[comp.sys.apollo] Apollo Press Release: new debugger

ballentine_m@apollo.uucp (Mike Ballentine) (02/19/88)

CHELMSFORD, Massachusetts -- Apollo Computer Inc. introduced the
Domain/OS Debugger, a new software development tool built on the
advanced Network Computing System (tm) (NCS) architecture. The
debugger, bundled with Apollo's operating system Domain/OS, allows
users developing applications to remotely debug all processes from the
local workstation without switching to a different debugging

The debugger features a choice of user interfaces, graphical displays
of the program state and the ability to point at language-specific
expressions. It is a language sensitive debugger that supports
programs written in C, Fortran 77, Pascal and combinations of these

For more information, contact your local Apollo representative.

Paula Slotkin
Apollo Computer Public Relations
(617) 256-6600, x4315
  UUCP:  ...{mit-erl,mit-eddie,yale,uw-beaver,decvax}!apollo!slotkin_p
  USPS:  Apollo Computer, 330 Billerica Rd., Chelmsford MA