[ont.events] UW VLSI Semi., Prof. Elmasry, ``VLSI Systems on Silicon Project''

mwang@watmath.UUCP (mwang) (02/28/84)

_D_E_P_A_R_T_M_E_N_T _O_F _C_O_M_P_U_T_E_R _S_C_I_E_N_C_E
_U_N_I_V_E_R_S_I_T_Y _O_F _W_A_T_E_R_L_O_O
_S_E_M_I_N_A_R _A_C_T_I_V_I_T_I_E_S

_V_L_S_I _S_E_M_I_N_A_R
                           -  Tuesday, March 6, 1984.

Prof. M.I. Elmasry, VLSI Research Group, the University
of  Waterloo,  will  speak on ``VLSI Systems on Silicon

TIME:                3:30 PM

ROOM:              MC 6007  (Please Note)


The Systems on Silicon project started over a year  ago
and  has  been recently funded by NSERC through a three
year strategic operating grant of $1.6M.  The  research
objectives  of  the project are to develop a structured
hierarchical design methodology suitable for  VLSI  and
to  develop appropriate design aids to design a variety
of VLSI system chips in the area of Computers and  Com-
munications.   The different aspects of the SOS project
will be explained.

                   February 28, 1984