[comp.sys.masscomp] Sendmail error message, syslog

masscomp@cortex.neuro.bcm.tmc.edu (Stan Barber, Moderator) (07/17/89)

I know this question was posted a while ago, and I tried to
contact the poster by e-mail without any luck, so here it goes:

I have recently installed Masscomp's unsupported Sendmail with
some help from a number of people on this net.  It appears to work
fine except for two areas. One of them is a seemingly harmless
but annoying error message that says "Cannot open /dev/console: Error 0"
everytime sendmail, newaliases, mailq is run. The second problem is
that syslog doesn't work.

The machine is a 5400 running rtu 4.0A. Same problems occur on a 5550
(4.0A) also.

Please e-mail. I will summarize if I get it to work. Thanks in advance.

Barsam Marasli
Internet: barsam@music.ame.arizona.edu
UUCP    : ...{allegra,cmcl2,uunet,hao!noao}!arizona!music!barsam
Bitnet  : barsam@arizrvax

[To the best of my knowledge, Concurrent never implemented syslog except
in sendmail, so it doesn't work because it was never really made to work
properly. Sendmail is not "supported." The real mailer for RTU is MMDF
which I believe is now available. -- sob]
Articles to: masscomp@soma.bcm.tmc.edu or uunet!soma.bcm.tmc.edu!masscomp
Administrative stuff: masscomp-request@soma.bcm.tmc.edu
Stan Barber, Moderator