[comp.windows.news] NeWS forms

robert@iclitc.UUCP (Robert O'Dea) (11/16/89)

We are currently developing a keyboard driven forms package to run
under NeWS 1.1 using liteitems.  TextItems on a form should be
able to grab the input focus regardless of mouse position.  We
also wish to pass the focus back and forth between TextItems on a
form (i.e. to implement tabbing between fields).

So far we have been able to get a text item to retain the focus
once it has been activated by a mouse click (by doing /DefaultMode
setinputfocus).  However we cannot grab the focus or exchange
focus between two TextItems.

Can anyone out there help?  Responses by mail please and we will
summarise on the net.

Robert O'Dea
South County Business Park
Leopardstown, Dublin 18, Ireland.
+353-1-956644 ext 248