mwang@watmath.UUCP (mwang) (11/20/85)
DDEEPPAARRTTMMEENNTT OOFF CCOOMMPPUUTTEERR SSCCIIEENNCCEE UUNNIIVVEERRSSIITTYY OOFF WWAATTEERRLLOOOO SSEEMMIINNAARR AACCTTIIVVIITTIIEESS DDAATTAA SSTTRRUUCCTTUURRIINNGG SSEEMMIINNAARR - Tuesday, November 12, 1985. Prof. S. Christodoulakis of this department will speak on ``Optical Disks in Office Automation and their Retrieval Performance''. TTIIMMEE:: 12:30 PM RROOOOMM:: MC 5158 AABBSSTTRRAACCTT Optical disks started appearing in the computer market. It is projected that they will compete favorably with magnetic storage media in many demanding applications like office filing and engineering data bases. In this talk we outline the projected long term difficulties between magnetic and optical disks and we describe some properties of optical disks that make them appropriate for these markets. Based on our description we present a model for study- ing the performance of retrieval operations from opti- cal disks. We then describe a simple optical disk head scheduling algorithm and we present exact and approxi- mate analytic formulae for the evaluation of the re- trieval cost for documents and records from an optical disk. Finally we outline some research directions in the area.
mwang@watmath.UUCP (mwang) (11/21/85)
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES ESSAY PRESENTATION - Monday, November 25, 1985. Mr. Michael Wright, a graduate student of this depart- ment, will speak on ``Backward Error Recovery in a UNIX Environment''. TIME: 3:30 PM ROOM: MC 6091A ABSTRACT Backward error recovery is an important technique for recovery in software systems that are designed to func- tion as specified, even in the presence of unforeseen errors caused by design faults or faults in the environment. The presentation will begin with a gen- eral discussion of backward error recovery and its variants, including both inclusive and disjoint mul- tilevel recovery. The provision of backward error recovery has been incorporated into IOSYS, an entension of the UNIX sys- tem interface that provides a simple file and record management system for experimentation with data struc- tures. The recovery facility is quite flexible, sup- porting both inclusive and disjoint recovery. A pro- gram using disjoint recovery can supply its own recovery routines. Since a program also has full con- trol over recovery regions (which need not be nested), this provides a most general tool for experimentation with backward error recovery. A description of the facility, with some implementation details and measure- ments of its efficiency, will be given.