[rec.puzzles] Wanted - pentomino/soma cube/etc solver

scavo@cs.uoregon.edu (Tom Scavo) (10/12/90)

In article <6596@suns4.cel.co.uk> ajy@cel.uucp (Andrew Yeomans) writes:
>Does anyone have a program to solve problems such as pentominos, n-tominos,
>soma cube, etc, where irregular shaped blocks have to be packed into a
>larger cube (or other shape)?
>It shouldn't be difficult to write one (map 3 dimensional shapes to 1-D bit
>arrays, then use bit operations to test which pieces fit, add some
>recursion and maybe some heuristic speedups and there you have it!).

Here's an interesting problem along these lines.  Does there
exist a two-dimensional geometric analogue to

	1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 + ... + 24^2 = 70^2  ?

In other words, using 24 square puzzle pieces of increasing
size, can they be fit together to form one large square, 70
units on each side?

I haven't the faintest idea if this can actually be done.
Saw it in a magazine a long time ago.

Tom Scavo  <scavo@cs.uoregon.edu>