[comp.sys.apollo] Static routing for Apollo running Domain I/X SR9.5 bsd4.2

ranous@CAEN.ENGIN.UMICH.EDU (Alex Ranous) (10/29/87)

For the /etc/rc file, which is generally a link to `node_data/etc.rc, to
work correctly, it must be set suid to root.  This is a safety feature
Apollo put in, because it would be fairly easy for someone to boot some
node diskless to create a new node_data tree, and then put their own
etc.rc file in.

Alex Ranous
Computer Aided Engineering Network
The University of Michigan


joe pruett wonders:
Will they [apollo] ever get things right?

For the things that are IP-related and right being bsd4.3
compatible, I would say yes.  (Actually, I think they have
other things right, too!)
