[ont.events] UW Inform. Logic Semi., Mr. Yukawa on "Data Types as Lattices" by D. Scott

mwang@watmath.UUCP (mwang) (02/21/84)

delim $$
_D_E_P_A_R_T_M_E_N_T _O_F _C_O_M_P_U_T_E_R _S_C_I_E_N_C_E
_U_N_I_V_E_R_S_I_T_Y _O_F _W_A_T_E_R_L_O_O
_S_E_M_I_N_A_R _A_C_T_I_V_I_T_I_E_S

_I_N_F_O_R_M_A_T_I_C _L_O_G_I_C _S_E_M_I_N_A_R
                           - Monday, February 27, 1984.

Keitaro Yukawa, a graduate student of this  department,
will speak on ``Data Types as Lattices'' by D. Scott.

TIME:                3:30 PM

ROOM:              MC 5158A


The domain  P omega = { x | x  improper subset  omega }
, the set of all subsets of the set  omega  of nonnega-
tive integers, is investigated as a semantic domain for
various  programming languages.  This universal domain,
combined with the language LAMBDA defined on  it,  pro-
vides  an  extremely  useful  tool for the study of the
recursion-theoretic properties  of  functions  and  the
theory of data types.

                   February 21, 1984