(Stan Barber) (04/25/88)
I was able to see the MASSCOMP NFS implementation being shipped with their Real-Time UNIX release 4.0 (which is currently shipping to supported MASSCOMP customers). It does seem to do all the right things (for the most part). It will work with PC-NFS for file sharing. It does not support the pcnfsd authentication server. It does not support remote line printing. It does support 4.2 style long-file-names when it mounts a 4.2-type file system from a server (MASSCOMP uses the SYSTEM V file system conventions natively). They have even modified all the relevant system utilities (like ls, mv, cp and the like) to handle these long filenames and directory paths. All the familiar utilities and permission files are there. Most of the /usr/etc utilities in the SUN-OS are found in /etc/net on the MASSCOMP. Yellow Pages is implemented and integrated as well. [The exception to this is the lack of mail.aliases and ethers. MASSCOMP does not support sendmail or rarp.] Stan Barber, moderator of comp.sys.masscomp coodinator of NFS-LIST