBlue get def } if
			0 0 /move 3 index send def
	end def


	ExpressDict begin
		items begin
				10 dup cfSDISize dup reshape
				450 SizeAllData reshapebuffer
			} appsSDI send

			10 cfSDISize cfButtonSize 2 div add add
			{ 0 index 10 move ItemHeight 1.5 mul 5 add } done_but send
			{ 1 index exch move ItemHeight 3 mul } del_but send
			1 index exch /move add_but send
			cfButtonSize 1.5 mul add 10 /move cancel_but send

				[ apptoadd appref ]
						/ItemFillColor ColorDict /LightBlue get def
						ItemText begin /TextFill ItemFillColor store end
				} forall
			} if

			10 cfSDISize cfButtonSize 2 div add add
			dup cancel_but /ItemHeight get 4 mul /move appref send
			cancel_but /ItemHeight get 4 mul
				appref /ItemHeight get 10 add add /move apptoadd send
			10 cfSDISize cfButtonSize 2.1 mul add add
			gsave TIFnt setfont (Application type is) stringbbox grestore pop 3 1 roll pop pop add
			cancel_but /ItemHeight get 3 mul /move filetype send
		end % items
	end % ExpressDict
	} def

		30 cfSDISize cfButtonSize cfTISize add add add
		30 cfSDISize BorderTop BorderBottom add add add
		calc_wincoords reshape
	} configwin send

%% End Configure Apps

%% Express Menu Stuff
	/configure	% Save current SDI and ExpressMenu settings and 
	{		% display the EXPRESS Configuration Control Panel
	ExpressDict begin
		/SaveSDIData /getdata items /appsSDI get send store
		/SaveMenuItems ExpressMenu /MenuItems get store
		/SaveMenuKeys ExpressMenu /MenuKeys get store
		/SaveMenuActions ExpressMenu /MenuActions get store
		/cpitemsEM cpitems forkitems store
		{ totop map } cp send
	end % ExpressDict
	} def

	/ExpressMenu	% Create default EXPRESS menu
		(Terminal)			{ (psterm -t sun -f) forkunix }
		(~~~~~~~~~~~~~)			{}
		(Cancel)			{}
		(~~~~~~~~~~~~~)			{}
		(About Express)			ExpressDict /about_express get
		(Configure Express)		ExpressDict /configure get
		(Disable Express)		{
							ExpressDict begin
								itemsEM null ne { itemsEM killprocess } if
								hkitemsEM null ne { hkitemsEM killprocess } if
							end % ExpressDict
							ExpressDict { ExpressDict exch undef } forall
							systemdict /ExpressDict undef
							HotKey unbindkey
							keyboardtype 3 eq % deactivate Left key
								systemdict /keyboard_positions get
									[ 120 systemdict /UI_private get
									  /keyStation get exec /shift_key
									] put
							} if

	] /new DefaultMenu send def

	pause % Just Being Nice

	/adjustmenu	% - > - Customize the look of ExpressMenu
			/MenuBorderColor	ColorDict /MediumBlue get def
			/MenuFillColor		ColorDict /LightBlue get def
			/MenuTextColor		ColorDict /Blue get def
		} if
		/MenuFont		ExpressDict /MenFnt get def
		/Frame 			3 def

			framebuffer setcanvas
			10 0 Border ArrayWidth ArrayHeight rrectpath
			MenuCanvas reshapecanvas
			/rtarr /rtarr_m MenuCanvas setstandardcursor
		} def

		/PaintBox	% [color] value => -
			dup null ne
				MenuItems exch get begin X Y W H end
				dup type /colortype ne { MenuTextColor } if
				setcolor stroke
			} ifelse
		} def

			MenuFillColor PaintedValue PaintBox
			MenuTextColor MenuValue PaintBox
			/PaintedValue MenuValue store
		} def

			MenuFillColor fillcanvas
			Frame 0 ne
				MenuBorderColor setcolor
				Frame 10 0 Border ArrayWidth ArrayHeight rrectframe eofill
			} if
		} def

	ExpressMenu send
	} def

%% End Menu Stuff


	createfile?	% create the defaults file (.expressapps) if it doesn't exist
		writefile [] []
	{		% otherwise, load in the stored applications
		0 1 UserMenuKeys length 1 sub
			UserMenuKeys exch get
			dup { ObjectData length additem } items /appsSDI get send
			UserMenuActions 2 index get cvx
			/insertitem ExpressMenu send
		} for
	} ifelse

	setHotKey	% activate the HotKey

end	% ExpressDict

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M________________________________________    __\           #_
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M             /\          /\   #_  #_                      #_
M                                 /\       #_    _P          
M        _P           /\  /\  /\      /\      /\   #_        
M                            _P  _P   /\     _P      _P      
M_P            #_              #_        _P           /\     
M        _P                  _P          _P                  
M          #_     /\      /\       #_                        
M /\  /\   #_            _P  _P  _P                    #___\ 
M  #__P      _P                                  _P          
M    _P   /\          /\  /\                             _P  
M_P       /\   #_                    _P                      
M     /\               #_                _P    #_        _P  
M          #_  #_  #_              #_                        
M             /\          /\          /\  /\                 
M                      #_    _P          _P   /\      /\     
M     /\           #_  #_          #_                        
M          #_    _P  _P                          _P       /\ 
M             /\                   #_                  #_  #_
M  #_    _P    #__P   /__ /\       #_        _P           /\ 
M             /\  /\              /\             _P  _P  _P  
M          #_          #_             /\  /\      /\         
M      #_            _P      _P  _P           /\   #_        
M         /\       #_    _P               /\      /\      /\ 
M          #_      #_                _P  _P      _P  _P      
M    _P            #_    _P  _P      _P                      
M                                                 /\         
M /\     _P  _P  _P   /\                     _P    #_      #_
M          #_        _P  _P  _P    #_          #_         /\ 
M                              #_ /__    __\     _P        #_
M      #_  #_         /\     _P          _P                  
M                    _P   /\                  /\   #_        
M    _P           /\  /\       #_  #_                  #_    
M             /\      /\                                     
M    _P               /\          /\      /\  /\  /\         
M                              #_                          #_
M    _P   /\  /\     _P   /\  /\   #_  #_      #_    _P      
M    _P          _P                          _P      _P      
M             /\      /\          /\                      /\ 
M /\      /\          /\  /\  /\       #_  #_  #_    __\   #_
M_P                               /\                         
M    _P   /\   #_                                     /\     
M                 /\           #_                            
M                 /\                 _P       /\   #_  #_    
M      #_  #_  #_                            _P              
M                     /\          /\  /\      /\      /\     
M         /\                                                 
M /\              /\           #_         /\              /\ 
M      #_      #_  #_    _P                              _P  
M        _P                      _P   /\             _P      
M          #__P   /__                                        
M /\          /\                      /\  /\     _P      _P  
M /\   #_                                    _P              
M     /\          /\  /\   #_              #_  #_            
M                     /\              /\      /\  /\  /\  /\ 
M      #_     /\  /\              /\         _P  _P          
M_P              _P  _P  _P        #_    _P   /\      /\     
M          #_              #_    _P      _P   /\         _P  
M    _P  _P                                    #_     /\  /\ 
M  #_  #_          #_  #_      #_          #_                
M    _P       /\   #_  #_  #_ /__    __\  /\   #_  #_  #_  #_
M      #_      #_        _P  _P      _P  _P   /\   #_        
M          #_                 /\   #_  #_      #_  #_        
M      #_    _P  _P  _P          _P               /\      /\ 
M            _P    #_          #_    _P                      
M_P                                      _P  _P  _P      _P  
M             /\          /\                      /\         
M                  #_  #_          #_                        
M                              #_      #_  #_    _P    #_    
M                             /\                      /\  /\ 
M      #_    _P    #_      #_                    __\   #__P  
M                     /\      /\      /\                     
M                     /\                                     
M /\             _P  _P                        #_            
M /\                       #_                _P              
M  #_  #_  #_             /\      /\   #_      #_            
M                        _P          _P          _P          
M                          #_     /\          /\             
M_P      _P   /\      /\      /\       #_    _P       /\     
M                 /\  /\   #_          #_            _P      
M    _P            #_  #_                _P          _P      
M /\  /___P   /__ /\               #_                        
M_P      _P  _P                   /\         _P           /\ 
M /\       #_                                    _P          
M_P          _P           /\   #_     /\              /\   #_
M                 /\              /\     _P                  
M         /\  /\     _P      _P  _P   /\         _P        #_
M          #_  #_  #_  #_     /\  /\  /\  /\               #_
M         /\   #_      #_            _P      _P       /\     
M      #_          #_    _P   /\                  /\  /\     
M /\  /\       #_  #_        _P                #_    _P      
M  #_  #_        _P       /__    __\      /\  /\             
M /\  /\   #_                          #_      #_            
M        _P  _P                       /\       #_  #_        
M /\           #_      #_          #_                        
M_P                      _P  _P  _P                          
M      #_          #_  #_                  #_                
M_P                   /\                                     
M      #_     /\                                             
M                             /\                             
M                            _P              _P    #_  #_    
M             /\             _P  _P   /\  /\ __\   #__P      
M        _P                          _P   /\          /\     
M /\      /\   #_    _P                    #_        _P      
M /\                     _P   /\                          /\ 
M /\   #_    _P        #_  #_      #_                      #_
M  #_  #_     /\      /\         _P           /\      /\     
M             /\       #_     /\   #_        _P              
M  #_     /\                             _P  _P          _P  
M      #_                _P  _P       /\             _P      
M_P   /\   #_  #_  #_  #_          #_              #_      #_
M                    _P    #_        _P                      
M  #__P   /__ /\                  /\  /\           #_        
M    _P                                      _P          _P  
M                                _P  _P                  _P  
M    _P  _P                                               /\ 
M             /\                     _P        #_      #_    
M                  #_    _P  _P                           /\ 
M      #_  #_  #_                _P  _P  _P    #_     /\     
M      #_  #_         /\      /\  /\  /\             _P      
M_P  _P        #_                             /\  /\       #_
M  #_         /\         _P        #_                        
M_P        #_        ____    __\     _P  _P      _P          
M    _P           /\       #_      #_              #_    _P  
M          #_      #_    _P          _P    #_                
M     /\   #_      #_          #_     /\   #_    _P   /\  /\ 
M  #_    _P          _P  _P  _P                #_            
M                  #_      #_     /\                   #_  #_
M    _P   /\         _P               /\   #_                
M                _P                  _P                      
M_P                                                        #_
M              #_          #_          #_      #_        _P  
M_P   /\  /\     _P   /\  /\       #_    __\   #___\         
M                  #_          #_                 /\       #_
M  #_                _P   /\                     _P          
M     /\          /\                                         
M                                                      #_  #_
M         /\     _P  _P      _P           /\                 
M_P       /\                                                 
M     /\             _P    #_              #_                
M  #_                  #_  #_      #_    _P   /\  /\   #_  #_
M    _P  _P                            #_         /\         
M        _P                    #_                  #_    _P#_
M_P   /__             /\     _P   /\         _P       /\   #_
M                         /\                       #_        
M_P        #_     /\         _P  _P      _P    #_    _P      
M_P  _P       /\                       #_    _P   /\  /\     
M         /\          /\                   #_        _P      
M      #_      #_      #_                     /\   #_        
M /\  /\  /\  /\                 _P               /\      /\ 
M         /\      /\      /\  /\                  /\         
M                              #_  #_    _P  _P  _P          
M /\         _P      _P       /\         _P          _P   /\ 
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M      #_             /\  /\   #_                    _P  _P  
M             /\         _P                                  
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M                _P  _P  _P        #_        _P   /\     _P  
M        _P    #_     /\      /\             _P      _P  _P  
M_P           /\                     _P  _P    #_      #_    
M_P          _P          _P      _P                  _P  _P  
M                _P       /\   #_      #_    _P              
M          #_  #_         /\       #_      #_        _P      
M /\                       #_  #_    __\   #__P              
M /\              /\                                      /\ 
M      #_              #_  #_                        _P    #_
M             /\      /\     _P   /\     _P                  
M_P                  _P   /\                      /\         
M                  #_  #_      #_     /\                 _P  
M      #_                            _P                      
M                      #_              #_                  #_
M     /\              /\  /\   #_      #_             /\     
M      #_                _P              _P      _P          
M             /\       #_    _P  _P   /\              /___P  
M /__  #_      #_         /\  /\  /\     _P          _P      
M      #_    _P      _P               /\               #_    
M                     /\   #_                                
M  #_    _P                        #_            _P  _P      
M_P              _P  _P   /\  /\ _P   /\  /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P  
M_P  _P    #_        _P                    #_  #_            
M  #_  #_            _P      _P      _P       /\      /\     
M    _P  _P   /\                     _P                      
M /\   #_          #_            _P  _P        #_            
M                _P    #_  #_      #_        _P              
M /\          /__    __\                                     
M  #_  #_      #_  #_                      #_      #_        
M         /\      /\   #_  #_     /\              /\   #_    
M  #_         /\               #_         /\      /\         
M /\                   #_      #_                     /\  /\ 
M /\ _P#_ /\ __\ __\ _P  _P#_    _P  _P           /\  /\  /\ 
M         /\      /\          /\  /\       #_      #_      #_
M        _P        #_                  #_      #_            
M /\          /\                               #_          #_
M         /\  /\      /\     _P  _P               /\     _P  
M          #_     /\     _P  _P  __\   #__P#_    _P    #_  #_
M              #_                         /\     _P   /\     
M                     /\                                  /\ 
M  #_             /\       #_          #_    _P       /\     
M    _P          _P      _P       /\          /\             
M_P   /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_            
M_P  _P                          _P                      _P  
M                     /\                          /\         
M /\      /\             _P  _P      _P    #_    _P  _P      
M_P          _P        #_            _P                  _P  
M /\                 _P   /\     _P                #__P   /__
M                     /\  /\                       #_        
M                        _P      _P  _P      _P            #_
M                              #_                     /\     
M                _P                            #_        _P  
M          #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#___\ ____ /__ /\ _P#______P#_
M_P#_ /\ _P   /\                       #_  #_              #_
M         /\           #_  #_    _P              _P  _P    #_
M  #_         /\                 _P  _P                      
M              #_      #_          #_                        
M /\     _P              _P    #_    _P                   /\ 
M  #_  #_ /__    ____    _P   /\                 _P      _P  
M /\  /\       #_      #_     /\   #_  #_      #_            
M        _P  _P           /\  /\       #_                    
M /\   #_            _P   /\  /\         _P   /\  /\     _P  
M         /\       #_      #_ /\  /\ _P#__P#__P#___\ _P#_ /__
M /_______P#_ /\ ____ /__ /\ __\  /\ _P  _P   /\  /\  /\     
M     /\      /\      /\         _P   /\               #_    
M /\                      /\              /\  /\             
M_P          _P   /\                          /\          /\ 
M      #_  #_    _P    #_        _P  _P        #_            
M_P  _P  _P  _P              __\   #__P               /\     
M /\       #_                         /\                     
M                                        _P          _P      
M  #_  #_    _P  _P           /\   #_                        
M                  #_  #_        _P        #_     /\ __\ _P#_
M_P#_ /__ /______ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /__ /\ __\ __\ _P      
M                  #_        _P            #_                
M  #_                    _P      _P               /\   #_    
M            _P        #_  #_            _P  _P  _P      _P  
M        _P           /\                         _P        #_
M          #_                     /\  /\      /___P   /__    
M_P   /\                 _P          _P          _P          
M    _P    #_                    _P  _P   /\          /\     
M              #_                                            
M     /\   #_  #_             /\                       #_  #_
M /\ __\ __\ _____P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /___P#__P#______P#_ /__
M /\ __\ __\ _P#__P  _P   /\      /\      /\           #_    
M     /\      /\          /\  /\   #_                  #_  #_
M                 /\       #_      #_                        
M          #_      #_             /\       #_  #_          #_
M            _P       /\          /\     _P  _P            #_
M     /__    __\                  /\  /\       #_            
M  #_      #_      #_              #_  #_  #_  #_            
M    _P          _P   /\               #_                    
M_P  _P    #_      #_                  #_            _P    #_
M      #_      #_  #_ /\ __\ __\ _P#_ /__ /______ /__ /__ /__
M_P#__P#_ /\ ____ /____\ __\ __\ _P  _P          _P          
M    _P   /\                 _P      _P                   /\ 
M     /\              /\  /\   #_        _P                  
M         /\  /\                          /\     _P      _P  
M         /\  /\      /\                      /\       #_    
M      #_ /\         _P  __\   #__P#_     /\   #_            
M         /\      /\              /\          /\             
M                _P        #_                _P  _P          
M  #_  #_  #_  #_                 /\      /\   #_            
M /\  /\              /\      /\  /__ /____\ _P#__P#_ /______
M /\ ____ /__ /__ /___P#_ /___P#_ /__ /\ __\ __\ _____P#__P#_
M                                  #_  #_                  #_
M          #_        _P      _P                              
M  #_    _P      _P  _P  _P          _P  _P  _P      _P      
M                                            _P  _P  _P  _P  
M /\     _P                      _P        #__P   /__        
M         /\          /\                     _P              
M_P       /\       #_      #_                        _P      
M            _P                               /\             
M             /\             _P   /\       #_  #_ /__ /__ /\ 
M_P#__P#_____ /\  /\ __\ ____ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /______ /\ __\ 
M__\ __\ _P#__P#__P#_ /\      /\  /\  /\      /\             
M /\      /\          /\  /\      /\               #_  #_    
M            _P                #_                            
M      #_      #_     /\      /\     _P  _P  _P        #_    
M                                    _P  _P   /\       #_  #_
M /__    __\     _P    #_            _P       /\   #_      #_
M      #_      #_                _P               /\      /\ 
M      #_                             /\           #_    _P  
M                _P    #_    _P      _P   /\              /\ 
M  #_ /\ __\ ____ /______ /\ __\ __\ _____P#_ /__ /__________
M /__ /__ /\ __\ __\ _P#___\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P  _P              
M        _P              _P      _P                      _P  
M /\              /\   #_  #_      #_  #_    _P              
M     /\  /\                         _P      _P              
M      #_  #_     /\               #_     /\   #_    _P      
M          #_        __\   #__P#_             /\   #_        
M             /\              /\           #_          #_    
M_P                  _P           /\  /\      /\             
M    _P            #_      #_  #_                            
M    _P   /\          /\ __\ ____ /\ _P#_ /____\ __\ __\ _P#_
M_P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _____P#__P#___\ _____P#_ /__ /\ 
M_P   /\      /\   #_          #_  #_                  #_    
M      #_                _P                                  
M      #_    _P  _P  _P          _P  _P  _P      _P          
M         /\                              /\  /\  /\     _P  
M        _P      _P  _P   /\       #_  #__P   /__         /\ 
M                _P  _P    #_            _P            #_  #_
M     /\                       #_          #_    _P          
M_P        #_      #_      #_    _P       /\              /\ 
M         /\     _P              _P  __\ __\ __\ __\ ____ /__
M /\ __\ __\ _P#___________\ ____ /__ /\ __\ __\ _P#__P#__P#_
M /\ _P#______P#__P#___\ _P               /\              /\ 
M     /\          /\  /\      /\      /\           #_     /\ 
M         /\                                                 
M  #_             /\     _P      _P  _P  _P          _P   /\ 
M                 /\  /\                       #_  #_     /__
M    ____    _P       /\   #_                     /\   #_    
M  #_     /\                 _P      _P   /\  /\         _P  
M             /\          /\      /\                         
M            _P      _P  _P                           /\ _P#_
M_P#___\ __\ ____ /\ _P#___\ _P#___\ _P#_ /\ ____ /____\ ____
M_P#______P#__P#___\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P    #_      #_    
M    _P    #_        _P      _P                              
M_P   /\                 _P        #_  #_        _P          
M /\  /\                     _P  _P                          
M  #_  #_             /\  /\   #_            _P   /\     _P  
M_P            #___\   #__P                       /\         
M /\                                               #_        
M          #_            _P                                  
M /\          /\  /\   #_  #_                     /\      /\ 
M /\   #_ /\ _P#__P#___\ __\ __\ __\ ______\ _P#__P#__P#_ /\ 
M__\ __\ __\ __\ _P#___\ _P#__P#_ /\ _________P#__P#__P#__P#_
M____ /\  /\      /\              /\                  /\     
M  #_      #_                  #_      #_         /\         
M /\         _P  _P          _P  _P  _P    #_             /\ 
M     /\         _P              _P                       /\ 
M          #_                 /\   #__P   /__    _P      _P  
M            _P                    #_  #_    _P   /\  /\  /\ 
M /\              /\      /\          /\               #_  #_
M      #_        _P       /\                          /\     
M_P          _P        #_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ __\ __\ __\ ____ /__
M /___P#__P#_______\ __\ __\ __\ _P#_ /__ /___P#__P#__P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\             _P  _P          _P  
M /\     _P       /\      /\      /\      /\          /\     
M                        _P                                  
M        _P          _P      _P        #_      #_      #_    
M    _P    #_        _P  _P          _P  _P  _P       /__    
M__\       #_        _P            #_      #_    _P          
M                        _P    #_                  #_        
M     /\  /\          /\      /\                 _P        #_
M      #_              #_                 /\  /\ _P#_ /____\ 
M__\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#__P#__P#__P#___\ __\ ________ /__
M_P#__P#_ /____\ _P#_ /__ /__ /___P#_ /\ __\ _P  _P          
M      #_                                                _P  
M    _P                #_      #_  #_          #_    _P   /\ 
M /\     _P      _P    #_      #_                 /\         
M /\              /\      /\     _P               /\         
M         /\ __\   #__P                    #_  #_         /\ 
M          #_                                         /\   #_
M             /\   #_                                _P      
M_P           /\                  /\          /\      /\  /\ 
M /\ __\ ____ /\ __\ __\ _P#_____ /_______P#__P#__P#__P#___\ 
M__\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ ____ /__ /\ ____ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /____\ 
M_P#___\ _P#_  #_                _P   /\   #_    _P  _P   /\ 
M /\   #_                  #_     /\  /\      /\          /\ 
M                              #_                     /\     
M /\         _P              _P        #_              #_    
M  #_      #_    _P  _P  _P    #__P   /__ /\          /\     
M                        _P       /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\ 
M    _P               /\  /\                          /\  /\ 
M  #_          #_             /\         _P    #_          #_
M        _P    #_ /\ __\ _P#_ /____\ __\ _____P#_ /\ _P#__P#_
M_P#_ /___P#___\ _P#___\ ____ /__ /__ /__ /____\ _P#_ /__ /\ 
M__\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#__P#_  #_  #_     /\  /\   #_            
M                             /\      /\                     
M                    _P      _P   /\      /\             _P  
M    _P          _P                #_      #_      #_        
M /\  /\          /\     _P                       /__    __\ 
M    _P  _P      _P          _P  _P    #_                    
M                          #_      #_             /\   #_    
M_P      _P               /\              /\           #_    
M         /\                   #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ __\ 
M_P#_ /\ ____ /__ /__ /___P#_ /\ _P#___\ _P#_ /__ /__ /___P#_
M /\ ______\ __\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /___P    #_ /\  /\ 
M                        _P       /\      /\         _P      
M /\   #_     /\   #_          #_          #_                
M  #_  #_          #_      #_             /\  /\          /\ 
M              #_             /\                  /\   #_    
M_P  _P  __\   #__P                        #_                
M        _P   /\      /\      /\      /\          /\         
M                      #_                                _P  
M    _P              _P          _P    #_  #_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M________ /\ __\ __\ ________ /__ /__ /\ _P#_ /____\ ____ /\ 
M____ /__ /__ /\ __\ ____ /\ __\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /__
M /\ ____  #_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\   #_  #_  #_        _P          
M    _P                                   /\  /\      /\     
M         /\   #_             /\                  /\     _P  
M        _P              _P    #_     /\  /\  /\     _P   /\ 
M  #_                      #__P   /__ /\          /\      /\ 
M             /\       #_            _P              _P      
M_P                  _P  _P                       /\   #_  #_
M      #_  #_                 /\   #_      #_                
M     /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /____\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ __\ ____
M /__ /\ _P#_ /___P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_____ /\ __\ __\ _P#_  #_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_    _P#_ /\                     
M              #_          #_      #_     /\   #_      #_    
M                 /\   #_                            _P      
M_P                            #_      #_     /\             
M             /\         _P   /\   #_    _P  ____    __\     
M_P  _P      _P          _P  _P       /\                     
M  #_                  #_      #_  #_            _P   /\     
M  #_                 /\              /\     _P              
M      #_    _P       /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_
M /__ /\ __\ ____ /__ /__ /\ ____ /\ _P#_ /\ ____ /___P#_ /\ 
M__\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P  _P        #_      #_    _P       /\          /\         
M         /\      /\      /\  /\              /\   #_  #_  #_
M  #_          #_      #_     /\      /\  /\          /\     
M      #_                  #_         /\                     
M    __\   #__P                        #_                    
M  #_  #_    _P   /\      /\     _P  _P       /\             
M                _P                            #_            
M              #_  #_                _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_
M /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /__ /\ 
M____ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /__ /\   #_ /__ /\ _P#_    _P       /\           #_        
M_P            #_     /\                 _P          _P    #_
M                         /\                 _P      _P      
M    _P              _P       /\  /\  /\  /\         _P      
M  #_    _P    #_    _P#__P   /__ /\     _P   /\      /\     
M          #_     /\                                         
M                 /\  /\     _P        #_      #_  #_        
M          #_     /\         _P           /\     _P  _P  _P  
M_P#_  #_    _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /____\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\     _P   /\ _P#_    _P              
M    _P                #_     /\     _P            #_        
M                          #_      #_            _P      _P  
M                          #_      #_      #_                
M      #_         /\          /\          /__    __\         
M        _P          _P  _P                    #_     /\   #_
M     /\           #_      #_  #_          #_        _P      
M /\          /\  /\  /\                   #_      #_        
M              #_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ __\ 
M_P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#_
M /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_
M /\   #_ /\  /\   #_             /\                         
M /\  /\      /\      /\  /\      /\      /\      /\      /\ 
M /\       #_             /\      /\  /\          /\         
M     /\  /\  /\  /\  /\     _P  _P        #_          #_    
M__\   #__P   /\     _P            #_          #_    _P   /\ 
M                            _P   /\      /\          /\  /\ 
M                          #_                 /\     _P   /\ 
M                 /\   #_    _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ 
M_P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#__P#_    _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M_P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#__P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  
M_P#_        _P#_ /\ _P#_                    _P  _P      _P  
M  #_        _P                      _P          _P      _P  
M                        _P          _P  _P      _P          
M_P              _P                                       /\ 
M    _P    #_      #__P   /__                     /\         
M_P                  _P      _P        #_                    
M                  #_      #_     /\                      /\ 
M                         /\     _P          _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_
M /\  /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P    #_ /\ _P#_  #_      #_    
M                          #_      #_          #_            
M                      #_      #_              #_            
M                      #_      #_      #_                    
M  #_        _P           /\       #_ /__    ____     /\     
M /\                   #_    _P   /\       #_        _P      
M /\     _P    #_     /\  /\  /\          /\             _P  
M_P    #_  #_              #_            _P                  
M        _P  _P#_ /\  /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\  /\ 
M_P  _P#_ /\     _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\     _P#_ /\ _P#_
M  #_ /\ _P       /\          /\     _P   /\              /\ 
M /\      /\     _P  _P  _P   /\      /\      /\      /\  /\ 
M         /\          /\      /\  /\          /\             
M  #_  #_  #_  #_  #_     /\      /\  /\          /\     __\ 
M  #__P          _P      _P    #_  #_                        
M              #_                                     /\     
M        _P                       /\   #_          #_  #_    
M      #_      #_  #_ /\ _P  _P      _P   /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P  
M    _P   /\ _P  _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_    _P  _P#_ /\   #_ /\ 
M_P  _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P  _P  _P#_  #_  #_ /\ 
M /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\      /\         _P  _P              
M          #_                                        _P      
M                    _P          _P  _P      _P          _P  
M            _P   /\                           #_          #_
M    _P        #__P   /__  #_                              #_
M    _P   /\   #_          #_         /\   #_    _P    #_    
M              #_      #_                 /\   #_            
M /\                  /\      /\      /\  /\ _P#_    _P#_ /\ 
M_P  _P#_ /\ _P   /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P    #_  #_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ 
M_P   /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_  #_ /\ _P   /\ _P       /\   #_ /\  /\ _P  _P   /\     
M         /\     _P   /\  /\                 _P   /\         
M                  #_      #_              #_                
M                  #_      #_          #_      #_  #_  #_    
M_P                           /\  /__    __\       #_    _P  
M_P   /\                              /\  /\      /\         
M                 /\  /\  /\  /\      /\         _P  _P  _P  
M              #_         /\   #_    _P                   /\ 
M_P  _P  _P#_ /\     _P#_    _P  _P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P  _P#__P  
M /\ _P   /\   #_    _P#_ /\  /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\  /\ 
M_P#_  #_ /\ _P#_    _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\   #_  #_ /\ 
M_P  _P              _P        #_                  #_  #_  #_
M            _P  _P   /\  /\      /\      /\      /\  /\     
M     /\          /\      /\  /\          /\         _P      
M /\                   #_  #_  #_  #_  #_    _P      __\   #_
M_P#_                            _P      _P   /\   #_        
M                  #_        _P                              
M                      #_    _P                              
M /\  /\     _P  _P  _P#_    _P    #__P#_  #_ /\ _P#_     /\ 
M /\  /\ _P       /\  /\ _P  _P#_    _P#_ /\     _P#_  #_ /\ 
M_P  _P#_ /\  /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\     _P      _P#_
M    _P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P  _P#_ /\   #_      #_            _P  
M /\                      /\                     _P          
M                _P          _P  _P      _P          _P      
M      #_      #_          #_      #_                        
M     /\  /___P   /__     /\     _P       /\   #_      #_    
M                     /\  /\   #_         /\       #_        
M /\         _P   /\  /\              /\           #_    _P  
M_P   /\     _P              _P  _P  _P  _P  _P  _P#_  #_  #_
M  #_  #_  #_ /\  /\ _P  _P  _P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P  _P#_ /\   #_
M /\ _P  _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P    #_  #_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_     /\  /\ _P  _P#_  #_                
M      #_                _P              _P      _P      _P  
M /\           #_      #_              #_                    
M /\           #_     /\     _P       /\  /\      /\      /\ 
M  #_  #_  #_  #_  #_         /__    __\               #_    
M                          #_    _P  _P               /\     
M    _P        #_          #_                _P  _P  _P      
M                                  #_              #_    _P  
M    _P#_  #_    _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P  _P#_ /\  /\ _P  
M_P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_  #_  #_
M /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P#_      #_  #_ /\  /\ _P  _P#__P#_
M  #_ /\  /\     _P    #_     /\      /\       #_  #_  #_    
M                        _P   /\      /\      /\  /\         
M /\          /\           #_                      #_        
M  #_                                     /\     __\   #__P  
M /\   #_         /\   #_    _P       /\  /\                 
M /\   #_         /\           #_    _P   /\                 
M                 /\  /\                  /\   #_         /\ 
M  #_  #_  #_  #_    _P#_  #_ /\ _P   /\   #_  #_ /\ _P  _P#_
M  #_     /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\   #_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_
M /\ _P  _P#_ /__ /\  /\ _P#_ /\   #_    _P#_    _P#_  #_    
M    __\ _P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P                          _P      
M_P                  _P  _P   /\      /\                     
M            _P          _P  _P           /\      /\   #_    
M /\                      /\     _P   /\   #_  #_      #_    
M    _P#__P   /___P                                  _P      
M        _P                              _P   /\             
M         /\  /\  /\     _P                  _P      _P  _P  
M         /\             _P    #_    _P#_  #_ /\     _P#_  #_
M  #_ /\ _P  _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P  
M_P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\  /\  /\ _P#_  #_ /__ /\ _P#_
M  #_ /\   #_ /\ __\ _P  _P#__P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P    #_    _P  
M                      #_                            _P      
M          #_      #_              #_                 /\     
M                _P      _P    #_  #_  #_        _P          
M         /\      /\      /__    __\       #_    _P        #_
M                      #_      #_  #_      #_    _P  _P      
M          #_    _P      _P                    #_  #_        
M      #_              #_        _P   /\   #_ /\   #_ /\   #_
M /\  /\ _P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /__ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P  
M_P#_ /\     _P#_  #_ /\   #_ /\     _P      _P#_ /\  /\ _P  
M_P#_ /\           #_  #_  #_    _P  _P       /\  /\  /\     
M     /\          /\  /\  /\      /\      /\  /\          /\ 
M    _P        #_      #_     /\                             
M /\         _P  _P                        #___\   #__P  _P  
M          #_         /\  /\      /\                      /\ 
M                _P   /\   #_          #_                  #_
M             /\  /\                                       #_
M    _P#_      #_ /\  /\ _P    #_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M  #_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P   /\ _P  _P#_
M  #_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_        _P                          
M                _P  _P      _P                              
M        _P        #_      #_         /\     _P            #_
M    _P    #_  #_        _P            #_    _P  _P  _P   /\ 
M  #__P   /__      #_    _P       /\             _P      _P  
M                        _P                       /\         
M     /\  /\  /\           #_            _P      _P  _P  _P  
M    _P  _P   /\     _P      _P  _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_
M /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#_
M /__ /__ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\ 
M /\  /\  /\ _P#_  #_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P        #_  #_
M  #_            _P  _P       /\                   #_     /\ 
M /\   #_      #_              #_                            
M         /\  /\          /\                   #_            
M_P                #_ /__    __\ _P                          
M /\               #_  #_  #_  #_      #_      #_  #_     /\ 
M  #_        _P      _P                  _P       /\         
M                  #_                _P#_    _P#_ /\ _P   /\ 
M_P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ __\ ____ /____\ __\ _P#_ /__
M /\ __\ _P#__P#_____ /__  #_ /\ __\ ____ /\ _P#__P#__P#_ /\ 
M__\ _P#_  #_ /\  /\   #_ /\   #_  #_ /\  /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\  /\                  /\  /\             _P      _P      
M_P  _P                       /\      /\  /\          /\   #_
M  #_  #_  #_     /\                   #_              #_  #_
M         /\  /\           #_    _P      __\   #__P          
M_P   /\  /\   #_             /\                      /\     
M                         /\       #_             /\   #_    
M                _P   /\                     _P   /\   #_    
M_P#_    _P#_ /\ _P#_     /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\  /\ 
M__\ __\ ____ /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#__P#_ /__ /____\ __\ _P#_ /\ 
M__\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\  /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\  /\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P                              _P      
M              #_              #_          #_                
M    _P                                #_  #_     /\  /\     
M /\  /\  /\          /\           #_    _P                #_
M_P   /___P   /\                      /\   #_        _P      
M                    _P          _P    #_        _P          
M_P                  _P        #_              #_  #_        
M          #_    _P      _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ 
M_P#_ /____\ __\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__ /____\ ______\ _P#_ /\ ____
M /\ _____P#___\ __\ _P#__P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P   /\ 
M /\ _P#_ /\  /\   #_ /___P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_    _P  _P      
M_P   /\       #_  #_      #_                 /\      /\  /\ 
M         /\  /\           #_      #_          #_  #_        
M    _P                            #_        _P  _P          
M /\   #_    _P   /__    __\         _P   /\                 
M     /\       #_  #_  #_          #_         /\             
M /\                   #_          #_         /\             
M /\          /\  /\             _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_  #_  #_ /\ 
M /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ __\ _____P#_____ /\ _P#__P#_
M /\ _P#_________ /\ __\ _P#___\ __\ _P#__P#__P#_____ /\ __\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P    #_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_
M              #_            _P           /\             _P  
M_P                      _P          _P  _P       /\      /\ 
M /\                               #_     /\      /\      /\ 
M              #_                 /\ __\   #__P   /\         
M        _P  _P    #_                         /\  /\         
M_P      _P   /\         _P   /\  /\          /\             
M_P          _P                            #_ /\ _P#_     /\ 
M_P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /____\ __\ __\ __\ __\ _P#_ /__
M /__ /\ _____P#___\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ __\ ____ /\ _P#___\ _P#_
M /___P#_ /____\ _P#___\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /__ /\ _P#_  #_ /__
M /__ /\  /\ _P#__P#_ /\     _P          _P        #_        
M      #_  #_              #_     /\   #_                    
M  #_                      #_  #_  #_  #_      #_  #_        
M    _P    #_        _P      _P          _P    #_      #__P  
M /__        _P   /\   #_                      #_  #_        
M                                                        _P  
M        _P                #_      #_     /\  /\  /\      /\ 
M        _P   /\ _P  _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ __\ 
M_____P#___\ ____ /__ /____\ _P#__P#______P#_______\ _____P#_
M /________\ ____ /__ /___P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /___P#_ /\ _P#_ /__
M  #_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\           #_        
M             /\  /\                      /\                 
M     /\  /\              /\   #_     /\                     
M /\           #_                 /\       #_     /\  /\     
M /\          /__    __\                         _P   /\     
M_P            #_  #_            _P  _P   /\           #_    
M     /\           #_          #_  #_     /\                 
M            _P       /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /__ /__ /\ _P#__P#__P#___\ _P#_ /\ ______\ _P#__P#__P#__P#_
M_P#_ /\ _____P#_____ /\ _P#___\ _P#___\ _P#______P#_____ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P  _P#_ /\  /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ 
M             /\     _P    #_            _P    #_    _P  _P  
M      #_     /\     _P          _P  _P                      
M_P                        #_          #_    _P          _P  
M              #_         /\  /\ __\   #__P#_  #_     /\   #_
M                      #_                 /\  /\             
M      #_         /\         _P  _P       /\                 
M        _P    #_                     /\ _P#_     /\ _P  _P#_
M /\ __\ _P#_ /\ ____ /__ /___P#__P#_____ /__ /__________ /\ 
M_____________P#_ /___________P#_____ /______ /\ ____ /\ ____
M____ /___P#_ /_______P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_____
M /\ _P#_  #_  #_ /\ _P  _P               /\      /\         
M                     /\                                   #_
M     /\   #_          #_  #_  #_  #_     /\      /\   #_    
M      #_          #_  #_    _P          _P        #__P   /__
M                     /\           #_             /\         
M        _P           /\      /\         _P            #_    
M    _P          _P    #_                _P  _P  _P          
M     /\  /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /___P#_ /__ /__ /____\ _P#_ /__
M__\ _P#_ /\ _P#_______\ _P#_ /_______P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /______
M________ /____\ _P#_ /__ /__ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_
M /\ __\ _P  _P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /__          #_     /\     
M            _P  _P  _P    #_    _P            #_     /\     
M /\  /\                          /\                      /\ 
M                              #_                     /\     
M    _P   /__    __\   #_    _P                #_            
M    _P          _P                #_                        
M    _P                        #_                _P    #_    
M            _P  _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ ____ /__
M /__ /\ __________\ __________________\ _________P#_ /______
M________ /___P#_ /\ ____ /\ __\ ____________ /____\ __\ ____
M____ /__ /___P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P  
M              #_      #_                              #_    
M                _P          _P  _P    #_     /\         _P  
M                      #_     /\     _P  _P    #_    _P      
M  #_    _P    #_  #_     /\ __\   #__P            #_  #_    
M         /\     _P            #_          #_     /\         
M     /\   #_                  #_    _P  _P   /\          /\ 
M                                 /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /____\ __\ _P#_ /\ _____P#_ /\ _P#___\ ____
M /___P#______P#_ /\ _P#_________________ /_______P#__P#_ /\ 
M______\ _____P#_ /__ /__ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ 
M__\ _P#_ /\ __\           #_         /\      /\             
M_P      _P       /\  /\   #_             /\                 
M        _P        #_  #_  #_  #_      #_                    
M              #_  #_                          #__P   /__ /\ 
M                 /\  /\               #_    _P           /\ 
M                _P  _P           /\          /\             
M            _P       /\     _P      _P  _P  _P              
M /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /______ /__ /__ /\ _____P#__________P#_
M__________\ _________P#_____ /____________\ ____ /__________
M__\ _P#_____ /______ /\ _____P#_____ /__ /__ /_______P#_ /\ 
M__\ _P#_ /\ __\ __\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_    _P                  
M          #_  #_      #_      #_                 /\     _P  
M    _P      _P    #_          #_                     /\     
M  #_     /\     _P  _P      _P            #_    _P    #_  #_
M    ____    __\      /\  /\                      /\         
M      #_    _P          _P    #_              #_        _P  
M_P                   /\   #_                      #_        
M      #_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /___P#_ /__ /\ ________
M_P#_____ /\ _P#___________________\ _____P#_ /______________
M____ /___P#_ /\ __\ ________ /____\ _____P#__P#_____ /__ /__
M /__ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ __\ _P#_ /\ __\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\     
M      #_  #_      #_     /\                          /\     
M                          #_             /\          /\     
M                 /\     _P    #_          #_      #_  #_    
M    _P   /\             __\   #__P                  _P   /\ 
M  #_        _P      _P                                      
M                            _P      _P                  _P  
M /\                 _P        #_ /\  /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_
M_P#_ /______ /\ _P#_____ /________\ _P#_ /\ _P#___\ ____ /__
M______\ _P#_ /\ _P#__________________________P#___\ ________
M_____P#_ /\ ____ /__ /\ __\ ____ /\ __\ __\ _P#_ /\ __\ ____
M /\ _P#__P#_ /\     _P           /\                     _P  
M  #_  #_        _P  _P  _P   /\      /\             _P      
M    _P          _P  _P  _P  _P                              
M    _P           /\               #_  #_  #__P   /___P  _P  
M /\   #_                 /\       #_                 /\  /\ 
M     /\     _P      _P       /\     _P   /\       #_        
M  #_      #_                    _P            #_     /\ _P  
M_P#_ /\ _P#__P#__P#_____ /\ __\ ________ /__________________
M______\ _________P#_ /________________\ __\ _________P#___\ 
M_P#_ /_______P#_ /__ /__________ /\ _________P#_ /\ _P#___\ 
M_P#_ /\ __\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P            #_          #_
M      #_  #_     /\                                 _P      
M  #_          #_         /\  /\                   #_      #_
M    _P      _P  _P                           /\  /\         
M /__    __\                      /\   #_        _P          
M /\  /\             _P            #_        _P              
M    _P           /\      /\          /\   #_          #_    
M  #_  #_ /\ _P  _P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#__P#_ /\ __\ _____P#_ /__
M_P#_ /\ _P#___________________\ __\ _____P#_________________
M_____P#_ /____\ _________P#__P#_______\ _P#_ /\ _P#_____ /\ 
M_P#_____ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#___\ __\ _P#_ /\  /\     
M_P       /\          /\                   #_    _P  _P      
M_P   /\          /\      /\          /\             _P      
M_P  _P       /\           #_         /\     _P  _P  _P  _P  
M_P            #_  #___\   #__P                              
M /\                         _P   /\           #_            
M          #_     /\             _P                  _P      
M     /\           #_  #_  #_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#__P#__P#_
M_____P#__P#_________ /________\ _P#_ /\ _P#___\ __\ ________
M__\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#__P#______________P#_ /__________ /\ ____
M__\ ______\ _P#__P#__P#_ /__ /__ /___P#__P   /\ _P#__P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /__ /\ _P        #_        _P                   /\     
M              #_                _P              _P          
M              #_          #_          #_        _P        #_
M                     /\  /\  /\       #__P   /__  #_  #_    
M  #_  #_                        _P  _P   /\             _P  
M /\              /\      /\                  /\             
M                  #_        _P            #_    _P#_  #_ /\ 
M_____P#__P#_______\ _P#_____ /__ /__ /____\ _P#_ /__________
M__\ ________ /__ /__________________________ /__ /\ ________
M_P#_ /__ /_______P#______P#_ /____________\ __\ __\ _P#__P#_
M /\ _P#_____ /___P#__P#_ /\ _P      _P                #_    
M    _P  _P      _P                       /\   #_          #_
M          #_     /\  /\  /\                      /\  /\     
M /\       #_            _P      _P  _P            #_  #_ /__
M    __\          /\          /\  /\  /\   #_  #_            
M                            _P  _P      _P          _P    #_
M        _P   /\  /\  /\  /\     _P                #_  #_  #_
M  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#__P#_ /__ /___P#_ /_______P#___\ 
M____________ /\ _________P#___\ _P#__P#__P#_ /\ ____ /__ /__
M /__________ /________________\ _P#__P#___\ _____P#_ /__ /__
M____ /\ ________ /__ /\ _P#_ /____\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_        
M      #_          #_                 /\  /\  /\   #_    _P  
M             /\      /\         _P              _P      _P  
M_P                      _P      _P    #_      #_            
M /\  /\         __\   #__P    #_                            
M                 /\   #_  #_                                
M                     /\                               #_    
M_P  _P          _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#__P#_______\ _P#_
M____ /\ ______\ _____P#_ /\ _P#______P#__P#___\ _________P#_
M________ /_______________________P#_ /\ __\ __\ __________\ 
M____ /________\ _P#_ /____\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_
M /\ _P#_    _P   /\  /\      /\                  /\         
M                      #_    _P              _P              
M          #_          #_          #_                        
M_P          _P  _P            #_  #__P   /__         /\   #_
M  #_     /\                  /\                  /\  /\  /\ 
M /\         _P  _P   /\  /\      /\              /\         
M                                     /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_____
M_P#_ /__ /\ ______\ ________ /___P#__P#______P#___\ _P#_____
M /__ /___P#_ /______ /\ ______\ __\ __\ _P#_ /\ ____ /______
M__\ _____P#_ /\ ______\ _P#_ /\ ________ /\ _P#_____ /\ _P#_
M  #_ /___P#__P#_ /__ /\ _P#_                        _P      
M_P  _P           /\      /\          /\                 _P  
M             /\  /\  /\             _P       /\  /\      /\ 
M    _P  _P  _P        #_  #_             /\  /\      /__    
M__\  /\                             _P      _P      _P    #_
M                        _P                      _P          
M  #_            _P  _P  _P  _P               /\   #_ /\ _P#_
M  #_ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /___P#______P#__P#_ /__ /___P#_____ /__
M /____\ ________ /____\ _P#___\ _P#_ /______ /\ ____________
M________ /____\ _P#______P#_________ /\ _____________P#_ /\ 
M________ /___P#_  #_ /__ /______ /__ /\ __\ _P#_         /\ 
M     /\       #_             /\         _P      _P  _P      
M  #_      #_      #_    _P  _P              _P    #_      #_
M          #_                     /\             _P  _P  _P  
M          #___\   #__P       /\           #_      #_      #_
M                      #_     /\      /\       #_         /\ 
M              #_              #_                  #_  #_  #_
M            _P  _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /____\ __\ _P#__P#_____
M /____\ ____ /__ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /____\ _____P#_____ /__ /__
M /_______P#__P#__P#_ /\ _P#___\ _P#___\ _P#_____ /\ __\ ____
M_P#_ /\ _P#__________P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /__ /__ /__ /\ __\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P          _P      _P          _P        #_        
M                         /\                          /\  /\ 
M                     /\          /\  /\     _P           /\ 
M                     /\  /\   #__P   /__            _P  _P  
M     /\                  /\      /\                         
M_P                  _P  _P   /\      /\   #_                
M_P                   /\      /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /____\ __\ 
M_P#__________P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#___\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ __\ 
M_P#__P#_ /______ /\ _P#__P#__P#__P#___________\ ________ /__
M____ /\ __\ _____P#_____________ /\ _P#__________P#_ /__ /\ 
M____ /\ _P#_ /___P#__P#_      #_                  #_        
M  #_          #_    _P  _P      _P  _P              _P    #_
M    _P              _P  _P    #_  #_        _P            #_
M      #_     /\     _P            #_             /__    __\ 
M  #_              #_            _P      _P      _P      _P  
M    _P    #_                _P  _P                          
M     /\   #_  #_      #_                      #_  #_ /\ _P  
M_P#_ /__ /\ _____P#_____ /\ _P#_____ /__ /______ /\ __\ ____
M_P#_ /____\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\  /\ ____ /\ _P#_________ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#__P#__P#_ /___________P#_____ /\ _P#_ /___P#_____
M /\ _P#__P#___\ __\ ________ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P       /\     
M /\          /\          /\   #_              #_          #_
M      #_                  #_     /\          /\          /\ 
M      #_                    _P           /\  /\  /\     _P  
M    _P  __\   #___\                      /\   #_      #_    
M                  #_                _P   /\                 
M_P   /\   #_                                 /\  /\      /\ 
M  #_  #_ /\  /\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_____ /_______P#_ /__ /\ 
M_P#_ /____\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P#__P#__P#_ /__ /\ ________ /__
M_P#__P#_  #_ /\ __\ _P#__P#__P#_ /__ /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__
M_________P#_____ /_______P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _____P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\   #_        _P      _P        #_  #_              #_    
M_P                    #_        _P    #_                    
M          #_        _P       /\  /\      /\           #_    
M                 /\       #__P   /__        _P  _P  _P      
M                     /\      /\                   #_        
M    _P       /\                     _P   /\   #_      #_  #_
M            _P           /\  /\ _P#_ /__ /_______P#__P#_ /__
M /\ _P#_ /__ /\ ____ /\ _P  _P#__P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__
M /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /____\ 
M_P#_ /________\ ____ /___P#__P#_ /____\ _P#_______\ _P#_____
M__\ _P#_ /______ /\ _P                        #_            
M /\                          /\  /\           #_     /\     
M /\   #_     /\  /\  /\                   #_            _P  
M         /\      /\  /\  /\  /\       #_  #_ /__    __\   #_
M              #_      #_    _P      _P      _P      _P    #_
M  #_                      #_                      #_        
M                                          #_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ 
M_P#__P#_____ /__ /___P#_____ /\ _P#_ /____\ _P#_  #_ /__ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /__ /\ _P  _P#_
M /__ /__ /__ /\ ______\ __\ _P#_____ /___P#_ /________\ _P#_
M_P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#___\ _P       /\      /\ 
M         /\   #_        _P  _P    #_    _P  _P          _P  
M                            _P              _P    #_        
M     /\              /\  /\                         _P      
M    __\   #__P          _P           /\           #_        
M                         /\       #_                 /\   #_
M    _P          _P          _P    #_    _P  _P  _P      _P  
M    _P#_ /\  /\ _____P#_ /__ /______ /____\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P  
M_P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P   /\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\   #_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#___\ __\ 
M_____P#_ /\ ________ /__________ /__________ /__ /___P  _P  
M    _P      _P      _P               /\                     
M         /\      /\  /\      /\   #_     /\          /\     
M            _P  _P          _P  _P  _P            #_        
M        _P    #_  #_  #__P   /__  #_             /\         
M                    _P   /\     _P               /\      /\ 
M      #_                  #_            _P                  
M          #_      #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /___P#__P#_ /__ /\ 
M__\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_  #_ /\  /\      /\   #_ /\     _P  _P#_
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_____ /\ ____ /__ /\ _____P#__P#_ /____\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_
M /__ /\ _P#__P#_  #_                      #_     /\         
M_P      _P   /\     _P  _P                  _P              
M        _P      _P  _P  _P            #_                 /\ 
M /\   #_     /\  /\  /\                  /__    __\      /\ 
M    _P              _P  _P    #_  #_                  #_  #_
M                    _P       /\   #_    _P       /\         
M  #_    _P          _P                  _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_____
M /\ ____ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_  #_ /\  /\  /\  /\ _P#_
M     /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P       /\ 
M /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /___P#___\ __\ ____ /____\ ______\ 
M______\ __\ ________ /\ _____P#__P#_         /\      /\     
M                      #_                         /\  /\     
M         /\   #_     /\                      /\             
M  #_                                      #_    _P#_  #_  #_
M__\   #__P                    #_  #_                        
M /\   #_                _P   /\  /\       #_                
M              #_                 /\           #_      #_    
M_P#_ /\ _P#___\ ________ /____\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ 
M  #_ /\  /\      /\ _P  _P#_  #_  #_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_    
M_P  _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#___\ ______\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _____P#___\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_        
M_P      _P      _P    #_     /\  /\             _P   /\     
M    _P          _P  _P                    #_      #_        
M        _P  _P   /\      /\  /\  /\      /\   #_ /\  /\  /\ 
M                  #__P   /__    _P   /\      /\             
M_P   /\         _P                    #_                    
M          #_         /\      /\       #_        _P      _P  
M /\      /\     _P   /\ _P#__P#__P#_ /\ __\ __\ __\ _P#__P#_
M /\  /\ _P#_  #_  #_ /\ _P   /\  /\     _P    #_  #_ /\  /\ 
M_P  _P#_  #_  #_ /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M__\ _P#_ /___P#__P#__________________P#__P#__P#_________ /\ 
M__\ _P#__P#_  #_                                        _P  
M  #_          #_  #_                      #_     /\   #_    
M     /\      /\  /\  /\               #_                _P  
M                      #_  #_  #_  #_ /__    __\             
M_P        #_                  #_          #_    _P          
M                _P       /\       #_                        
M /\                                 _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_______\ 
M____ /\ _P#__P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_     /\  /\  /\ _P  
M_P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_____
M_P#___\ _P#_ /\ __\ _____P#_ /\          /\      /\     _P  
M  #_             /\         _P                #_  #_        
M    _P                                      _P      _P      
M /\  /\  /\      /\  /\               #_                __\ 
M  #___\                          /\          /\         _P  
M          #_  #_      #_      #_      #_                 /\ 
M  #_     /\  /\             _P           /\             _P#_
M /__ /___P#_ /\ __\ _P#___\ _P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P#_  #_        
M_P#_ /\  /\  /\ _P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_
M  #_ /\ _P  _P#_  #_  #_  #_ /\  /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ 
M______\ ______\ _P#_ /\ _P#_______\ __\ _P#__P#_         /\ 
M    _P    #_     /\       #_  #_          #_      #_  #_  #_
M  #_         /\  /\          /\   #_  #_      #_    _P   /\ 
M      #_      #_                             /\   #_  #_    
M              #__P   /__  #_  #_  #_    _P  _P            #_
M                  #_    _P                   /\             
M /\   #_  #_                             /\       #_  #_    
M    _P  _P  _P   /\ _P#__P#__________P#___\ _P#_  #_ /\  /\ 
M_P#_  #_    _P#_ /\ _P   /\  /\ _P  _P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_  #_
M /\  /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_  #_
M /\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#__________P#_____________ /\ __\ _P#_
M_P#_ /\     _P                            #_         /\     
M                          #_            _P                  
M /\                 _P      _P       /\  /\      /\         
M_P    #_            _P#_    _P   /__    __\                 
M      #_     /\      /\      /\                         _P  
M              #_                 /\   #_    _P        #_    
M    _P                          _P#_ /__ /__ /__ /\ _P#_____
M /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P    #_  #_ /\ _P#_     /\  /\ _P  _P#_  #_
M /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ 
M /\  /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_____ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\          /\     _P      _P   /\ 
M      #_        _P   /\  /\                      /\         
M  #_     /\   #_          #_    _P                #_        
M    _P    #_  #_                    _P      _P   /\ __\   #_
M_P              _P                          _P      _P      
M_P   /\           #_     /\  /\           #_                
M        _P       /\               #_  #_          #_  #_ /__
M /___P#__P#_____ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P   /\  /\  /\         _P#_
M /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_
M__\ ________ /__ /___________P#__P#_ /____\ _P  _P          
M_P    #_             /\      /\                 _P  _P  _P  
M_P          _P  _P      _P           /\  /\           #_    
M_P  _P       /\                     _P  _P    #_  #_        
M          #__P   /__  #_  #_  #_        _P    #_      #_    
M                            _P  _P                      _P  
M         /\   #_    _P        #_                _P          
M  #_  #_  #_ /\ __\ _P#_________ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ 
M /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P  _P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_
M /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ _____P#_ /__ /\ ____ /\ _P#_____ /__ /\ 
M__\       #_                     /\                   #_    
M /\                     _P                       /\         
M     /\                   #_        _P  _P                  
M /\             _P  _P  _P   /__    __\                     
M         /\      /\     _P  _P   /\      /\                 
M                  #_    _P                           /\   #_
M  #_      #_                 /\ __\ _____P#_ /__ /__ /____\ 
M_P#_ /\  /\      /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P  _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  
M__\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#_____________ /__
M_____P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P           /\      /\     _P      _P  
M  #_     /\             _P      _P      _P      _P      _P  
M_P          _P              _P   /\              /\         
M  #_  #_  #_              #_  #_             /\ __\   #__P  
M          #_  #_    _P                                  _P  
M             /\  /\      /\  /\                         _P  
M /\                              /\  /\      /\  /\ _P#__P#_
M_P#_ /______ /\ _P#_ /\  /\  /\  /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#_
M____ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /____\ __\ __\ _P              _P  
M    _P            #_          #_  #_          #_      #_    
M    _P    #_          #_          #_  #_                _P  
M_P          _P  _P               /\  /\  /\         _P  _P  
M_P    #__P   /__  #_  #_                  #_        _P   /\ 
M         /\              /\             _P          _P      
M_P   /\  /\             _P                  _P              
M /\  /\ _P#__P#__P#___\ __\ ____ /\ _P#_ /\ _P   /\ _P  _P#_
M  #_ /\ _P#__P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ __\ _P#__________P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  
M_P#_ /\ __\ _P#_____ /________________________\ __\ __\ _P  
M  #_  #_    _P              _P  _P        #_             /\ 
M                                    _P       /\             
M /\     _P              _P            #_  #_  #_            
M      #_                 /__    __\          /\   #_    _P  
M      #_            _P  _P              _P      _P          
M                                _P   /\       #_  #_  #_  #_
M      #_              #_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ ________ /___P#_ /\ 
M /\ __\ _P  _P#__P#_ /__ /___P#__P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /____\ _P#_________ /\ _P#___\ 
M__\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /_______P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M____ /\ __\ _____P                   /\               #_    
M    _P              _P      _P    #_  #_      #_  #_      #_
M        _P              _P    #_    _P  _P    #_    _P      
M         /\  /\  /\  /\         _P  _P  _P  __\   #__P      
M                  #_                              #_  #_    
M            _P  _P    #_         /\      /\                 
M                                 /\      /\ _P#_ /__ /____\ 
M_P#______P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P#__P#__P#_ /__ /\ _____P#_________
M_P#_ /__ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ ______\ 
M____ /___________P#___\ _P#_ /___P#__P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /__ /\ 
M_P#______________P#_ /____\ __\ _P#_         /______________
M__________\      /\       #_  #_    _P    #_                
M /\                  /\       #_  #_    _P                  
M                  #_  #_                      #_            
M /___P   /__  #_  #_      #_    _P       /\      /\  /\     
M    _P              _P                       /\         _P  
M        _P   /\   #_  #_          #_    _P      _P      _P  
M /\ _P#_____ /\ _P#___\ ____ /__ /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M____ /_______P#_ /\ ____ /______ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /__ /___P#_________ /___________P#___\ _P#_____ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#__P#_ /__ /__________ /\ _P#_ /________\ __\ __\ _P  ____
M        _P    #_                _P          _P              
M    _P    #_         /\  /\     _P                       /\ 
M /\     _P  _P  _P   /__    __\          /\                 
M    _P          _P        #_                 /\          /\ 
M        _P            #_                     /\             
M  #_                _P#_ /\  /___P#__P#__P#_ /__ /\ _P  _P#_
M /__ /___P#_ /______ /___P#__P#______P#_____ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#___\ _P#___\ _P#_________ /\ _P#__P#_____
M_P#_ /__ /___P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /__ /\ ____ /__________ /\ _P#_
M /\ __\ ______________\                         ____________
M__\  /\   #_    _P    #_     /\           #_  #_        _P  
M      #_  #_  #_         /\      /\  /\       #_     /\     
M  #_  #_  #_                            __\   #__P#_        
M              #_                      #_         /\  /\     
M_P      _P           /\             _P                      
M        _P      _P          _P  _P  _P#_ /\ __\ _P#______P#_
M_____P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P  __\ _P#_ /__ /__ /\ __\ ______\ 
M__\ __\ ____ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ ____ /___P#___\ ____
M /___________P#_ /__ /__ /___P#_ /___P#_ /\ _P#_ /______ /__
M__\ _P#_ /_______________________P                          
M              #__________P           /\               #_  #_
M        _P  _P    #_                 /\                     
M                _P              _P   /\  /\     _P  _P  _P#_
M_P   /__     /\  /\      /\  /\      /\      /\  /\         
M                              #_                 /\       #_
M      #_  #_  #_  #_          #_      #_                _P#_
M_P#______P#_  #__P#_____ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ __\ __\ ____ /__ /__
M /_______P#_ /\ __\ _____P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /__ /__
M /___P#_____ /__ /__ /\ _P#_ /______ /____\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ 
M_P#_ /__ /\ ________ /______ /\ _P#_ /________\             
M                                      #_________  #_        
M  #_     /\                              /\               #_
M      #_ /\  /\  /\   #_  #_         /\      /\             
M  #_             /__    __\             _P                  
M_P          _P      _P           /\     _P              _P  
M  #_        _P       /\                                     
M /\             _P#_ /\ _P#______P#_____ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ 
M_P#__P#_  #_ /__ /__ /\ _P#__________P#__P#_____ /___P#__P#_
M      #_ /\  /\ __\ __\ ____ /\ _________P#___\ _P#_ /__ /\ 
M____ /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ ________ /____\ ____ /__________
M  #_______\  /\  /\     _P       /\   #_  #_    _P   /\     
M      #_  #_         /\               #_         /\         
M_P        #_    _P          _P  _P  __\   #__P#_            
M          #_                      #_      #_  #_            
M  #_      #_             /\                           #_    
M_P  _P       /\         _P      _P#_ /__ /___P#_ /__ /__ /__
M__\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#__P#_ /______ /__ /__________ /\ _P#___\ 
M__\ ____ /\ _P#_    _P#_  #_ /\ __\ ____ /__ /______ /\ ____
M________ /__ /\ ____ /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__ /___P#_ /____\ 
M____ /\ ______\                                             
M                         /______                            
M                _P   /\         _P                          
M     /\   #_            _P            #_  #_          #__P  
M /__     /\  /\      /\  /\      /\      /\  /\             
M         /\   #_                     /\              /\     
M     /\                   #_                  #_    _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_____ /__ /____\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /__ /\ ______\ 
M_P#_ /_______________P#_ /__ /__  #_            _P#___\ _P#_
M________________ /___P#_____________ /__ /____\ _P#__P#_  #_
M /\ _P#_______\ _____P#_______\                             
M                                              #_______\  /\ 
M  #_  #_    _P       /\     _P            #_  #_        _P  
M  #_  #_  #_  #_    _P           /\   #_     /\   #_        
M        _P  ____    __\             _P                  _P  
M        _P                                #_  #_            
M      #_        _P  _P      _P                   /\   #_  #_
M             /\ ____ /__ /__ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /__
M /__ /______ /\ _________________P#__P#_______\ _P#_ /\     
M        _P  ______\ ____ /\ _________P#___\ __\ __\ ____ /\ 
M_P#__P#__P#_ /__ /__ /\ ____ /\ ____ /\ _____P              
M         /____\                   #_      #_      #_    _P  
M            _P   /\                              /\         
M      #_    _P    #_  #_        __\   #__P   /\             
M      #_                      #_  #_  #_  #_      #_    _P  
M          #_      #_         /\                     _P  _P  
M_P                    #_    _P#_ /\ ____ /__ /__ /________\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /__ /__ /\ _P#_____________ /\ _P#_________
M /\ ____ /\                 _P#__P#_____ /______ /\ ________
M_________P#_ /_______P#___\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /________\ ____
M                             /____\ _P    #_  #_        _P  
M                          #_              #_  #_  #_  #_  #_
M  #_         /\     _P           /\         _P  _P#__P   /__
M         /\      /\  /\      /\      /\  /\                 
M     /\                          /\      /\                 
M /\                   #_                         /\ __\ ____
M /__ /__ /__ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /__ /______________ /\ _P#_
M /__________ /__ /__________ /\             _P#__P#_________
M__\ ________ /___P#__P#__P#__________P#_ /\ ____ /__ /\ _P#_
M_P#_______\ ______\                                         
M                                                  #_____ /\ 
M         /\             _P    #_    _P  _P      _P   /\  /\ 
M                        _P  _P    #_         /\       #_  #_
M         /__    __\ _P          _P                  _P      
M    _P                              _P      _P              
M     /\       #_         /\                  /\  /\  /\  /\ 
M         /\ _P#_ /__ /__ /__ /____\ _P#_ /\ _P#_____ /\ ____
M /\ _P#_ /__________________ /__________ /\ _P#_            
M      #_ /__ /\ __\ ____ /\ _P#__P#______________P#_ /\ ____
M__\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ ______\                         
M            ____  #_              #_  #_     /\             
M /\                      /\   #_  #_  #_                _P  
M_P    #_                _P  __\   #__P    #_                
M  #_                          #_  #_  #_      #_  #_      #_
M      #_         /\          /\      /\             _P   /\ 
M                     /\  /\ _P#_____ /__ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ 
M /\ _P#_ /______ /\ ________ /\ _________P#__P#___\ ____ /\ 
M_____P  _P          _P#_ /___________________P#_ /__________
M_____P#_ /______ /\ __\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__ /__________        
M        __\   #__P   /__         /__                        
M                                _____P    #_     /\         
M         /\   #_        _P  _P  _P  _P  _P                  
M    _P  _P                  _P    #_  #_      #__P   /___P  
M     /\      /\  /\      /\      /\  /\      /\             
M                                _P                          
M /\   #_                 /\      /\             _P#_ /__ /__
M /\ __\ _____P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /__ /_______P#_ /__ /__ /__ /__
M__\ __\ ____ /_______P#_                    _P#___\ _P#__P#_
M /______ /______ /__ /___________________P#__P#__P#_  #_ /\ 
M________                  #__P   /__    __\         __\     
M                                                     /___P#_
M    _P        #_  #_    _P                                  
M     /\           #_         /\     _P  _P       /\         
M_P  ____    __\   #_        _P                  _P          
M_P            #_    _P          _P    #_  #_              #_
M    _P       /\                  /\   #_                _P  
M    _P#__P#_ /__ /_______P#__P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /__ /____\ _P#_
M____ /___________________P#______P#__P#__P#_                
M_P#_ /\ ____________ /\ __\ __\ _________P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#_
M_P#__P#_ /__ /\ ____ /___P                    #__P  __\  /__
M  #___\   #__P  ____     /___P  ______\ ____     /___P      
M             /___P       /\  /\              /\  /\   #_  #_
M    _P  _P  _P  _P  _P    #_    _P      _P  _P    #_        
M /\       #_  #_        __\   #__P       /\          /\   #_
M                                          #_                
M     /\     _P              _P            #_    _P          
M /\   #_                _P#_____ /__ /\ _P#_____ /__ /\ _P#_
M /__ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /__ /\ ____ /___P#__P#___\ _____P#__P#_
M /\  /\         _P#_ /\ _____P#_ /________\ ________________
M /__________________ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#___\                 
M     /__ /____\ __\ __\ __\  /__ /__ /__  #__P#__P#___\ ____
M /__  #__P#__P                   /___P#_              #_  #_
M                                         /\     _P   /\     
M              #_        _P              _P#__P   /__  #_    
M    _P               /\      /\  /\      /\  /\  /\     _P  
M     /\      /\                   #_    _P            #_    
M              #_             /\      /\     _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_
M_P#_ /__ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#___\ _P#_ /\ __\ _____P#_____
M /__ /__ /___P#_ /\                     _P#__P#______P#_ /\ 
M__\ __\ __\ _P#_ /___P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /___P#_ /\ __\ _P#_____
M                         /__________ /__    __\ _____P      
M__\   #_____  #__P  __\ __\   #__P                   /___P  
M     /\  /\          /\  /\  /\  /\  /\       #_    _P  _P  
M              #_         /\  /\     _P  _P   /\   #_  #_    
M /__    __\               #_      #_        _P          _P  
M                  #_        _P               /\             
M                 /\     _P   /\           #_        _P      
M_P#_ /__ /\ ________ /__ /__ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ ____ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M__\ _P#_ /______ /____\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P              _P#_
M /\ ____ /__ /____\ __\ _____________P#___________\ __\ _P#_
M /__ /\ _P#_ /___P                          __________\ ____
M_____P#_____      #__P   /____\  /__  #__P#_________        
M             /___P#_          #_                          #_
M /\                  /\     _P      _P  _P                  
M                _P  __\   #__P      _P  _P       /\         
M         /\          /\                               #_  #_
M        _P      _P   /\   #_  #_                        _P  
M     /\               #_ /\ __\ _P#_ /____\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ ______\ ____ /\     
M /\         _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /____\ __\ __\ _P#__P#__P#_ /__
M /\ _P#__P#_____ /__ /\ _P#_ /____\                         
M    __\  /__  #__P       /____\      /__    _____P  __\  /__
M /__                             /__    _P            #_    
M     /\               #_  #_         /\     _P   /\         
M /\  /\  /\     _P  _P  _P   /\      /___P   /__  #_        
M                _P  _P          _P          _P  _P  _P      
M_P  _P   /\          /\                                   #_
M     /\   #_      #_        _P      _P#_ /\ __\ __\ __\ __\ 
M_____P#_  #_  #_ /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /____\ 
M_P#__P#_ /\  /\ _P                #_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#___\ 
M__\ _P  _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_____        
M                      #__P  __\   #__P#__P  __\ __\ __\  /__
M /__ /__  #__P  __\  /__ /__                         /__    
M /\ _P   /\       #_         /\  /\  /\         _P   /\     
M_P          _P  _P            #_                  #_     /__
M    __\                 _P    #_          #_          #_    
M              #_                                 /\      /\ 
M             /\                                   #_     /\ 
M__\ _P#__P#___\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M__\ _P#_____ /\ _____P#__P#_ /\     _P            #_ /\ _P#_
M /\ __\ _P#___\ __\ ________ /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /___P                               /__  #__P    #___\ 
M  #__P  ____     /___P  __\  /__  #__P   /___P              
M            ____              #_  #_    _P   /\             
M         /\                 _P          _P   /\     _P  _P  
M_P  _P          __\   #__P      _P    #_                    
M                    _P                       /\   #_        
M  #_                _P      _P          _P    #_    _P      
M_P  _P           /\ _P#__P#__P#__P#______P#_ /\  /\  /\ _P  
M  #_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ __\ ____ /____\ _P#__P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P  
M     /\      /\ _P#_ /\ _P#___\ _P#__P#__P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /____\                                 
M                                __\ _P  _P  _P              
M            _P   /\ _P#_          #_    _P#_          #_    
M                         /\   #_ /___P   /__  #_     /\     
M     /\     _P  _P      _P  _P    #_        _P  _P          
M_P           /\  /\      /\   #_          #_                
M              #_          #_     /\ _P#__P#__P#__P#___\ _P#_
M /\  /\ _P  _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ ____ /__ /\ _P#__P#_
M  #_    _P#_     /\       #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P  _P#__P#__P#_
M /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_____                
M                                                    __\     
M         /\     _P  _P   /\                      /\         
M    _P  _P      _P  _P   /\     _P  _P  _P    #_     /__    
M__\                 _P                #_                    
M          #_  #_          #_                                
M         /\  /\      /\     _P          _P           /\ __\ 
M_P#__P#_ /\ ________ /\ _P  _P  _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ __\ __\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#__P#_  #_    _P      _P              _P  _P#_  #_
M /\ _P  _P#__P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__
M          #__P  _P  _P  _P    #_              #_  #_      #_
M  #_ /\   #_  #_  #_         /\                 _P          
M            __\   #__P#_          #_          #_            
M         /\   #_  #_    _P                                  
M /\   #_    _P  _P      _P          _P            #_        
M  #_         /\ _P#__P#_ /____\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_  #_     /\ 
M      #_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_  #_  #_ /\ _P  _P   /\     
M        _P#_  #_ /\     _P#_  #_ /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#_  #_ /\ 
M_P#_  #_ /\ _P#___\                                         
M                              #__P                  _P  _P  
M_P          _P                              _P    #_  #_  #_
M    _P      _P  _P  _P   /\   #__P   /__     /\  /\         
M /\       #_  #_    _P  _P                    #_      #_  #_
M  #_    _P      _P                    #_                    
M  #_         /\          /\  /\ __\ ____ /__ /\ _P#_____ /\ 
M_P#_  #_  #_ /\  /\ _P#_    _P  _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_  #_  #_    
M    _P   /\           #_  #_  #_ /\  /\ _P#_  #_  #_ /\ _P#_
M /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_____                        
M                                                 /__    _P  
M_P  _P                   /\      /\      /\  /\   #_      #_
M                    _P      _P           /\   #_ /__    __\ 
M                _P                                #_        
M                              #_          #_    _P          
M     /\  /\               #_      #_  #_            _P#_ /__
M__\ _____P#___\ _P  _P#_  #_    _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ 
M_P  _P#_      #_ /\ _P  _P           /\       #_ /\  /\ _P#_
M  #_  #_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _____P      
M                                                         /__
M        ____             /\     _P  _P  _P      _P    #_    
M            _P#_    _P   /\   #_  #_        _P      _P  _P  
M        __\   #__P#_          #_         /\  /\   #_    _P  
M     /\          /\         _P    #_        _P          _P  
M            _P      _P          _P  _P                      
M /\     _P#__P#_ /\ ____ /__ /\ __\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P    #_
M  #_    _P#_  #_ /\ _P       /\      /\   #_     /\         
M /\  /\  /\ _P  _P   /\      /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_  #_
M /\ _P#___\                                                 
M                __\                                         
M                            __\     _P  _P    #_            
M /\             _P   /\  /\              /\   #_            
M_P      _P       /\  /\   #__P   /__     /\  /\             
M                  #_            _P      _P               /\ 
M                  #_                                        
M_P    #_  #_            _P  _P#_ /__ /__ /__ /____\ _P  _P#_
M /\     _P  _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P   /\   #_ /\ _P#_
M    _P                   /\  /\ _P#_ /\   #_ /\       #_ /\ 
M_P   /\ _P  _P#_ /\  /\ ____                                
M                                  #_____  #___\             
M                                              #__P#_        
M        _P  _P  _P    #_    _P       /\       #_  #_  #_    
M          #_  #_        _P      _P        #_ /__    __\     
M          #_  #_          #_             /\   #_            
M  #_    _P          _P   /\   #_             /\      /\     
M    _P  _P    #_                  #_          #_ /____\ ____
M__\ _P#___\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P  _P   /\  /\ _P#_  #_        
M /\     _P  _P    #_     /\   #_    _P  _P   /\ _P#_ /\  /\ 
M_P    #_ /\  /\   #_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\  /\ _____P              
M                                                     /__    
M__\ __\                                                     
M     /__    _P      _P                      _P   /\         
M /\                  /\   #_        _P  _P      _P   /\  /\ 
M    __\   #__P#_     /\              /\  /\      /\   #_    
M              #_                 /\                         
M_P      _P        #_                    _P        #_     /\ 
M         /\ ____ /______ /\ _P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_ /\  /\ 
M_P    #_ /\   #_         /\      /\  /\                   #_
M /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P   /\  /\  /\   #_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_
M            __\  /__    __\                                 
M                        ____     /\ _P   /\     _P  _P  _P  
M            _P   /\       #_  #_  #_ /\   #_      #_        
M    _P               /___P   /__            _P              
M                 /\          /\       #_        _P          
M /\   #_    _P                   /\              /\   #_    
M  #_              #_  #_ /\ _________P#_ /__ /___P#_ /\  /\ 
M_P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\   #_    _P   /\ _P#_ /\  /\     
M_P          _P       /\ _P#_ /\ _P    #_ /\     _P#_ /\  /\ 
M_P#_  #_ /\ _P#_____                                        
M                              #__P  __\   #__P              
M                                          #__P              
M  #_             /\     _P  _P   /\       #_                
M      #_        _P  _P    #_     /\  /\  /__    __\   #_    
M      #_  #_          #_     /\             _P    #_        
M /\           #_                  #_    _P  _P              
M_P  _P                  _P    #_             /\ __\ ________
M /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P  _P               /\ 
M      #_ /\ _P  _P#_    _P#_  #_ /\ __\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_    
M /\ _P       /\       #_ /\ _P#_ /___P                      
M                                                 /__  #__P  
M /__                                                        
M /__  #_      #_        _P  _P  _P    #_                 /\ 
M      #_  #_     /\  /\         _P              _P          
M__\   #__P       /\              /\  /\              /\   #_
M             /\         _P   /\      /\   #_    _P          
M      #_      #_             /\     _P               /\     
M     /\ _____P#_ /\ _____P#_ /\  /\ _P#_  #_ /\     _P  _P  
M     /\   #_        _P#_    _P  _P#_    _P    #_     /\ _P  
M_P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\       #_ /\   #_ /__ /\ _P  _P#___\     
M        __\   #__P#__P                                      
M                    ____    _P       /\                     
M_P      _P   /\       #_         /\       #_    _P      _P  
M_P       /\      /___P   /___P          _P    #_            
M  #_                    _P           /\                     
M                _P           /\         _P                  
M_P  _P   /\     _P      _P#_______\ __\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_  #_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\   #_    _P   /\   #_ /\   #_  #_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\   #_ /\  /\ 
M /\ _P#_____                                                
M                            ____  #___\                     
M                                      #__P       /\  /\   #_
M    _P  _P  _P       /\ _P   /\     _P#_      #_        _P  
M    _P      _P       /\       #_ /\  /__    __\   #_        
M         /\             _P  _P    #_          #_            
M_P   /\   #_      #_         /\           #_          #_    
M  #_     /\   #_                      #_    __\ __\ ____ /__
M /\  /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\     _P                   /\ _P#_
M /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\     _P  
M      #_ /\  /\  /\ _P#______P                              
M                                                         /__
M  #_                _P           /\                         
M  #_    _P       /\         _P      _P    #_            __\ 
M  #__P       /\     _P          _P  _P                   /\ 
M            _P                            #_        _P   /\ 
M                                        _P  _P    #_        
M /\ _____P#_ /\ ____ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_        
M /\               #_    _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#__P#_ /__
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P    #_  #_ /\     _P  _P  _P#___\             
M              #__P      _P  _P  _P        #_    _P    #_    
M  #_     /\      /\          /\       #_    _P      _P   /\ 
M    _P       /___P   /__ /\               #_                
M_P      _P          _P    #_        _P   /\   #_    _P      
M     /\                 _P  _P    #_  #_  #_     /\   #_    
M      #_    _P          _P#___\ __\ __\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_
M /\  /\     _P#_ /\   #_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_
M /___P#__P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_  #_     /\ _P  __\ _P#_
M                                 /__                 /\     
M         /\     _P      _P    #_ /\   #_    _P    #_ /\     
M_P      _P        #_      #_ /\  /__    __\     _P   /\     
M     /\                          /\                         
M              #_  #_                 /\                     
M    _P                              _P  _P#_ /\  /\ __\ _P  
M_P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P#_                     /\   #_  #_
M  #_ /\ _____P#___\ _P#__P#_______\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ 
M_P  _P  _P  _P  _____P                                      
M                                                    __\ _P#_
M    _P  _P    #_ /\   #_             /\      /\             
M_P   /\               #_        _P        #_        __\   #_
M_P              _P           /\  /\      /\     _P      _P  
M /\      /\      /\         _P                    #_        
M_P      _P               /\          /\  /\     _P  _P      
M  #_ /\ _P#__P#__P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P    #_    _P   /\ 
M        _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /___P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#_
M /\ _P  _P   /\     _P   /\ _P  _P#___\                     
M         /__        _P                #_     /\  /\ _P    #_
M      #_    _P               /\  /\ _P          _P   /\   #_
M         /___P   /__ /\     _P           /\             _P  
M                        _P      _P      _P                  
M /\  /\                       #_  #_            _P  _P      
M    _P          _P      _P#__P#__P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_
M /\  /\ _P   /\   #_ /\ _P   /\  /\ _________________P#__P#_
M_P#___________\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_____    
M                                      #___________\     __\ 
M________  #_______\   #_________  #______P   /______      #_
M_P  __\  /__                ____            _P  _P          
M /\                 _P           /\ _P  _P   /\          /\ 
M /\ _P        #_      #_ /\  /__    __\           #_    _P  
M    _P                #_    _P  _P   /\                     
M  #_    _P      _P            #_  #_     /\              /\ 
M /\          /\  /\           #_      #_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\  /\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P  _P#_     /\                      /\   #_ /\ _P#_
M /\ _____P#_ /\ _P#__P#_______\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\  /\     
M_P  _P#_ /___P                                           /__
M        __\  /__  #__P   /__ /__    __\  /__        __\   #_
M_P#__P   /__     /__  #__P  __\              /__    _P#_    
M_P       /\ _P                #_ /\       #_  #_            
M /\      /\                 _P        #_        __\   #__P  
M /\                         _P  _P   /\                     
M    _P          _P            #_             /\             
M    _P                  _P              _P   /\     _P      
M  #_  #_ /____\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P  _P   /\   #_
M /\  /\  /\ _P#_ /________\ _________P#__P#_ /____________\ 
M_P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P  _P  _P#___\                             
M                __\       #__P  __\  /__    __\ __\   #__P  
M__\       #__P       /__            __\  /__  #__P          
M  #___\         _P      _P       /\ _P    #_ /\       #_  #_
M        _P      _P       /\   #_    _P      _P   /\   #_    
M     /___P   /__        _P      _P      _P                  
M                 /\       #_  #_                          #_
M              #_          #_  #_              #_            
M                    _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\  /\ 
M_P  _P   /\   #_     /\  /\  /\ ______\ __\ ____ /\ _P#_ /__
M_____P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_    _P#_____            
M                                  #__P        #_____    __\ 
M  #__P#__P   /__  #__P        #___\      /___P        #__P  
M__\  /__             /__  #_            _P      _P       /\ 
M      #_              #_     /\ _P      _P          _P   /\ 
M_P        #_      #_ /\  /__    __\  /\       #_      #_    
M  #_    _P   /\   #_  #_  #_  #_        _P                  
M_P  _P       /\             _P       /\              /\  /\ 
M          #_  #_    _P  _P  _P  _P  _P    #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  
M_P#_ /\  /\  /\ _P    #_    _P  _P   /\      /\  /\ _P#_ /__
M__\ __\ __\ _____P#_ /______ /__ /\ _P   /\ _P  _P#_  #__P#_
M /___P                                               /______
M__\   #__P    #__P   /__ /__    __\  /________\     ____    
M  #___\      /__  #__P  __\           #__P      _P#_    _P  
M  #_              #_        _P   /\   #_    _P        #_    
M /\  /\                 _P        #_        __\   #__P      
M_P                                                   /\     
M  #_      #_  #_            _P        #_  #_      #_        
M_P    #_            _P    #_                              #_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\  /\  /\ _P  _P#_    _P   /\  /\  /\ 
M_P   /\ _P#__P#__P#___\ _____P#__P#_____ /__ /_______P#_ /\ 
M_P  _P#_  #_      #___\                                     
M            __\         _____P   /_______P  ________    __\ 
M             /__        __\     __\  /__  #__P          ____
M /\         _P          _P   /\ _P      _P       /\   #_    
M     /\         _P        #_    _P      _P   /\   #_        
M /___P   /__                  #_      #_    _P   /\   #_    
M                         /\             _P                  
M             /\      /\                  /\          /\   #_
M    _P  _P  _P  _P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P    #_  #_
M     /\ _P   /\   #_ /\  /\ _P#______P#___\ _P#__P#__P#_ /__
M__\ ____ /\ _P  _P  _P#_  #_  #_ /\ ____                    
M                              #__P       /__  #__P  __\     
M  #__P   /__  #__P              __\       #__P    #__P  __\ 
M /__         /___P    #_            _P#_     /\      /\     
M /\ _P            #_      #_ /\      /\  /\     _P   /\ _P  
M      #_      #_ /\  /__    __\ _P  _P   /\  /\      /\     
M                 /\  /\  /\  /\   #_              #_        
M  #_    _P  _P          _P                    #_  #_  #_    
M        _P          _P               /\  /\  /\ _P#_ /\  /\ 
M_P  _P  _P#_  #_  #_ /\      /\  /\      /\  /\ _P#_ /__ /\ 
M_P#_ /__ /__ /__ /\ ____ /__ /\ _P#_  #_    _P#_ /\ _____P  
M                                                 /__        
M__\  /__  #__P       /__    __\  /__        __\   #__P#__P  
M /__                          #___\ _P      _P#_    _P      
M              #_         /\  /\  /\     _P        #_        
M                    _P        #_        __\   #__P          
M                                                         /\ 
M             /\                   #_  #_         /\      /\ 
M                      #_     /\  /\               #_     /\ 
M_P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_  #_     /\ _P#_ /\  /\  /\ 
M /\  /\ _P#_ /___P#_____ /__ /____\ __\ __\ __\ _P#_  #_    
M_P#_  #_ /____\                                             
M        ____________     /__ /__        __\   #__P  ________
M_P  ______\   #______P      __\  /__  #__P      _____P   /\ 
M        _P        #_ /\  /\ _P      _P                #_    
M /\         _P   /\   #_    _P      _P   /\   #_         /__
M_P   /__    _P   /\          /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\     
M /\                 _P  _P            #_        _P          
M    _P      _P      _P           /\  /\                 _P  
M_P   /\      /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_  #_  #_  #_  #_  #_ /\ 
M /\      /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /__ /\ _____P#_
M____ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ ____                            
M     /___P        #_            _P#_             /\      /\ 
M_P   /\         _P    #_ /\      /\   #_    _P   /\ _P      
M  #_      #_ /\  /__    __\             _P  _P              
M                            _P   /\           #_     /\     
M /\       #_      #_                      #_  #_          #_
M  #_        _P       /\   #_        _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_  #_  #_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P   /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_
M /__ /___P#__P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _____P          
M                     /______    _P      _P#_    _P       /\ 
M          #_         /\   #_ /\      /\       #_            
M                _P        #_        __\   #___\             
M                     /\      /\   #_      #_                
M                        _P       /\         _P  _P      _P  
M        _P                #_                     /\   #_  #_
M /\  /\ _P#_ /\  /\   #_  #_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P   /\  /\ 
M_P#_  #_ /\ _P#_____ /\ _P#__P#_ /___P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M /____\                                                     
M                                      #___\     _P   /\     
M    _P    #_      #_ /\ _P      _P                #_      #_
M        _P   /\   #_    _P      _P   /\   #_         /___P  
M /__      #_        _P      _P  _P                       /\ 
M        _P    #_  #_  #_    _P   /\  /\                   #_
M          #_      #_          #_  #_      #_        _P  _P  
M /\       #_  #_ /\  /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_
M /\ _P  _P#_ /\  /\   #_ /\ _P#__P#_ /_______P#__P#_  #_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ ____                                    
M                                                      #_____
M /\           #_  #_      #_    _P           /\      /\ _P  
M /\         _P      _P#_     /\   #_    _P   /\ _P        #_
M      #_ /\  /__    __\  /\      /\       #_          #_    
M  #_      #_          #_                                    
M_P   /\  /\                                 _P           /\ 
M      #_                _P       /\  /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_
M /\  /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M_P#__P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _____P                  
M          #_____      #_    _P          _P           /\     
M      #_         /\   #_ /\      /\         _P              
M            _P        #_        __\   #__P                  
M                 /\      /\      /\              /\   #_    
M    _P       /\                 _P      _P  _P      _P    #_
M                  #_  #_        _P  _P  _P       /\  /\ _P  
M_P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_  #__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_
M /\ _P#_ /__ /___P#__P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ ______\ 
M                            ______\         _P   /\  /\     
M /\   #_      #_ /\ _P      _P                #_      #_    
M     /\  /\   #_    _P      _P   /\   #_         /___P   /__
M_P    #_     /\  /\   #_  #_                            _P  
M    _P            #_      #_        _P       /\       #_    
M      #_                _P  _P  _P              _P          
M    _P   /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\  /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ __\ ____                                            
M                                          #______P    #_ /\ 
M              #_      #_    _P           /\      /\ _P   /\ 
M        _P      _P#_          #_    _P   /\ _P        #_    
M  #_ /\  /__    __\                                 _P   /\ 
M /\   #_          #_          #_                 /\       #_
M                    _P          _P    #_              #_  #_
M    _P      _P  _P  _P       /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P  
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /__
M /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _____P                          
M                                                          #_
M_____P  _P        #_    _P  _P      _P           /\         
M  #_         /\   #_ /\      /\         _P   /\             
M        _P        #_        __\   #__P  _P    #_          #_
M      #_                                     /\      /\   #_
M  #_                 /\      /\   #_      #_  #_      #_    
M                          #_                 /\ _P  _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_  #_
M  #_ /___P#_ /__ /\ _____P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#___\         
M             /________\      /\         _P       /\      /\ 
M  #_      #_ /\ _P      _P                #_      #_        
M /\   #_  #_    _P      _P   /\   #_         /___P   /__    
M         /\  /\                                 _P  _P      
M_P                       /\   #_  #_        _P              
M                    _P  _P  _P    #_  #_            _P  _P  
M_P      _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M_P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /_______P#_______\ _____P#___\ __\ _P#_ /\ 
M                          #__________P    #_      #_ /\     
M  #_      #_      #_    _P           /\      /\ _P   /\     
M    _P      _P#_                _P   /\ _P        #_      #_
M /\  /__    __\ _P  _P                  _P    #_  #_      #_
M  #_          #_             /\       #_                 /\ 
M     /\          /\   #_    _P      _P           /\         
M_P   /\              /\   #_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\ _P#___\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ ____ /\ _____P#_
M______________\ __\ _____P                                  
M                                        ____________     /\ 
M    _P        #_  #_    _P      _P           /\  /\       #_
M         /\   #_ /\      /\         _P   /\  /\             
M    _P        #_        __\   #__P        #_          #_    
M             /\             _P          _P  _P      _P      
M      #_  #_                _P  _P                #_        
M  #_                      #_  #_  #_          #_  #_ /\ _P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /_______P#_ /\ __\ _P#_________
M____ /_______P#______P#__P#__P#______P#___\                 
M                                                  #_________
M______\     _P    #_     /\                  /\      /\   #_
M          #_ /\     _P                #_      #_         /\ 
M      #_    _P      _P   /\   #_         /___P   /__        
M     /\  /\         _P    #_              #_                
M                     /\          /\      /\              /\ 
M  #_        _P   /\         _P  _P  _P  _P               /\ 
M /\   #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /___P#_ /______
M__\ ______\ __\ _P#__________________P#_________ /\ _P#_____
M_________________P#_      #_            _P    #_ /\  /\  /\ 
M_P    #_      #_    _P  _P        #_     /\ _P   /\  /\     
M_P      _P#_        _P      _P   /\ _P        #_      #_ /\ 
M /__    __\  /\  /\                              /\   #_    
M         /\  /\          /\     _P  _P                  _P  
M    _P      _P           /\           #_  #_                
M     /\      /\       #_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /__ /\ _____P#_ /\ _P#__P#___________\ __\ _P#_ /___P#_____
M /__ /______________________________________________________
M_____________________________P  _P      _P      _P   /\     
M /\                  /\     _P               /\         _P  
M     /\       #_     /\         _P  _P   /\                 
M_P        #_        __\   #___\         _P       /\  /\     
M_P               /\   #_            _P  _P                  
M /\  /\  /\               #_     /\   #_            _P      
M        _P  _P  _P  _P    #_                 /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /__ /______________ /\ _P#__P#__P#_
M_P#______P#__P#_ /__  #_ /\ _P#_ /___P#__P#__P#__P#_ /__ /\ 
M_P#__P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\   #_ /\     _P#_
M             /\ _P  _P      _P    #_ /\  /\           #_    
M /\      /\   #_      #_    _P  _P        #_     /\   #_  #_
M      #_ /\      /\         _P      _P    #_                
M  #_    _P      _P   /\   #_         /___P   /__     /\     
M  #_                     /\   #_                 /\         
M     /\     _P                      _P  _P                  
M     /\           #_  #_                 /\     _P    #_ /\ 
M /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /____\ _P#_ /\ ____
M /______ /\ _P#__P#__P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /____\ _P#___\ _P#__P#_
M /__ /__ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /__ /\     
M  #_        _P      _P   /\  /\                   #_        
M  #_  #_  #_    _P    #_            _P      _P       /\ _P  
M    _P    #_        _P        #_      #_ /\      /\      /\ 
M    _P#_  #_    _P      _P   /\ _P        #_      #_ /\  /__
M    __\                  /\      /\     _P                  
M  #_        _P      _P            #_              #_        
M  #_         /\   #_      #_    _P          _P  _P  _P  _P  
M          #_                 /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /__
M /\ __________\ _P#__P#_ /__ /___P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_____ /\ 
M______\ _____P#_ /__ /__ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ __\ __\ _P#_
M /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /\      /\ _P           /\         _P#_    
M_P#_  #_     /\ _P                   /\     _P   /\      /\ 
M      #_         /\      /\      /\      /\         _P      
M  #_      #_      #_            _P   /\                 _P  
M      #_        __\   #__P  _P   /\  /\         _P          
M      #_    _P  _P       /\       #_         /\          /\ 
M /\  /\                  /\             _P           /\     
M                     /\   #_        _P      _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /___P#_ /__ /__
M________ /__ /_______P#___\ _P#_ /__ /\  /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ 
M__\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#_      #_ /\         _P#_  #_
M    _P  _P      _P          _P       /\  /\  /\   #_      #_
M     /\   #_      #_  #_    _P        #_      #_      #_    
M  #_ /\      /\         _P      _P      _P   /\           #_
M    _P      _P   /\   #_         /___P   /__                
M /\          /\      /\               #_                    
M        _P                      _P  _P        #_     /\     
M      #_        _P      _P  _P  _P  _P    #_     /\      /\ 
M_P   /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _____P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /__
M /\ __\ ______\ __\ _P#_ /___P#__P#__P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\  /\ 
M /\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#__P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#_     /\     
M        _P       /\     _P        #_  #_ /\   #_    _P    #_
M      #_    _P                  _P               /\ _P      
M_P      _P      _P        #_      #_ /\      /\      /\     
M /\   #_    _P      _P   /\ _P        #_      #_ /\  /__    
M__\ _P   /\  /\         _P          _P              _P      
M        _P    #_  #_          #_                _P        #_
M        _P      _P  _P               /\                  /\ 
M          #_             /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ ____ /___P#_____ /______ /\ ____ /\ ____
M_P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#__P#___\ 
M_P#__P#_ /\      /\  /\ _P    #_ /\   #_        _P#_        
M  #_    _P          _P           /\  /\ _P   /\      /\  /\ 
M  #_         /\      /\      /\      /\         _P        #_
M      #_      #_            _P   /\                 _P      
M  #_        __\   #__P              _P        #_            
M /\  /\       #_    _P  _P               /\           #_  #_
M  #_                _P                   /\  /\  /\       #_
M      #_    _P        #_        _P      _P  _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#__P#__P#__P#_
M /___P#_ /______ /______ /\ _P  _P  _P  _P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_
M /__ /___P#_ /\ _P#___\         _P  _P  _P    #_            
M    _P       /\       #_      #_ /\      /\   #_            
M /\   #_          #_    _P        #_      #_      #_      #_
M /\      /\         _P      _P      _P   /\           #_    
M_P      _P   /\   #_         /___P   /__    _P              
M_P       /\     _P          _P                  _P          
M    _P   /\                 _P  _P          _P    #_        
M          #_        _P                #_    _P#_     /\ _P  
M    _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ __\ _P#_
M__\ _P#__P#_____ /\ _P#_____ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /\     _P      
M  #_     /\  /\  /\ _P    #_ /\   #_ /\     _P#_      #_    
M  #_    _P  _P  _P          _P  _P           /\ _P      _P  
M    _P      _P        #_      #_ /\      /\      /\      /\ 
M  #_    _P      _P   /\ _P        #_      #_ /\  /__    __\ 
M      #_  #_          #_                 /\             _P  
M          #_  #_                  #_  #_                    
M_P    #_     /\  /\  /\  /\     _P       /\   #_  #_  #_    
M        _P        #_    _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#___\ _P#_
M /\  /\ _P  _P#__P#_ /___P#__P#_ /______ /__ /____\ __\ __\ 
M__\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /___P#_ /__
M      #_      #_  #_     /\               #_         /\     
M                _P                       /\          /\   #_
M         /\      /\      /\      /\         _P        #_    
M  #_      #_            _P   /\                 _P        #_
M        __\   #___\              /\          /\  /\     _P  
M          #_      #_  #_             /\     _P   /\         
M /\     _P  _P  _P                                   /\     
M  #_              #_            _P      _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P  _P#_ /___P#__P#__P#_ /\ ____
M /__ /\ _P#___\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#__P#__P#_ /\ __\ 
M_P#_____ /\ __\ __\  /\     _P#_         /\     _P  _P  _P#_
M         /\     _P#_      #_ /\      /\   #_  #_  #_  #_ /\ 
M  #_  #_      #_    _P  _P    #_      #_      #_      #_ /\ 
M     /\         _P      _P      _P   /\           #_    _P  
M    _P   /\   #_         /___P   /__  #_  #_             /\ 
M          #_         /\  /\                  /\             
M              #_      #_                 /\   #_    _P   /\ 
M      #_      #_             /\   #_    _P#_    _P   /\     
M  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ 
M_P#_ /________\ __\ ____ /___P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\              /\  /\ 
M    _P    #_          #_ /\     _P      _P#_      #_  #_  #_
M    _P                      _P               /\     _P      
M_P      _P        #_      #_ /\      /\      /\      /\   #_
M    _P      _P   /\ _P        #_      #_ /\  /__    __\     
M     /\  /\  /\     _P              _P            #_  #_    
M        _P  _P   /\     _P   /\                 _P  _P      
M                     /\              /\   #_      #_        
M    _P        #_        _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /___P#_ /\ __\ ____ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#___\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#__P  
M_P#_  #_     /\     _P    #_          #_        _P    #_ /\ 
M     /\                  /\  /\      /\  /\      /\   #_  #_
M             /\      /\      /\         _P        #_      #_
M      #_            _P   /\                 _P        #_    
M    __\   #__P#_  #_                      #_  #_            
M /\              /\  /\               #_              #_  #_
M              #_    _P#_  #_    _P   /\       #_ /\  /\   #_
M    _P        #_            _P      _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#__P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /____\ _P#_
M____ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /__
M /\ _P#_  #__P#_         /\ _P    #_      #_     /\ _P#_    
M /\ _P    #_          #_  #_ /\  /\   #_          #_ /\     
M  #_      #_        _P  _P#_      #_      #_      #_ /\     
M /\         _P      _P      _P   /\           #_    _P      
M_P   /\   #_     /\   #__P   /__         /\      /\     _P  
M         /\     _P      _P                  _P      _P      
M    _P   /\          /\     _P                              
M /\                      /\   #_    _P#_    _P   /\         
M /__ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#___\ _P  _P#__P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /___P#__P#_ /__ /\ ____ /__  #_  #_  #_ /\          /\ _P#_
M     /\   #_     /\       #_    _P  _P#_              #_    
M_P  _P          _P      _P       /\             _P      _P  
M    _P        #_      #_ /\      /\      /\      /\   #_    
M_P      _P   /\ _P        #_     /\   #_ /__    __\         
M    _P      _P    #_  #_                      #_  #_     /\ 
M      #_      #_                          #_      #_  #_    
M  #_  #_  #_     /\         _P    #_  #_      #_            
M_P        #_          #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ ____ /__ /__ /__ /\     
M    _P#_ /\          /\          /\     _P#_      #_        
M /\  /\ _P               /\  /\ _P   /\      /\  /\   #_  #_
M  #_     /\      /\      /\         _P        #_      #_    
M  #_            _P   /\                 _P       /\         
M__\   #__P  _P  _P                               /\     _P  
M_P                                   /\   #_    _P  _P  _P  
M                 /\             _P       /\       #_        
M /\       #_  #_        _P      _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_
M /__ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_    _P  _P#_  #_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /___P#_ /__ /__  #_
M /\  /\ _P#_  #_    _P          _P#_    _P   /\  /\     _P  
M      #_         /\          /\   #_  #_              #_  #_
M                              #_      #_      #_ /\      /\ 
M        _P      _P      _P   /\           #_    _P      _P  
M /\  /\      /\  /___P   /__                 /\             
M    _P                #_      #_     /\  /\      /\         
M                     /\  /\           #_  #_  #_     /\  /\ 
M  #_             /\      /\           #_     /\           #_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_
M /\ _P   /\ _P  _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#___\ 
M_P  ____ /\ _P#___\ __\ _P#_ /\     _P    #_ /\ _P      _P  
M /\  /\     _P    #_  #_     /\ _P#_    _P        #_        
M_P  _P  _P          _P  _P   /\  /\  /\  /\ _P      _P      
M_P        #_      #_ /\      /\      /\      /\   #_    _P  
M    _P   /\ _P               /\      /__    __\ _P  _P  _P  
M /\       #_  #_  #_         /\     _P       /\     _P      
M    _P      _P   /\   #_    _P  _P  _P          _P  _P      
M                         /\     _P       /\   #_      #_    
M_P    #_        _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_  #_ /\ _P    #_  #_ /\   #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /___P#_ /\ _P#_ /__          #_
M          #_    _P          _P    #_     /\  /\         _P  
M /\ _P       /\              /\  /\          /\             
M     /\      /\      /\         _P        #_      #_      #_
M            _P   /\                 _P  _P   /\     _P  __\ 
M  #__P           /\      /\                 _P    #_      #_
M_P                          _P   /\  /\  /\   #_     /\  /\ 
M        _P#_         /\     _P#_     /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\      /\         _P#_    _P  _P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#_  #_     /\ _P#_             /\ _P    #_     /\ 
M        _P#_             /\  /\   #_  #_  #_          #_  #_
M        _P  _P  _P  _P    #_      #_      #_ /\      /\     
M    _P      _P      _P   /\           #_    _P      _P      
M /\     _P   /___P   /__                      #_  #_        
M                     /\          /\  /\      /\     _P  _P  
M  #_          #_      #_  #_  #_  #_  #_    _P              
M        _P           /\          /\ _P    #_        _P#_ /\ 
M__\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_ /\ 
M_P   /\ _P  _P      _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /__
M /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P       /\  /\          /\ _P#_ /\ 
M      #_     /\     _P  _P      _P  _P   /\          /\     
M    _P  _P          _P  _P               /\     _P      _P  
M      #_      #_ /\      /\      /\      /\   #_    _P      
M_P   /\ _P    #_        _P       /__    __\  /\  /\  /\     
M_P           /\  /\      /\   #_  #_        _P  _P          
M_P    #_         /\     _P  _P                              
M_P    #_     /\  /\  /\              /\   #_  #_         /\ 
M    _P        #_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M /\ _P  _P      _P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_
M /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#___\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\         
M_P#_ /\             _P#_     /\     _P        #_  #_     /\ 
M    _P   /\   #_ /\          /\  /\           #_  #_  #_    
M  #_     /\      /\         _P        #_      #_      #_    
M        _P   /\               #_    _P  _P      _P  __\   #_
M_P              _P                      _P               /\ 
M                                                 /\     _P  
M  #_  #_  #_  #_            _P                  _P#_ /\     
M        _P        #_     /\   #_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P       /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\  /\ 
M_P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_        _P  _P          _P   /\ _P       /\     _P    #_
M  #_                _P   /\           #_  #_          #_  #_
M  #_            _P            #_      #_ /\      /\         
M_P      _P      _P   /\           #_    _P  _P#_            
M    _P   /___P   /___P                  _P  _P  _P          
M     /\   #_                 /\  /\   #_     /\  /\  /\  /\ 
M          #_     /\                     _P#_         /\  /\ 
M /\ _P          _P   /\      /\ _P      _P    #_  #_  #_ /__
M /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\     _P#_ /\ 
M_P  _P#_     /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_
M_P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P   /\   #_ /\   #_ /\       #_
M /\     _P    #_     /\  /\  /\ _P  _P          _P#_ /\     
M    _P  _P               /\  /\      /\  /\ _P      _P      
M  #_      #_ /\      /\      /\      /\   #_    _P      _P  
M          #_  #_    _P       /__    __\   #_  #_  #_        
M          #_  #_    _P                  _P  _P              
M_P                  _P  _P                #_  #_  #_  #_    
M      #_                     /\      /\   #_         /\     
M          #_ /\  /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_
M     /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_
M /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /____\ _P#_ /\ _P#_            _P      
M  #_        _P#_        _P    #_     /\               #_    
M_P  _P        #_ /\          /\  /\  /\  /\       #_        
M     /\      /\         _P        #_      #_      #_        
M    _P   /\       #_      #_        _P      _P  __\   #__P  
M             /\     _P  _P                   /\   #_  #_    
M         /\  /\          /\  /\               #_  #_    _P  
M                     /\     _P   /\  /\   #_      #_        
M    _P  _P    #_  #_ /\   #_ /\  /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\  /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#__P#__P  _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\  /\ _P   /\  /\      /\ _P       /\ _P    #_     /\     
M_P  _P  _P#_    _P                    #_  #_                
M    _P      _P  _P        #_      #_ /\      /\         _P  
M    _P      _P   /\           #_  #_    _P#_     /\         
M_P    #__P   /__     /\           #_                 /\     
M_P                  _P              _P  _P           /\     
M_P               /\           #_  #_      #_     /\         
M    _P      _P   /\          /\           #_  #_ /\ _P#_ /__
M /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_
M /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#__P#_ /\ 
M_P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\         _P      _P   /\          /\     
M  #_     /\     _P                    #_    _P#_ /\         
M    _P  _P  _P  _P  _P   /\          /\ _P      _P        #_
M      #_ /\      /\      /\      /\   #_    _P              
M     /\   #_    _P    #_ /__    __\ _P      _P  _P      _P  
M    _P  _P               /\   #_  #_      #_                
M     /\  /\     _P    #_  #_  #_        _P#_ /\         _P  
M                _P       /\      /\   #_  #_         /\     
M      #_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P  
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ 
M_P#___\ _P#_ /__ /___P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P       /\ _P    #_
M        _P#_        _P   /\     _P    #_  #_      #_  #_    
M_P        #_ /\  /\                           #_  #_        
M /\      /\         _P        #_      #_      #_            
M_P   /\  /\   #_  #_            _P    #_    __\   #__P      
M                  #_             /\     _P              _P  
M      #_  #_    _P  _P                                  _P  
M          #_     /\     _P   /\      /\       #_            
M    _P   /\   #_ /\   #_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P  _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /___P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P  
M /\ _P        #_     /\ _P       /\ _P    #_    _P    #_    
M_P  _P#_          #_                  #_  #_  #_  #_  #_    
M_P          _P        #_      #_ /\      /\         _P      
M_P      _P   /\               #_        _P   /\       #_    
M /___P   /__  #_  #_    _P  _P              _P  _P    #_    
M     /\           #_  #_                     /\   #_     /\ 
M         /\          /\  /\             _P   /\   #_      #_
M /\     _P  _P   /\      /\           #_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ 
M_P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#___\ __\ ____ /__ /\ _P#_
M_P#_ /\ __\ _P#_      #_ /\ _P#_     /\       #_ /\       #_
M    _P    #_      #_         /\   #_    _P#_ /\  /\ _P      
M                _P   /\  /\      /\ _P      _P        #_    
M  #_ /\      /\      /\      /\   #_    _P  _P       /\     
M /\   #_  #_     /\  /__    __\                  /\  /\   #_
M                    _P      _P  _P               /\     _P  
M_P          _P      _P  _P    #_    _P        #_  #_    _P  
M            _P                   /\   #_         /\         
M  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ 
M__\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ __\ __\ __\ 
M_P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ _P#_    _P               /\     
M_P#_        _P#_          #_      #_    _P#_ /\   #_        
M             /\  /\  /\  /\  /\               #_         /\ 
M     /\         _P        #_      #_      #_            _P  
M     /\  /\   #_                 /\     __\   #___\   #_  #_
M                            _P    #_     /\           #_    
M  #_      #_             /\                  /\     _P   /\ 
M /\                 _P  _P       /\      /\   #_            
M_P   /\   #_ /\   #_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\ __\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__
M /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P   /\ 
M         /\     _P       /\ _P        #_    _P    #_        
M              #_  #_ /\ _P          _P            #_    _P  
M_P      _P  _P    #_      #_ /\      /\         _P      _P  
M    _P   /\       #_                _P   /\  /\  /\      /__
M_P   /__             /\  /\  /\  /\   #_    _P    #_        
M    _P  _P       /\     _P              _P           /\   #_
M                          #_  #_  #_          #_        _P  
M  #_    _P   /\      /\           #_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_____ /\ ________
M /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /__ /\ __\ _____P#__P#_____ /\ ____ /__ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#_      #_ /\ _P#_    _P    #_ /\           #_    
M_P    #_  #_ /\ _P       /\   #_             /\ _P  _P   /\ 
M_P  _P      _P       /\                 _P        #_      #_
M /\      /\      /\      /\   #_  #_    _P  _P   /\      /\ 
M             /\  /__    __\  /\   #_                        
M_P            #_              #_              #_  #_  #_    
M     /\ _P                #_  #_         /\             _P  
M  #_    _P  _P   /\          /\   #_         /\           #_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ __\ _P#__P#_
M /\ _P#___\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /___P#_ /____\ ____ /\ _P#__P#_
M /____\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P    #_        _P    #_    
M        _P#_     /\   #_              #_ /\   #_     /\     
M                         /\       #_      #_  #_  #_ /\     
M /\         _P        #_      #_      #_                    
M     /\   #_        _P  _P   /\     __\   #__P           /\ 
M /\      /\  /\         _P           /\              /\  /\ 
M                    _P       /\  /\  /\  /\           #_ /\ 
M  #_  #_  #_     /\                       #_            _P  
M /\   #_ /\   #_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ __\ _P#_ /\ 
M__\ _P#__P#__P#_ /___P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /___P#______P#_____ /\ 
M__\ _P#_ /___P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_     /\     
M_P#_      #_     /\  /\ _P       /\          /\     _P#_    
M         /\   #_ /\ _P    #_    _P    #_      #_  #_    _P  
M              #_      #_ /\      /\         _P      _P      
M_P   /\  /\   #_  #_            _P  _P       /\     _P#__P  
M /__ /\  /\             _P                      _P   /\     
M_P   /\             _P    #_  #_  #_                        
M  #_  #_  #_                          #_    _P  _P  _P   /\ 
M    _P  _P#_     /\           #_     /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ 
M__\ __\ _P#___\ __\ _P#__P  _P#_ /___P#______P#__P#__P#__P#_
M /\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ __\ _____P#__P#_ /__ /__ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P              _P#_     /\           #_ /\   #_ /\ 
M /\   #_             /\  /\              /\     _P   /\     
M_P               /\  /\  /\  /\     _P        #_      #_ /\ 
M     /\      /\      /\       #_        _P   /\           #_
M     /\ _P   /__    __\         _P   /\          /\  /\  /\ 
M    _P               /\     _P   /\      /\             _P  
M_P   /\  /\  /\  /\                   #_  #_  #_  #_        
M_P           /\   #_            _P       /\          /\ _P  
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#__P#__P#_ /___P#_ /\ 
M_P#__P#__P#_ /\ ______\ _P#__P#___\ __\ ____ /\ _P#_ /__ /__
M /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_    _P       /\     _P  
M_P#_                      #_    _P#_ /\     _P   /\         
M /\          /\      /\  /\   #_                  #_     /\ 
M        _P        #_      #_      #_        _P       /\     
M /\   #_  #_  #_    _P        #___\   #___\  /\             
M_P  _P            #_        _P   /\                         
M      #_             /\                   #_  #_  #_  #_    
M            _P          _P  _P            #_            _P  
M  #_ /\  /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#__P#__P#_ /___P#__P#_
M_P#______P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /___P#_ /\ _____P#_ /\ __\ __\ 
M_P#_ /__ /__ /__ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P          _P  
M  #_ /\     _P               /\  /\ _P   /\     _P          
M_P   /\   #_ /\ _P    #_    _P    #_          #_    _P  _P  
M_P  _P            #_ /\      /\         _P      _P      _P  
M_P   /\  /\   #_                         /\ _P    #__P   /__
M        _P  _P                          _P            #_    
M /\     _P   /\  /\  /\      /\              /\  /\  /\  /\ 
M                     /\   #_     /\ _P  _P           /\  /\ 
M    _P#_    _P   /\             _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /___P#__P#_ /__ /___P#___\ __\ 
M_P#_ /____\ __\ __\ _____P#_ /__ /__ /\ __\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\ _P  _P   /\   #_        _P    #_  #_  #_ /\          /\ 
M        _P#_ /\ _P           /\             _P          _P  
M_P                       /\  /\ _P        #_      #_ /\     
M /\      /\                         _P   /\  /\  /\   #_    
M     /\  /__    __\               #_         /\  /\  /\     
M  #_    _P            #_                            _P  _P  
M                      #_  #_  #_  #_                        
M    _P   /\       #_        _P        #_    _P  _P  _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /__ /__ /\ _____P#__P#___\ _P#__P#_____ /__
M__\ _P#_ /\ __\ __\ ____ /\ _P#__P#__P#_ /\ ____ /__ /\ __\ 
M_P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P       /\   #_     /\ _P    #_     /\ 
M /\     _P          _P#_                _P   /\     _P#_ /\ 
M      #_ /\          /\   #_  #_  #_  #_             /\     
M    _P        #_      #_      #_  #_    _P  _P   /\      /\ 
M     /\   #_    _P   /\     __\   #__P#_  #_            _P  
M_P              _P                #_            _P          
M  #_    _P        #_         /\       #_                _P  
M_P#_  #_        _P  _P   /\      /\       #_      #_ /\     
M_P       /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ 
M____ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ ____ /____\ __\ _P#_ /__ /___P#__P#_____
M /__ /__ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_             /\ 
M      #_     /\          /\  /\ _P  _P                  _P  
M /\               #_  #_      #_  #_      #_                
M_P  _P        #_ /\      /\  /\     _P      _P          _P  
M     /\   #_        _P        #_     /\     _P#__P   /__    
M     /\  /\          /\  /\  /\       #_  #_    _P      _P  
M  #_      #_ /\  /\               #_     /\ _P       /\     
M      #_  #_                _P#_                 /\   #_  #_
M              #_      #_    _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ __\ 
M__\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ _P#_____ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_____
M /\ _P#__P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M    _P   /\  /\     _P#_     /\     _P   /\         _P    #_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P   /\     _P#_          #_                _P  
M     /\  /\  /\          /\ _P        #_          #_     /\ 
M     /\  /\       #_            _P  _P       /\             
M_P   /__    ____  #_              #_                _P      
M         /\       #_                      #_    _P          
M     /\  /\   #_  #_  #_          #_  #_  #_          #_  #_
M    _P                #_ /\  /\     _P      _P  _P#_ /\  /\ 
M_P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /____\ __\ _P#___\ ______\ 
M__\ __\ _____P#_ /\ ____ /__ /__ /\ ________ /__ /___P#_ /__
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_     /\         _P       /\     _P   /\ 
M    _P        #_                        _P      _P#_ /\     
M  #_ /\  /\      /\  /\           #_  #_         /\         
M_P  _P      _P    #_          #_  #_    _P   /\           #_
M /\   #_ /\ _P  _P    #___\   #__P       /\  /\  /\         
M              #_      #_                    _P   /\  /\  /\ 
M         /\   #_                                 /\         
M         /\              /\  /\   #_  #_          #_     /\ 
M     /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ ____
M /__ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ ____ /__ /__ /____\ _P#_
M /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\      /\ _P  _P    #_
M    _P   /\     _P  _P   /\ _P#_                 /\ _P  _P  
M      #_          #_          #_            _P  _P          
M_P        #_ /\          /\      /\     _P  _P              
M /\   #_  #_  #_                      #_  #__P   /__        
M              #_  #_  #_  #_         /\      /\  /\  /\   #_
M                      #_            _P  _P      _P       /\ 
M    _P    #_  #_  #_  #_      #_  #_  #_          #_        
M    _P      _P    #_      #_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_
M_P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /___P#___\ __\ _P#__P#_____ /______ /\ 
M__\ __\ _P#__P#__P#_ /\ ____ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  
M_P       /\   #_    _P   /\     _P                    #_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\             _P#_     /\ _P#_     /\ _P      _P  _P  
M_P       /\  /\      /\ _P        #_  #_      #_      #_    
M     /\  /\   #_                         /\  /\ _P#_  #_    
M /__    __\ _P  _P   /\      /\                             
M                    _P  _P   /\       #_     /\  /\         
M  #_        _P    #_     /\                 _P              
M_P   /\       #_  #_     /\      /\     _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#___\ _P#___\ __\ _P#__P#_
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ __\ _____P#__P#_ /\ ____ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_            _P   /\     _P      _P    #_    
M_P        #_                _P#_    _P                   /\ 
M     /\               #_          #_         /\  /\         
M_P      _P      _P#_          #_    _P   /\  /\  /\   #_ /\ 
M            _P   /\ __\   #__P              _P        #_  #_
M  #_  #_  #_    _P  _P   /\  /\  /\                  /\     
M            _P  _P      _P  _P   /\     _P        #_  #_  #_
M     /\   #_  #_     /\   #_  #_        _P    #_      #_    
M /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__
M /\ _P#__P#__P#__P#_ /\ ____ /__ /\ __\ ____  #_ /__ /______
M /\ __\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\   #_ /\ _P   /\   #_    
M /\ _P    #_    _P   /\ _P#_     /\ _P#_ /\ _P      _P    #_
M /\ _P  _P#_              #_  #_  #_  #_    _P  _P      _P  
M          #_ /\      /\      /\         _P  _P           /\ 
M          #_        _P           /\   #__P   /___P  _P  _P  
M     /\  /\                                                 
M    _P   /\       #_                  #_                    
M     /\                   #_                          #_    
M /\     _P      _P   /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ 
M__\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#__P#__P#__P#__P#_ /______ /__ /____\ _P#_
M /______ /___P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_    
M         /\     _P        #_     /\     _P       /\         
M          #_  #_                _P   /\ _P                  
M         /\      /\ _P  _P        #_      #_      #_  #_    
M     /\   #_        _P  _P       /\ _P   /\ _P#_        ____
M    __\           #_              #_      #_  #_  #_    _P  
M_P          _P   /\              /\       #_  #_    _P      
M      #_     /\     _P    #_  #_  #_  #_ /\       #_  #_    
M /\  /\   #_    _P           /\         _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#__P#_ /______ /\ _P#__P#__P#_ /___P#_
M /__ /__ /\ _P#_____ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ __\             _P  _P    #_    _P#_     /\     _P  
M  #_ /\     _P          _P#_            _P#_  #_     /\     
M /\  /\  /\  /\   #_  #_      #_             /\         _P  
M    _P          _P#_      #_    _P  _P       /\  /\         
M        _P  _P  __\   #__P  _P                   /\      /\ 
M                      #_  #_     /\   #_  #_    _P    #_  #_
M                    _P       /\   #_                        
M      #_        _P        #_            _P#_      #_    _P  
M_P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#__P#_ /___P#_ /__ /__
M_P#__P#_ /___P#__P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ ____ /__ /\ __\ 
M_P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P        #_    _P  
M     /\     _P    #_        _P    #_ /\ _P       /\   #_    
M            _P              _P    #_        _P      _P  _P#_
M      #_ /\      /\      /\  /\         _P                #_
M                _P  _P      _P    #__P   /__        _P    #_
M  #_                  #_      #_    _P                      
M                      #_  #_    _P#_     /\  /\           #_
M /\       #_  #_    _P#_      #_     /\           #_    _P  
M    _P      _P   /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#__P#_
M /___P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /___P#__P#_____ /\ ________ /\ __\ 
M_P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\         
M  #_  #_          #_ /\     _P    #_     /\ _P    #_        
M /\  /\   #_  #_  #_ /\  /\ _P   /\ _P  _P  _P   /\      /\ 
M     /\             _P        #_      #_          #_        
M /\   #_  #_  #_    _P  _P   /\ _P    #_  #_        ____    
M____    _P   /\         _P    #_     /\      /\             
M     /\     _P    #_  #_    _P    #_  #_                    
M         /\  /\         _P#_                  #_    _P    #_
M /\   #_    _P           /\         _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /___P#_ /__ /\ ____ /__ /___P#__P#__P#_ /\ 
M__\ _P#_ /_______P#_____ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#__P#_        _P#_        _P#_  #_        _P    #_     /\ 
M      #_                                                    
M          #_      #_      #_  #_         /\         _P      
M_P  _P      _P#_      #_                     /\       #_    
M     /\ _P#___\   #__P            #_  #_      #_    _P    #_
M         /\     _P  _P    #_     /\              /\         
M  #_  #_  #_  #_    _P  _P              _P        #_  #_    
M  #_                  #_            _P#_      #_    _P    #_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /______ /__ /__
M_P#__P#__P#_ /\ _____P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\          /\         _P   /\ 
M_P    #_     /\     _P#_      #_ /\ _P  _P   /\  /\  /\  /\ 
M_P      _P  _P#_  #_  #_ /\     _P      _P          _P#_    
M  #_ /\      /\          /\         _P       /\  /\   #_  #_
M      #_  #_     /\  /\       #__P   /__  #_  #_            
M                        _P    #_                          #_
M  #_             /\                              /\  /\     
M     /\         _P#_      #_    _P   /\      /\     _P      
M_P      _P   /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /__
M /\ _P#_ /__ /___P#__P#__P#_______\ _P#_____ /\ _P#_ /__ /__
M /___P#__P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\   #_      #_
M  #_  #_     /\       #_     /\     _P        #_            
M /\          /\      /\ _P                    #_     /\     
M /\  /\         _P        #_      #_  #_      #_         /\ 
M /\       #_        _P           /\      /\   #_ /__    __\ 
M                    _P   /\   #_  #_  #_            _P  _P  
M_P   /\     _P              _P  _P        #_  #_  #_  #_  #_
M  #_ /\       #_    _P    #_  #_          #_    _P   /\   #_
M        _P           /\          /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ ____ /__ /\ _P#__P#__P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ 
M__\ ________ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\ _P#_    _P#_    _P   /\ _P      _P#_     /\     _P    #_
M  #_     /\ _P#_    _P  _P  _P                #_  #_ /\  /\ 
M              #_          #_  #_     /\         _P          
M_P      _P#_            _P       /\      /\  /\  /\     _P  
M_P  _P  __\   #__P#_  #_  #_  #_  #_                        
M    _P                    #_     /\   #_  #_         /\  /\ 
M                             /\     _P   /\              /\ 
M                    _P  _P      _P#_      #_    _P   /\ _P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _____P#__P#_
M /___P#__P#_______\ ____ /\ __\ __\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P           /\         _P      
M /\     _P    #_      #_ /\         _P               /\ _P  
M_P#_              #_ /\  /\ _P      _P  _P          _P    #_
M /\      /\  /\      /\         _P  _P  _P   /\  /\   #_    
M      #_    _P       /\   #__P   /__                    _P  
M_P   /\           #_        _P      _P  _P                  
M      #_          #_  #_  #_  #_  #_  #_    _P              
M      #_  #_ /\       #_    _P   /\             _P      _P  
M    _P   /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /__
M /\ __\ _P#__P#______P#__P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ __\ __\ _P#_
M /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P    #_    
M /\   #_ /\       #_     /\   #_     /\                   #_
M  #_  #_ /\              /\  /\ _P      _P       /\         
M /\  /\               #_          #_  #_  #_                
M                _P  _P      _P    #_      #_ /__    __\   #_
M  #_  #_  #_                _P#_  #_    _P  _P    #_        
M     /\     _P       /\                                     
M     /\  /\   #_     /\             _P#_    _P   /\   #_  #_
M    _P           /\          /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /__ /\ _P#___\ 
M__\ _P#__P#_ /____\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\ __\ _P#_    _P    #_        _P#_     /\ _P   /\  /\   #_
M     /\ _P#_  #_        _P      _P#_  #_ /\          /\     
M          #_  #_          #_  #_ /\  /\     _P  _P          
M    _P#_  #_  #_    _P  _P   /\  /\      /\         _P  _P  
M    __\   #___\                     _P  _P                  
M                _P  _P    #_        _P    #_  #_  #_ /\   #_
M      #_  #_  #_  #_                _P    #_  #_            
M                    _P      _P#_      #_    _P  _P#_ /\  /\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#__P#_ /___P#_ /__
M /__ /________\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P       /\      /\ _P       /\ 
M     /\         _P   /\              /\   #_    _P          
M    _P        #_  #_ /\ _P          _P  _P                #_
M         /\  /\  /\                 _P       /\       #_    
M  #_    _P       /\   #__P   /__      #_  #_      #_        
M  #_      #_  #_    _P  _P   /\                     _P      
M                     /\                      /\  /\      /\ 
M        _P#_      #_    _P   /\  /\         _P      _P      
M_P   /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_
M /__ /___P#___\ __\ __\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_____ /__ /\ _P#__P#_
M /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_  #_  #_  #_
M /\       #_ /\     _P      _P  _P   /\     _P#_ /\  /\   #_
M    _P    #_ /\  /\ _P   /\ _P    #_         /\  /\         
M /\  /\  /\ _P      _P#_              #_  #_ /\  /\       #_
M        _P      _P   /\ _P    #_  #_  #_ /__    __\ _P      
M     /\     _P  _P       /\                       #_      #_
M  #_  #_        _P       /\  /\  /\  /\       #_  #_  #_  #_
M /\       #_         /\         _P#_    _P   /\       #_    
M_P    #_     /\           #_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ __\ ____ /__ /\ _P#__P#_
M /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#__P#_                _P#_        _P      _P   /\         
M_P                        #_                     /\         
M          #_  #_     /\          /\         _P  _P  _P      
M          #_  #_    _P  _P   /\      /\       #_     /\     
M__\   #__P   /\           #_                  #_  #_  #_    
M_P  _P       /\                 _P    #_                    
M /\                      /\     _P  _P    #_                
M        _P      _P    #_          #_    _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_
M /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\  /\  /\     _P       /\ _P    #_
M /\     _P  _P  _P   /\  /\ _P   /\   #_  #_     /\ _P      
M_P  _P        #_ /\ _P  _P          _P      _P  _P    #_    
M             /\  /\  /\ _P       /\               #_        
M_P#_     /\       #__P   /__        _P  _P          _P  _P  
M_P                                   /\   #_  #_            
M_P   /\  /\  /\  /\   #_  #_  #_  #_    _P               /\ 
M    _P#_      #_    _P  _P   /\       #_     /\ _P      _P  
M /\ _P#_  #_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_
M_P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__ /___P#_ /____\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ 
M_P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\       #_ /\ 
M  #_ /\       #_        _P      _P      _P       /\   #_    
M     /\      /\ _P    #_    _P#_             /\  /\      /\ 
M_P              _P#_  #_  #_    _P           /\  /\   #_  #_
M    _P      _P  _P       /\     _P#_ /__    __\     _P      
M  #_  #_                      #_  #_    _P  _P#_    _P      
M            _P                                              
M /\  /\   #_      #_        _P#_    _P            #_  #_    
M /\      /\       #_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /___P#_ /\ 
M_P#__P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_
M /__ /\ _P#_      #_        _P#_     /\ _P    #_        _P  
M        _P  _P   /\  /\     _P        #_    _P       /\ _P#_
M     /\   #_          #_  #_ /\             _P  _P   /\ _P  
M_P               /\ _P   /\     _P    #_ /\     _P    #___\ 
M  #__P#_        _P          _P      _P  _P  _P              
M             /\  /\   #_  #_      #_  #_            _P  _P  
M /\      /\   #_          #_    _P        #_              #_
M    _P                        #_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ 
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__
M /__ /___P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ __\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P      _P       /\ _P       /\     
M  #_        _P    #_ /\ _P       /\   #_    _P   /\ _P#_    
M      #_ /\         _P          _P  _P#_          #_  #_ /\ 
M                        _P   /\  /\         _P#_      #_    
M    _P        #__P   /__        _P                  _P      
M     /\   #_  #_      #_  #_                      #_        
M_P#_  #_              #_      #_    _P   /\          /\   #_
M    _P   /\ _P      _P   /\  /\  /\ _P   /\ _P   /\      /__
M /\ _P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /__
M /\ _P#__P#_____ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ ____ /____\  /\ _P#__P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /\   #_  #_ /\  /\ 
M      #_ /\     _P#_     /\ _P  _P#_          #_         /\ 
M                  #_  #_                     /\             
M /\      /\       #_  #_    _P  _P#_  #_ /\  /\         _P  
M_P        #_     /\ _P      _P#_ /__    ____  #_        _P#_
M  #_    _P        #_                 /\              /\  /\ 
M     /\       #_            _P  _P  _P      _P           /\ 
M  #_  #_      #_         /\      /\                      /\ 
M     /\       #_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_
M /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ ____ /\ _P#__P#___\ _P#_
M_P  __\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /__
M_P#_  #_     /\     _P          _P       /\ _P           /\ 
M_P#_    _P   /\   #_    _P  _P    #_             /\ _P#_  #_
M /\   #_  #_  #_      #_ /\                 _P              
M_P      _P  _P      _P   /\ _P   /\      /\ _P#_    __\   #_
M_P                               /\         _P#_          #_
M  #_  #_          #_         /\          /\              /\ 
M     /\   #_                _P        #_              #_    
M_P  _P  _P          _P       /\  /\ _P  _P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__ /__ /__
M /___P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /__        _P      _P   /\  /\   #_     /\ 
M      #_     /\           #_ /\         _P    #_  #_     /\ 
M  #_ /\                   #_        _P          _P#_ /\  /\ 
M    _P#_  #_ /\      /\ _P        #_     /\   #_    _P      
M_P       /___P   /__  #_  #_ /\      /\  /\     _P    #_  #_
M          #_                _P          _P  _P    #_  #_    
M    _P  _P  _P    #_      #_    _P   /\          /\   #_    
M_P   /\ _P      _P           /\ _P  _P   /\ _P       /___P#_
M /\  /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_
M_P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#__P#__P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ ____  #_  #_ /\ _P#_    
M      #_    _P#_    _P#_    _P#_          #_      #_ /\  /\ 
M  #_      #_    _P#_        _P#_ /\      /\      /\      /\ 
M    _P        #_  #_              #_          #_  #_        
M        _P   /\ _P    #_ /\  /__    __\           #_        
M  #_                  #_  #_    _P        #_     /\ _P      
M                _P  _P                  _P           /\     
M_P#_      #_         /\      /\       #_  #_                
M     /\   #_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ 
M_P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ ____ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#______P#_
M_P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /___P#_
M  #_            _P  _P              _P       /\      /\ _P#_
M                  #_     /\     _P       /\ _P        #_ /\ 
M  #_ /\   #_      #_                    _P#_ /\      /\ _P  
M_P#_     /\  /\ _P   /\               #_        __\   #__P  
M            _P              _P       /\                 _P  
M              #_    _P  _P    #_            _P  _P  _P      
M /\   #_        _P      _P        #_        _P    #_  #_    
M    _P  _P#_    _P            #_ /\ _P  _P  _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_
M /\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ ____ /\ __\ ____
M /__ /___P#_ /\ __\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ 
M__\ ____ /\ _P#_      #_ /\ _P#_ /\      /\  /\   #_        
M /\   #_ /\   #_      #_ /\  /\ _P       /\     _P    #_ /\ 
M      #_                        _P    #_    _P#_ /\  /\     
M      #_ /\              /\          /\   #_    _P#_  #_    
M /\ _P#__P   /__    _P  _P       /\  /\   #_        _P      
M  #_    _P  _P   /\   #_      #_             /\         _P  
M_P           /\ _P    #_     /\              /\   #_    _P  
M_P   /\          /\             _P   /\ _P    #_ /\ _P  _P#_
M /\ _P  _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /__
M /__ /\ __\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_____ /\          /\   #_    
M      #_        _P#_                  #_ /\          /\  /\ 
M    _P    #_        _P#_     /\  /\  /\      /\   #_ /\     
M_P            #_         /\     _P#_  #_ /\     _P   /\     
M_P  _P       /\  /\      /__    __\ _P       /\             
M    _P  _P       /\                          /\       #_    
M_P    #_  #_            _P  _P               /\   #_    _P#_
M      #_                  #_ /\  /\   #_  #_  #_            
M /\     _P#__P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_
M /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#___\ ____ /__ /\ __\ _P#_
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\   #_
M /\ _P      _P   /\             _P       /\   #_ /\   #_    
M    _P  _P#_    _P  _P    #_        _P       /\     _P  _P#_
M /\   #_          #_  #_ /\ _P   /\ _P#_ /\     _P          
M    _P   /\     _P      _P#_ /\      /\ _P#___\   #__P      
M_P    #_     /\  /\             _P    #_  #_        _P  _P  
M /\   #_  #_    _P   /\         _P  _P  _P              _P#_
M            _P      _P        #_  #_    _P                #_
M            _P  _P    #_  #__P#_ /\  /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /___P#___\ _P#__P#_ /__
M /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_
M__\ _P#_ /\      /\     _P#_ /\         _P    #_            
M  #_      #_  #_ /\   #_        _P        #_      #_        
M /\     _P                #_    _P#_             /\         
M    _P    #_ /\  /\  /\      /\ _P    #_            _P      
M  #__P   /__    _P           /\             _P  _P          
M     /\ _P                                    #_            
M    _P   /\ _P      _P   /\              /\   #_        _P  
M /\  /\ _P   /\      /\     _P                #_ /\  /\ _P#_
M  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_
M__\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ __\ ____ /__ /__ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#__P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\     _P        #_        
M  #_         /\  /\      /\           #_    _P#_      #_  #_
M    _P#_  #_    _P      _P    #_  #_ /\  /\     _P       /\ 
M /\ _P      _P#_ /\ _P    #_        _P      _P        #_    
M_P#_ /\ _P   /\ _P#_ /__    __\          /\             _P#_
M             /\      /\         _P  _P   /\      /\      /\ 
M /\         _P  _P  _P   /\              /\   #_    _P#_    
M  #_     /\                  /\   #_            _P#_  #_ /\ 
M  #_  #_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ __\ 
M_P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /__ /__ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#_        _P  
M_P#_ /\  /\  /\          /\ _P           /\   #_          #_
M        _P#_     /\             _P  _P  _P    #_          #_
M          #_ /\          /\ _P            #_     /\ _P   /\ 
M_P   /\ _P#_     /\           #_        __\   #__P#_     /\ 
M    _P   /\         _P  _P   /\   #_            _P       /\ 
M  #_      #_ /\       #_  #_                        _P#_    
M        _P      _P       /\   #_    _P  _P              _P  
M      #_          #_    __\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ ____ /__ /__ /__ /__ /\ _P#_
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /__ /\ _P#_ /___P#__P#_ /__ /\ 
M_P#__P   /\ _P#_         /\         _P           /\         
M        _P#_ /\       #_         /\   #_  #_ /\  /\         
M  #_     /\  /\     _P#_    _P      _P  _P        #_ /\ _P#_
M     /\              /\          /\          /\ _P  _P#_ /__
M_P   /__    _P                #_                        _P  
M  #_        _P          _P           /\         _P  _P  _P  
M /\  /\ _P      _P   /\              /\  /\         _P      
M /\ _P   /\                   #_             /\ _P#_ /\ _P  
M_P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ __\ _P#_ /__
M /\ _P#_ /\ _____P#__P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#__P#___\ 
M_P#__P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P   /\ _P#_    _P#_     /\  /\       #_
M             /\                      /\ _P  _P#_ /\  /\   #_
M        _P  _P#_  #_     /\                 _P   /\ _P    #_
M    _P#_             /\         _P      _P  _P#_ /\     _P#_
M /\              /__    __\         _P  _P  _P        #_    
M_P  _P  _P       /\       #_     /\   #_     /\  /\  /\     
M  #_             /\                  /\   #_    _P#_        
M     /\       #_  #_     /\     _P       /\   #_     /\   #_
M    _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\ __\ _P#_____ /\ ____ /__ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P  _P#_
M /\ __\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\       #_ /\  /\ 
M_P          _P       /\ _P          _P              _P      
M                     /\ _P        #_     /\     _P  _P#_  #_
M  #_          #_    _P       /\      /\   #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  
M            _P          _P#_  #_    __\   #__P#_  #_        
M         /\                  /\          /\           #_    
M                 /\     _P  _P                  _P#_        
M    _P      _P  _P   /\   #_  #_                            
M  #_     /\   #_    _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__
M /\ _P#_ /\ __\ __\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ ____ /__ /__ /\ _P#__P#_
M /\ __\ _P#__P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#__P#___\ _P#__P  
M  #_ /\  /\          /\ _P        #_          #_          #_
M                    _P       /\ _P#_ /\       #_         /\ 
M    _P    #_     /\     _P    #_    _P    #_ /\     _P  _P  
M /\               #_  #_ /\ _P    #_ /\ _P       /\ _P#__P  
M /__            _P  _P  _P    #_  #_    _P  _P      _P  _P  
M      #_          #_ /\  /\  /\  /\              /\ _P  _P#_
M /\ _P      _P   /\                  /\          /\  /\     
M_P                                        #_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /__ /\ 
M_P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#__P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#__P#_
M_P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\  /\  /\     _P    #_                 /\ 
M  #_     /\          /\  /\      /\       #_ /\             
M_P#_    _P#_ /\     _P    #_     /\          /\ _P    #_  #_
M        _P  _P   /\     _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_          #_        
M  #_ /\      /__    ____  #_  #_                        _P  
M        _P          _P#_    _P#_  #_                    _P#_
M    _P                           /\   #_    _P#_  #_        
M /\  /\                                  /\ _P   /\   #_  #_
M /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ __\ 
M_P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /__ /\ ____ /__ /\ __\ _P#_  #_ /\ __\ 
M_P#_ /__ /___P#__P#__P#__P#__P       /\  /\ _P  _P   /\ _P  
M_P   /\                  /\                             _P  
M        _P   /\ _P        #_        _P    #_     /\     _P#_
M  #_      #_            _P              _P                  
M /\ _P#_     /\ _P#_        _P#___\   #__P            #_    
M_P  _P                #_        _P  _P                      
M /\  /\  /\         _P   /\   #_            _P#_            
M_P          _P   /\  /\      /\     _P                   /\ 
M     /\   #_  #_        _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M__\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /__ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ __\ 
M_P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#__P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P  
M_P    #_  #_                _P       /\  /\          /\     
M        _P                              _P#_     /\ _P    #_
M     /\     _P       /\   #_     /\   #_  #_  #_    _P  _P  
M  #_ /\ _P   /\  /\          /\          /\ _P    #__P   /__
M     /\  /\     _P       /\ _P#_    _P      _P  _P          
M /\      /\   #_ /\           #_              #_    _P#_ /\ 
M_P      _P   /\       #_ /\      /\                         
M /\   #_                             /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ ____ /__ /\ __\ ________
M /\ __\ __\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__ /___P#__P#__P#_
M /\ _P  _P#_    _P  _P#_        _P#_  #_          #_        
M     /\ _P                           /\   #_    _P  _P  _P  
M     /\       #_     /\     _P    #_ /\   #_     /\   #_  #_
M        _P  _P  _P#_          #_  #_     /\  /\     _P#_ /\ 
M      #_ /__    __\ _P                  _P               /\ 
M            _P  _P    #_      #_         /\         _P#_    
M_P                    #_     /\   #_  #_      #_         /\ 
M                                     /\ _P   /\   #_ /\     
M  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /__
M /\ __\ __\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__
M /\ _P#__P#__P#_ /\ _P  _P    #_ /\ _P   /\  /\ _P          
M                 /\  /\              /\   #_                
M                  #_ /\     _P#_     /\     _P    #_        
M     /\     _P       /\  /\              /\ _P#_     /\  /\ 
M  #_    _P          _P#_    __\   #__P       /\  /\   #_    
M      #_  #_              #_         /\     _P       /\  /\ 
M  #_ /\         _P   /\   #_  #_    _P                      
M /\     _P   /\                      /\                     
M /\   #_     /\ _P      _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__
M /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_
M /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ _____P#_ /__ /\ _P  _P  _P#_ /\ _P  _P  
M      #_  #_ /\                                 _P          
M                                _P          _P    #_ /\     
M_P    #_      #_ /\  /\     _P    #_ /\     _P  _P  _P#_ /\ 
M         /\   #_    _P  _P    #_ /\ _P       /___P   /___P  
M_P        #_        _P          _P  _P#_ /\     _P  _P      
M      #_                  #_              #_        _P   /\ 
M /\ _P   /\  /\  /\   #_     /\                   #_        
M                _P                    #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__ /___P#__P#__P#_ /____\ 
M_P#___\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P  _P  
M_P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P  _P       /\     _P   /\   #_    _P   /\ 
M /\ _P                      _P            #_                
M_P              _P    #_ /\   #_        _P  _P    #_        
M_P      _P          _P#_ /\  /\  /\  /\       #_          #_
M /\  /__    __\      /\  /\       #_     /\                 
M  #_             /\   #_    _P  _P   /\  /\     _P#_    _P  
M     /\                  /\                 _P              
M                                     /\  /\   #_ /\ _P#_  #_
M  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ _P#_
M_P#_ /__ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_
M /__ /\ _P  _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P  _P#_ /\  /\             
M                        _P                          _P      
M                        _P#_    _P    #_      #_  #_ /\ _P  
M  #_  #_     /\ _P    #_      #_ /\ _P                  _P  
M_P  _P   /\ _P#_        __\   #__P  _P            #_        
M    _P#_    _P   /\         _P   /\   #_             /\     
M  #_        _P   /\  /\   #_    _P  _P          _P  _P  _P  
M                        _P      _P              _P          
M  #_          #_      #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_
M_P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /__ /__ /\ _P#__P#___\ _P#_ /__ /\ 
M__\ _P#_ /___P#_____ /\ _P  _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P  _P      
M         /\      /\                  /\       #_      #_    
M                _P                              _P    #_ /\ 
M /\               #_      #_ /\       #_    _P#_          #_
M /\ _P  _P  _P    #_ /\  /\          /\ _P#__P   /__        
M /\  /\      /\ _P  _P      _P              _P   /\         
M /\   #_        _P                              _P       /\ 
M_P  _P                                        #_            
M            _P   /\      /\ _P#_ /\  /\     _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /___P#_ /__ /_______P#_
M /\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#___\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P  _P  _P#_  #_ /\ 
M /\ _P  _P   /\  /\ _P#_ /\                                 
M_P#_                _P                                      
M_P        #_        _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_     /\         _P#_    
M /\   #_ /\ _P#_        _P  _P    #_            _P#_ /\ _P  
M /__    ____  #_          #_                        _P   /\ 
M_P          _P        #_    _P  _P   /\  /\ _P#_    _P  _P  
M /\       #_              #_  #_                      #_    
M                                         /\           #_  #_
M    _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#______P#_
M /__ /__ /\ _P#_ /____\ ____ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /___P#_ /\ _P  
M_P  _P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_                _P      
M         /\              /\                         _P      
M     /\                             _P    #_             /\ 
M  #_ /\ _P       /\                  /\           #_  #_    
M_P  _P            #___\   #__P      _P   /\     _P    #_    
M_P#_    _P   /\       #_ /\      /\ _P                      
M        _P       /\   #_  #_    _P  _P#_  #_                
M                          #_                        _P   /\ 
M      #_ /\ _P  _P#_        _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /__
M /___P#___\ _P#__P#___\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_
M /___P#_ /\ _P  _P  _P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_    _P      _P#_
M /\                  /\                  /\   #_            
M                                                  #_      #_
M     /\ _P#_ /\     _P        #_ /\ _P  _P#_    _P#_ /\  /\ 
M_P#_  #_     /\ _P   /\   #_ /\ _P#_  #__P   /__  #_     /\ 
M         /\     _P      _P          _P        #_         /\ 
M  #_  #_    _P  _P  _P        #_                            
M                                     /\  /\                 
M             /\      /\ _P  _P   /\   #_  #_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ 
M_P#__P#__P#_ /__ /\ _P#___\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ __________\ _P#_
M_P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P#_  #_
M    _P    #_              #_      #_                    _P  
M_P          _P                                              
M              #_     /\             _P      _P#_            
M  #_ /\                 _P   /\       #_  #_             /__
M    ____    _P       /\ _P    #_      #_        _P       /\ 
M        _P  _P    #_        _P            #_  #_    _P   /\ 
M /\   #_  #_     /\                               #_        
M                    _P               /\   #_      #_  #_  #_
M  #_      #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ ____ /\ _P#__P#_________
M_P#__P#_ /\ _____P#___\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_  #_
M /\  /\ _P#_  #_    _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_             /\         
M    _P               /\                                     
M                                     /\      /\     _P  _P#_
M /\   #_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\   #_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\  /\     _P#_ /\ 
M  #_ /\ _P   /\ __\   #__P           /\                     
M  #_     /\       #_ /\          /\      /\       #_  #_  #_
M             /\       #_        _P                          
M     /\              /\                              /\     
M    _P#_    _P#_  #_    _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /__ /__ /\ __\ ____
M_P#______P#_ /\ _P#_____ /____\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\  /\ 
M_P   /\ _P  _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_  #_      #_        
M                                    _P  _P#_                
M  #_                                                        
M /\   #_  #_                                            _P  
M     /\ _P                  _P#_  #__P   /__    _P  _P      
M_P  _P    #_ /\   #_    _P      _P        #_  #_      #_    
M  #_  #_             /\   #_        _P   /\  /\             
M                              #_    _P                      
M  #_     /\      /\   #_  #_ /\   #_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_
M  #_ /\ __\ __\ _P#___\ _P#_____________ /____\ __\ _P#__P#_
M_P#__P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_  #_ /\   #_    
M     /\           #_     /\  /\   #_                        
M                 /\       #_    _P   /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  
M /\  /\ _P#_ /\     _P        #_ /\ _P#_  #_        ____    
M__\ _P       /\           #_      #_            _P   /\  /\ 
M        _P      _P           /\  /\  /\   #_    _P  _P   /\ 
M                                         /\  /\             
M                                 /\   #_     /\   #_  #_  #_
M  #_  #_    _P   /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#__P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M__\ __\ _____P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P  
M_P#_ /\   #_     /\  /\  /\     _P                          
M                _P   /\  /\                                 
M                                         /\       #_ /\     
M                 /\ _P#_          #_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\       #_
M    _P#_  #___\   #__P      _P    #_  #_  #_              #_
M    _P               /\      /\      /\  /\  /\             
M      #_                                         /\       #_
M /\     _P#_  #_  #_  #_ /\ _P  _P#_  #_  #_ /\ _P#__P#__P#_
M_____________________P#___\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ 
M_P#__P#_ /\ _P  _P#_  #_  #_     /\  /\  /\   #_            
M     /\                              /\                     
M      #_     /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_        _P   /\         
M_P           /\      /\   #_  #__P   /__  #_     /\         
M      #_ /\   #_    _P      _P  _P   /\   #_      #_        
M        _P  _P   /\   #_  #_    _P                          
M                _P           /\   #_                    _P  
M            _P          _P    #_  #_  #_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\ _P  _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /__ /__ /\ _P#___\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P  
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_  #_ /\ _P#_  #_     /\  /\ _P   /\ 
M /\          /\                                          /\ 
M                      #_                                 /\ 
M  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P    #_  #_ /\   #_ /\ _P    #_ /__    __\ 
M    _P       /\  /\   #_      #_            _P       /\     
M    _P      _P  _P  _P  _P       /\   #_        _P          
M                                      #_ /\                 
M                     /\           #_    _P  _P#_  #_  #_ /\ 
M /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /__ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_  #_  #_
M /\   #_     /\ _P                           /\     _P      
M                                              #_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_                  #_  #_ /\  /\ _P      
M /\  /\ __\   #___\      /\  /\       #_              #_    
M_P    #_         /\      /\                   #_      #_    
M /\                                                 _P      
M  #_                                          #_  #_    _P  
M  #_  #_  #_  #_ /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\  /\  /\ _P#_
M /\  /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__
M /\ _P  _P#_  #_     /\  /\  /\ _P   /\  /\                 
M                                 /\ _P#_                    
M                                             /\             
M                _P                       /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M              #_ /\  /\   #__P   /__  #_            _P      
M  #_ /\   #_    _P          _P   /\   #_      #_  #_  #_  #_
M  #_    _P       /\                                         
M              #_                                            
M                  #_      #_  #_ /\ _P  _P  _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_  #_  #_ /\  /\  /\ _P          
M     /\   #_         /\                   #_                
M                              #_      #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P                #_ /\  /\ _P#_         /\ ____    __\     
M_P   /\      /\   #_      #_          #_ /\      /\         
M_P                #_         /\  /\                         
M                                     /\  /\                 
M         /\     _P        #_  #_  #_    _P#_  #_ /\      /\ 
M_P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_  #_ /\      /\ 
M /\ _P    #_     /\                         _P              
M                _P                                          
M                                                        _P  
M                      #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_  #_  #_ /\ _P  
M    __\   #___\      /\   #_      #_              #_  #_    
M  #_         /\      /\  /\  /\  /\       #_                
M                                 /\              /\  /\     
M          #_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ 
M_P#__P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  
M_P#_      #_ /\  /\ _P          _P                  _P      
M         /\       #_            _P    #_                    
M                                         /\                 
M            _P   /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\      /\         
M              #_ /\ _P#__P   /__  #_            _P        #_
M /\   #_                _P   /\   #_                      #_
M    _P                                                      
M                _P                                          
M  #_     /\   #_  #_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\     _P              
M_P   /\                                               #_    
M    _P      _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\       #_ /__    __\     _P  
M /\      /\   #_      #_     /\   #_ /\      /\         _P  
M_P  _P  _P  _P#_                                            
M     /\  /\             _P  _P  _P                          
M  #_             /\           #_     /\       #_    _P#_  #_
M /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#__P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ 
M__\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P       /\ _P  
M_P   /\      /\                  /\   #_  #_                
M            _P  _P                                          
M                                                    _P  _P#_
M /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P  _P  _P  _P#_  #_         /\  /\  /\     
M__\   #___\      /\   #_      #_             /\   #_      #_
M         /\           #_              #_                    
M                                                  #_        
M                                                     /\     
M_P#_  #_ /\   #_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M__\ _P#__P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P  _P#_  #_    
M    _P#_ /\               #_                  #_            
M                            _P    #_         /\             
M                                    _P                      
M                    _P  _P           /\   #_ /\       #_ /\ 
M_P       /\  /\ _P#__P   /__  #_            _P       /\ _P#_
M             /\     _P   /\   #_  #_  #_    _P#_     /\     
M    _P#_                                                  #_
M                _P    #_  #_  #_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\   #_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P  _P   /\             _P  
M                                         /\       #_    _P  
M                                  #_        _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_
M      #_ /\  /\     _P  _P   /\     ____    __\     _P   /\ 
M     /\  /\         _P   /\  /\          /\                 
M        _P                                                #_
M  #_              #_         /\                             
M      #_              #_  #_    _P   /\  /\      /\  /\ _P  
M_P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ ____ /__ /\ __\ _P#_
M_P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /__ /\   #_  #_                    
M     /\   #_      #_  #_    _P       /\   #_                
M                                             /\           #_
M            _P       /\  /\  /\   #_    _P#_ /\  /\ _P  __\ 
M  #___\      /\   #_              #_     /\         _P#_    
M     /\  /\  /\   #_                                        
M                                        _P#_ /\             
M                                _P                       /\ 
M  #_ /\     _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /__ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\  /\   #_  #_  #_
M /\ _P      _P  _P  _P                              _P      
M                          #_  #_ /\                         
M         /\         _P#_ /\ _P    #_ /\  /\     _P   /\ _P  
M    _P      _P#__P   /__  #_            _P  _P  _P#_    _P  
M    _P  _P      _P   /\           #_    _P                  
M                                  #_  #_                    
M                                      #_                    
M      #_    _P   /\ _P   /\ _P    #_  #_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ __\ __\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\   #_ /\              /\ _P           /\       #_        
M                  #_                                        
M                                                  #_        
M            _P                   /\  /\  /\     _P#_     /\ 
M    _P   /\     _P  _P   /\ _P   /__    __\     _P   /\     
M                 /\                  /\     _P  _P          
M              #_    _P   /\                                 
M             /\  /\  /\     _P           /\ _P  _P#_    _P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P#_ /\      /\      /\           #_    
M    _P           /\   #_    _P                              
M      #_ /\ _P#_                                            
M  #_      #_ /\   #_ /\   #_    _P  _P  _P#_    _P#___\   #_
M__\      /\   #_  #_  #_      #_      #_  #_    _P#_        
M_P       /\                                                 
M          #_  #_                    _P#_ /\                 
M                        _P                        #_ /\   #_
M      #_ /\ _P   /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__ /\ _P#__P#_
M_P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\  /\     _P  _P#_ /\ 
M         /\     _P        #_                         /\     
M    _P                                  _P                  
M    _P               /\ _P#_     /\  /\   #_ /\ _P#_    _P#_
M    _P#_  #__P   /__  #_                    _P#_    _P      
M    _P      _P  _P    #_                                    
M                                                  #_        
M  #_  #_      #_    _P#_        _P#_    _P#_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ _P  _P      
M    _P  _P          _P  _P    #_                            
M                                             /\   #_        
M                                              #_            
M                          #_    _P   /\   #_  #_ /\  /\     
M_P          _P      _P      ____    __\     _P   /\  /\  /\ 
M             /\  /\   #_              #_    _P              
M                                              #_  #_        
M            _P#_                                    _P   /\ 
M     /\  /\      /\                   #_  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M  #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#__P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_  #_
M /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P  _P        #_    _P                   /\ 
M /\      /\     _P           /\     _P                      
M      #_                                                    
M                          #_                                
M            _P  _P#_ /\ _P  _P  _P#_  #_ /\ _P  __\   #___\ 
M     /\           #_  #_  #_          #_    _P#_  #_  #_    
M                                 /\ _P                      
M                                _P            #_ /\   #_    
M              #_  #_ /\  /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ __\ _P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P          _P    #_  #_    _P    #_
M      #_ /\ _P                          _P                  
M                              #_                            
M                          #_                                
M /\              /\ _P#_ /\ _P   /\         _P  _P    #_    
M_P  _P#__P   /__  #_        _P  _P              _P  _P      
M                     /\  /\   #_             /\ _P        #_
M                         /\           #_                  #_
M  #_      #_      #_ /\ _P#_ /\          /\  /\  /\ _P#_ /\ 
M_P#_ /\ __\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P        #_      #_      #_
M /\                  /\                     _P    #_        
M                                          #_  #_          #_
M                                          #_                
M                                        _P  _P   /\   #_ /\ 
M_P  _P  _P#_  #_    _P  ____    __\     _P  _P       /\  /\ 
M /\          /\   #_  #_ /\  /\  /\                         
M                                              #_            
M        _P  _P                #_                  #_        
M  #_         /\                   #_ /\  /\       #_  #_ /\ 
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_    _P#_ /\ _P#_
M    _P#_    _P#_      #_  #_    _P                          
M                      #_     /\                             
M                      #_                _P          _P      
M     /\ _P  _P      _P#_      #_  #_  #_    __\   #___\     
M      #_              #_  #_      #_                        
M                                                        _P  
M_P                   /\     _P                              
M              #_         /\  /\       #_     /\   #_        
M_P#_  #_                                    _P  _P#_ /\     
M    _P                #_  #_  #_     /\                     
M  #_ /\  /\  /\  /\             _P  _P                      
M                  #_     /\ _P  _P                          
M      #_     /\   #_ /\      /\  /\ _P      _P#_  #_  #_    
M_P#__P   /__  #_  #_  #_    _P  _P  _P          _P       /\ 
M /\ _P  _P                                                  
M                  #_ /\  /\               #_  #_    _P      
M      #_            _P   /\           #_             /\     
M /\   #_        _P    #_     /\  /\  /\   #_ /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_
M /\   #_          #_      #_ /\ _P  _P#_      #_     /\     
M  #_  #_      #_  #_                         /\             
M     /\                                  /\                 
M                                      #_                  #_
M              #_                    _P   /\ _P#_    _P  _P#_
M /\   #_  #_  #_ /\  /__    __\                          /\ 
M /\      /\  /\                                             
M                                _P#_                     /\ 
M /\                                                         
M    _P                        #_      #_  #_ /\             
M        _P                       /\ _P  _P  _P      _P#_  #_
M  #_  #_ /\     _P#_         /\                             
M                                _P                          
M    _P  _P    #_                                            
M_P                                           /\ _P       /\ 
M_P   /\ _P    #_    _P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P#___\   #___\  /\  /\ 
M  #_  #_  #_          #_     /\     _P  _P                  
M                                                         /\ 
M_P                   /\  /\                                 
M        _P   /\   #_        _P    #_     /\   #_      #_    
M /\ _P  _P  _P  _P      _P   /\ _P#_ /\  /\   #_ /\ _P    #_
M /\   #_         /\ _P          _P        #_              #_
M /\  /\  /\      /\       #_  #_         /\                 
M /\   #_             /\     _P#_    _P    #_      #_      #_
M_P   /__          #_            _P  _P      _P      _P      
M        _P#_ /\                     _P   /\                 
M                _P   /\                   #_                
M  #_      #_     /\      /\          /\ _P    #_  #_        
M_P#_          #_      #_ /\ _P#_ /\       #_ /\ _P        #_
M     /\     _P#_                _P       /\           #_    
M                                     /\                     
M                                  #_                     /\ 
M            _P        #_             /\  /\ _P   /\ _P  _P#_
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P#_ /__    __\ _P  _P       /\  /\          /\ 
M     /\ _P    #_                                            
M                                                    _P  _P  
M     /\                                     _P   /\   #_    
M         /\   #_          #_            _P  _P#_  #_        
M  #_         /\ _P       /\   #_  #_  #_                _P#_
M            _P#_            _P       /\  /\                 
M_P  _P    #_  #_                                        _P  
M             /\                   #_ /\              /\  /\ 
M    _P    #_  #_      #_ /\     _P#___\   #__P       /\  /\ 
M      #_  #_      #_          #_                            
M                                            _P#_ /\  /\     
M              #_ /\ _P                #_                    
M                 /\                       #_        _P  _P  
M_P    #_        _P       /\  /\ _P  _P#_     /\ _P#_  #_    
M /\ _P#_ /\ _P       /\     _P       /\                     
M                 /\      /\         _P                      
M                                                          #_
M  #_             /\ _P  _P#_  #_    _P#_     /\ _P    #__P  
M /__  #_            _P          _P      _P  _P#_            
M                            _P#_                            
M          #_             /\             _P  _P        #_    
M      #_              #_  #_  #_      #_      #_            
M_P       /\   #_ /\   #_          #_ /\     _P              
M_P      _P  _P   /\         _P                              
M      #_                            _P      _P    #_        
M                              #_                    _P      
M        _P   /\         _P       /\   #_  #_ /\   #_  #_ /\ 
M_P  _P  _P#_ /__    __\     _P  _P  _P   /\  /\      /\     
M                    _P#_ /\  /\                   #_ /\ _P  
M                                                _P   /\     
M        _P      _P    #_    _P      _P#_ /\      /\         
M        _P#_  #_  #_ /\ _P    #_ /\  /\      /\ _P#_        
M_P      _P#_                             /\          /\     
M        _P                   /\ _P                    #_  #_
M      #_  #_        _P    #_  #___\   #___\                 
M      #_      #_  #_  #_  #_                                
M    _P                           /\                   #_    
M                _P                   /\             _P      
M  #_ /\     _P      _P        #_  #_    _P  _P  _P       /\ 
M  #_         /\ _P      _P          _P   /\   #_  #_ /\     
M                                      #_                    
M                 /\             _P                          
M         /\ _P                                  _P       /\ 
M        _P    #_  #_ /\ _P#_  #_ /\ _P  _P#_  #_ /___P   /__
M  #_  #_  #_    _P  _P   /\ _P    #_     /\                 
M                                                        _P#_
M /\  /\                  /\   #_                            
M                 /\                   #_  #_      #_        
M  #_  #_         /\   #_ /\ _P    #_      #_      #_    _P  
M    _P#_ /\ _P    #_ /\   #_ /\         _P                  
M                      #_     /\     _P                      
M                                         /\   #_            
M                                                _P          
M    _P   /\       #_  #_     /\   #_  #_      #_ /\  /\ _P#_
M  #_     /__    __\             _P       /\      /\      /\ 
M                                        _P  _P#_    _P      
M         /\                  /\          /\   #_    _P      
M     /\           #_             /\   #_    _P    #_        
M     /\     _P#_  #_             /\ _P    #_            _P  
M     /\  /\      /\  /\  /\                                 
M                      #_                             /\     
M        _P                                  _P              
M    _P                   /\ _P                    #_  #_    
M_P#_     /\   #_  #_ /\ _P#___\   #___\  /\  /\       #_    
M          #_                                                
M                                _P#_ /\ _P                  
M      #_                                                    
M                  #_            _P       /\     _P          
M    _P#_                            _P  _P#_ /\ _P#_     /\ 
M     /\  /\ _P      _P                              _P      
M            _P               /\                             
M     /\                               #_             /\     
M     /\      /\ _P#_ /\ _P  _P#_     /\   #_  #__P   /__    
M_P    #_  #_    _P   /\ _P  _P  _P  _P                      
M                  #_ /\                                     
M            _P        #_    _P   /\      /\           #_    
M  #_          #_  #_      #_  #_ /\  /\      /\      /\   #_
M                _P   /\             _P            #_        
M_P    #_      #_    _P                                      
M                                                _P#_        
M                        _P  _P          _P#_                
M_P            #_          #_ /\   #_        _P    #_ /\   #_
M  #_ /__    __\ _P   /\           #_ /\       #_            
M        _P#_ /\ _P                #_      #_  #_            
M    _P  _P       /\     _P   /\         _P#_  #_            
M        _P    #_        _P#_ /\ _P    #_    _P    #_        
M_P   /\      /\      /\                     _P              
M_P            #_        _P                            #_    
M    _P                                  _P                  
M                _P      _P          _P            #_  #_ /\ 
M_P  _P#_ /\ _P#_ /\  /\ __\   #__P  _P    #_ /\   #_        
M_P#_    _P#_                                                
M                                                         /\ 
M_P                                    #_             /\  /\ 
M         /\   #_                                            
M /\  /\  /\          /\               #_ /\           #_    
M     /\       #_                  #_                    _P  
M      #_                                                    
M  #_              #_            _P#_             /\         
M /\      /\  /\  /\ _P  _P       /\  /\  /___P   /__     /\ 
M      #_     /\ _P                                          
M                                            _P#_ /\         
M              #_                                            
M     /\                 _P                        #_     /\ 
M     /\   #_  #_          #_  #_  #_            _P    #_    
M     /\   #_      #_      #_             /\             _P  
M        _P                                               /\ 
M                         /\                 _P#_ /\      /\ 
M                _P                  _P  _P        #_        
M          #_          #_ /\  /\  /\     _P#_  #_ /\  /\ _P  
M____    __\  /\          /\  /\           #_  #_            
M         /\ _P               /\         _P                  
M              #_             /\                   #_    _P  
M_P                  _P              _P  _P#_     /\         
M          #_     /\  /\   #_     /\     _P       /\     _P  
M     /\  /\       #_  #_              #_                    
M      #_                _P                                  
M                                     /\             _P      
M      #_    _P      _P      _P  _P       /\      /\  /\ _P#_
M  #_ /\  /\ _P  _P  __\   #___\     _P#_ /\          /\ _P#_
M  #_              #_                                        
M                      #_ /\                       #_ /\ _P  
M                                                        _P  
M                                 /\                         
M /\  /\      /\                                  /\   #_    
M                                                 /\         
M            _P                                              
M        _P    #_    _P   /\                              /\ 
M             /\             _P                           /\ 
M    _P   /\ _P#_     /\  /\ _P  _P  _P#__P   /__    _P      
M    _P   /\                 _P          _P                  
M                      #_              #_ /\  /\             
M     /\           #_            _P       /\                 
M /\             _P    #_    _P        #_      #_     /\     
M                    _P  _P               /\      /\ _P      
M              #_    _P                                      
M                                         /\      /\         
M          #_                    _P        #_ /\ _P        #_
M  #_  #_  #_        _P   /\ _P    #_ /\  /\ _P  _P  _P#_ /__
M    __\ _P    #_ /\ _P   /\  /\ _P#_ /\   #_                
M                         /\  /\ _P                          
M                              #_          #_                
M                _P        #_             /\ _P  _P   /\     
M                _P  _P  _P   /\   #_          #_      #_    
M    _P           /\                         _P              
M      #_         /\                                         
M    _P                           /\ _P    #_    _P          
M    _P        #_        _P          _P    #_    _P#_ /\ _P  
M_P  _P  _P#_  #___\   #__P    #_          #_              #_
M              #_                                            
M              #_ /\ _P                        #_     /\     
M      #_        _P                                #_     /\ 
M    _P#_ /\                                                 
M_P       /\      /\         _P           /\                 
M                    _P          _P                          
M            _P    #_ /\           #_  #_     /\         _P#_
M    _P   /\     _P  _P  _P#_  #_  #__P   /__  #_      #_  #_
M     /\ _P  _P        #_                                    
M                 /\                   #_ /\                 
M /\     _P                                                  
M      #_     /\                                             
M                                 /\              /\         
M     /\   #_          #_                _P          _P      
M         /\   #_                                 /\         
M                    _P        #_          #_                
M        _P              _P#_            _P  _P       /\     
M /\         _P  _P    #_ /\  /\ _P  _P  _P#_  #_  #_ /__    
M____      #_         /\          /\  /\               #_    
M                                                  #_ /\     
M                      #_  #_                                
M             /\                      /\          /\         
M                 /\                  /\ _P#_ /\ _P          
M                  #_             /\                 _P      
M  #_                                                        
M                    _P                               /\   #_
M     /\              /\      /\ _P  _P          _P   /\ _P  
M         /\      /\ _P  _P      _P    #_    _P  _P  _P  _P#_
M  #_  #_ /\ __\   #__P    #_  #_ /\  /\     _P#_  #_        
M             /\  /\                       #_                
M                                      #_                    
M    _P  _P  _P   /\                                     _P  
M  #_  #_        _P                                #_        
M                         /\                                 
M /\                 _P      _P                #_            
M              #_  #_            _P                  _P#_    
M_P  _P  _P  _P#_  #_  #_ /\  /___P   /__  #_          #_    
M_P      _P  _P   /\                       #_                
M              #_             /\  /\                      /\ 
M  #_                                         /\             
M        _P           /\           #_                        
M_P           /\   #_        _P            #_                
M /\  /\          /\                         _P            #_
M                                                    _P      
M                             /\       #_                    
M  #_    _P          _P#_      #_  #_         /\ _P   /\ _P#_
M  #_    _P  _P      _P  _P  _P#_  #_  #_ /\  /\ ____    ____
M  #_ /\   #_     /\     _P                        #_        
M    _P  _P                          _P       /\  /\         
M                  #_    _P                                  
M                                        _P  _P  _P  _P      
M                             /\           #_     /\      /\ 
M         /\              /\                                 
M                                                      #_    
M_P    #_                 /\  /\   #_          #_  #_     /\ 
M        _P                  _P    #_    _P  _P#_  #_  #_ /\ 
M /\ _P  __\   #_____________________________________________
M_____________________________P   /__________________________

ScrollDataItem. 622405377   1097  100   100777  33693     `
% A large portion of this code originaly came from:
%%%%  This code was mostly written in August 1987 but was revised to work with
%%%%  NeWS 1.1 in May 1988.  Feel free to use it as you will.
%%%%  Bruce V. Schwartz
%%%%  Sun Microsystems
%%%%  bvs@sun.com
%  Feel free to use this code as you like. Any questions, bugs, ideas,
%  problems, whatever would be grealy appreciated.
%  Bret K. Thaeler
%  Los Alamos National Labs (MEE-10)
%  thaeler@hc.dspo.gov
% This is VERSION 1.1.....
% ScrollDataItem:
%	This item provides a simple way to display information in a 
%	scrollable data item. Furthermore the data display may be selected
%	causing it to by highlight and a notify routine to be called.
% Usefull methods:
%	parent_canvas notify_proc /new => instance
%	array,string /setdata => -
%		Array is an array of the data to be displayed. Each element
%		of the array can have the following forms...
%			string		-- display a simple string in scroll area.
%			array		-- parse each elemnt of the array in RIGHT
%							to LEFT order. Each element of the array
%							can be of the following forms...
%				string	-- display a simple string
%				array	-- parse array righ to left
%				color	-- set color for future commands
%				font	-- set font for future text
%				x y		-- perform a releative move by x y
%				/name	-- display icon called 'name'
%		A given entry may be as complex as you want with multiple
%		strings being display in different fonts with different colors
%		all moved around with respect to each other intermixed with
%		icons. Even very comples entries are considered as ONE object
%		for the purposes of selecting it..
%		WARNING: markers may NOT be used in the arrays. If the are the
%		item will stop displaying at that point while leaving trash
%		on the stack...
%	item_number /deleteitem => -
%		Delete an item from the list of displayable objects.
%		If the item_number is out of range then the command will
%		be ignored. item_number is zero referenced.
%	array,string item_number /additem => -
%		Add an item to the list of displayable objects.
%		The item added will appear BEFORE or above the item forwhich
%		the item_number is specified. To append an item to the list
%		you must add the item before the the first item after the
%		end of the list. No blank nodes will be added. If you add
%		an item to the list before an item that past the end
%		of the list then a suffecient number of EMPTY entries will
%		be added to the list to allow the new entry to be added.
%	array,string item_number /changeitem => -
%		Replace the object associated with an item. If the 
%		item_number is out of range this command is ignored.
%	- /getdata => array
%		Array that has been build up with with setdata and the
%		change data routines.
%	x y w h /reshape => -
%		Move and reshape the item...
% Usefull Class and instance variables:
%	/AllowMultipleSelect?	(default false)
%		If this is set to true then the user can selected move
%		then one object. If this is false then selecting a different
%		object unselects the previous one.
%		WARNING: This command MUST be issued before any data is
%		downloaded set with /setdata. Else a /DeclareItemValueArray
%		must be issued.
%	/HScrollBar?			(default true)
%	/VScrollBar?			(default true)
%		Should these scroll bars be displayed...
%	/BufferColor			(default 1 1 1 rgbcolor)
%		Background color to be used for the scroll area
%	/ItemTextColor			(default 0 0 0 rgbcolor)
%		Default color to be used by ites in the scroll area.
%	/ItemHighLightColor		(default 0 0 0 rgbcolor)
%		When an item is selected the background behind the item is
%		filled with this color. The item it then draw with a default
%		color of 'BufferColor'
%	/ItemLabel				(default null)
%		A label used at the top of the item
%	/ItemLabelFont			(default Times-Roman.12)
%		The font used to display the item label
%	/ItemLabelColor			(default 0 0 0 rgbcolor)
%		The color used to display the item label
%	/ShowItemSeperators		(default false)
%		Should seperator lines be draw between items
%		in the scroll area.
%	/ItemSpacing			(default 4)
%		How much extra space should every item in the scroll
%		area be seperated by.
%	/ItemBorderColor		(default 0 0 0 rgbcolor)
%		Color of the item border.
%	/ItemFillColor			(default 1 1 1 rgbcolor)
%		Color to be used to fill scroll areas and item label.
%	/ItemValue
%		Value of last item selected. (zero referenced)
%		Possible values for this variables may include 'null'
%		which would indicate that nothing has been selected or
%		0-x indicating the item selected.
%	/ItemValueArray
%		Array of items selected. This item ONLY exists if
%		'AllowMultipleSelect?' is set true. Possible values for
%		elements of this array include 0 or 'null' indicating
%		that the item is not selected. A 1 indicates that the
%		item has been selected.
%	For changes to the following variables to be seen a
%	/ShowObjectData call must be issued:
%		/BufferColor, /ItemTextColor, /ItemHighLightColor
%		/ShowItemSeperators, /ItemSpacing
%	For changes to the following variables to be seen a
%	/ReshapeScrollbars or /reshape call must be issued:
%		/ItemLabel, /ItemLabelFont, /HScrollbar?, /VScrollbar?
% Example:
%	% can is assumed to be a predefined canvas.
%   /foo can {ItemValue (%\n) printf} /new ScrollDataItem send def
%   {
%	   /AllowMultipleSelect? true def
%  	   /HScrollbar? false def
%  	   /BufferColor 1 1 0 rgbcolor def
%	   /ItemTextColor 0 0 1 rgbcolor def
%	   /ItemHighLightColor .7 .7 .7 rgbcolor def
%	   /ItemLabel (This is a TEST []) def
%	   /ItemLabelFont /Times-Bold findfont 24 scalefont def
%	   /ItemLabelColor 1 0 0 rgbcolor def
%	   % calling reshape here means we don't have to call /ReshapeScrollbars
%	   50 50 200 315 reshape
%	   /ShowItemSeperators true def
%   } foo send
%   /fooa [foo] def
%   /foom fooa forkitems def
%   fooa paintitems
%   [
%   	(hello)
%   	[(hello) 20 0 (there)]
%   	[(hello small) /Times-Roman findfont 10 scalefont]
%   	[(hello big) /Times-Bold findfont 30 scalefont]
%   	[(hello red) 1 0 0 rgbcolor]
%   	[(hello 1) /Times-Bold findfont 10 scalefont
%   	(hello 2) /Times-Italic findfont 20 scalefont]
%   	[(hello 3) /Times-Bold findfont 10 scalefont
%   	  20 20
%   	  (hello 4) /Times-Italic findfont 20 scalefont]
%   	[/boy1 /boy2]
%   	[/horse5 0 1 0 rgbcolor]
%   ] /setdata foo send
%   (padding) 30 /additem foo send
%   } def

systemdict /SimpleScrollbar known not { (NeWS/liteitem.ps) run} if

/PicScrollbar SimpleScrollbar %							ptag=<PicScrollbar>
	/MouseInItem? false def
	/ScrollMonitor null def
	/ScrollProcess null def
    /ScrollDelay 1 60 div 20 div def % 1/10 second
    /LastX null def
    /LastY null def
    /new {
        /new super send
            /ScrollMonitor createmonitor def
    } def

	/StartItem {
		TrackInterests {
			exch pop
			/ClientData get begin
				/MyOwner /MyOwner GetFromCurrentEvent def
		} forall
		/StartItem super send
		/maketrackinterests self send
	} def

    /ClientDown { % - => -
            XLocation YLocation 
        /LastY exch def
        /LastX exch def
        /MouseInItem? true def

        ScrollMonitor {
            ScrollProcess null ne {
                ScrollProcess killprocess
            } if
            /ScrollProcess { 
            } fork def
        } monitor
    } def

    /InteractiveScroll {
            ScrollDelay sleep
            ScrollMonitor { 
                EventInItem? { 
                } if 
            } monitor
        } loop 
    } def

    /ClientUp { % - => - 
        ScrollMonitor { 
            ScrollProcess null ne {
                ScrollProcess killprocess 
            } if
            /ScrollProcess null def
        } monitor
        /MouseInItem? false def
        ItemValue ItemInitialValue ne { 
            % This is used when we are using this scroll bar in other items...
			% NOTE: If we are in the context of an event then the opperand
			%       stack should look like:
			%              |- EventMgrDict ... mark ...
			%       If We are not in the context of an event the
			%       'GetFromCurrentEvent' will error out after pushing the
			%       first object on the opperand stack onto the stack again.
			%       This will result in pushing an extra mark onto the stack...
			%       Look in 'GetFromCurrentEvent', 'CurrentEvent',
			%       'EventMgrDict'.
				count 1 sub index type /dicttype eq {
					mark {
						/Notify /MyOwner GetFromCurrentEvent send
					} stopped pop cleartomark
				} if
        } if
    } def

    /ClientDrag { % - => -
            XLocation YLocation 
        /LastY exch def
        /LastX exch def
    } def

    /PaintBar { } def
    /EraseBox { } def
    /PaintButtons {
        /PaintButtons super send 
    } def

    /PaintBox { % - => - (paint box)
            10 dict 

                /x 1 def
                /w ItemWidth 2 sub def

                % fill in the whole bar
                ItemFillColor setcolor
                x ButtonSize w ItemHeight ButtonSize dup add sub rectpath fill

                % fill in the view_window bar
                BarViewPercent 1 gt {
                    .5 setgray
                    x ButtonSize w ItemHeight ButtonSize dup add sub 
                    rectpath fill
                } {
                    ItemValue BarMin sub BarMax BarMin sub div 
                    BarViewPercent mul /lower exch def

                    /y ItemValue ValueToY def

                    ItemHeight ButtonSize dup add BoxSize add sub dup
                    lower mul /d exch def
                    BarViewPercent mul /h exch def

                    .5 setgray
                    x y d sub w h BoxSize add rectpath fill
                } ifelse

                % fill in the small scroll box
                ItemValue BoxPath
                BoxFillColor setcolor gsave fill grestore
                ItemBorderColor setcolor eofill
            /ItemPaintedValue ItemValue def

        % This is used when we are using this scroll bar in other items...
		% NOTE: If we are in the context of an event then the opperand
		%       stack should look like:
		%              |- EventMgrDict ... mark ...
		%       If We are not in the context of an event the
		%       'GetFromCurrentEvent' will error out after pushing the
		%       first object on the opperand stack onto the stack again.
		%       This will result in pushing an extra mark onto the stack...
		%       Look in 'GetFromCurrentEvent', 'CurrentEvent', 'EventMgrDict'.
			count 1 sub index type /dicttype eq {
				mark {
					/Notify /MyOwner GetFromCurrentEvent send
				} stopped pop cleartomark
			} if
	} def

		/EventInItem? { % - => bool
				/ScrollAbsolute { 
				/ScrollPageForward % top
					LastX dup 0 ge exch ButtonSize le
					LastY ItemValue ValueToY ButtonSize add ge
					LastY ItemHeight ButtonSize sub le
					and and and
				/ScrollPageBackward % bottom
					LastX dup 0 ge exch ButtonSize le
					LastY ButtonSize ge
					LastY ItemValue ValueToY le
					and and and
				/ScrollLineForward % top
					LastX 0 ge
					LastX ButtonSize le
					LastY ItemHeight ButtonSize sub ge
					LastY ItemHeight le
					and and and
				/ScrollLineBackward % bottom
					LastX 0 ge
					LastX ButtonSize le
					LastY 0 ge
					LastY ButtonSize le
					and and and
			} case
		} def 

		/CheckItem {
				/ScrollAbsolute {
				/ScrollPageForward % top
					/MouseInItem? EventInItem? def
				/ScrollPageBackward % bottom
					/MouseInItem? EventInItem? def
				/ScrollLineForward % top
					EventInItem? dup
						MouseInItem? not { 
						} if 
						MouseInItem? { 
						} if 
					/MouseInItem? exch def
				/ScrollLineBackward % bottom
					EventInItem? dup
						MouseInItem? not { 
						} if 
						MouseInItem? { 
						} if 
					/MouseInItem? exch def
			} case
		} def 

		/HiliteItem {
				/ScrollAbsolute { }
				/ScrollPageForward { }
				/ScrollPageBackward { }
				/ScrollLineForward % top
					0 ItemHeight ButtonSize ButtonSize neg rectpath
					5 setrasteropcode fill
				/ScrollLineBackward % bottom
					0 0 ButtonSize ButtonSize rectpath
					5 setrasteropcode fill
			} case
		} def

		/UnhiliteItem {
					/ScrollAbsolute {}
					/ScrollPageForward {}
					/ScrollPageBackward {}
					/ScrollLineForward % top
						0 ItemHeight ButtonSize sub ButtonSize ButtonSize rectpath
					/ScrollLineBackward % bottom
						0 0 ButtonSize ButtonSize rectpath
				} case
		} def


	/ScrollRegionItem Item %							ptag=<ScrollRegionItem>
		/BufferCanvas null def
		/BufferWidth 0 def
		/BufferHeight 0 def

		/HScrollbar null def
		/VScrollbar null def
		/HScrollbar? true def
		/VScrollbar? true def
		/HScrollWidth 0 def
		/VScrollWidth 0 def

		/ScrollWidth 16 def
		/ZoomFactor 1 def

		/LabelHeight 0 def		% this gets set in 'ReshapeScrollbars'...

		/ItemLabel null def
		/ItemLabelColor 0 0 0 rgbcolor def
		/ItemLabelFont /Times-Roman findfont 12 scalefont def

		% /fontoffset { % font => offset
		% 	dup fontheight exch /FontBBox get 0 get mul neg
		% } def

		/NotifyUserDown { % x y => -
			pop pop 
		} def

		/NotifyUserUp {  % x y => -
			pop pop 
		} def

		/NotifyUserDrag {  % x y => -
			pop pop 
		} def

		/NotifyUserEnter {  % x y => -
			pop pop 
		} def

		/NotifyUserExit {  % x y => -
			pop pop 
		} def

		/new { % parentcanvas width height => instance
			/new super send
				/BufferHeight ItemHeight def
				/BufferWidth ItemWidth def
		} def

		/destroy {
			% HScrollbar null ne { 
			%     null /setowner HScrollbar send 
			% } if
			% VScrollbar null ne { 
			%     null /setowner VScrollbar send 
			% } if
			%% BufferCanvas /Mapped false put
			%% /BufferCanvas null def
		} def

		/setzoom { % zoomfactor => -
			/ZoomFactor exch def
		} def

		/reshape { % x y w h => -
			/reshape super send
		} def

		/reshapebuffer { % w h => -
			/BufferHeight exch def
			/BufferWidth exch def
		} def

		/getcanvas {
		} def

		/updatecanvas {
		} def

		/makestartinterests { 
			/makestartinterests HScrollbar send
			/makestartinterests VScrollbar send
			[ exch aload length 2 add -1 roll aload pop ] % join 2 arrays
			dup {
				/MyOwner self PutInEventMgrInterest
			} forall
			/makestartinterests super send
			[ exch aload length 2 add -1 roll aload pop ] % join 2 arrays
		} def

		/PaintItem {
				/paint VScrollbar send
				/paint HScrollbar send

				% paint the outline
				ItemCanvas setcanvas
				ItemBorderColor setcolor
				0 HScrollWidth 1 add
				ItemWidth VScrollWidth sub
				ItemHeight HScrollWidth sub LabelHeight sub 1 sub
				rectpath stroke

				ItemLabel null ne {
					% paint the label area
					ItemFillColor setcolor
					0 ItemHeight LabelHeight sub 2 sub
					LabelHeight 2 add
					rectpath fill

					% paint the label outline
					ItemBorderColor setcolor
					0 ItemHeight LabelHeight sub 2 sub
					ItemWidth 1 sub
					LabelHeight 2 add
					rectpath stroke

					% paint the label text
					ItemLabelColor setcolor
					ItemLabelFont setfont
					ItemWidth ItemLabel stringwidth pop sub 2 div
					ItemHeight LabelHeight sub
					ItemLabelFont fontdescent add 1 sub moveto
					ItemLabel show
				} if
		} def

		/Notify {
			% (picture got notified\n) [] dbgprintf
		} def

		/PaintBuffer {
			% (PaintBuffer begin \n) [ ] dbgprintf
				ItemCanvas setcanvas

				% compute clipping region
				HScrollWidth 1 add
				ItemWidth VScrollWidth sub 2 sub
				LabelHeight 0 ne {
					ItemHeight HScrollWidth sub LabelHeight sub 4 sub
				} {
					ItemHeight HScrollWidth sub 2 sub
				} ifelse
				% (clip to % % % %\n) [ pathbbox ] dbgprintf

				% Clear the item....
				/BufferColor where {
					BufferColor fillcanvas
				} if

				% compute translation
				BufferWidth ZoomFactor mul ItemWidth sub VScrollWidth add neg
				dup 0 lt
					1 /getvalue HScrollbar send sub
					pop 0 
				} ifelse

				BufferHeight ZoomFactor mul ItemHeight sub
				HScrollWidth add LabelHeight add neg
				dup 0 lt
					1 /getvalue VScrollbar send sub
				{ } ifelse
				HScrollWidth add

				% 2 copy (translate by % %\n) [ 4 2 roll ] dbgprintf

				BufferWidth BufferHeight 
				% 2 copy (scale by % %\n) [ 4 2 roll ] dbgprintf
				ZoomFactor dup scale

				BufferCanvas imagecanvas
			% (PaintBuffer end\n) [ ] dbgprintf
		} def

		/CreateBuffer { % - => -
			/BufferCanvas framebuffer newcanvas def
			BufferCanvas /Retained true put
			BufferCanvas /Opaque true put

		} def

		/ReshapeBuffer { % - => -
				framebuffer setcanvas
				0 0 BufferWidth BufferHeight
				BufferCanvas reshapecanvas
		} def

		/CreateScrollbars { % - => - 
			% (begin CreateScrollbars\n) [] dbgprintf
			/HScrollWidth HScrollbar? { ScrollWidth } { 0 } ifelse def
			/VScrollWidth VScrollbar? { ScrollWidth } { 0 } ifelse def

			ItemWidth VScrollWidth le { /VScrollWidth ItemWidth 2 div def } if
			ItemHeight HScrollWidth le { /HScrollWidth ItemHeight 2 div def } if

				[1 0 .01 .1 ItemWidth VScrollWidth sub BufferWidth div ]
				1 {} ItemCanvas
				/new PicScrollbar send
				dup /BarVertical? false put
				[1 0 .01 .1 ItemHeight HScrollWidth sub BufferHeight div ]
				0 {} ItemCanvas
				/new PicScrollbar send

			% self /setowner HScrollbar send
			% self /setowner VScrollbar send
			% (end CreateScrollbars\n) [] dbgprintf
		} def

		/ReshapeScrollbars {
			/HScrollWidth HScrollbar? { ScrollWidth } { 0 } ifelse def
			/VScrollWidth VScrollbar? { ScrollWidth } { 0 } ifelse def
			/LabelHeight ItemLabelFont null ne ItemLabel null ne and
			{ItemLabelFont fontheight} {0} ifelse def

			ItemWidth VScrollWidth le { /VScrollWidth ItemWidth 2 div def } if
			ItemHeight HScrollWidth le { /HScrollWidth ItemHeight 2 div def } if
			ItemHeight LabelHeight HScrollWidth add le {
				/LabelHeight ItemHeight 4 div def
			} if

			10 dict 
				/h ItemHeight def 
				/w ItemWidth def

				[1 0 .01 .1 ItemWidth VScrollWidth sub BufferWidth div ]
				/setrange HScrollbar send
				[1 0 .01 .1 ItemHeight HScrollWidth sub LabelHeight sub
				BufferHeight div ]
				/setrange VScrollbar send

					{ 0 0 w VScrollWidth sub HScrollWidth }
					{ 0 0 0 0 }
				% 4 copy (hscroll % % % %\n) [ 6 2 roll ] dbgprintf
				/reshape HScrollbar send

				LabelHeight 0 ne {
						{ w VScrollWidth sub HScrollWidth
						  VScrollWidth h HScrollWidth sub LabelHeight sub 2 sub}
						{ 0 0 0 0 }
				} {
						{ w VScrollWidth sub HScrollWidth
						  VScrollWidth h HScrollWidth sub}
						{ 0 0 0 0 }
				} ifelse
				% 4 copy (vscroll % % % %\n) [ 6 2 roll ] dbgprintf
			/reshape VScrollbar send
		} def

		/ClientDown {
			% (Picture ClientDown\n) [] dbgprintf

			% compute translation
			BufferWidth ZoomFactor mul ItemWidth sub VScrollWidth add neg
			dup 0 lt
				1 /getvalue HScrollbar send sub
				pop 0 
			} ifelse

			BufferHeight ZoomFactor mul ItemHeight sub
			HScrollWidth add LabelHeight add neg
			dup 0 lt
				1 /getvalue VScrollbar send sub
			{ } ifelse
			HScrollWidth add

			% translatex translatey
			CurrentEvent /YLocation get sub neg exch
			CurrentEvent /XLocation get sub neg exch
			2 copy
			/tmpy exch def
			/tmpx exch def
			% tmpx tmpy (tmpx % tmpy %\n) printf
			% (n: % %\n) [ tmpx tmpy ] dbgprintf
				/NotifyUserDown self send
			} fork

		} def

		/ClientUp {
			% (Picture ClientUp\n) [] dbgprintf
				XLocation YLocation 
			/NotifyUserUp self send
		} def

		/ClientDrag {
			% (client drag\n) [] dbgprintf
				XLocation YLocation 
			/NotifyUserDrag self send
		} def

		/ClientEnter {
			%% (client enter\n) [] dbgprintf
				XLocation YLocation 
			/NotifyUserEnter self send
		} def

		/ClientExit {
			%% (client exit\n) [] dbgprintf
				XLocation YLocation 
			/NotifyUserExit self send
		} def


	/ScrollDataItem ScrollRegionItem %					ptag=<ScrollDataItem>
		/ObjectData [] def
		/ObjectSizes [] def
		/ObjectOffsets [] def
		/LocalUserNotify {} def
		/NumItems 0 def
		/LastSelect null def
		/ItemValueArray [] def
		% Class variables

		/BufferColor 1 1 1 rgbcolor def
		/AllowMultipleSelect? false def
		/ItemHighLightColor 0 0 0 rgbcolor def
		/ItemSpacing 4 def
		/ShowItemSeperators false def

		% Methods

		/new { % parent_canvas notify => instence
			exch 1 1 /new super send
				/LocalUserNotify exch def
		} def

		/setdata { % array => -
			/ObjectData exch def
			/SizeAllData self send
			450 exch /reshapebuffer self send
			AllowMultipleSelect? {
				/DeclareItemValueArray self send
			} {
				/LastSelect null def
			} ifelse
			/ShowObjectData self send
		} def

		/getdata { % - => array
		} def

		% if item_number is out of bounds for the data then
		% the command will be ignored..
		% item_number is zero referenced.
		/deleteitem { % item_number => -
			10 dict begin
				/foo exch def
				/fool ObjectData length def
				foo 0 lt foo fool ge or not {
					% delete an item out of the ObjectData array
					/fooa fool 1 sub array def
					ObjectData 0 foo getinterval fooa copy pop
					ObjectData foo 1 add fool foo sub 1 sub getinterval
					fooa exch foo exch putinterval
					currentdict fooa end
					/ObjectData exch def begin

					% delete an item out of the ItemValueArray array
					AllowMultipleSelect? {
						/fooa fool 1 sub array def
						ItemValueArray 0 foo getinterval fooa copy pop
						ItemValueArray foo 1 add fool foo sub 1 sub getinterval
						fooa exch foo exch putinterval
						currentdict fooa end
						/ItemValueArray exch def begin
					} {
						ItemValue foo eq {
							/ItemValue null store
							/LastSelect null store
						} if
					} ifelse


					/SizeAllData self send
					450 exch /reshapebuffer self send

					/ShowObjectData self send
				} {
				} ifelse
		} def

		% add an item to the list
		% if we are adding past the end of the list then we expand
		% the list with empty strings to add the item.
		% item_number is zero referenced.
		% This is all very convluted code put hopefully we can deal with
		% anysized array. We should never load the array in part or in
		% in whole onto the operand stack...
		/additem { % item_label item_number => -
			10 dict begin
				% some helpfull constants
				/foon exch def
				/fooi exch def
				/fool ObjectData length def

				% if we are out of bounds then don't do anything
				foon 0 lt not {
					% check to see if we need to extend the array with
					% null strings.
					foon fool gt {
						/fooa foon array def
						ObjectData fooa copy pop
						currentdict fooa end
						/ObjectData exch def begin
						/fool foon def

						AllowMultipleSelect? {
							/fooa foon array def
							ItemValueArray fooa copy pop
							currentdict fooa end
							/ItemValueArray exch def begin
						} if
					} if

					% if we are inserting before the first element after
					% the end of the list then just append to the list
					foon fool eq {
						% append to list
						/fooa fool 1 add array def
						ObjectData fooa copy pop
						fooa fool fooi put
						currentdict fooa end
						/ObjectData exch def begin

						AllowMultipleSelect? {
							/fooa fool 1 add array def
							ItemValueArray fooa copy pop
							currentdict fooa end
							/ItemValueArray exch def begin
						} if
					} {
						% move the list down and insert an item.
						/fooa fool 1 add array def
						ObjectData 0 foon getinterval
						fooa copy pop
						ObjectData foon fool foon sub getinterval
						fooa exch foon 1 add exch putinterval
						fooa foon fooi put
						currentdict fooa end
						/ObjectData exch def begin

						AllowMultipleSelect? {
							/fooa fool 1 add array def
							ItemValueArray 0 foon getinterval
							fooa copy pop
							ItemValueArray foon fool foon sub getinterval
							fooa exch foon 1 add exch putinterval
							currentdict fooa end
							/ItemValueArray exch def begin
						} if
					} ifelse
					/SizeAllData self send
					450 exch /reshapebuffer self send
					/ShowObjectData self send
				} {
				} ifelse
		} def

		% Change an item..
		% If item does not allready exist then add it..
		% If item was selected is will remain selected..
		/changeitem { % item_label item_number => -
			10 dict begin
				/foon exch def
				/fooi exch def
				/fool ObjectData length def

				% are we out of bounds?
				foon 0 ge {
					% should we call additem?
					foon fool ge {
						% call additem.
						fooi foon end /additem self send
					} {
						% just change the item
						ObjectData foon fooi put
						/SizeAllData self send
						450 exch /reshapebuffer self send
						/ShowObjectData self send
					} ifelse
				} {
				} ifelse
		} def

		/DeclareItemValueArray { % - => -
			/ItemValueArray ObjectData length array def
			ObjectData length 0 ne {
				0 1 ObjectData length 1 sub {
					ItemValueArray exch 0 put
				} for
			} if
		} def

		/SizeAllData { % - => total_size
			/ObjectSizes ObjectData length array def
			/ObjectOffsets ObjectData length array def
			10 dict begin
				/t ItemSpacing def
				ObjectData length 0 ne {
						ItemFont setfont
						ObjectData length 1 sub -1 0 {
							/i exch def
							ObjectOffsets i t put
							ObjectData i get /ThingSize self send
							exch pop dup
							ObjectSizes i 3 -1 roll put
							t add ItemSpacing add /t exch def
						} for
				} if
		} def

		/ShowObjectData { % - => -
				% First we are going to fix up the buffer.

				% set up the defaults
				BufferCanvas setcanvas
				BufferColor fillcanvas
				ItemTextColor setcolor
				ItemFont setfont

				% loop over all the data items writing them out
				ObjectData length 0 ne {
					0 1 ObjectData length 1 sub {
					} for
				} if

				% go through and hilight those items that have been
				% selected.
				AllowMultipleSelect? {
					% Redraw all the multiple selected stuff.
					% Are the arrays the same length and are they
					% none zero. This is a sanity check.
					ItemValueArray length ObjectData length eq
					ObjectData length 0 ne and {
						% Loop over all the items finding highlighed
						% items and redrawing them.
						10 dict begin
							0 1 ObjectData length 1 sub {
								/i exch def
								ItemValueArray i get 1 eq {
									ItemHighLightColor setcolor i FillItemBox
									BufferColor setcolor i PutItemText
								} if
							} for
					} if
				} {
					% Redraw the single highlighted item.
					LastSelect null ne {
						ItemHighLightColor setcolor LastSelect FillItemBox
						BufferColor setcolor LastSelect PutItemText
					} if
				} ifelse

			% Now that we are finished with the buffer paint the
			% the buffer and the items as a whole onto the canvas.
			/PaintItem self send
		} def

		/ShowThingDict 20 dict dup begin
			/fonttype {setfont dup type exec} def
			/colortype {setcolor dup type exec} def
			/integertype {rmoveto dup type exec} def
			/realtype {rmoveto dup type exec} def
			/stringtype {
				0 currentfont fontdescent rmoveto
				0 currentfont fontdescent neg rmoveto
				dup type exec
			} def
			/nametype {
					iconfont setfont icondict exch get cvis dup show
					stringbbox 4 2 roll pop pop pop
				0 rmoveto

				dup type exec
			} def
			/arraytype {
				dup xcheck {
					/paint exch exec
					dup type exec
				} {
					aload pop dup type exec
				} ifelse
			} def
			/dicttype {/paint exch send dup type exec} def
			/marktype { pop } def
			/nulltype { pop dup type exec} def
		end def

		/ShowThing { % object => -
				ShowThingDict begin
					mark exch dup type exec
		} def

		/ThingSizeDict 20 dict dup begin
			/x 0 def
			/y 0 def
			/mx 0 def
			/my 0 def
			/fonttype {setfont dup type exec} def

			% /colortype {setcolor dup type exec} def
			% color shouldn't affect size.
			/colortype {pop dup type exec} def

			/integertype {
				y exch add /y exch def
				y my gt { /my y def } if

				x exch add /x exch def
				x mx gt { /mx x def } if

				dup type exec
			} def
			/realtype {
				y exch add /y exch def
				y my gt { /my y def } if

				x exch add /x exch def
				x mx gt { /mx x def } if

				dup type exec
			} def
			/stringtype {
				stringwidth pop
				x exch add
				/x exch def
				x mx gt { /mx x def } if

				currentfont fontheight
				y exch add
				dup my gt { /my exch def } { pop } ifelse

				dup type exec
			} def
			/nametype {
					iconfont setfont icondict exch get cvis
					stringbbox 							% x y w h

					y exch add 							% x y w y+h
					3 -1 roll							% x w y+h y
					neg dup 							% x w y+h -y -y
					3 1 roll add						% x w -y y+h+(-y)
					1 add
					dup my gt { /my exch def } { pop } ifelse
					y exch add /y exch def

					x exch add							% ... x x+w
					exch neg add						% ... x+w+(-x)
					/x exch def
					x mx gt { /mx x def } if

				dup type exec
			} def

			/arraytype {
				dup xcheck { % x y /size => x y mx my
					x y /size 4 -1 roll exec
					/my exch def
					/mx exch def
					/y exch def
					/x exch def

					dup type exec
				} {
					aload pop dup type exec
				} ifelse
			} def
			/dicttype {
				% x y /size => x y mx my
				x y /size 4 -1 roll send
				/my exch def
				/mx exch def
				/y exch def
				/x exch def

				dup type exec
			} def
			/marktype { pop } def
			/nulltype { pop dup type exec} def
		end def

		/ThingSize { % object => xoff yoff
				ThingSizeDict begin
					/x 0 def
					/y 0 def
					/mx 0 def
					/my 0 def
					mark exch dup type exec
					mx my
		} def

		/PutItemText { % item_number => -
			dup ObjectOffsets exch get
			5 exch moveto
			dup ObjectData exch get /ShowThing self send

			ShowItemSeperators {
				ObjectOffsets exch get 0 exch ItemSpacing 2 div sub moveto
				450 0 rlineto stroke
			} {
			} ifelse
		} def

		/FillItemBox { % item_number => -
			dup ObjectOffsets exch get
			0 exch ItemSpacing 2 div sub 1 sub moveto
			450 0 rlineto
			ObjectSizes exch get 0 exch ItemSpacing add rlineto
			-450 0 rlineto
			closepath fill
		} def

		/NotifyUserDown { % x y => -
				/FindItem self send
				BufferCanvas setcanvas
				ItemFont setfont

				AllowMultipleSelect? not {
					LastSelect null ne {
						BufferColor setcolor LastSelect FillItemBox
						ItemTextColor setcolor LastSelect PutItemText
					} if

					dup LastSelect eq {
						/LastSelect null def
						/ItemValue null def
					} {
						dup /LastSelect exch def
						/ItemValue exch def
						ItemValue null ne {
							ItemHighLightColor setcolor ItemValue FillItemBox
							BufferColor setcolor ItemValue PutItemText
						} if
					} ifelse
				} {
					/ItemValue exch def
					ItemValue null ne {
						ItemValueArray ItemValue get 1 eq {
							BufferColor setcolor ItemValue FillItemBox

							ItemTextColor setcolor ItemValue PutItemText

							ItemValueArray ItemValue 0 put
						} {
							% 0 BufferHeight ItemValue 1 add 18 mul sub
							% 3 sub 450 18 rectpath
							ItemHighLightColor setcolor ItemValue FillItemBox
							BufferColor setcolor ItemValue PutItemText

							ItemValueArray ItemValue 1 put
						} ifelse
					} if
				} ifelse

			/updatecanvas self send
			/LocalUserNotify self send
		} def

		/FindItem { % x y => item_number
			10 dict begin
				exch pop
				/y exch def

				y 0 lt y BufferHeight gt or not ObjectData length 0 gt and {
					/a null def
					0 1 ObjectData length 1 sub {
						/i exch def
						ObjectOffsets i get y le {
							/a i def
						} if
					} for
				} {
				} ifelse
		} def
