(Umesh D. Joglekar) (05/07/88)
I would like to obtain information about programming tools and programming languages for programming computer controlled / numerically controlled machines. I think a Japanese company named FANUC makes some of these tools. (I don't know if this is true and I don't have any address for this or any related companies.) Any information regarding compilers/ cross assemblers debuggers etc. for IBM PC/AT or unix/xenix environment will be appreciated. Please respond by e-mail. Thanks. Umesh D. Joglekar -- Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science ARPA: MS 230-5, NASA Ames Research Center, UUCP: ..ames!riacs!joglekar Moffett Field, Ca 94305 (415) 694-6921 [Any APT users out there? -John] -- Send compilers articles to ima!compilers or, in a pinch, to Levine@YALE.EDU Plausible paths are { ihnp4 | decvax | cbosgd | harvard | yale | bbn}!ima Please send responses to the originator of the message -- I cannot forward mail accidentally sent back to compilers. Meta-mail to ima!compilers-request