mwang@watmath.UUCP (mwang) (06/05/85)
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES SCIENTIFIC COMPUTATION SEMINAR - Thursday, June 13, 1985. Dr. I.D. Coope of the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, will speak on ``l sub p Solution of Slightly Over- determined Linear Systems.'' TIME: 3:30 PM ROOM: MC 5097 (Please Note) ABSTRACT An efficient algorithm is developed for finding the l sub p (1 < p < inf) solution of an overdetermined system of m = n+1 linear equations in n unknowns in { 1 over 3 } n sup 3 + O(n sup 2) multiplications and additions. Extensions of the basic method to the case n+1 < m << 2n are also considered.