paul@LEDZEP.CC.UMICH.EDU ('da Kingfish) (12/10/88)
------- Forwarded Message Date: 25 Nov 88 14:28:55 +0000 From: To: apollo-request <> We have an Apollo 590 which Apolo have so far been unable to link up to our on site VAX 8530 / 8600 cluster over ethernet using TCP/IP. Apollo promise us DECnet by the end of 1988. Does anyone out there have experience of 590s linked to VAXes via TCP? Does anyone know if Apollo in the US have released DECnet? If so, does it work? Will it work under VMS Version 5? Any problems? from David Ovadia DCO@UK.AC.NERC-WALLINGFORD.IBMA Natural Environment Reseach Council Nottingham England ------- End of Forwarded Message