[comp.sys.masscomp] plot

steve@geops.geo.washington.edu (Steve Malone) (04/23/88)

Has anyone writen filter code to interpret standard UNIX
plot stream commands (plot(3) plot(5))?
The Masscomp provided graphics stuff is all very nice but we have
many programs that that generate old fashion UNIX plot stream output
which we pipe to device dependent filters (like tek or hplot).
It would be great if there was a `mcplot' filter to preview
such graphics on the Masscomp graphics.
	Steve Malone  (steve@geops.geo.washington.edu)
	Geophysics AK-50
	Univ. of Washington
	Seattle, WA 98195

inb@creare.UUCP (Ian Brown) (05/01/88)

Status: R

Are you talking about something other than Masscomp's MCD/MMD filters
(which take GPS input and display it on the Masscomp screens)?
								Ian Brown
[I believe the user was interested in the plot(3) that comes with BSD flavors
of UNIX. These are not the same as the gps stuff that MASSCOMP distributes.
-- sob]