[comp.windows.news] Illegal Instruction

huelsbec@cinemax.UUCP (David Huelsbeck) (06/27/90)

Server: NeWS 1.1 OS: SunOS 4.0.3 Mach: Sun 4/260

I'm hoping someone out there might be able to give me some insight about what
causes NeWS to crash with the message "Illegal Instruction."

I've done strings on the NeWS server and it's not in there.  My guess is that
NeWS (the server) gets so hosed up internally under certain conditions that it
causes a SIGILL to be generated, which it does not handle, so the server is
killed by the kernel. This makes it kind of difficult to debug.

I know that this bug can be caused by reading from a file when that file has
no bytes available.  While that is certainly something a well written program
should not do, I think that blowing up completely is a less then wonderful
means of reporting the problem.  Unfortunately it seems that this problem can
be generated by other less debuggable means.

I have a program that seems to cause this to happen only on some machines and
only when certain other programs are running at the same time.  Worse yet it
doesn't occur during the normal operation of the program but rather it happens
when the program is exiting following the user selecting "Zap" from the
program's main menu.  It seems to happen sometimes when children (windows) of
the main window are destroyed.  (Very Nice!)

I called Sun but I didn't have much luck.  The person I talked with tried to
be helpful but really didn't know anything about NeWS internals.  She said
that she did not have access to the source code and she was not in a position
to call and ask anyone that did.  So it seems that none of the people who are
qualified to answer my questions can be bothered with them.  So I'm mailing in
hopes of contacting someone who might have some insight into what might be
happening inside the NeWS server.

Since in this case it would be nearly impossible to figure out exactly what
piece of code is causing the problem I'm hoping more for some general
information about "Illegal Instruction", and how to debug it, than I am for a
specific solution to this instance of the problem.

	Thank you,

	David Huelsbeck
	Applied Computing Systems, Inc.

WARNING: Long complaint follows.

If someone who actually works on NeWS at Sun sees this and thinks that maybe
there should be some kind of official channel of communication for problems
like this I'd be more than happy to put you in touch with the poor folks in
your customer support group.  So far I've received both apologies and
expressions of embarrassment at their impotence to help me from both the
people at the 1-800-USA-4SUN number, who said that the windows support people
never seem to answer customer calls and they feel bad because they don't know
what to tell the customers when they call back wondering why no one has called
them, and from the people in windows support who've told me that they don't
currently have a NeWS guru that they can ask questions of, don't have access
to source code, and aren't allowed to call the people who do and ask them.
Perhaps the word seems kind of strong but the only word I can think of to
describe this system for customer support is 'stupid.'  How could these poor
people possibly be expected to support a product when they can't even get in
touch with the people who actually work on it?  I realize it's a bother for
coders to do customer support but it seems like there should at least be a way
for customer support people to get the answers to questions that they don't
know.  Does that really seem unreasonable?