[comp.sys.apollo] Using DM ce to edit mail, no go

lau@dsl.cis.upenn.edu (Yan Lau) (05/04/88)

In article <5060@cup.portal.com> Jinfu@cup.portal.com writes:
>I need some help in using the DM pad editor (ce) with /usr/ucb/Mail.
> [shell script to invoke xdmc command deleted]

Although I didn't think of using a shell script, I ran into the same
problem when I wrote a simple program to open a window using pad calls.
Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't.  The problem is in
case-sensitivity, Aegis doesn't recognize case whereas Unix does.
The response from Apollo support was that this is a bug which should
be fixed with SR10 which is to become more Unix-like.


george@hyper.lap.upenn.edu (George Zipperlen) (05/05/88)

You CAN use the DM editor on files with upper case in the name, leading '.',
etc.  At least since SR9.5.  My memory is vague with respect to SR9.2 and
earlier, although I do recall problems with this at some point.  
You just have to quote the file name.  There are problems with doing
this from a shell script, unless you go through contortions like
    xdmc tdm; es 'ce @'' etc...
On the off chance that someone will find it useful, I enclose a C program
to invoke the DM editor.  It is hereby placed in the public domain.  It is 
provided asis, no warranty, etc. use as you see fit.  I've tested it on the
given problem - invoking DM editor from bezerkeley mail, and it worked for me.
Disclaimer: we are running SR 9.7 now.
----CUT HERE---
/* dmedit: invoke display manager editor on file

    SYNTAX: dmedit path_name 

    CODED:       4-May-1988 George Zipperlen 

        Sorry for the excess baggage with window parameters, font loading, etc.
    I wrote this program as a quick main around a function we already had.

# define    USAGE   "path_name"

# include "/sys/ins/base.ins.c"
# include "/sys/ins/error.ins.c"
# include "/sys/ins/ios.ins.c"
# include "/sys/ins/pad.ins.c"

# include <stdio.h>
# include <ctype.h>

# define null_str(s)        (s[0] == '\0' ? 1 : 0)
# define MAX_STRING_LEN     256
# define exit_ok            0
# define exit_error         1
# define exit_case_err      2
# define exit_list_err      3

typedef enum {
    }               file_mode_t;

char * prog_name;

void error_trace (msg)
    char msg[];
    fprintf (stderr, "\n%s: error in %s\n", prog_name, msg);
    }   /* error_trace */

void error_check (msg, status)
    char      msg[];      /* global inputs -  prog_name */
    status_$t status;
    if (status.all != status_$ok) {
        error_trace (msg);
        error_$print (status);
        }   /* if status ! ok */
    }   /* error_check */

void exit_prog (exit_flag, msg)
    int  exit_flag;
    char msg[];
    if (exit_flag != exit_ok) {
        if (exit_flag == exit_case_err)
            fprintf (stderr, "\n%s: case_selector error in\n    %s\n",
                prog_name, msg);
        else if (exit_flag == exit_list_err)
            fprintf (stderr, "\n%s: linked list error in %s\n", prog_name, msg);
        else error_trace (msg);
        }   /* if exit_flag not ok */
    exit (exit_flag);
    }   /* exit_prog */

void case_error (format, val)
    char    format[];
    int     val;
    char    message [MAX_STRING_LEN];

    sprintf (message, format, val);
    exit_prog (exit_case_err, message);
    }   /* case_error */

/* edit_file

    DESIGNED:   10-Jun-1985 George Zipperlen
         1-Apr-1987 George Zipperlen  - Changes for SR9.5: dereference all
            formal array parameters passed to std_$call functions.
        11-Nov-1986 George Zipperlen  - Changes for SR9.2.3
            replace STREAM calls with IOS calls
        17-Mar-1985 George Zipperlen  - optionally wait for edit_file to close
        17-Dec-1985 George Zipperlen  - edit access to files
            (file_mode parameter)

        Open display manager window to a file for read or edit, optionally
    load given font.

void edit_file (file_name, file_mode, window, new_font)
    char                file_name [];
    file_mode_t         file_mode;
    pad_$window_desc_t  window;
    char                new_font [];
    static char         old_font[MAX_STRING_LEN], dm_cmd[MAX_STRING_LEN];
    ios_$id_t           w_stream;
    pad_$type_t         pad_type;
    boolean             change_font;
    short               fnw, fnh, fnl;
    status_$t           status;
    switch (file_mode) {
        case read_mode:      pad_type = pad_$read_edit; break;
        case edit_mode: 
        case edit_wait_mode: pad_type = pad_$edit; break;
        default       : case_error ("edit_file, mode = %d", file_mode);  break;
    change_font = ! null_str (new_font);
    if (change_font) {
        pad_$inq_font (stream_$stdout, fnw, fnh, old_font, 256, fnl, status);
        strcpy (dm_cmd, "FL "); strcat (dm_cmd, new_font);
        pad_$dm_cmd (stream_$stdout, dm_cmd, (short)strlen(dm_cmd), status);

    pad_$create_window (*file_name, (short)strlen(file_name), 
        pad_type, (short)1, window, w_stream, status);
    if (status.all == status_$ok) {
        pad_$pop_push_window (w_stream, 1, true, status);
        pad_$dm_cmd (stream_$stdout, "tn", 2, status);
        if (file_mode == edit_wait_mode)
            pad_$edit_wait (w_stream, status);
    else {
        fprintf (stderr, "%s: error opening %s\n", prog_name, file_name);
        error_$print (status);

    if (change_font) {
        strcpy (dm_cmd, "FL ");
        strncat (dm_cmd, old_font, fnl);
        pad_$dm_cmd (stream_$stdout, dm_cmd, (short)strlen(dm_cmd), status);
    pad_$dm_cmd (stream_$stdout, "tn", 2, status);
    ios_$close (w_stream, status);
    }   /* edit_file */

main (argc, argv)
    int  argc;
    char *argv[];
    pad_$window_desc_t  window;

    prog_name = argv[0];
    window.top = 0;     window.left = 0;    
    window.width = 0;   window.height = 0;      /* 0 : use DM default window */

    if (argc != 2) {
        fprintf (stderr, "%s: usage\n    %s %s\n", prog_name, prog_name, USAGE);
        exit (1);

    edit_file (argv[1], edit_wait_mode, window, "");

    }   /* main */

George Zipperlen                    george@apollo.lap.upenn.edu
Language Analysis Project           (215)-898-1954
University of Pennsylvania          Generic Disclaimer
Philadelphia, Pa. 19103             Cute saying

Jinfu@cup.portal.com (05/08/88)

Well, I ended up writing a c program to fix this problem. Just a very
short c program with some pad_$ calls, namely pad_$create_window, and
pad_$edit_wait (not to return to shell until the pad is close). It handles
case correctly (at least under Aegis 9.6). Only problem I have is 
occassionaly I got an error 'permission denied' so I have to use a shell
script to call the program and passing the filename to it.

When playing with the pad calls, I found an undocumented feature which
allows you to load various fonts and use them to display a file if the
file contains some unprintable characters. More on this later.

Jinfu Chen
Motorola, Inc.


Jinfu@cup.portal.com (05/16/88)

This is a follow-up of my previous message about using DM ce in UNIX
mail program. Several people sent me e-mails with some helpful
information so I am posting them here as well.

1)      The DM is not case sensitive under SR9.6/9.7. To defeat
this, one can either use an undocumented environment variable,
DOWNCASE. Put this line

 env DOWNCASE 'false'

in your `node_data/startup.xxx file, or set it in a shell:

$ DOWNCASE := 'false'
$ export DOWNCASE

will make the DM case sensitive(try this /com/sh to see real
case-sensitive filename!)

2)      Or quote the filename when passing it to the DM:

ce 'Foobar';

3)      However, even with these helps, to use CE editor in UNIX
mail still need to write a program to perform function similar to CE
AND wait for the program to finish before returning to the shell.
george@hyper.lap.upenn.edu posted a C program here to do this. In
case anyone missing the posting, it is basically two pad calls:

pad_$create_window /* open a DM pad for read mode or write mode */

pad_$edit_wait /* wait until the pad is close */


Jinfu Chen