masscomp-request@soma.UUCP (06/06/87)
1) I have had a lost interupt on an XMT (xylogics-472) controller just like the kind that have been reported (and we have had lots of on other machines where a pep-ed mc-500 can get to an interupt generated by a Tape Master faster than the TM has posted the vector correctly). This one was during intensive A/D acquisition to tape. The CPU was a 5400 (with 68881), 2mb memory, integral graphics, and an EF-12M. The tape controller is a Xylogics-472. 2) I got a mailer (Mail) from Masscomp via my salesman which supports SMTP quite a while ago, and installed it last weekend after we installed a fiber segment so that more of my masscomps are connected to our mostly sun network. If I use a '' that looks almost exactly like the one we are using in our sun clients, mail works reasonably well, but not quite perfect. 3) My salesman also tells me that NFS may start Beta test in late summer. This is a significant improvement over 'the end of the year.' Or maybe its just smoke because I keep asking, and they are getting tired of hearing about it. I would like to hear from other users who are having tape drive problems if there are any. Dale Chayes, Secretary Masscomp Users' Society