clarke@utcsri.UUCP (Jim Clarke) (02/12/86)
(GB = Galbraith Building, 35 St. George Street) (SF = Sandford Fleming Building, 10 King's College Rd.) THEORY SEMINAR, Tuesday, Feb. 18, 11 am, SF1105 Professor Umesh Vazirani Mathematical Sciences Research Institute "Matching is as Easy as Matrix Inversion" Abstract: Whereas in the case of sequential computation the complex- ity of a search problem is closely related to the complexity of its associ- ated decision problem via self-reducibility, this does not appear to be the case for parallel computation. A case in point is the maximum matching problem in graphs. A fast parallel algorithm for the decision problem `Given a graph, does it have a perfect matching?' preceeded by several years the RNC3 algorithm of Karp, Upfal & Wigderson for the search problem `Given a graph having a perfect matching, find one such matching'. We relate the parallel complexity of an arbitrary search problem to that of the weighted version of the decision problem. In the case of the matching problem this yields a simple RNC2 algorithm for constructing a perfect matching in a graph. A striking feature of the algorithm is that its only computationally non-trivial step is a single inversion of an nxn integer matrix. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SEMINAR, Tues. Feb.18, 3 pm, SF1105 Joshua Zeevi Technion - Israel Institute of Tech. "Image Representation in Vision: The Generalized Gabor Scheme" Abstract: Extensive processing and reorganization of information is accomplished in vision as signals flow centrally. The rate of informa- tion flow is reduced by position-dependent (inhomogeneous) sampling. This principle of nonuniform processing is further elaborated at the cortical level where images are decomposed into a finite set of Gabor elementary functions. The basic features and advantages of visual information pro- cessing in a combined frequency-position space will be discussed with spe- cial emphasis on trade-offs in spatial and frequency sampling rates, phase quantization and image representation by partial localized (Gabor) informa- tion. SYSTEMS SEMINAR, Thursday, Feb.20, 11 am, GB 220 Professor R. Vasudevan University of Calgary "Interkernel Layer" Abstract: The interkernel layer is a lightweight transport layer that provides reliable and efficient transportation of data between machines in a local network. It is specifically designed to help simplify implementation of interprocess communication primitives. The layer plays a vital role in helping achieve network transparency by reducing the perfor- mance gap between local and remote operation. In addition, the layer insu- lates implementation of remote operation in the kernel from changes in the underlined network hardware. Different models of interprocess communica- tion such as Remote Procedure Call, Data Rendezvous and Send-Receive Reply can be easily implemented using the layer. In this talk we provide the motivation for this unique transport layer, define its interface and discuss its implementation. We also show how the layer is used to implement the Send-Receive Reply model of inter- process communication. -- Jim Clarke -- Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Toronto, Canada M5S 1A4 (416) 978-4058 {allegra,cornell,decvax,ihnp4,linus,utzoo}!utcsri!clarke