krj@utcsrgv.UUCP (Ken Jackson) (03/13/84)
The Second Annual Southern Ontario Numerical Analysis Day April 10, 1984 University of Toronto The Second Annual Southern Ontario Numerical Analysis Day will be held on April 10, 1984, at the University of Toronto. The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. in Room 134 of the McLennan Physical Laboratories, 60 St. George Street, Toronto. The current list of speakers is - Paul Muir, University of Toronto, "Efficient Runge-Kutta Methods for Two-Point-Boundary-Value Problems". - Philip Sharp, University of Toronto, "Solving Singular Perturbation Problems using Multiple Shooting". - Mohamed Kamel, University of Guelph, "Computing the Partial Singular Value Decomposition and Its Application". - Jim Winslow, University of Toronto, "Numerical Models of Neurons". - Dugald Duncan, A.E.C.L. Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, "The Numerical Approximation of the Elastic Wave Equation". - S. Paul Norsett, visiting the University of Waterloo from Norges Tekniske Hogskole, "Two-Step Methods and Bi- Orthogonality". - Richard Pancer, University of Toronto, "GED - a Portable Editor for Directed Acyclic Graphs". In addition to these talks, there will be ample opportunity for informal discussions among attendees at the meeting. As this announcement will not reach all members of the Scientific Computing community in southern Ontario, please pass a copy of it on to those of your colleagues who may be interested in attending Numerical Analysis Day. Also, if you plan to attend, please inform Ken Jackson either by mail at the address above, by telephone at 416-978-7075, by USENET mail to utcsrgv!krj, or by CSNET mail to krj@toronto.
krj@utcsri.UUCP (Ken Jackson) (04/05/85)
Southern Ontario Numerical Analysis Day at the University of Guelph, April 19, 1985. Numerical Analysis Day will be held from 9 a.m. until about 5 p.m. on Friday, April 19, at the University of Guelph. There will be a series of talks by invited speakers, and a chance to socialize with others interested in numerical computation. The complete schedule for the day will be finalized shortly. If you are interested in abstracts or would like other information, please contact Prof. Dave Swayne, Computing and Information Science, ICS Room 326, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1 Phone: 519-824-4120, ext: 3411 dswayne@uogvax2.BITNET The preliminary list of speakers includes Ken Jackson, Wendy Seward, Jerry Fine, and Zi-Cai Li from the University of Toronto; Alan George and Keith Geddes from the University of Waterloo; and Dave Swayne from the University of Guelph. All talks will take place in Agricultural Economics, 102. If you are coming towards Guelph from Toronto or Hamilton, take Brock Road north. Brock Road eventually becomes Gordon Street, which is one of the main routes through the campus. ICS and Agricultural Economics are located on the right side of Gordon Street between Stone Road and College Avenue. Look for a parking lot entrance just past a pedestrian crossing after you have passed Stone Road. Brock Road is in fact Highway 6 south and is about 5 kilometers east of Highway 6 north (the Hanlon). If you are coming west via the 401, take the Hanlon (Highway 6) north. Proceed along the Hanlon to College Avenue. Turn right at College and proceed to Gordon Street. (Waterloo types could take Highway 7 to Guelph, and travel south on the Hanlon to College, where they would turn left.) Turn right on Gordon and enter the first parking lot on your left. The small red brick building on the left side of this parking lot is the ICS Building. The adjacent building of almost identical appearance is Agricultural Economics. Facilities for lunch are available on campus, including a nice restaurant (the Whippletree) and a pub in the Campus Centre. If you are coming from Toronto and would like to share a ride, contact Ken Jackson to arrange the transportation. (See the message header for the electronic-mail address or phone 416-978-7075).