[comp.sys.apollo] Here comes a cpu load histogrammer

i91@nikhefh.hep.nl (Fons Rademakers) (01/28/89)

Here follows a little program to display in a histogram the cpu load on
your node.

Try it, have fun and let me know if you made some inprovements.

========= cut here ===========

# to extract, remove the header and type "sh filename"
if `test ! -s ./Comp`
echo "writting ./Comp"
cat > ./Comp << '\Rogue\Monster\'
#! /bin/sh

# don't compile with -save option, routine display_load may be called recursively

ftn load_stat -indexl -zero -type 
bind -b load_stat.exe load_stat.bin
  echo "will not over write ./Comp"
if `test ! -s ./README`
echo "writting ./README"
cat > ./README << '\Rogue\Monster\'
This directory contains a little program that monitors the cpu load of
your node. It creates a little window at the bottom-right corner of your
screen in which a cpu load histogram will be displayed. The histogram is
updated every 5 sec. until the first bin reaches the max screen width. When
that happens the histogram will be compacted to  half its size and the time
interval will increase by a factor 2. This continues add infinitum. Every
hour is marked by a vertical line.

The colors used by load_stat may be redefined. To do this place
load_stat.config in you ~/user_data directory and change the color indices.

Also included are 2 key-definition files (for 1024 and 1280 screens)
that arrange your windows in a pseudo-tiled way (by the courtesy of 
Kee Hinckley). With the np2s and np3s keys (numeric-pad-shift 2 and 3)
you can change the load_stat window.

Put load_stat in your ~/com or ~/bin directory to start load_stat.exe in
the background.

Load_stat was a quick hack made some Sunday afternoon, but it contains
a lot of interesting Apollo programming techniques (especially for the
novice Apollo programmer), a.o.: animation using an off-screen bitmap,
gpr refresh routines, usage of the ctm manager, undocumented proc1 routine.

Have fun,
	    Fons Rademakers (i91@nikhefh.hep.nl)
  echo "will not over write ./README"
if `test ! -s ./keydefs1024`
echo "writting ./keydefs1024"
cat > ./keydefs1024 << '\Rogue\Monster\'

(000,000)dr;(480,384)  wdf 1
(483,000)dr;(959,384)  wdf 2
(000,386)dr;(480,770)  wdf 3
(483,386)dr;(959,770)  wdf 4
(000,000)dr;(480,384)  wdf 5
(483,000)dr;(959,384)  wdf 6
(000,386)dr;(480,770)  wdf 7
(483,386)dr;(959,770)  wdf 8

kd  np7     twb -l;dr;(000,000)wg;twb -r;twb -b;dr;(480,384)wg;tl ke
kd  np4     twb -l;dr;(000,000)wg;twb -r;twb -b;dr;(480,770)wg;tl ke
kd  np1     twb -l;dr;(000,000)wg;twb -r;twb -b;dr;(480,384)wg;twb -l;twb -b;dr;(000,770)wm;tl   ke

kd  np8     twb -l;dr;(000,000)wg;twb -r;twb -b;dr;(959,384)wg;tl ke
kd  np5     twb -l;dr;(000,000)wg;twb -r;twb -b;dr;(959,770)wg;tl ke
kd  np2     twb -l;dr;(000,000)wg;twb -r;twb -b;dr;(959,384)wg;twb -l;twb -b;dr;(000,770)wm;tl   ke

kd  np9     twb -r;twb -t;dr;(959,000)wm;twb -l;twb -b;dr;(483,384)wg;tl    ke
kd  np6     twb -r;twb -t;dr;(959,000)wm;twb -l;twb -b;dr;(483,770)wg;tl    ke
kd  np3     twb -r;twb -t;dr;(959,000)wm;twb -l;twb -b;dr;(483,384)wg;twb -r;twb -b;dr;(959,770)wm;tl    ke

# load_stat keydefs: shift-keypad-2: stretch load_stat window over full
#                                    screen width
#                    shift-keypad-3: put load_stat window back in corner
kd  np3s    (1000,750)dr; gm; twb -r; twb -b; dr; (1023,770)wm; twb -l; twb -t; dr; (961,707)wg; tl       ke
kd  np2s    (1000,750)dr; gm; twb -l; twb -t; dr; ( 000,707)wg;                                  tl       ke

  echo "will not over write ./keydefs1024"
if `test ! -s ./keydefs1280`
echo "writting ./keydefs1280"
cat > ./keydefs1280 << '\Rogue\Monster\'

(000,000)dr;(609,496)   wdf 1
(612,000)dr;(1215,496)  wdf 2
(000,498)dr;(609,994)   wdf 3
(612,498)dr;(1215,994)  wdf 4
(000,000)dr;(609,496)   wdf 5
(612,000)dr;(1215,496)  wdf 6
(000,498)dr;(609,994)   wdf 7
(612,498)dr;(1215,994)  wdf 8

kd  np7     twb -l;dr;(000,000)wg;twb -r;twb -b;dr;(609,496)wg;tl ke
kd  np4     twb -l;dr;(000,000)wg;twb -r;twb -b;dr;(609,994)wg;tl ke
kd  np1     twb -l;dr;(000,000)wg;twb -r;twb -b;dr;(609,496)wg;twb -l;twb -b;dr;(000,994)wm;tl   ke

kd  np8     twb -l;dr;(000,000)wg;twb -r;twb -b;dr;(1215,496)wg;tl ke
kd  np5     twb -l;dr;(000,000)wg;twb -r;twb -b;dr;(1215,994)wg;tl ke
kd  np2     twb -l;dr;(000,000)wg;twb -r;twb -b;dr;(1215,496)wg;twb -l;twb -b;dr;(000,994)wm;tl   ke

kd  np9     twb -r;twb -t;dr;(1215,000)wm;twb -l;twb -b;dr;(612,496)wg;tl    ke
kd  np6     twb -r;twb -t;dr;(1215,000)wm;twb -l;twb -b;dr;(612,994)wg;tl    ke
kd  np3     twb -r;twb -t;dr;(1215,000)wm;twb -l;twb -b;dr;(612,496)wg;twb -r;twb -b;dr;(1215,994)wm;tl    ke

# load_stat keydefs
kd  np3s    (1250,950)dr; gm; twb -r; twb -b; dr; (1279,995)wm; twb -l; twb -t; dr; (1217,932)wg; tl      ke
kd  np2s    (1250,950)dr; gm; twb -l; twb -t; dr; ( 000,932)wg;                                   tl      ke

  echo "will not over write ./keydefs1280"
if `test ! -s ./load_stat`
echo "writting ./load_stat"
cat > ./load_stat << '\Rogue\Monster\'
#! /bin/sh
# Install the load_stat program in the background

xdmc "cms"
xdmc "(0,0)dr; (100,150)cp /user/rdm/src/load_stat/load_stat.exe -n load_stat; wi load_stat"
  echo "will not over write ./load_stat"
if `test ! -s ./load_stat.cmn`
echo "writting ./load_stat.cmn"
cat > ./load_stat.cmn << '\Rogue\Monster\'
      integer*4   init_bitmap_desc, off_bitmap_desc, off_attr_desc,
     +            maxbin, r_time_int, time_mark, bg_color, hist_color,
     +            mark_color, color_id, ticks, text_color
      integer*2   stream_id, pad_window, bitmap_size, slots_total, 
     +            vis_list, off_bitmap_size, hi_plane, font_id,
     +            src_window
      real*8      cpu_start
      character*5 time_str
      common /load_common/ init_bitmap_desc, stream_id, pad_window(4),
     +                     bitmap_size(2), slots_total, vis_list(4,15),
     +                     cpu_start, off_bitmap_size(2), hi_plane,
     +                     off_bitmap_desc, off_attr_desc, maxbin,
     +                     r_time_int, time_mark, ticks, text_color,
     +                     bg_color, hist_color, mark_color,
     +                     color_id(8), font_id, src_window(4)
      common /load_text/   time_str
  echo "will not over write ./load_stat.cmn"
if `test ! -s ./load_stat.config`
echo "writting ./load_stat.config"
cat > ./load_stat.config << '\Rogue\Monster\'
# first entry =back grnd color, 2=histogram color, 3=hour mark color, 4=time color
# colors are: 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue, 4=cyan, 5=magenta, 6=yellow, 7=black, 8=white
# ******** don't remove these three lines ********
  echo "will not over write ./load_stat.config"
if `test ! -s ./load_stat.ftn`
echo "writting ./load_stat.ftn"
cat > ./load_stat.ftn << '\Rogue\Monster\'
      program load_stat
*                                                                      *
* LOAD_STAT (vsn 1.00)                                                 *
*                                                                      *
* This program shows in a little window the total CPU load statistics. *
*                                                                      *
* written by:  Fons Rademakers (i91@nikhefh.hep.nl), 27-Nov-1988       *
* modified by:                                                         *
%include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn'
%include '/sys/ins/pad.ins.ftn'
%include '/sys/ins/gpr.ins.ftn'
%include '/sys/ins/cal.ins.ftn'
%include '/sys/ins/time.ins.ftn'
%include 'load_stat.cmn'
      external load_window_proc
      external load_disp_mem_proc
      integer*4    status, cpu_load, pad_check
      integer*2    disp_char(28), disp_len, r_clock(3)
      logical      unobscured
      character*26 dmcmd
      data bitmap_size /1280, 1280/
*-- start real time interval (r_time_int) is 5 seconds, mark every hour
      r_time_int = 5
      time_mark  = 3600/r_time_int
*-- check every pad_check seconds if the window needs to be refreshed
      ticks     = 0
      pad_check = 1
      call cal_$sec_to_clock(pad_check, r_clock)
      call gpr_$inq_disp_characteristics(gpr_$direct, stream_$stdout,
     +                            int2(56), disp_char, disp_len, status)
      hi_plane = disp_char(15) - 1
      maxbin   = disp_char(7)
*-- make window with width and height of 63 pixels (icon size), border
*-- of a pad is 5 pixels and the legend (including border) is 24 pixels
      if (disp_char(7) .gt. 1200) then
         pad_window(1) = 994 - 5 - 34  { from the bottom starting at 994 }
         pad_window(2) = 1280 - 53 - 5
         pad_window(3) = 63 - 5 - 5
         pad_window(4) = 63 - 5 - 24
         pad_window(1) = 770 - 5 - 34  { from the bottom starting at 770 }
         pad_window(2) = 1024 - 53 - 5
         pad_window(3) = 63 - 5 - 5
         pad_window(4) = 63 - 5 - 24
      call pad_$create_window(' ', int2(0), pad_$transcript, int2(1),
     +                        pad_window, stream_id, status)
      call pad_$set_border(stream_id, int2(1), .false., status)
      call pad_$set_auto_close(stream_id, int2(1), .true., status)
*-- set off the cursor in the new window, a 'tn' will not move on it
      write(dmcmd,1000) pad_window(2)+10, pad_window(1)+10
 1000 format('dr;(',i4.4,',',i4.4,')curs -off;gm')
      call pad_$dm_cmd(stream_id, dmcmd, int2(26), status)
      call gpr_$init(gpr_$direct, stream_id, bitmap_size, hi_plane,
     +               init_bitmap_desc, status)
      call gpr_$set_refresh_entry(iaddr(load_window_proc),
     +                            iaddr(load_disp_mem_proc), status)
      call gpr_$set_obscured_opt(gpr_$ok_if_obs, status)
      call gpr_$enable_input(gpr_$locator_update, 0, status)
      call gpr_$set_cursor_active(.true., status)
      call gpr_$load_font_file('/sys/dm/fonts/f5x7', int2(18), font_id,
     +                         status)
*-- default colors, bg = white, histo = red, mark = black, text = black
      if (hi_plane .gt. 0) then
         call get_color_ids
         bg_color   = color_id(8)
         hist_color = color_id(1)
         mark_color = color_id(7)
         text_color = color_id(7)
         call read_load_config
         bg_color   = 0
         hist_color = 1
         mark_color = 1
         text_color = 1
      call get_start_time(time_str)
      cpu_start = 0.0
      call get_load(cpu_load, .true.)
      call display_load(cpu_load, .true., .true.)
   10 call time_$wait(time_$relative, r_clock, status)
      ticks = ticks + 1
      if (mod(ticks, r_time_int) .eq. 0) then
         ticks = 0
         call get_load(cpu_load, .false.)
*$$$         print *, 'CPU load = ', cpu_load, ' %'
         call display_load(cpu_load, .false., .false.)
*-- check if display changed size or position
*-- if an update is needed then the refresh routine will be triggered
*-- by the gpr_$acquire_display call
         unobscured = gpr_$acquire_display(status)
         call gpr_$release_display(status)
      goto 10
      subroutine get_load(cpu_load, init)
*                                                                      *
* GET_LOAD (vsn 2.00)                                                  *
*                                                                      *
* Get load every R_TIME_INT seconds.                                   *
* The algorithm is very simple: calculate how many CPU time has been   *
* used by all processes in the real time interval R_TIME_INT. If the   *
* elapsed CPU time is equal to the R_TIME_INT we have a load of 100%.  *
*                                                                      *
* Algorithm modified by Achille to get instead of the time used by     *
* all processes the NULL (i.e. idle time) per time interval. The       *
* arithmetic is further trivial.                                       *
*                                                                      *
* written by:  Fons Rademakers (i91@nikhefh.hep.nl), 27-Nov-1988       *
* modified by: Achille Petrilli (achille@cernapo.cern.ch), 29-Nov-1988 *
%include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn'
%include 'load_stat.cmn'
*-- pid is the pid of the NULL process
*-- (init is # 1 under sr10, I guess DM is #1 under sr9)
      integer*2  pid
      parameter (pid = 2)
      integer*2  res(12)
      integer*4  status, cpu_load, i
      real*8     cpu_sec, t_load
      logical    init
      do i = 1, 12
         res(i) = 0
      call proc1_$get_info(pid, res, status)
      if (status .ne. status_$ok) call error_$print(status)
      call cal_$float_clock(res(9), cpu_sec) 
      if (init) then
         cpu_load  = 0
         t_load   = 
     +      dabs(dble(r_time_int)-(cpu_sec-cpu_start))/
     +      dble(r_time_int)*100.D0
         cpu_load = dnint(t_load)
         if (cpu_load .gt. 100) cpu_load = 100
      cpu_start = cpu_sec
      subroutine display_load(cpu_load, init, pos_change)
*                                                                      *
* DISPLAY_LOAD (vsn 1.00)                                              *
*                                                                      *
* Displays the system load graphically in a histogram.                 *
* The historgram is drawn in an off-screen bitmap and when complete    *
* copied to the screen.                                                *
*                                                                      *
* written by:  Fons Rademakers (i91@nikhefh.hep.nl), 27-Nov-1988       *
* modified by:                                                         *
%include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn'
%include '/sys/ins/gpr.ins.ftn'
%include 'load_stat.cmn'
      integer*2 x(2), y(2), pos(2), top, xt, yt
      integer*4 status, cpu_load, t_desc, bins(1280), ibin, i, j, k
      real      yscale
      logical   init, pos_change, unobscured
      data yscale          / 100. /
      data ibin            / 0 /
      data bins            / 1280*0 /
      data top             / 2 /
      data pos             / 0,    0 /
      data off_bitmap_size / 1280, 1280 /
*-- create off screen bitmap and attribute block
      if (init) then
         call gpr_$allocate_attribute_block(off_attr_desc, status)
         call gpr_$allocate_bitmap(off_bitmap_size, hi_plane,
     +                             off_attr_desc, off_bitmap_desc,
     +                             status)
*-- in case of position change of the pad (and at init time) get the
*-- window size and set the bitmaps accordingly, also set the y-scale
      if (pos_change) then
         call pad_$inq_full_window(stream_id, int2(1), pad_window, 
     +                             status)
         call gpr_$set_bitmap_dimensions(init_bitmap_desc,
     +                                   pad_window(3), hi_plane,
     +                                   status)
         call gpr_$set_bitmap_dimensions(off_bitmap_desc,
     +                                   pad_window(3), hi_plane,
     +                                   status)
*-- full scale (100%) is just a little ('top' pixels) less than 
*-- the full window
         yscale = float(pad_window(4)-top)/100.0
         src_window(1) = 0
         src_window(2) = 0
         src_window(3) = pad_window(3)
         src_window(4) = pad_window(4)
*-- get current bitmap desc
      call gpr_$inq_bitmap(t_desc, status)
*-- switch to offscreen bitmap and clear it
      call gpr_$set_bitmap(off_bitmap_desc, status)
      call gpr_$clear(bg_color, status)
      call gpr_$set_text_font(font_id, status)
      call gpr_$set_text_value(text_color, status)
      call gpr_$set_text_background_value(bg_color, status)
      if (.not. pos_change) then
         if (mod(ibin,time_mark) .ge. 0 .and. 
     +       mod(ibin,time_mark) .le. 1) then
            cpu_load = cpu_load + 1000
         if (ibin .eq. maxbin) call divide_time_int(bins, ibin)
         ibin       = ibin + 1
         bins(ibin) = cpu_load
      j = ibin + 1
      do 10 i =  pad_window(3), 1, -1
         j = j - 1
         if (j .eq. 0) goto 20
         x(1) = i - 1
         x(2) = i - 1
         y(1) = pad_window(4) - 1
         if (bins(j) .gt. 200) then
            k = 100
            call gpr_$set_draw_value(mark_color, status)
            k = bins(j)
            call gpr_$set_draw_value(hist_color, status)
         y(2) = y(1) - int(float(k)*yscale)
         if (y(2) .lt. top) y(2) = top
         if (y(2) .eq. y(1)) goto 10
         call gpr_$multiline(x, y, int2(2), status)
   10 continue
   20 xt = i - 40
      yt = 9
      call gpr_$move(xt, yt, status)
      call gpr_$text(time_str, int2(5), status)
*-- return to original bitmap
      call gpr_$set_bitmap(t_desc, status)
      unobscured = gpr_$acquire_display(status)
      call gpr_$set_cursor_active(.false., status)
      if (unobscured) then
         call gpr_$set_clipping_active(.false., status)
         call gpr_$pixel_blt(off_bitmap_desc, src_window, pos, status)
         call gpr_$set_clipping_active(.true., status)
         call gpr_$inq_vis_list(int2(15), slots_total, vis_list, status)
         do i = 1, slots_total
            call gpr_$set_clip_window(vis_list(1,i), status)
            call gpr_$pixel_blt(off_bitmap_desc, src_window, pos,
     +                          status)
      call gpr_$set_cursor_active(.true., status)
      call gpr_$release_display(status)
      subroutine load_window_proc(unobscured, position_change)
*                                                                      *
* LOAD_WINDOW_PROC (vsn 1.00)                                          *
*                                                                      *
* Load window refresh procedure                                        *
*                                                                      *
* written by:  Fons Rademakers (i91@nikhefh.hep.nl), 27-Nov-1988       *
* modified by:                                                         *
      logical unobscured, position_change, change
      integer*4 status
      integer*2 acquire_count
      call gpr_$force_release(acquire_count, status)
      change = unobscured .or. position_change
      call display_load(0, .false., change)
      subroutine load_disp_mem_proc(unobscured, position_change)
*                                                                      *
* LOAD_DISP_MEM_PROC (vsn 1.00)                                        *
*                                                                      *
* Procedure that could refresh any hidden display memory.              *
*                                                                      *
* written by:  Fons Rademakers (i91@nikhefh.hep.nl), 27-Nov-1988       *
* modified by:                                                         *
      logical unobscured, position_change
      subroutine divide_time_int(bins, nbin)
*                                                                      *
* DIVIDE_TIME_INT (vsn 1.00)                                           *
*                                                                      *
* Compact array BINS of length NBIN. Return compacted array            *
* of length NBIN/2                                                     *
*                                                                      *
* written by:  Fons Rademakers (i91@nikhefh.hep.nl), 28-Nov-1988       *
* modified by:                                                         *
%include 'load_stat.cmn'
      integer bins(*), nbin, i, j
      j = 0
      do i = 1, nbin, 2
         j = j + 1
         if (bins(i)   .gt. 200) bins(i)   = bins(i)   - 1000
         if (bins(i+1) .gt. 200) bins(i+1) = bins(i+1) - 1000
         bins(j) = nint(float(bins(i) + bins(i+1))/2.0)
      do i = j+1, nbin
         bins(i) = 0
      nbin = nbin / 2
*-- double time interval and set new time marks every hour
      r_time_int = 2*r_time_int
      time_mark  = 3600/r_time_int
      do i = 0, nbin-1
         if (mod(i,time_mark) .ge. 0 .and. 
     +       mod(i,time_mark) .le. 1) then
            bins(i+1) = bins(i+1) + 1000
      subroutine read_load_config
*                                                                      *
* READ_LOAD_CONFIG (vsn 1.00)                                          *
*                                                                      *
* Reads the file ~/user_data/load.config for the desired colors.       *
* Very primitive and a rigid format!!!                                 *
*                                                                      *
* Entry 1 is the background color.                                     *
* Entry 2 is the histogram color.                                      *
* Entry 3 is the hour mark color.                                      *
* Entry 4 is the start time color.                                     *
*                                                                      *
* The color ids load_map uses are:                                     *
*     1    red                                                         *
*     2    green                                                       *
*     3    blue                                                        *
*     4    cyan                                                        *
*     5    magenta                                                     *
*     6    yellow                                                      *
*     7    black                                                       *
*     8    white                                                       *
*                                                                      *
* written by:  Fons Rademakers (i91@nikhefh.hep.nl), 28-Nov-1988       *
* modified by:                                                         *
%include 'load_stat.cmn'
      character*80 comment
      integer      i, icol
      logical      fexist
      inquire(file='~/user_data/load_stat.config', exist=fexist)
*-- is file does not exist, use defaults
      if (.not. fexist) return
      open(1, file='~/user_data/load_stat.config', status='readonly')
*-- skip the three required comment lines
      do i = 1, 3
         read(1, '(a)') comment
      read(1, '(i1)', err=999,end=999) icol
      bg_color   = color_id(icol)
      read(1, '(i1)', err=999,end=999) icol
      hist_color = color_id(icol)
      read(1, '(i1)', err=999,end=999) icol
      mark_color = color_id(icol)
      read(1, '(i1)', err=999,end=999) icol
      text_color = color_id(icol)
  999 close(1)
      subroutine get_color_ids
*                                                                      *
* GET_COLOR_IDS (vsn 1.00)                                             *
*                                                                      *
* Get the color table indices of the 8 basic colors, without           *
* disturbing any exiting colormap configuration.                       *
*                                                                      *
* written by:  Fons Rademakers (i91@nikhefh.hep.nl), 28-Nov-1988       *
* modified by:                                                         *
%include 'load_stat.cmn'
      integer*2 max_dist
      integer*4 color_val(8), status, i
*--                   red        green      blue       cyan
*--                   magenta    yellow     black      white
      data color_val /16#FF0000, 16#00FF00, 16#0000FF, 16#00FFFF,
     +                16#FF00FF, 16#FFFF00, 16#000000, 16#FFFFFF/
      data max_dist  /1/
*-- find colors in colormap
      do i = 1, 8
         CALL ctm_$find_color(color_val(i), max_dist, color_id(i),
     +                        status)
      subroutine get_start_time(time_str)
*                                                                      *
* GET_START_TIME (vsn 1.00)                                            *
*                                                                      *
* Get load_stat's start time.                                          *
*                                                                      *
* written by:  Fons Rademakers (i91@nikhefh.hep.nl), 28-Nov-1988       *
* modified by:                                                         *
%INCLUDE '/sys/ins/cal.ins.ftn'
      integer*2     loctim(6)
      character*5   time_str
      character*2   hh, mm, t
      call cal_$decode_local_time(loctim)
      if (loctim(4) .lt. 10) then
         write(t, '(i1)') loctim(4)
         hh = '0'//t
         write(hh, '(i2)') loctim(4)
      If (loctim(5) .lt. 10) then
         write(t, '(i1)') loctim(5)
         mm = '0'//t
         write(mm, '(i2)') loctim(5)
      time_str = hh//':'//mm

  echo "will not over write ./load_stat.ftn"
echo "Finished archive 1 of 1"
Org:    NIKHEF-H, National Institute for Nuclear and High-Energy Physics.
Mail:   Kruislaan 409, P.O. Box 41882, 1009 DB Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Phone:  (20)5925018 or 5925003                      Telex: 10262 (hef nl)
UUCP:   i91@nikhefh.hep.nl               BITNET: nikhefh!i91@mcvax.bitnet

vince@bcsaic.UUCP (Vince Skahan) (02/03/89)

 I tried to run your cpu load program and it compiles just fine on my
DN3000 (1280x1024 B+W, 8MB memory) but all I get is a white screen (no
load histogram appears)...does this have something to do with the fact
that I'm running SR10.1 on thus node ( - has an undocumented call you
used gone away at SR10.x)

Drop me a note at the address below or post a follow-up.  This is a
nice program to have around if I can get it to run (you might want to
get a hold of "meters" from ADus (I think) for another way to have
on-line display of system usage).

Anyway, I'm very interested in getting your program up and running here
and would appreciate any help you can give...

     Vince Skahan            Boeing Computer Services - Phila.
    (215) 591-4116           ARPA:  skahan@boeing.com
                             UUCP:  bcsaic!skahan
Note: the opinions expressed above are mine and have no connection to Boeing...