ahmed@sfd.uit.no (Kalaila Ahmed) (08/17/90)
From: ahmed@hstud5.uit.no (ahmed khalaila) Newsgroups: comp.databases Subject: Porting POSTGRES to H-P9000s300-HELP? Expires: References: Sender: Followup-To: Distribution: world Organization: University of Tromsoe, Norway Keywords: We, at the university of Tromsoe, Norway, are trying to port POSTGRES to H-P9000s300 machines. First, following the installation instructions, we tried to compile the source code by Make.hp9000s300, configured Make to hp9000s300 , but we have got the follwing error messages: "/u2/postgres/src/lib/H/nodes.h:25: Can't find include file tags.h" "/u2/postgres/src/lib/H/pg_lisp.h:15: Can't find include file tags.h". after that, the compilation process stopped. We have searched for tags.h file, but we didn't find it. We ask you very kindly, if you can help us with this problem. What does tags.h contain. And how we can get it, or build it. Second, Have any one write dynamic-loader.c for the H-P9000s300 ? Thank you in advance. Ahmed khalaila, e-mail ahmed@hstud5.uit.no Department for computer science university of Tromsoe,Norway.