[comp.std.unix] Form for joining balloting group

std-unix@longway.TIC.COM (Moderator, John S. Quarterman) (02/08/89)

From: uunet!usenix!ucbvax!decvax!isaak (Jim Isaak)

Don Cragun sent me a note asking about how someone could be sure of
getting into the balloting group for future balloting activities of TCOS.
The form below is the latest version, which reflects the dates we targeted
in Ft. Lauderdale for balloting (note the really key constraints are

1- we do not want to hold up balloting waiting for the group to close, so
	the "by this date" date wants to be early enoungh, and we can
	always slip it out (as we have been doing if you have noticed)

2- we have not started forming balloting groups for all possible activities,
	but only those things that will be happening in the next 12 months
	or so.)

	So, for Don's associate that wants to be in the 1003.2 UPE balloting
group, which won't form until 1990, the only way to assure being involved
is to track the 1003 mailings and return the form when the balloting groiup
starts forming for the activity you want to join.

	Shane, can we get this in the Feb Mailing, on a different color paper,
and include it in the general mailing cover materials .. Thanks jim
	(ps shane, I will be sending you a copy along with other stuff
		fed exp., jim)


		IEEE Technical Committee on Operating Systems	   Feb. 89
		Standards Subcommittee Balloting Groups

	Balloting of all IEEE Standards is in accordance with the
IEEE Standards Manual.  Please request a copy of this document from
the IEEE office if you do not have a copy, or if you are not familier
with the IEEE Standards process.  (201-562-3800)

	Please complete the form below to be included in the balloting
group for future standards ballots.  For each project, there is a cut
off date, and your form MUST have been received by that date to be included
in the balloting on that project's document.  If you have just joined IEEE
or the Computer Society, then please note that on the form where it asks
for your membership number.  We will send out a list of those in the
up-coming balloting groups on a quarterly basis to the TCOS Standards
general mailing list (for those who subscribe), but it is YOUR responsibility
to make sure your form has been received in Piscataway!.

	Our balloting process on any one document will take from
4 to 8 months, with critical windows for response.  The first
window is a 30 day period for the initial balloting, while we try
to provide some extra time to accomodate mailing, it will be short!
After that there will be a delay of some weeks, and a recirculation.
In the recirculation you will see all the changes being made, and
all of the objections that you and/or others have submitted that
have not resulted in changes, you will have at least 10 days to review
this, and change your balloting position if you want.  There may be
many recirculations (the 1003.1 effort used four over a period of 8 months).

	You MUST return your ballot for any balloting group you join.
If you do not return the ballot after joining a group, you will be dropped
from the standards subcommittee list (ie. not invited to join future
balloting groups).  You only need to respond on the initial ballot.
This can be returned as an abstention for lack of time, affirmitive,
affirmitive with non-binding comments (which may be ignored), negative
with objections (which must either be withdrawn by you, result in changes,
or be listed as un-resolved with rationale on why changes are not being
made).   Having objections and balloting negitive are mutually necessary
conditions; once your objections are resolved, your ballot is automatically
affirmitve, and if you have outstanding objections, your ballot is negative.

	There are real costs associated with this effort.  At this point,
IEEE is assuming the bulk of these.  However, for persons not in IEEE or
the Computer Society, we need to ask you to help cover some of these costs.
At this time, that fee has not been set, but the costs run into the
$50 to $100 range depending on the thickness of the document. (You may want
to join the Computer Society instead).  If this fee creates a problem
for you, please attach a note as to why that is the case as waivers can
be granted.  

	We also encourage you to join the corresponding group, or at
least to get on the mailing lists for draft documents since that will
prepare you to handle the balloting document effectively.

	Thankyou for your interest in the POSIX efforts,

				Jim Isaak, TCOS-SS chair

(PS. I recomend you keep a copy of this form for your records)

	Technical Committee on Operating Systems Standards Subcommittee
	    Balloting groups for TCOS/POSIX standards projects

	Please return to:   P1003 Secretariat, IEEE Standards Office,
	    ASAP! 	    445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08855

Name:_____________________________________	Phone: _______________

	Telex # __________________	FAX # ____________________

IEEE or Computer Society Membership Number: __________________________
     Check here if NOT a member of IEEE or the Computer Society ______

Company __________________________________  Date: ____________________

Mailing Address:______________________________________________________

Home Address if different (to be used if the above address doesn't work)
 (Some key people in our balloting group change employeers during each
  balloting cycle. The US Mail will forward from your home address, and
  we can trace you down; however, companies will not forward mail.) 

UUCP Net:  ____________________________________________________________

Other Memberships: ACM __  /usr/group __ USENIX __  ___________________

			Please send IEEE Standards Manual _____________
	TCOS-SS expects that documents in the following technical areas
and our administrative proceedures will be start balloting by the end of 89.
Forms must be returned by the LAST day of the month indicated to be assured 
of being part of the balloting group for that document.

	In order to determine that a balance of interest exists, a 
classification of the members of each balloting group is required. Check
your status only for those standards for which you want to ballot.  If
you belong to more than one classification the check "General Interest".
Your classification need not be the same for each one of these projects.

(Please indicate ballots where you intend to participate, IEEE will send
 out fee notices, where applicable, as we approach each balloting period.)

Return						Balloting Classification
date					   Producer  User  General Interest

3/89	1003.3 -- Test Methods for 1003.1	[ ]  [ ]   [ ]

3/89	TCOS Standards Subcommittee Administrative proceedures

5/89	1003.1 -- Supplement(s) to 1003.1 	[ ]  [ ]   [ ]

8/89	1003.8/Transparent File Access		[ ]  [ ]   [ ]

9/89	1003.5 -- Ada Bindings for 1003.1	[ ]  [ ]   [ ]

11/89	1003.4 Real Time Extensions		[ ]  [ ]   [ ]

	Signature: ____________________________	   Date: ______________

Volume-Number: Volume 16, Number 14