(Stan Barber, Moderator) (09/03/88)
In a recent teleconference, the MUS Executive Committee decided that MUS as such would continue to exist as a seperate group from the Concurrent users' organization. During this time, some plans for merger will be discussed by the two organizations. This merger is expected to occur no sooner than 2 years from now. In other action, RTU, the MASSCOMP OS will be ported to the Concurrent computer line either now or with the next wave of Concurrent products. The Concurrent OS, as such, will become RTU. Additionally, product futures of the new company will likely be those of MASSCOMP and not Concurrent. It seems that MASSCOMP's futures are more fully developed than Concurrent's. Some feel that the lack of direction from Concurrent is largely due to the influence of Perkin-Elmer. Further comments and information welcome. The MASSCOMP USERS' SOCIETY newsgroup is comp.sys.masscomp. Articles to: or uunet!!masscomp Administrative stuff: Stan Barber, Moderator