[comp.sys.masscomp] C-KERMIT 4E

sob@soma.neuro.bcm.tmc.edu (Stan Barber) (03/02/88)

The latest release of C-KERMIT will run on the MASSCOMP MC5XXX computers
(lockfile problems excluded!) with the application of the following diff
to the makefile (ckuker.mak). This diff is also important to BSD 2.10
which will follow sometime soon.

*** Makefile	Wed Mar  2 01:07:17 1988
--- makefile	Wed Mar  2 02:44:20 1988
*** 170,176
  	$(CC2) $(LNKFLAGS) $(SHAREDLIB) -o wermit ckcmai.o ckutio.o \
  		 ckufio.o ckcfns.o \
  		 ckcfn2.o ckcpro.o ckucmd.o ckuus2.o ckuus3.o ckuusr.o \
! 		 ckucon.o ckudia.o ckuscr.o
  ckcmai.o: ckcmai.c ckcker.h ckcdeb.h ckcsym.h

--- 170,176 -----
  	$(CC2) $(LNKFLAGS) $(SHAREDLIB) -o wermit ckcmai.o ckutio.o \
  		 ckufio.o ckcfns.o \
  		 ckcfn2.o ckcpro.o ckucmd.o ckuus2.o ckuus3.o ckuusr.o \
! 		 ckucon.o ckudia.o ckuscr.o $(LIBS)
  ckcmai.o: ckcmai.c ckcker.h ckcdeb.h ckcsym.h
*** 299,306
  #Masscomp System III
! 		"LNKFLAGS ="
  #DEC Pro-3xx with Pro/Venix V1.0 or V1.1
  # Requires code-mapping on non-I&D-space 11/23 processor, plus some

--- 299,306 -----
  #Masscomp System III
! 	make wermit "CFLAGS= -UFIONREAD -DUXIII -DDEBUG -DTLOG -Dgetcwd=getwd -O" \
! 		"LNKFLAGS =" "LIBS= -ljobs"
  #DEC Pro-3xx with Pro/Venix V1.0 or V1.1
  # Requires code-mapping on non-I&D-space 11/23 processor, plus some