[ont.events] U of Toronto Comp. Sci. events, week of May 27

clarke@utcsri.UUCP (Jim Clarke) (05/16/85)

        (SF = Sandford Fleming Building, 10 King's College Road)

COLLOQUIUM - Tuesday, May 28, 11:00 a.m., SF 1101
                             Ben Moskowski
                          Cambridge University

                "Application of Interval Temporal Logic"

     What do sequential computer programs, digital circuits and  distri-
buted  networks  have in common?  One answer is time.  With this in mind
we present Interval Temporal Logic  (ITL),  a  formalism  that  augments
standard predicate logic with operators for reasoning about intervals of
time.  Within ITL we have specified and compared digital circuits  rang-
ing  from  delay  elements  up  to the AM2901 ALU bit slice developed by
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.  Furthermore, due to its expressiveness and
generality, ITL can directly capture various control structures found in
sequential and parallel computations.  It has  been  used  therefore  to
reason about computer programs and simple message-passing systems.

     We describe ITL and then show how it can express various functional
and  timing-dependent  aspects  of  hardware  and  software in a unified
manner.  We also discuss Tempura, a programming language based on ITL.

THEORETICAL ASPECTS SEMINAR - Tuesday, May 28, 3 p.m., SF 1101
                            Ramamohan Paturi
                     Pennsylvania State University

                "Probabilistic Communication Complexity"

We study unbounded error probabilistic  communication  complexity.   Our
results include:

-    one way and two way complexities by at most 1

-    certain functions like equality and  the  verification  of  Hamming
     distance  have upper bounds that are considerably better than their
     counterparts in deterministic, nondeterministic, and bounded  error
     probabilistic models

-    there  exists  a  function  which  requires  O(log n)   information

     As an application,  we  prove  that  a  certain  language  requires
O(log n) time to be recognized by a 1-tape (unbounded error) probabilis-
tic Turing machine.  This  bound  is  optimal.   (Previous  lower  bound
results by Yao [15] require acceptance by bounded error computation.  We
believe that this is the  first  nontrivial  lower  bound  on  the  time
required by unbounded error probabilistic Turing machines.)  We indicate
how to apply the lower bounds on the time of Turing  machines  to  lower
bounds  on the communication complexity of linear array of processors in
deterministic,  nondeterministic,  and  unbounded  error   probabilistic

     Keywords:  communication  complexity,  probabilistic  communication
complexity,  arrangements  of  hyperplanes,  probabilistic 1-tape Turing
machines, distributed computing, lower bounds, arrays of processors.