[comp.sys.apollo] My previous ravings


I have sent some angry mail lately, and I don't want to offend the
generous Apollo technical professionals. I appreciate all you people
are doing for us users by listening to us and helping where possible.

I also understand that you have to listen to management. I just wish
that your "bean counters" would consider the possibility of losing
business from people who already own workstations. Just because
their new attitude will sell more workstations to people who don't
have any doesn't mean the best possible support for those of us who
have been with Apollo since the DN100.

I also think that maybe some of the "bean counters" should be
listening in to these net postings. Even if they don't understand,
they should be able to recognize a fire when they see one.
I I've offended you technical wizards with bad language and
ravings, please accept my apologies, and then forward my messages
to the brilliant market research people who don't seem to have
their finger on the right pulse anymore.

Thanks very much.
Scott Ferguson