harry@rainbow.atmos.washington.edu (Harry Edmon) (09/16/88)
What types of disks can you add to a 5500 with a 71mb disk and a floppy? What kind of cables are necessary? -- Harry Edmon ARPA: harry@rainbow.atmos.washington.edu (206) 543-0547 UUCP: uw-beaver!geops!elnino!harry Department of Atmospheric Sciences BITNET: HARRY@UWARITA University of Washington [The theory is that most ST506 drives will work. Masscomp only supports a few of these, but you should be able to add one more ST506-type drive without adding a controller. -- sob] The MASSCOMP USERS' SOCIETY newsgroup is comp.sys.masscomp. Articles to: masscomp@soma.bcm.tmc.edu or uunet!soma.bcm.tmc.edu!masscomp Administrative stuff: masscomp-request@soma.bcm.tmc.edu Stan Barber, Moderator
dalesys@lamont.Columbia.edu (dale chayes) (09/20/88)
In article <1266@gazette.bcm.tmc.edu>, harry@rainbow.atmos.washington.edu (Harry Edmon) writes: > > What types of disks can you add to a 5500 with a 71mb disk and a floppy? There was a very comprehensive artilce about adding ST-506 drives to Masscomps in the most recent Musings (the news letter of the Masscomp Users Society) which you might find helpful. (If you didn't get it, please note that MUS has decided that we can't afford to give the news letter away for free anymore.) We have added CDC-9720/850 HSMD drives on XY-472 controllers to three of our Masscomps (a 5520 and two 5550s.) These drives require a controller and cables etc. For about $10k per computer, we get 710 megabytes of fast disk. -- Dale Chayes Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory of Columbia University usmail: Route 9W, Palisades, N.Y. 10964 voice: (914) 359-2900 extension 434 fax: (914) 359-6817 usnet: ...philabs!lamont!dale The MASSCOMP USERS' SOCIETY newsgroup is comp.sys.masscomp. Articles to: masscomp@soma.bcm.tmc.edu or uunet!soma.bcm.tmc.edu!masscomp Administrative stuff: masscomp-request@soma.bcm.tmc.edu Stan Barber, Moderator