mwang@watmath.UUCP (mwang) (06/19/85)
DDEEPPAARRTTMMEENNTT OOFF CCOOMMPPUUTTEERR SSCCIIEENNCCEE UUNNIIVVEERRSSIITTYY OOFF WWAATTEERRLLOOOO SSEEMMIINNAARR AACCTTIIVVIITTIIEESS DDAATTAA SSTTRRUUCCTTUURRIINNGG SSEEMMIINNAARR - Monday, June 24, 1985. Dr. C. Yu of the University of Illinois at Chicago will speak on ``Distributed Query Processing.'' TTIIMMEE:: 3:30 PM RROOOOMM:: MC 5158 AABBSSTTRRAACCTT In this talk, two different algorithms are presented. One algorithm makes use of semi-joins to reduce the amount of data transfer. Other features of the algo- rithms are * dynamic execution of semi-joins * elimination of useless relations * replacement of some semi-joins by better ones * making use of redundant copies of relations to reduce communication cost. The other algorithm is a ``fragment and replicate algorithm''. The key features of the algorithm are the use of semantic information to process queries locally without data transfer and taking into consideration that the presence or absence of fast access paths (e.g. indices) can be a major factor in determining local processing cost. The project is a joint research project with the System Development Corporation. Future development of the project will be discussed. June 19, 1985
mwang@watmath.UUCP (mwang) (06/20/85)
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES DATA STRUCTURING SEMINAR - Monday, June 24, 1985. Dr. C. Yu of the University of Illinois at Chicago will speak on ``Distributed Query Processing.'' TIME: 3:30 PM ROOM: MC 5158 ABSTRACT In this talk, two different algorithms are presented. One algorithm makes use of semi-joins to reduce the amount of data transfer. Other features of the algo- rithms are * dynamic execution of semi-joins * elimination of useless relations * replacement of some semi-joins by better ones * making use of redundant copies of relations to reduce communication cost. The other algorithm is a ``fragment and replicate algorithm''. The key features of the algorithm are the use of semantic information to process queries locally without data transfer and taking into consideration that the presence or absence of fast access paths (e.g. indices) can be a major factor in determining local processing cost. The project is a joint research project with the System Development Corporation. Future development of the project will be discussed. June 20, 1985