[comp.sys.apollo] vt100/keys/suspension

lray@uxh.cso.uiuc.edu (02/08/89)

I have a number of questions regarding process suspension, keys, and
vt100, and their relationship.

Under SR10, the default action of control Z is the suspend a process. When
I use this feature on other Unix systems, the process is not only suspended,
it is thrown into background, leaving me with a shell prompt.

But on the Apollos, this does not happen -- the window simply hangs. As far
as I can find, there is no easy way to unsuspend a process short of sigp -c.

However, we use the Aegis keys, and there, control Z is not suspend but
end of file. This is fine and dandy until vt100, which at SR9 is exited
by control-Z. At SR10.0, this results in the message "A control character
was found where it was not expected." At SR10.1, it exits the vt100 emulator,
but suspends the shell in which the emulator was running.

Is there anything I can do to make control Z work as it did before? Normally,
I would tell my users to use the logout command, but it does not work in a
consistent manner either.

Any comments would be appreciated. In particular, I would be interested in
how process suspend is supposed to work, and what an end of file
character from the vt100 emulator is supposed to do.

				Leland Ray
				University of Illinois,
				Department of Civil Engineering