[comp.sys.apollo] problem with sendmail

ianh@merlin.bhpmrl.oz (Ian Hoyle) (02/27/89)

I am am having a few problems with sendmail using SR10.1. The following is
the result of sendmail being exec'd from within the networking program used
here for ACSnet.

Error message <<EOF
	Returned message log: Bad exit status 1 from:-
	"//zaphod/usr/ACSnet/spool/_lib/mailer -d352 -e\036ID=send\
	+XybW+45T3 -hmerlin -lbruce -sbruce.cs.monash.oz -t17 //zap\
	hod/usr/ACSnet/spool/_work/0NN+XycPb1X3T "
	stderr <<EOF
	Feb 16 18:31:23 mailer: error -- Could not deliver mail
	Bad exit status 72 from:-
	"//zaphod/usr/lib/sendmail -em -oi1 -froot@bruce.cs.monash.\
	oz -oMsbruce.cs.monash.oz -oMLbruce -oMrSunIII ianh "
	stderr <<EOF

Do any Apollo SR10 gurus out their have any ideas on this one ??? I think I have
tracked down the status 72 message to come from <sysexits.h> which says it is
an EX_OSFILE error. This would seem to indicate that a critical system file
may be missing, corrupt or otherwise. But ..... I don't know what it might be.
passwd, sendmail.cf etc are there !!!

What files may be missing or corrupt ???

The strange thing is that I can send mail normally. The problem only seems 
to occur when sendmail is invoked within SUNIII (the network software). 

                Ian Hoyle
     /\/\       Computer Systems Superintendent
    / / /\      BHP Melbourne Research Laboratories
   / / /  \     245 Wellington Rd, Mulgrave, 3170
  / / / /\ \    AUSTRALIA
  \ \/ / / /
   \  / / /     Phone   :  +61-03-560-7066
    \/\/\/      ACSnet  :  ianh@merlin.bhpmrl.oz
                Internet:  ianh%merlin.bhpmrl.oz@uunet.uu.net