dbfunk@ICAEN.UIOWA.EDU (David B. Funk) (12/10/88)
WRT to my posting <8812090847.AA15551@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu> and the reply <8812091358.AA00854@meto.UMD.EDU> from James N. Cooper <coop@meto.UMD.EDU>: The problem is that my Apollo pings to eddie.mit.edu ( or their replys don't make it thru, but pings from other vendors' machines do. I wasn't doubting that eddie would respond to a ping. I know that there's no problem with getting ip packets from our ring to eddie and back, he responds to a ftp request just fine, and I can sit on a HP-9000 behind our ring (IE. it uses our ring as a gateway to our gateway to the outside) and ping eddie just fine. I can ping other remote hosts with out problems, so I know that some of the gateways that I go thru to get to remote sites will pass my pings OK. So I am guessing that there is some remote gateway between me and eddie that discrimiates against the type of ping packets that Apollo uses. The connection for other packets is solid, the pings from the HP-9000 were all responding in the 300 - 400 ms range. Am I way off base or is this possible? What is there about the Apollo ping packet that would cause this discrimination. Does anybody else have any ideas or have this kind of problem? From reading this list, I also see that I am missing a fair number of postings. (People refering to postings that I havn't received.) Sometimes I get a posting that has just a header but no body. So I am worried about the quality of my connection to the internet. Again, any comments? Thanks , Dave Funk University of Iowa