[comp.std.unix] Where / How to get Posix Documents?

vwayland@isis.cs.du.edu (Vincent B. Wayland) (03/05/91)

Submitted-by: vwayland@isis.cs.du.edu (Vincent B. Wayland)

Where and how does one go about getting copies of the various Posix documents?
Are they available via email or FTPing?  3 1/2" diskette?  I also mean the
various draft standards-to-be, too.

Vince Wayland
215 Cimmaron Way
Boulder, CO  80303

(303) 499-9027

Volume-Number: Volume 22, Number 138

berggren@eecs.cs.pdx.edu (Eric Berggren) (03/12/91)

Submitted-by: berggren@eecs.cs.pdx.edu (Eric Berggren)

vwayland@isis.cs.du.edu (Vincent B. Wayland) writes:

>Submitted-by: vwayland@isis.cs.du.edu (Vincent B. Wayland)

>Where and how does one go about getting copies of the various Posix documents?
>Are they available via email or FTPing?  3 1/2" diskette?  I also mean the
>various draft standards-to-be, too.

  They only way I have been told is through the mail. My original question was
how much, but this is what I received for addresses/phone numbers...

Computer Society 202-371-0101  (order by Credit Card)
Computer Society (publications office) 714-821-8380

Lisa Granoien
IEEE Computer Society
1730 Massachusetts Ave.
Washington DC, 20036-1903
(202)728-9614 Fax

Ed Palmer (Executive Director, UniForum association) uunet!usrgrp!ed

  Try these places.


  Eric Berggren             |  "The force of the 'Dark Side' eminates from 
  Computer Science/Eng.     |    the ominous DeathStar looming overhead." 
  berggren@eecs.cs.pdx.edu  |            - Down with AT&T! -

Volume-Number: Volume 23, Number 6

berggren@eecs.cs.pdx.edu (Eric Berggren) (03/13/91)

Submitted-by: berggren@eecs.cs.pdx.edu (Eric Berggren)

berggren@eecs.cs.pdx.edu (Eric Berggren) writes:

>Submitted-by: berggren@eecs.cs.pdx.edu (Eric Berggren)

>vwayland@isis.cs.du.edu (Vincent B. Wayland) writes:

>>Submitted-by: vwayland@isis.cs.du.edu (Vincent B. Wayland)

>>Where and how does one go about getting copies of the various Posix documents?
>>Are they available via email or FTPing?  3 1/2" diskette?  I also mean the
>>various draft standards-to-be, too.

  Okay, here we go. I finally got a reply from Jim Isaak, who is the
treasurer of the POSIX group regarding all of this. Here is his reply:

	Below is a summary of information about the POSIX standard
drafts, etc.  At this point they are not available on-line; and there
is a fee for copies (and lots and lots of pages; 1003.2 is now approaching
1000 pages).
	1003.1 has no "subsets" defined (so for example, MS/DOS and
embedded real time systems cannot conform, at least w/o major revision).
1003.1 does have options, in general fairly small incremental features
(multiple groups...).  You might want to get FIPS 151-1 from the US
Government; this procurement specification eliminates most of the options
in 1003.1, and mandates a particular set.

	1003.4 is totally optional, and is segmented into seperable
options ... so there is much room there for subsetting.  1003.13 is
developing profiles of combinations of 1003.1 plus 1003.4; this effort
is likely to propose some subset of 1003.1 to address the embedded realtime

	1003.2 and 1003.1 are seperable; so a system without shell and
tools can conform to 1003.1 (although not to 1003.2); so this may also
be considered a form of subsetting from a "UNIX" perspective.

		I hope this helps;
			Jim Isaak
Sources of information about the POSIX Standards		3/8/91
A quick picture:

	Copies of the IEEE POSIX.1 Standard (IEEE Std. 1003.1-1990)
can be obtained from the IEEE Computer Society at 714-821-8380
	(See below for international sources)

	Copies of Draft standards in progress can be obtained from
the IEEE Computer Society office: 202-371-0101.

	IEEE is offering a seminar on the POSIX standards,
for more details, contact: +800 678-IEEE (see IEEE Stds Office below)

	Information on the POSIX Conformance Test Suite used by the
U.S. Government can be obtained from: 703-487-4650, Order # PB90-500919.

	A guide to developing POSIX conforming applications is
now in print from:
	"A Practical Guide to the POSIX.1 Standard", by Fred Zlotnick
	Benjamin/Cummings Publisher [415-594-4400]

	Uniforum publishes a set of "POSIX Explored" publications on
the POSIX standards.  These can be obtained from Uniforum, +408-986-8840.
		The more detailed view
1) Machine readable, any form: currently this is not available,
	IEEE is looking into what is required for this to make sense.
	(small POSIX drafts are 100 pages; larger ones 1000)

2) Paper copies of Published Standards.

   There are two versions of POSIX.1: ISO/IEC IS 9945-1:1990
   (a.k.a. IEEE Std. 1003.1-1990). The ISO and IEEE documents are
   identical except for the covers.
	This is the only "fully approved" POSIX standard at this point,
	it replaces IEEE Std. 1003.1-1988, which is still referenced by
	the U.S. Government FIPS 151-1.

   The ISO documents can be ordered through the various national bodies.
   ANSI in the US, DIN in Germany, etc.

   (There is an order form in the IEEE Standards Catalog about who can do 
   credit sales.  Call (908) 562-3800 to request a copy of the catalog.)

   Document numbers:

		ISO/IEC 9945-1:1990 
		IEEE Std. 1003.1-1990
		  IEEE Order number SH13680 
		  IEEE CS Catalog number 1019
		  ISBN 1-55937-061-0
   IEEE Standard availability.

	   The IEEE version can be ordered from several sources.  The
	   "SH" number (found on the lower left of the cover or lower
	   right of the front inside cover is the key to ordering it.)

	   There is a 10% quantity discounts (>50 copies) from IEEE.
	   The first copy for IEEE (but not CS) members is 30% discount
	   from IEEE, all others at list.  The CS has a different
	   discount schedule that applies to CS members as well.

	POSIX.1: List $75.00
	   Continental US Call:
		Computer Society: (714) 821 8380  (Ask for Customer Service)
		or IEEE Publication Sales 1-800-678-IEEE

		IEEE Canada		908 981-1393
		7071 Yonge St.
		Thornhill, Ontario L3T 2A6

	   Outside Continental US or via paper.

		IEEE Service Center
		445 Hoes Lane, PO Box 1331
		Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331


		IEEE Computer Society		(714) 821 8380 
		10662 Los Vaqueros Cir.	    Fax (714) 821 4010
		PO Box 3014
		Los Alamitos Ca. 90720-3014

		IEEE Computer Society		+32 2 770 2198
		Jaques Kevers	 	    Fax +32 2 770 8505
		13, Ave de l'Aquilon
		Burssels, Belgium.


		IEEE Computer Society		+81 33 408 3181
		Ms. Kyoko Mikami	    Fax +81 33 408 3553
		Ooshima Building
		2-19-1 Minami Aoyma 
		Minato-Ku, Tokyo 107 

   ISO Availabity:

	1, rue de Varembe
	Gase Postale 58
	Geneve 20

	ANSI				(212) 354-3300
	1430 Broadway
	New York, NY 10010

3) Drafts in Balloting.

     For drafts that currently are in balloting contact the 
     IEEE Standards office at the Hoes Lane address above.

     There may be a per-page copying charge.

4) Drafts not yet balloting (working drafts), contact:

	IEEE Computer Society		    (202) 371-0101
	1730 Massachusetts Ave N.W.	Fax (202) 728-9614
	Washington, DC 20036-1903

     There may be a per-page copying charge.

5) Subscriptions to the POSIX mailings:
   Note that this version of the form is a bit out of date.  However, it
   should get you reasonably plugged into the process. 

		IEEE TCOS-Standards Document Distribution Service
			INVOICE and Fee Schedule

Name:	________________________________  Date:  _______________________



Phone:	________________________	E-Mail: ________________________

Master Card/Visa/AmEx #:  _______________________  Expiration: _________
         (circle one)
Signature:	________________________________________________________
Instructions: Indicate what project(s) and types of materials you would
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						      Materials	Only
Status	(notices, status reports, document lists)	____	n/a

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For for individual projects only:
Project #		Project Title

____.__	___________________________________________	____	____

____.__	___________________________________________	____	____

____.__	___________________________________________	____	____

____.__	___________________________________________	____	____
Project Number and Title list:
1003.0	POSIX Guide,                       1003.1 System Interfacem,
1003.2 Shell & Util.                       1003.3 Test Methods,
1003.4 Real Time,                          1003.5 Ada Bindings, 
1003.6	POSIX Security,                    1003.7 System Admin.,
1003.8 Trans. File Access                  1003.9 Fortran Bindings
1003.10 Supercomputing AEP                 1003.11 Transaction Processing AEP
1003.12	Protocol Independent Interfaces,   1003.13 Real Time AEP,
1003.14 Multiprocessing AEP,               1003.15 Batch Services,
1003.17 Directory Service API,             1003.18 POSIX Platform AEP
1201.1	Windowing Toolkit API,             1201.2 User Interface Driveability
1224	X.400 Gateway API,                 1238 Common OSI API & FTAM API

Number of 500 pages units you wish to pay for:	____ x US$45	_______
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International Express Mail fee:			____ US$400	_______
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		  Receipt Requested?  Yes  No

Payment may be made by charge card (above), or by check or money order
payable to IEEE 1003.  Please retain a copy of this form for your records.
Send the materials to:		For inquiries about current subscription:
TCOS Standards Subscriptions		Charles Habermann
c/o Lisa Granoien 			NAPS International
IEEE Computer Society			117 Mackubin St.  Suite 6
1730 Massachusetts Ave. NW		St. Paul, MN  55102
Washington DC  20036-1903		+1 (612) 224-9239
202-371-0101				cjh@bungia.mn.org

  Eric Berggren             |  "The force of the 'Dark Side' eminates from 
  Computer Science/Eng.     |    the ominous DeathStar looming overhead." 
  berggren@eecs.cs.pdx.edu  |            - Down with AT&T! -

[ I have placed the bulk of this message on uunet, in 
  ~ftp/comp.std.unix/Obtaining for future reference. -- mod]

Volume-Number: Volume 23, Number 10