[comp.sys.apollo] ExaTape 8mm tape backup system from Workstation Solutions...

shull@SCROLLS.WHARTON.UPENN.EDU (Christopher E. Shull) (06/01/88)

    I don't have an ExaTape 8mm tape backup system from Workstation
Solutions yet, but I saw it demonstrated last week, and it is only a
matter of getting the money together.  I was also impressed by the
description of "tbs Architect", Workstation Solutions' "total backup
system" software which reportedly offers substantial performance and
functional improvements over the standard, Apollo-supplied utilities.

    I would also be very interested to hear from anyone who actually
uses these products!


Christopher E. Shull
Decision Sciences Department
The Wharton School                      shull@wharton.upenn.edu
University of Pennsylvania              shull@scrolls.wharton.upenn.edu
Philadelphia, PA  19104-6366            215/898-5930
"Damn the torpedoes!  Full speed ahead!"  Admiral Farragut, USN, 1801-1870